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please guys guide me whether is it possible or not ? i want to call function inside loop button click event
@OctavianDamiean then this is wrong
44 mins ago, by Octavian Damiean
@FlorianMargaine It's like /dev/null but with a flushing function.
please check my code
Q: How to add dynamically <li> tags in jquery list?

somehutIn the moment I can add li tags to my list with script. But how can I add dynamically li tags in a function in .js? Hopefully I will see a good example. Below is my code. Thanks! <div data-role="page" id="searchPage" data-theme="b"> <div data-role="content"> <ul data-role="listview" data-fil...

@SobinAugustine Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
i am able to do this thing but along with that i want to add two button in row in click event of both
use a regular click-handler
bind it to a wrapper-element and use event-delegation
$('#ls_com_list').append('<li><img id="com_img" src="'+ com_img_array[index] +'" width="100px" height="100px"/><h3>'+com_name_array[index]+'</h3><p>'+com_id_array[index]+'</p><‌​div align="right"><img src="img/add_icon.png" width="20px" height="20px"/><img src="img/icon-action-close.png" width="20px" height="20px" onclick="'+temp()+'"/></div></li>').listview('refresh');
@CapricaSix ok
i am doing this
$('#wrapper').on('click', '.my-button-that-got-added-dynamically', function() {})
@FlorianMargaine /dev/toilet
Ah, nvm. I made a joke on a joke
can anyone suggest me any popular js library like JQuery
@SobinAugustine Care to explain the logic of using a js library like jQuery but not using jQuery itself?
seriously ...
@FlorianMargaine You made a mistake. Rewind time thisiswhyimbroke.com/star-trek-engagement-ring
@Zirak I'm afraid she's not a fan of Star Trek. Neither am I.
...then you've made other, graver mistakes.
Rewind to conception
@Neil sorry bro, doesn't understand you, can you make it a bit simple.
why would you want suggestions on popular js libraries in the first place
and do you want suggestions on DOM manipulation - libraries or any libraries?
@SobinAugustine That do anything? For instance, a library for statistical analysis? Or one for 3d WebGL renderings?
You're going to have to define what you want.
@SobinAugustine If you want a library like jQuery theres mootools.net.
some of those are pretty damn impressive
Can anyone find a duplicate? I'm sure I've seen this question at least twice.
Q: How to convert string as object's field name in javascript

ywenboI have a js object like: obj = { name: 'js', age: 20 }; now i want to access name field of obj, but i can only get string 'name', so how to convert 'name' to obj's field name, then to get result like obj.name. Thank you in advance.

i need help
var str = "agb.html?login=dmarkstaedter%40gmx.de/"
var login_user = str.split(" ");
@Dave-88 Help with what?
i will to split after "login="sign
or can i to do this better with match?
Anyone mess around with Ruby?
var login_user = str.split("=")[1]; ?
@CharliePrynn ya, heard about it, any other?
i will to match this "dmarkstaedter%40gmx.de"
from the url
@SobinAugustine Do you just want a list? Or are you looking for a library/framework for a specific reason?
@CharliePrynn no, no specific reason, just researching.
@Dave-88 well your most the way there with what I put but I dunno if its the best way to do it
jsbin.com/UqeJuTe/1/edit - Again, I dunno if its the acceptable way to do it
Can't think of any others.. I'm sure if you google you'll find tons.
@FlorianMargaine I meant to say with a manual flushing function. Seriously, what does it matter? It's not like dev/poop would be a real device ...
@mikedidthis thx
@Dave-88 no problem, but again, I am not sure its optimal
A: How to add dynamically <li> tags in jquery list?

pierceIt should be noted that using .append() in the way described in many of these answers will directly vulnerable to Cross Site Scripting (XSS) attacks. If strings are being pulled from a data source that can be influenced by users, then a user can put raw HTML, and when .append() is called, the ra...

@OctavianDamiean , @Raynos , @rlemon , @RyanKinal @jAndy @Benjamin [pinged you all because of expereince] ... How would you
create a website which has parts of both , some content that is generated statically and some content which should be reloaded on the fly
What exactly are you asking? I mean which aspect is not clear?
I am thinking of using Amazon S3 for a project , initially i thought i can use angular.js for that but now afaik ng-views cant be pre-rendered (or tell me a way if they can ) I have to wait for angular to first load then initiate the ng-view & ng-Route then load the template and then make a restful call while loading it
to ultimately get the generated page , which imho is too much time sitting and waiting for the page to load
Is there any way to avoid that ?
Or should i come out with a custom solution using minimalistic libraries like jQuery, _.js , browserify etc ?
@CharliePrynn grt, thanks
I guess thats anybodys choice... Load the dynamic data via stream (ajax or ws) and render on client (what you do there is again your choice, templating engines or pre-render it on the server), etc.
I guess I would use vanillaJS nowadays with some own sugar, load the pure data via websockets and render it dynamically in the browser
I'm uncertain if I'd use any client-side templating engine/lib, depends on the data (amount)
Yea, it's really tough to answer that question.
There is no definitive answer to it.
@rk_sweetrascal Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Hi Everyone! I have some question regarding Google chart visualization....
Always read the goddamn API documentation of a library before creating your own functions to solve a problem that's been fixed by that library already.
@AbhishekHingnikar What serverside technology do you know best?
@OctavianDamiean I did, but what I want is add out of box functionality to that... is that possible?
@rk_sweetrascal Didn't you see the note-to-self tag? I was talking to myself.
am rookie here,i don't know what that thing meant....
I literally meant note to self.
i haven't noted that, thats what i meant here
@OctavianDamiean thats why you write the library yourself in the first place :P
@jAndy Yea, I'm not going to write a library like Leaflet.js myself ever, mostly because I'm way too lazy to do that if it's already done and if it's so clean.
Torvalds responds to a question about whether the U.S. government asked him to put a backdoor in Linuxf
LoL the guy is just hilarous and genius :D
Torvalds was also asked if he had ever been approached by the U.S. government to insert a backdoor into Linux.

