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@user2800679 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I dunno if you're up, but all of his questions need closing
2 hours later…
@ReedSpool Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
3000+ hits on my first day (still 2 hours left) 2.9 ...
@FlorianMargaine thanks :)
the hit count has dropped off pretty fast, but still. :)
still getting like 5 hits a minute
you lucky stiff
probably because people consider this "hard"
is the source on GitHub?
not yet
i mean to clean it up first
you know. so no nagging
in all honesty it was pretty easy
but hell, 3k hits is 3k hits.
right now
I like how there's nothing from Canada
server bandwidth monitor
still under a gb for the day
@SomeKittens there is 3, the dots are new / active connections
Q: SetTimeout Variable Scope

Z-MehnI cant for the life of me figure out this simple problem. It always seems to be JavaScript that has these little quirks... I'm trying to schedule a function (setContent) which needs a variable passed into it to work. I get the following error: 'TypeError: msg[i] is undefined'. (Points to the lin...

three high-rep users answered instead of closing as a dupe.
That's why they are high-rep and you're only 12k
I'm starting to think I should go the "should serve as an example" school of thought and downvote mediocre answers
anyone know if it's possible to deploy html on cdn with javascript loading dynamic JSON data ex) Mongodb
Concentrate and ask again
@KimJongWoo not sure if I understand... however, look up "same origin policy"
html is on CDN
so static page running javascript on CDN
need a host which does this
sorry im high as a kite
uhh.. if the HTML is served from a CDN, then what isn't?
can it serve angularjs?
ok good enough
Hint: if it can serve arbitrary javascript, it can serve javascript that uses arbitrary libraries
hardly a hint
more like stating something obvious carefully wrapped around with sarcasm
Sarcasm?! In our room???!?!?!?!
any recommendation for CDN?
behave copy
Otherwise you will hack me?
it's hard to say any non-obvious hint when I find the answer itself obvious. I don't know what you're missing.
I am using maxCDN but not sure if it will do the job
I am looking for a solid recommendation
for a good CDN based hosting
Why CDN, Why not an ordinary hosting?
well I want to just deliver static html page
that runs Javascript on it
I'm not running any server code
you don't need a CDN for that, just a hosting.
there's lot of static site generators like JEkyll and etc
and it's exactly what I'm talking about, generates bunch of static html pages, with javascript and people upload it on Amazon or some CDN
you could host it yourself on a server
CDN = Content Distribution Network = multiple servers across the globe
that's waht I need
@KimJongWoo ... you just said it. Why not use Amazon S3?
I don't know how to calculate the cost
and it seems expensive
Ah... so you're looking for a magical, global, and free CDN?
no I'm looking for poppy seeds
look into Google App Engine
free for startups
or rather, until you overshoot some arbitrary quotas
then you start paying by usage
Honestly... if you can't calculate costs, you're probably in the wrong profession.
good suggestion GAE
The quotas for GAE are really low, though, at least for the database
Have you tried Taco Bell? The cash registers there calculate the costs for you.
@Jeremy with people like you yeah you are right
ooh, you're back
hello SomeKitten
how r u
thanks I'll have a look at GAE
It's like 50000 rows read
Q: How to host static html files on AppEngine?

babydudecoderIs it possible to host a static html website on AppEngine? And how to make my domain name work with it?

that looks great
my god this chatroom is so much better than hipchat
gave that guy a +1 rep for that question
do you guys ever get that feeling
@KimJongWoo how? a question upvote followed by two downvotes?
when you are so overwhelmed with excitement of the work ahead
that you can't contain the glee
@JanDvorak sure
@KimJongWoo it's called enthusiasm. It usually passes soon ;-)
geez so cynical
lighten up!
no I think this is called um
so my answer got deleted here gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/1225/…
how do I reopen it?
im programming with this music youtube.com/watch?v=PXxHc9wEpyA
I'm sorry. I don't have moderator abilities on the gaming site.
I know silly
@KimJongWoo not bad
how did that get three upvotes?
@SomeKittens not unusual for this age of questions
oh wow, didn't notice that
1 hour later…
Good morning
@copy challenge for you golf a snake game in Java :D
@Zirak: Do you know why would this snippet not update the html. I am getting the values though
Why me?
I don't have a minute's experience with angular
@Dev Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
/me is now officially using strict mode to catch accidental globals
Hi , need to display current time for ONT/Canada , EST -5
Q: Function to parse floats optionally followed by %, more strict than parseFloat in javascript

Michiel BorkentI'm not a Javascript expert, so please review this function for me. Also, it could be that there is something in any of the library we're using in our project that can do something similar for me (angular, foundation, jquery, underscore), but I'm not too familiar yet with most of them. // helpe...

