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oh! what a ridiculous answer i put there, thanks :)
If you get things right the first time, you probably have an incorrect definition of "right"
also @bushdiver don't complain "no love" when the question was asked 6 hours ago, and the user hasn't been active since asking it
what does $.fn mean in Jquery?
!!tell PrakashChennupati google what does $.fn mean in Jquery?
If you had to put "static", "relative", "absolute", "fixed" into a category what would you call it? not (position)
Good night :-)
@Connor positioning
but positioning is the right term
@rlemon Twice a month, I think "Okay, I might bother to answer a question or two." but then I look at all the shitty questions on the front page and thing "Meh. I've already answered this question 17 times"
What if you had to put "top", "left", "right", "bottom" into a category then? they can't both fall in the same category
@Connor they are also dictating positioning
@Connor Alignment?
And I'd also include "Middle" and "Center" in that category
@Connor Nope.
hmm ok
I think alignment is a subcategory of positioning
Or maybe it's all just Layout.
Amount of effort it would take to get 10k > amount of fun from being 10k
@SomeKittens not for me :/
@RyanKinal Yeah, i want subcategories for positioning.
@rlemon rlemon has 9579 reputation, earned 20 rep today, asked 71 questions, gave 364 answers. avg. rep/post: 22.02. Badges: 2g 25s 61b
so, "static", "relative", "absolute" to positioning type?
@Neal That dude sucks
@CapricaSix ... thanks?
Soooo mean to me!
@Connor I kind of want to put those in a category that references document flow. But I don't know what I'd call it.
I want names for noobs :)
@Connor you are proving my point that these tools only churn out crap
@rlemon I ran out of top answers of yours to upvote.
catering to people who don't know what style rules they are applying is bad
bad bad bad
(not the building of said tool, just the people who use them)
@rlemon That didn't prove anything, you know 1% of the story
@Connor they are bad, and the people who use them are bad.
99% of the story ^
@rlemon Don't knock it until you've tried it.
the people who build them see a line full of idiots with hand fulls of money so keep your panties on. you are not an idiot for building them.
and I have used 'designers'
they are bad and the people who use them are bad
@SomeKittens awww tnks
I really just need to suck it up and answer some of the bad questions
but iz hard
@Jon.ee Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
"I don't understand surgery, so I'm going to go with the lowest bidder overseas with my double bypass" s/surgery/programming/ and s/double bypass/company website/
I've never actually seen a designer use a designer tool then pass it off to dev to ACTUAL development
@rlemon My whole idea is to be different, if you think its not possible to make one that's good then you're wrong.
usually they are just like "damn this looks good on the one browser I developed it on, at the one resolution I look at, on the $3000 iMac in my office.
@Connor designers are not developers. you can;t make a designer that will encompass all of the areas of web-design and if you think you can you're living a pipe dream
remember this page ?
the best you can do is attempt to not be the worst, or offer something flashy enough to be popular
@AbhishekHingnikar Nope
DreamWeaver has been down this boat for 10+ years and still don't have it right
there was a help vampire asking us to help with fabric.js on it
and now its google seo #1 for image uploader
hundreds of companies try and fail, because it is not something (like Surgery or Carpentry) that should be half-assed by someone who knows not what they are doing
Well we will see
to jest that with the right tools a nurse can build a house is ludicrous
its just an issue of quality really. anyone can build a website with tools and auto generators
Q: Android video still playing after exiting app

bushdiverIf exit my android app and a video is still playing (delivered via WebView), you can still hear it in the background. How to resolve this issue? I don't really want to try to Force close the application; is there a way to pause everything coming from the WebView activity untill the user returns...