Torvalds responded "no" while shaking his head "yes," as the audience broke into spontaneous laughter.
The Matr.. Reddit has me.
wonder if anyone can point me in the right direction ( ill try and keep it short )
alert('exists called:' + this.name);
window.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0,
    function (fileSystem) {
        fileSystem.root.getFile( this.name , null,
            function () { alert('hello'); Deferred.resolve(true); },
            function () { alert('hello1'); Deferred.resolve(false); }
    function (evt) { alert('hello2'); Deferred.resolve(false); }
this is a phonegap app but the value for "this.name" is not being pulled through it gets "\/" where as in the alert its fine
im thinking this is a closure issue am I anywhere near?
That won't work, this is not going to be the same within that function.
ahh thank you, now I have something to go on :)
I hereby proclaim, that I have found God.
Found DOG, it's beneath that box.
lol node.js
[OOB array elements read (array length = 97, element accessed = 98) in +399 at timers.js:22]
[OOB array elements read (array length = 99, element accessed = 99) in +399 at timers.js:22]
[OOB array elements read (array length = 100, element accessed = 100) in +399 at timers.js:22]
[OOB array elements read (array length = 101, element accessed = 101) in +399 at timers.js:22]
[OOB array elements read (array length = 102, element accessed = 102) in +399 at timers.js:22]
[OOB array elements read (array length = 103, element accessed = 103) in +399 at timers.js:22]
im determined to find one :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum node.js
but i am bind to use python [cherrypy here]
[OOB array elements read (array length = 45, element accessed = 45) in +1831 at buffer.js:111]
@OctavianDamiean, @jAndy after looking into tons of frameworks and frameworking libs i have came out with a solution
but i need your feedback and suggestions onit.
I just learned that the Korean "Hello" is like
onion on cheese - if you speak that out real quick and sloppy
I love reddit :/
a while back Florian did tartempion with express and mongodriver basically abstracting things and writing proper syntax sugar so that he doesnt have to manually do that crap for projects. So inspired from florian i think i am probably going to use some mvc framework _.js browserify.js some-ajax-lib and boot strap a solution myself
will that be a wise decision of is that taking too much liability and pain of code-mantainability since my solution will be so specific ?
What ?
Note: Whenever I don't really understand something, I tend to just say yes.
Basically take a bunch of libraries, write some sugar
use that sugar. [and make sure that sugar makes u follow a code-pattern]
Opposed to?
opposed to using Angular / BackBone
since for my use-case the load time is kind of irritating
I don't see the difference.
"Dog that looks like Putin"
@jAndy Putin looked like a dog to me since forever
@OctavianDamiean difference is i can now load my content as i am doing in pixter.in/p/4hz
and then bootstrap rest of my application
if i do it with angular or bootstrap i bind myself to their routing methods
CAPTAIN! THERE'S AN ICEBERG UP AHEAD! CAPTAIN I NEED ORDERS!! CAPTAIN? ... the captain's on reddit looking at dogs
I love your vizor
its so.. elegant
I know right? I look so badass with it.
@OctavianDamiean so what do you say ?
come one lieutenant commander, don't be foolish. we're traveling in a state-of-the-art spaceship, there are no ICEBERGS in space
sudo @OctavianDamiean what do you say
@jAndy FINE! Then it's a spaceberg ...
@AbhishekHingnikar Yes.
Now a serious question how many websites use this kind of approach ?
of hosting tons of pages on s3 ? [ i think none ] ?
I can't understand how I could live without that site in the past
@OctavianDamiean Or is it a...timeberg?
are you here?
whhhhoee this is awesome... from now on I just read whatever Zirak types here .. with his crystal clear angels voice in my mind
i need help
me too
Instead of the cigarette addict, wheezing and snorting voice you used to assign me?
i have 2 .js data
db.js and basic.js
@jAndy I can't help it but you make the impression that you'd do nasty things to Zirak's voice if you could.
@jAndy Image not found
in the basic.js i use the object tx from db.js
@OctavianDamiean how can you do nasty things to a voice :P ?
@jAndy I couldn't but I guess you could. :D
I want to play a game...
but i get error because my object tx doesn't defined
@jAndy What game?
btw, did any of you take any of my vga cables? I used to have about 4, now there's only the one
THAT kind a game, with Ziraks voice
i want to build a singleton class
but i don't know how to code this
var singleton = {}
@Zirak ah crap ... I forgot to but it back in the chest ...
There's no need for anything else
@DevalShah Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Zirak I ... I wanted to reforge it but ... it's an unpleasant VGA cable now. :/
"Demonic VGA Cable" crap
I still love the pregnant array :/
@jAndy You're your going to be a dad soon?
var sarah = [ [] ]; sarah.poop();
why didn't have Brendan Eich a better sense of humor back then
poop instead of pop would have became legendary

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