@Dev are you willing to use a library for that?
check moment.js
@Zirak: coz you have been helpful in the past
@JanDvorak any example please
@Mike you're preventing that from continuing. Helpful != willing to do anything
@Dev never used it either
@JanDvorak: yes I agree
@JanDvorak: would you have an idea?
@Mike I only know enough angular to know I don't want to know more
@Dev here's the link: momentjs.com/docs
posted on September 28, 2013

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Early update because I'll be at Festiblog all day!

looks like should work:

var now = moment();
... = now.format(...);
@JanDvorak Thanks ,I am testing
@Dev the native Date doesn't seem to have a way to set the native offset
or you could just subtract five hours and read in GMT
Q: Need some expert touch in my code

udbvar appname = " - simple notepad", textarea = document.getElementById("textarea"), untitled = "untitled.txt" + appname, filename = "*.txt", isModified; document.title = untitled; textarea.onpaste = textarea.onkeypress = function() { isModified = true; }; function confirmNav...

(but not use the native formatting capabilities)
yeah.. use moment.js
@mike did you ever figure out your angular?
local variables aren't in the angular scope
you have to attah them to angular's scope object
@Jeremy: Not really, I am just getting started. so the answer is to make my variables global I need to attach $scope to them,. Right?
if you want to use them in the template
attach them to the scope
@Jeremy: you owe a big THANKS from me. I appreciate your help...
I've started to love angular. It's difficult up front, but it has a huge payoff
Right, same feelings here. I just started last week and am eager to learn more
check this link I found, It is very helpful
@Jeremy Indeed
Q: javascript Array map with apply

thefourtheyeI am trying to declare and initialize an array with 0, in javascript. I created an array and set the length like this. var previousRow = []; previousRow.length = 5; Then, I did this. console.log(previousRow); previousRow = previousRow.map(Number.prototype.valueOf, 0); console.log(previousRow)...

does V8 optimise dereferencing literal arrays to avoid creating them?
@Esailija ^
such as [0,1,2,2,1,0][x%6]?
!!xkcd usb port
!!xkcd lisp
!!xkcd code review
@FlorianMargaine Search didn't yield a comic; yielded: fora.xkcd.com/viewtopic.php%3Ff%3D20%26t%3D28875
@FlorianMargaine Search didn't yield a comic; yielded: fora.xkcd.com/viewtopic.php%3Ff%3D11%26t%3D34098
@Zirak ^
(click on the link)
aw, so we have to decode things...
ok, should fix the encoding, and removes fora.xkcd
!!xkcd code review
!!xkcd wtf
!!xkcd code quality
!!xkcd goto
@FlorianMargaine I don't think that was an xkcd
@Zirak yeah I guess
I was looking for this
!!xkcd code
!!xkcd xkcd
!!xkcd "code review"
@AbhishekHingnikar Seems like you hallucinated this comic
!!define hallucinate
@AbhishekHingnikar hallucinated simple past tense and past participle of hallucinate
so fucking helpful
@AbhishekHingnikar No definition found.
@AbhishekHingnikar hallucinate To imagine and dream unreal things. To have visions; To experience a hallucination.
!!should I label the innermost loop for clarity?
@JanDvorak All signs point to yes
!!should I drop a semicolon just to get to 80?
@JanDvorak Yes, absolutely
!!should I trust you with code style decisions?
@JanDvorak Not at all
1 hour later…
holy food
Good Morning Everyone :)
@Connor \o hey man
You alright
@RyanKinal Ooh, I like that song
@Connor yeah kinda
@Kurt_Zhu Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Caprica Six Thanks for the notice.
@Merkley Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Hi all
I have this:
Emptiness ?
function Objects(strElementId) {


Objects.prototype.CustomPositioning = function (strElementId) {
    throw new Error("Call to unimplemented Abstract method.");

function Services(strSeparatorId, strContentsId, strFooterId, strButtonId) {
    var objects = new Objects(strSeparatorId);
    objects.CustomPositioning = function (strSeparatorId) {
        // Do something
linux can't handle my screen resolution :(
how can I access to CustomPositioning in Services?
Holy moly
Why would you do something like this?
Both the concepts AND the hungarian notation
damnit damnit damnit
I'm so pissed
just got back from the club
You're over writing it? @MRS1367
@Connor Overwriting what?
Sorry, wrong person ;)
@AbhishekHingnikar Why kinda?
@Connor thinking :P
how to implement an editor in angularjs [ it should be a directive but it acts like a serivce and has its controller ] ...... and i have a headache .. my ultimate solution was implement the editor in vanilla.js and wrap it as a service;
@FlorianMargaine what is the resolution young padawn ?
@AbhishekHingnikar 1024x768 ._.
@FlorianMargaine dafuk ?
why can't it handle that ?
it's working on 1024x768 right now
I want it to work on 1920x1080.
@Connor -> I solved my problem.
@MRS1367 ok good
@FlorianMargaine How is that so, surely there are people using linux with screens ten times bigger than that?
@Connor Yep.
and manually adding the mode with xrandr doesn't work.
Objects.prototype.CustomPositioning = function () {
    throw new Error("Call to unimplemented Abstract method.");

function Services(strSeparatorId, strContentsId, strFooterId, strButtonId) {
    this.SeparatorId = strSeparatorId;
    this.ContentsId = strSeparatorId;
    this.FooterId = strSeparatorId;
    this.ButtonId = strSeparatorId;