itll never be as good as the person who knows what they are doing
@rlemon If she had a house building machine then she could
same goes for lots of things in life
@rlemon excuse me?
again, take all of this as you will, I'm not saying don't do it, I'm just saying they churn out crap
like prefab homes.. super fast and cheap, but low quality.
but some people just want/need that
@rlemon i must admit, the ones i have seen are absolutely shite
@mikedidthis "designers(people) using designers(tools like DW design view) are not developers"
@rlemon Well, dreamweaver design-view is probably the worst example you could give
and I challenge you to give me any example that will produce code I wouldn't want to change past the fact.
I wish google would let me search websites for snippets of code
@rlemon I kinda get what you mean. Just because you can operate M$ Word, doesn't mean your a writer.
MM_ is probably more wide-spread than $()
@mikedidthis moreso, just because I can follow the directions of the soup can doesn't make me a chef.
but not everyone needs to be a chef.. and thats who the tools are marketed to
Yeah, but remember, some people just want soup, they don't give a shit what goes into it as long as it looks / tastes the part
^ id say most people honestly
idc what kind of chip is in my phone, but im sure HW designers scoff at eachother for diff choices
But soup can't explode and make your company look stupid.
@abdelk Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@SomeKittens well thats where the difference comes in. A restaurant that uses can soup is most likely shit
and will attract a certain type of client
if a business isn't savvy enough to hire the right people to get a project done the correct way I dont feel bad for them.
@rlemon It's possible to be the best, that's what I'm aiming for.
Its a balance. Customers should get what they pay for and you should deliver what they pay for. Even a budget meal should contain the best of what is available at that price range.
It doesn't look like much of a challenge atm, from what i have seen
@mikedidthis yea I agree
anyway across the board cool shit can be done with "builders"
And also, people now a days try to make everything so easy.... why?
ever hear of super crate box?
made with gamemaker.
pretty damn popular. Most devs scoff at that.
but I wouldnt want to work with a dreamweaver ranger :P
I don't even know what your trying to make.
@mikedidthis dreams.
@Loktar ultimately, its the people using it who decide if its good or not. Devs can scoff etc, but popular is popular and can't be argued with.
@OctavianDamiean ahhhh yeeaaaahhh!
I think what angers me the most about them is when people using these tools actually get business
and make money
and their stuff is just bad..
just jealousy tbh. (in my case I mean)
Super Crate Box is stupid fun.
soon, we will be overthrown by automation tools which produce shitty code, but 'work'
yea, and so simple!
@Connor what are you trying to make, if you don't mind me asking?
@mikedidthis not "trying"
@mikedidthis fun fact, I didn't even read the messages above yours. I just opened the tab, read your message, felt like attempting to be funny and the wrote the first thing that came to my mind.
@OctavianDamiean dude, I know this.
@Connor sorry. what are you making?
Now that I read it, it's twice as hilarious I thought it is. :D
@mikedidthis Technically it's a website designer, but you would have the wrong image in your head, it's nothing like any on the web so far
@Connor I doubt that.
@EvanJackson Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Shmiddty you would
Hi everyone, anyone familiar with the google maps api ?
@Connor well with them psychic abilities, you my friend, are in the wrong business.
i.imgur.com/dQBkVZn.png 17cm potato :)
Hello again Joe, Why i does not work in dreamweaver ? Why does it only work in js fiddle ? — Poramat Fin 1 min ago
@Loktar The difference with my analogy and the programming world is that: I don't have to be asked to take than canned soup and make it taste like Lobster Bisque
I am asked to take the designers 'code' and turn it into something usable.
so biased hatred? maybe, but I argue it is based on a tangible problem that is the world is full of lazy fuckers.
@rlemon but remember time and money has to be factor into this judgement.
@rlemon being lazy isn't the problem
I'm lazy
being lazy is the best
being lazy leads to innovation
there is a saying "hard work pays off later, laziness pays off now", but in the now you never think about the hard work you just caused yourself or someone else in the later.
heh but yeah @rlemon I know what you're saying
but whos fixing the code?
they aren't right?
so they don't care lol
because they don' tknow how
the 'designer' generated it all
they blame the designer application
and your company went with them..
they should have done more research, you even cautioned it
laziness isn't synonymous with doing a poor job
but yeah it does suck that they are douches I am mostly against code generators
The three great virtues of a programmer: laziness, impatience, and hubris.
@Loktar well in their defense it seems most if not all companies that offer the packages like the one we got do the same
I just think they do have a place
blanket marketing ops
those are the companies that make me angry
look at the $$ they are making off of shit man
when I am bashing the code generators, I'm bashing the people who use them for production websites. Not the people who develop them.
@Connor it is a lot of work, and when you are done you should be proud of what you created, and ashamed of what you unleashed on the world. :P
being lazy means putting in more effort in the beginning so I don't have to deal with it later.
I can't get the let statement to work in Firefox: jsfiddle.net/simevidas/StXrK
Help please
@Shmiddty exactly
Just to clarify, your website designer tool thing is nothing like these: froont.com & easel.io
I get this error: SyntaxError: missing ; before statement
ill spend a week writing a script to import something that otherwise would have taken a month
@Shmiddty that's being clever, no?
@rlemon Nothing is impossible my sweet
I built a system here that allowed the users to create training.. because we had to create everything before
@mikedidthis Sure. being clever helps me be lazy
@Connor tones of things are
that is such a false statement
it is impossible for nothing to be impossible.
@Neal Neal has 59129 reputation, earned 15 rep today, asked 92 questions, gave 2488 answers. avg. rep/post: 22.91. Badges: 10g 82s 144b
haha I had to star taht
mazal tov.
> Nothing is impossible my sweet
lol he called you his sweet, cracks me up
but... but... but.... I'm sour.
Wow, 22.91 rep/post, pretty good
in my youth I was more bitter...
@Shmiddty Shmiddty has 7486 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 6 questions, gave 342 answers. avg. rep/post: 21.51. Badges: 0g 7s 21b
I think I have far less rep/post
@Loktar Loktar has 13888 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 4 questions, gave 439 answers. avg. rep/post: 31.34. Badges: 1g 23s 49b
@JoeFrambach Joe Frambach has 10150 reputation, earned 65 rep today, asked 6 questions, gave 583 answers. avg. rep/post: 17.23. Badges: 5g 16s 42b
aww yea boooy
@rlemon rlemon has 9589 reputation, earned 30 rep today, asked 71 questions, gave 364 answers. avg. rep/post: 22.04. Badges: 2g 25s 61b
higher than I expected
rlemon you're pretty close to the 10k club!
I don't answer many questions these days
@JoeFrambach damn 5 gold badges?
I need another.. I just have the fanatic one
yea yea boy
I got two
I'm working on Fanatic. Today is day 29 :(
Q: Javascript Regular Expression Remove Spaces

