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android: no matter what l layout I pick, I still get the default header with the logo/title, how to get rid of that?
Like this.
Q: How to hide the title bar for an Activity in XML with existing custom theme

JanuszI want to hide the title bar for some of my activities. The problem is that I applied a style to all my activities, therefore I can't simply set the theme to @android:style/Theme.NoTitleBar. Using the NoTitleBar theme as a parent for my style would remove the title bar for to much activities. C...

thanks :0
Alright, sleepy time. o/
@OctavianDamiean Before you go: io9.com/5802301/how-to-have-sex-with-a-mermaid
How I got there is a mystery. Worth it.
Oh my god!
I'll have the weirdest dreams now.
In other words, your usual dreams pineapples.
Shhhh! Don't tell everyone! :D
!!help mute
@rlemon mute: Mutes a user. /mute usrid duration Duration should be in the format n[mhd] for n minutes/hours/days. If only n is provided, minutes is assumed.
Fuck now I'm on TVTropes
Save me
@CodyO'Dell Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Q: 2nd page displaying the exact same posts as my first page (minus the very first post)

user2803938Site Links: http://manofmany.com & http://manofmany.com/page/2/ I'm seeing my 2nd page displaying the exact same posts as my first page (minus the very first/latest post). All other pages 3,4,5 etc are performing as normal/expected. I was changing around the coding to exclude a category, so I tr...

What's the deal with the WP feed?
@Tim Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
1 hour later…
OMG guys guess what.
You won?
copy's emulator now runs Linux.
Aww, nobody's on TS?
Sorry, my ears be a jammin'
All you people who live in time zones that are at least 6 hours past mine... wtf?
Er... before mine
Because you're shouting so loud
I see how it is...
@TylerLangan Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Hey guys
I'm going to put this on git and share it with the world once I figure it out. Anyway, here's what I've got so far: jsfiddle.net/5n5MA/7
I want it so that if the user scrolls down, they see the search bar
makes sense, right? I mean if you're starting to scroll down, that's when you want to search for something.
So this could be a UI improvement to things like email and notes on mobile phones
so the bar is like 10 pixels below the page, waiting to be uncovered
then when the individual scrolls down and the bar is visible, it sticks to the bottom of the page
Why not just use position:fixed in the css?
I'd like it hidden at first
just below the bottom of the screen
if I try putting bottom: 0 or bottom: -15px, it doesn't change anything
the bar still loads under the content div
even if I change the position to absolute
oh wait, that's not the problem
the problem is I want it to stick to the bottom as soon as it's fully visible
so this just needs a tweak somewhere
because right now it sticks to the bottom when the bar passes the top of the page
but I'd like it to stick after the user scrolls down, for example, 55 pixels and the bar is visible
@ledzep2 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
figured it out. Thanks for listening crew
@JayJay Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Feeds ...what
Q: Static d3.js Bar Graph

binarydevHow to extract values from a 3 dimensional array using javascript to represent on a D3 graph? For instance, reports for 3 subjects in each month. In a scale of month against the grades for single candidate

Q: Where can I find the brochureware.js library

Synessomemrise.com has a transition effect that I would like to emulate. They are using a library called brochureware.min.js, which they have a local copy of. I have googled for this library but am unable to find any project page or, importantly, licencing information. Does anyone know where this libra...

posted on September 23, 2013 by agektmr

Chrome Canary has landed support for the <dialog> element behind a flag. Turn it on by enabling "Enable experimental Web Platform features" in chrome://flags. The <dialog> element can be used for popups in a web page. JavaScript API to .show() and .close(). Modal dialog support using .showModal(). ::backdrop pseudo-element to style background behind a

