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If you can do ~~ 2 million times per second and |0 1 million times per second and you use it 1000 times per frame, it makes a difference of 1ms
Now, you have 16ms per frame, but the difference between the 2 isn't even remotely that big and he doesn't use it a thousand times
@copy imo readable code often trumps it anyway
if you write something and its slow as hell.. its most likely not due to using Math.floor over ~~ or |
but idk its just a "bad" habit I picked up from js1k
It's not too bad, it's well defined and most people now it
eh, performance critical code isn't always pretty. this SINGLE example might not hold much if any weight, but still, performance critical code IMO is the one place where we are permitted to do some shady shit
yea, but it is a bit ugly.
honestly what usually causes slowdown while working with canvas is the rendering
mhm, and needless recursion (if you are me)
breaking the canvas up into re-usable parts and just rendering those and augmenting those as needed has helped me a lot
what do you mean? Using dirty rects?
no, drawing to tmp canvases and re-merging at the end
drawImage() is pretty fast ....
made some small optimizations and changed the setTimeout to requestAnimationFrame jsfiddle.net/t6q4e
21 fps from 13
so good job :)
@Loktar I wanna try for some 3D tonight methinks
I would like to start small and have a line drawn on a x/y/z axis and then rotate the camera
any good tuts for this you got bookmarked?? (or have written)
@Brandon Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@rlemon @Zirak @SomeKittens New games added to the Humble Bundle!
yea I saw that
I wish I was at home so I could grab those steam keys :P
@rlemon eh not really just random crap Ive picked up
finally an extra copy of bastion
who shall get it ??? hrmmmm
umm, there was another game on here before @SomeGuy I swears it
Which game?
fuck I can't remember the name now
I downloaded and installed it
it isn't on the list anymore?
@SomeGuy Just finished watching some of the videos
why must I be at work!
It does look like that
But I think it's because they moved FTL and Fez below
Populous is an award-winning computer game designed by Peter Molyneux for Bullfrog in 1989, and is regarded by many as the first PC god game. It is the first game in the Populous series, preceding Populous II: Trials of the Olympian Gods and '. Gameplay The main action window in Populous is viewed from an isometric perspective, and it is set in a "tabletop" on which are set the command icons, the world map (depicted as an open book) and a slider bar that measures the level of the player's divine power or "manna". The game consists of 500 levels, and each level represents an area of ...
that was on there
the old PC version
When was it on there?
monday? sunday?
maybe even yesterday
I didn't see it
my brain is mush
And it wasn't in the video, either
no, I don't see it now
I think Populous was in the Origin bundle
maybe that is where it came from
I was just surprised to see it, I used to love that game
lol close
but not quite
@rlemon Yeah, it was in the Origin bundle
looks pretty fun
listening to Octavian and his buddy play and talk to eachother in German is funny
every so often he will toss in some english
"jibber jabber jibber jabber is it on"
(other guy) "jibber jabber jibber jabber ok coming. "
Heh, I like the video
you listening in Amaan?
Yeah, I am now
I love German exclamations
lol, listen for it
they will say an entire sentence in german then end it with english
@CharlieBrown jsfiddle.net/loktar/qVThH/12 got it
@Loktar yeah, much closer. we are kind of forcing it though
well yeah the way to plot them all would be just like a grid
offsetting by 1.5
im finishing up a slightly diff version, i believe we can reduce the trig functions down
I am way too entertained listening to them
Yeah, I just replaced my music with them talking
but a while ago
!!Am I the only one here who didn't know the diff between multidimentional and jagged arrays?
@cc I'm not so sure anymore. It can go either way
weird my chat froze
@cc Why are you asking that in the JS room?
question -- is there a way to make a table where you have an "indented block" that is essentially a subtable?
@Loktar bah, mine does less math, but doesnt draw the center
oh I cheated
I just drew the center outside of the loop :P
ha! that explains it
@Loktar I used the radius of a circle that passes through each center, jsfiddle.net/carbonrobot/qVThH/14
pretty much identical, except i used a helper that does what you wrote by hand
if you flip between ours, you will notice they are shifted almost 1 degree of rotation....
haha yeah
@cc Multidimensional = Rectangular, right?
I'm stuck with a problem, ive tried z-index:100;
hit Login, then hit advance mode, the div is on top of the settings and it wont go behind
@cc (Or higher dimensional equivalent)
totally new to amazon s3.
let say i have a amazon s3 for my webapp.
then my webapp have 3 users they login using twitter account.

Where to set privilege to these users to prevent they delete each other files?
@SomeGuy Awesome, they added Bastion
Now I have a lot more extra copies of games.
I was hoping they'd add Gunpoint.
Not to be that guy, but technically you're not supposed to give away extra copies of bundle games.
@Retsam better than selling them
What I was thinking.