rlemonSo i'm writing a tiny little plugin for JQuery to remove spaces from a string. see here (function($) { $.stripSpaces = function(str) { var reg = new RegExp("[ ]+","g"); return str.replace(reg,""); } })(jQuery); my regular expression is currently [ ]+ to collect all spac...

10k views (I'm a little ashamed)
@rlemon wow nice
@BangoTango Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Loktar yea... I cannot get fanatic...
soon ull be over 10k rep @rlemon
probably not
Hi Guys,
Can I pass a variable outside a Ajax Call?
For exemple I am in a Function who makes a Ajax call, when I get the data I cant manipulate it in the same function outside the Success.
No, u will @rlemon
that would imply the question quality on SO will increase over time, but as history likes to show me, this is just a pipe dream.
@BangoTango Make a question on SO
ugh, thankyou. but stahp with the bounties peeps
@Neal nice 10g's
stupid so bug wouldnt let me put a bounty comment.
I didnt notice
I will get there, one day.
@Loktar thanks
@rlemon which is tomorrow
@JoeFrambach What?
anyone here have Desura accounts
I only have like 3 friends
I do
are you amaan?
sweet ill add you
if anyone wants to add me ever
I know its not as popular as steam at all
^ that got me using it again recently
pretty big list of free games
some are pretty fun
@Loktar You have so many games even on Desura :p
lol bundles
you get desura keys with a lot of them
I like it lately because it seems like true indie
why do we call text textNode, if it's not a node, just text between tags
not like the fancy indie steam titles lol
Yeah, that's true
@cc It is a node
@cc It is selectable
"I'm enjoying this game, it's not indie enough"
@Shmiddty haha
there are a lot of "rougher" games on desura
indie is pretty mainstream now, not the indie from even 5 years ago
"I liked indie before indie was indie"
well.. if Im a hipster about anything its def gaming
!!Should I root my Android?
@SomeGuy Yes, absolutely
D3 expansion should be good
@JoeFrambach yes, but look slike node defines anything in the dom..
@cc I don't follow
Anyone else want rep?
@Shmiddty until then you should jump in and play Van Helsing with me
@Loktar did you ever install it?
I won't get under your desk.
@Neal Sure, give me about 20k
@rlemon yea
@Shmiddty Well max 500 at a time
20k or no deal
ok.... then no deal?
Your loss.
@Loktar checked it out yet? or just installed?
just installed so far
Why are you handing out rep?
@JoeFrambach cuz
not even sure wtf I did this weekend..
he's trying to buy acceptance
the MP is a tad strange, you can create your online char then play 'offline' with him to get better (it is what i'm doing)
oh weird
is MP pvp?
or is it coop?
don't think so
all coop
rlemon needs about 311 rep
@Shmiddty but that's my thing already.
I'm the one buying acceptance with reputation!
.... I just gift steam keys for friends.
@JoeFrambach hell have 500 more tomorrow
it is working so far...
@JoeFrambach We've made fun of him for being a copywriter instead of a coder.
lol I am getting random answers to my bounty
speaking of which, Bastion anyone?
TS anyone?
you will not regret the 6 hours invested
@JoeFrambach so <foo><a>1</a><a>2</a>pop</foo> is a node with 3 child nodes?
@OctavianDamiean 2 hours i'll be on
You will regret every minute invested.
@cc yes
Aug 5 at 15:13, by Benjamin Gruenbaum
The only one doing SO right is @Neal , he is the one who really gets it. Proving day after day you don't need to be particularly smart, or know any programming to get high rep in SO. All you need to do is answer the same question a thousand times and use google generously.
@rlemon It kind of got boring to me
@JoeFrambach ^^
@cc two Anchor nodes and a TextNode
But I only played about an hour
@rlemon ok
@KendallFrey has already started regretting.
@SomeGuy yea idk, the game play and the overall story kept me going the entire way through
Yep, regretting is what I do best.
@cc old IE (I think still upto 9) sees whitespace as textnodes and iirc IE8< sees html comments as text nodes as well.
@Neal if you give me 5k rep I'll be your best friend

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