@Eclectic Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@user2732605 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Ok sure @Caprica Six
!!todo add "Watchmen" "The Big Lebowski"
@Zirak Item(s) added.
!!todo list
@monners Unidentified /todo action list
!!todo help
!!tell monners help todo
@monners Unidentified /todo action help
@monners todo: Your personal todo list. get [count] retrieves everything or count items. add items adds items to your todo list (make sure items with spaces are wrapped in quotes) rm items|indices removes items specified by indice or content
I've seen people adding stuff to classes they don't own, but this is plain horrible as you're removing system functions from Function. — Jan Dvorak 22 secs ago
I just had the best idea. I'll do, window={'test':null}, just for fun. That ought to piss a lot of people off.
...If only
unwritable, I hope
I would /ragequit JS if it wasn't
Okay, probably not, but that wouldn't be good
you can always get the original one as (function(){return this}()) outside strict mode.
I don't think so, if window === (function(){return this}())
this should just be a reference to window afaik
@Shea this identity is only true if window has not been overwritten
Well, which is the reference, this or window?
Well, actually...
both are
You're right
Yeah yeah yeah lol
var window = (function(){return this}()); window.window = window
I forgot that variables only get destroyed when no references to it exists anymore
pre-GC code is so out :-)
C++ at least has shared_ptr and close relatives, but in C you have to do everything yourself.
!!sleep or work
@Shea Neither
!!movie or answer questions
@Shea answer questions
clearly I'm too tired for that
@JanDvorak should you flag duplicate questions?
Oh, sorry to ping you, I guess you should
Hey friends
i need help
@user957309 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
i have several Terms and Conditions on this page
the first Terms and Conditions is in the class="text_agb" to view
so if i click on the button i get the next Terms and Conditions
i have two form fields in my html form, i want to take both input run a sql query with both these inputs in the where condition of query and fetch data from database as soon as the 2nd input is filled out
so if the user accept the first Terms and Conditions in the View and click on the button i will to insert this in the web sql database
my json objekt have time stemp and i will to control that
i have two form fields in my html form, i want to take both input run a sql query with both these inputs in the where condition of query and fetch data from database as soon as the 2nd input is filled out ? anyone !!!
!!coffee or cigarette
@C5H8NNaO4 Could not process input. Error: unexpected LOGIC on line 8
function assing_magazine(user_name){$("#"+user_name).attr('checked', false);}
is this correct way to uncheck the particular checkbox?
I admit the reallity jQuery is a must [if the code is production]
anybody is there?
I am not a ghost :P
@Fairoz No, if you have $("#"+variableName) you're doing it wrong...
@AbhishekHingnikar Not really, no
@BenjaminGruenbaum yes really, yes
support ie 8 without it :-|
@BenjaminGruenbaum so, what is the correct way
hell just selecting child becomes a pita
@AbhishekHingnikar Most of the time you don't need to perform a query on your own app in the first place?
well i wrote an angular module
to lazy load and sexy show images
@Fairoz Databind the checked status of the check box to a boolean.
then changed the markup and realized fuck angulars jQuery Lite's find is limited to Tag only :-|
so added .getElementsByClassName('x')[0]
@AbhishekHingnikar .children ?
doesnt support selectors
@BenjaminGruenbaum can u give me the example code
element = angular.element(element[0].getElementsByClassName('pixter-thumbnail')[0]);
without jQuery ^
with jQuery ::
element = element.find('.pixter-thumbnail')
though i think .classList.remove("col-sm-4"); is a good way to do so aswell
Why do you need to do this in the first place?
Why are you performing the selection?
<div class="pixter-media">
    <div class="container">
        <img or video with class="pixter-thumbnail" />
i made pixter-media a directive
now i guess i will have to make pixter-thumbnail a directive aswell :-/
@user957 Thanks, that was a good deision ^^
Hi, why does my FF return [object HTMLCollection] with getElementsByTagName?
@BenjaminGruenbaum i just want the thumbnail to fade in :P
nothing else (x
safari returns [object NodeList]
read the specs :D
i have
wtf mdn is down :0|
@kevinius it changed in the DOM spec
@kevinius used to be NodeList, now it's HTMLCollection, you should not feel a difference
NodeList getElementsByClassName(in DOMString classNames);
was what it was before ^
It's NodeList in DOM spec 3, it's HTMLCollection in DOM spec 4
@AbhishekHingnikar oh well. We'll have to use a sub-par replacement for a while.
@JanDvorak fooof
@kevinius there is an open bug, HTMLCollection is the correct behavior
HTMLCollection getElementsByClassName(in DOMString classNames);
it is now ^
though @BenjaminGruenbaum wont it make more sense as the former ?
@AbhishekHingnikar it seems up for me
or atleast HTMLElementCollection ?
@AbhishekHingnikar no
why ?
@JanDvorak offline for me
@AbhishekHingnikar let me be your proxy ....
@JanDvorak proxy me the documentation for img tag
i forgot what .complete attribute was supposed to do :P
@AbhishekHingnikar Read the specs :P See what the difference between NodeList and HTMLCollection is
> An HTMLCollection object is a collection of elements.
> complete - Read only - Boolean - True if the browser has fetched the image, and it is in a supported image type that was decoded without errors.
> The NodeList interface provides the abstraction of an ordered collection of nodes
@BenjaminGruenbaum The name htmlcollection looks inadequate for me
@kevinius does this answer your question?
@AbhishekHingnikar Yeah, it's a bad name
when i read HTML i think the markup not a list of element
@JanDvorak then that thing is broken in chrome
its giving img.complete === true for all images even when they arent complete
@AbhishekHingnikar when are you reading the state?
remember the chrome console is asynchronous.
if( img_element.complete === true ){
i see them loading :-|
meh i will just go with img.addEventListener('load',show); regardless
though it feels awkward and adds some delay :-/
the former wont let image animate and fade in [thx to angular]
ditch Angular :-)
@C5H8NNaO4 "ReferenceError: TheThingThatGetsDataFromTheServer is not defined"
@Zirak Re:Bastion ending. I sided with him (I'm something of an optimist regarding human nature, I think).
@Retsam When I played through and I got to see all the toasted citizens, and I saw what the calamity did the the world...I thought, "fuck, that's messed up". Throwing that away just for the selfish reasons of "being with the girl" and "we'll begin anew"? Fuck that.
Also, I just finished Kick-Ass. It's a nice movie, has some of the better action scenes I've seen lately (not for their effects, but their content and pace). It's a bit weak at points, especially the story, and it's a bit disappointing that it departed from the beginning where he was like "hey, I'm a superhero, shut the fuck up" and got fucked to hell, because he's a nerd boy.
But well worth the hundred minutes.
...that was Zirak's "I review something nobody cares about and will just slip off all recognition", please tune in next week, same bat-time, same bat-channel.
Retsam's PR is really odd.
Why did the stop listener stuff change in the master.js file?
I mean I'm aware that it is a build output file but I don't see where he touched that part in the source.
Chloë Grace Moretz has an impressive film record

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