var objects = new Objects("");
Services.prototype.CustomPositioning = objects.CustomPositioning = function () {
    // Do something
It looks like Linux can't recognize what kind of screen I have
@MRS1367 what's that?
it's javascript, not java
@rlemon woohoo! tons of karma!
@FlorianMargaine -> I only showed my solution to @Connor
@FlorianMargaine how is that bad ?
everything just feels bad
don't be a pro shovanist
inheritance, hungarian notation, "abstract method"...
it's js ffs, not java
Yeah, the Hungarian notation seems quite strange
Ineheritance is legit point for his code being bad
It's not "inheritance", it's the bastardisation of js' odd constructor system so it'll fit into Java-ism
He hit this problem for a very good reason...you don't have super or base or whatever. And this is just one problem in a chain of others he'll face if he keeps trying to force a square peg into a round hole.
Did you wear a spankable latex suit with Christmas decorations spun all over?
Add antlers to that, and you've got my eyes
Lyrics of Scream and Shout [atleast to my indian ears] was it
@rlemon caption that ^
I love open source
got this issue half an hour ago github.com/Shougo/unite.vim/pull/384
and pulled this request 5 minutes ago: github.com/Shougo/unite.vim/pull/384
and the plugin rocks.
@copy do you know unite.vim?
Apparently GTA V will outsell the entire global music industry wtf
@rlemon The image lorempizza.com/99999999/9999999 cannot be displayed because it contains errors.
All I wanted was some high res pizza for my site :(
is extending prototypes in node.js better than in browser js?
People say extending like String.protoype is bad?
is it still bad in node.js?
Why would it be any different?
Also, just for the record, I'm not against extending built-in prototypes.
The arguments against it are good, but meh.
invented by John Underscore in 1962
Fun fact, in PHP control structures are case insensitive so you can do sWiTcH
@BenjaminGruenbaum Lisp has UPPER-CASE-FTW
@BenjaminGruenbaum does DIE('PHP'); work?
@cc It was actually discovered by Vladimir Slashinsky in 1955 but Americans pretended it was theirs because of the cold war.
@Connor is die a control structure?
ah right
@FlorianMargaine ha
Surely that was closed wrongly
Q: Which database to use with node.js?

Ravinder Singhi am new to node.js so please be kind to me and help me in deciding that which database should i use for my node.js project? MYSQL MONGO DB Thanks

Should be opinion based
Isn't php case-insensitive everything?
@Connor call the internet police!
@Zirak Yep, and there are 10 different cases to do every little bit
@BenjaminGruenbaum You are internet police
@Zirak not really
$a == $A?
@Connor I'm corrupt internet police, if you pay me 100$ I'll change the close reason
$A = 1;
if ($a === 1) { die(); } // won't die
oh, variables aren't, functions are
are they?
They are. Fucking language.
I wonder how utf-8 works...
Q: Why are functions and methods in PHP case-insensitive?

user198729Functions and methods in PHP are case-insensitive as illustrated in the following example. function ag() { echo '2'; } Ag(); class test { function clMe() { echo 'hi'; } } $instance = new test; $instance->clme(); But that's the not case with variables. What's the ratio...

> At no point did I think I was writing a scripting language.
What a great basis for a language.
it's hard to classify php :>
!!google java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException
Arrays.asList doesn't support further adding.. cool
Where am i supposed to do this
$ export MYSQL_CONFIG=/usr/local/bin/mysql_config
CMD says no export
@Connor did u send me any suggestions ?
@AbhishekHingnikar Using a directive with a controller and service sounds about right
so i am angularic now ?
@AbhishekHingnikar What about it?
I don't know? I've never played it, or read anything about it before
Small head saying hello
@rlemon \o
it sounds like prince of persia ish story to me
i mean mask of wraith, resurruction etc etc
notice the y | ...
if you don't know this command, learn it
@FlorianMargaine The linux source in the background is a nice touch.
And why is his volume only at 22%?
What a poser.
Easy listening
Listening to "Bullet for my Valentine" at 22% volume is like hiring a prostitute to watch porn with you.
maybe two people told him to CRANK IT TO 11!!!! and he compromised?
Please, he's a l33t hax0r. No friends.
Lonely is the life of the hax0r.
is there anything wrong with this query?
'SELECT username FROM users WHERE username = ' + username
@Zirak noooo, this is the life of hackers.
I get this error
Error: ER_BAD_FIELD_ERROR: Unknown column 'connor' in 'where clause'
connor being the username
@VoogdWD Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Connor There are several really, really wrong things.
them being..
Have you met Bobby Tables?
!!xkcd bobby tables
@CapricaSix thanks!
@Zirak Yeah, im not worried about sanitizing
It's called testing
1 step at a time right?
Then you're stupid. And the problem is that you need to surround SQL strings with quotes.
@Zirak No it's not stupid
Which reminds me of the proverb "SQL is optimised for SQL injection". Have fun <3
Can somebody help here? I need to show only whats between "q=" and "&" using jquery.

on that url
@Connor Yes it is. Writing insecure code because "testing" is a stupid and you will forget to fix it later. Additionally, any decent database api lets you pass SQL and parameters separately.

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