I mean, I suppose when "buy a whole copy of the bundle as a gift for $0.01" is another option, I can't /really/ complian
> A common task for JavaScript is to do something clever (source)
@Zirak you got the bundle yes?
Well, crap.
!!should I work or play Borderlands 2 or start Bastion
@Zirak You should work
@rlemon But of course. You saw me play FTL.
Bastion is like 4-6 hours beginning to end
@CapricaSix But it's late
But of course?
fucking amazing game
My votes for Bastion.
Sounds like a very Indian phrase to me.
@SomeGuy To the contrary
Coincidentally I started replaying my copy of Bastion on Saturday...
Bastion is worth it for the voice over alone.
Butt soup
Nice edit
I'd say bastion is worth it for the ending alone...
That was my favorite part of the game.
Huh... one of the upper-level managers here made a typo. Instead of typing "LMS", she typed "LFM".
It kinda makes me wonder if she plays WoW.
So we agree basiton is worth it.
@Retsam What a horrible thing to say.
"My favourite part was when it ended"
No, no, the part just before that.
The ending was too artsy for me
but it was a great game
@RyanKinal did you get the latest Humble Bundle?
Not to spoil, but you make a choice at the ending, and honestly I struggled with that choice more than any other video game choice, I think.
they added more to it?
@rlemon Nope. Barely installed what I got from the last one I purchased.
@mikedidthis yup
ok well i'm giving you Bastion
@Retsam Even more than the one in Mass Effect 3, the most conflicted game in history!?
Man that ending was a shitfest.
play it, you will NOT be disappointed.
The entire morality system was so awful...
@RyanKinal are we steam friends?
I haven't played any of the Mass Effect games :/
@Zirak Didn't get past Mass Effect 1, though I've seen most of 2 and parts of 3 played through.
I feel like I already have Bastion. Wait until I get home. I'll let you know.
They have some of the best bundles right now imo
so many games for cheap
I bought all of them (even though I owned a good portion) drm free is always nice to have
@RyanKinal if you do, play it!
But, Bastion's single choice is the counter to Mass Effects "Kick puppy or pet puppy" choice system.
@Loktar lol
I will give up all the games in the bundle expect for mark of the ninja if anyone needs keys
@Loktar can't you say that about steam as well?
steam is drm
and screw drm.
@rlemon Okay, will do
@SomeGuy They're pretty decent games, but some dynamics and systems were awful.
@Loktar not drm, "I bought all of them"
Steam is about the best DRM we'll ever get, but yeah, it's DRM.
ooh hah about 50%
I wonder who owns the most steam titles
I think there are around 3k games on steam maybe a tad less
you have to be up there
But you said you don't like shooters, so they're irrelevant
some japaneese dude
Im in the top 100, was in the top 50 but have slowed down
all valve employees automatically own every game, but they don't count
There's standings for how much stuff you've bought on Steam?
@Loktar You pussy
How can you look at yourself in the mirror?
@OctavianDamiean can you please say "titty sprinkles" in German for me on TS
@Zirak its hard
@Retsam yea, my point is I was so used to foo[i][j] notation, that foo[i, j] shocked me
.... when I do
You orgasm?
I'm either dealing with bad code, or don't understand CSS
> every time I look at the mirror my dick gets me 7 years back luck.
Don't blame yourself or the people, blame CSS
!!Was this quote necessary?
@cc That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
@cc That has to do with jagged vs. rectangular? I thought that was just a language syntax thing.
left: 50%;
margin-top: 15px;
margin-left: -595px;
width: 1190px;
Removing all of those styles doesn't change the page.
@Retsam yes in C
siiiigh im in the top 200 now
@Retsam It's both.
out of millions of steam users im #175 for games owned
lame :P
If only I had money.
actually I just havent been too interested in buying steam games.. I spent easily over 2k on retro stuff this summer lol
@SomeKittens What's the selector? What are the rest of the selectors?
having a neck larger than you head sucks..
yamaOG3 was the highest forever..
looks like he was unseated
.player-cutoff {
		display: block;
		position: relative;
		left: 50%;
		margin-top: 15px;
		margin-left: -595px;
		width: 1190px;
#16 === Canadian
@OctavianDamiean Now tell me this gun isn't fucking cool.
Any other styles that affect those elements?
he was #2 forever
looks like I'm not the only one slacking on game purchases
@Zirak we should play some multi borderlands tonight
I'll probably lag to death, but sure. I'm behind you, though
I tried Brutal Legend last night.
Was disappointed.
@KendallFrey Brütal disappointment
@SomeKittens I tried Brütal Legend last night. (source)
Trine is pretty fun
Brütal defeat...
Fez was unexpectedly fun
I think I'll try Mark of the Ninja tonight.
wait until Volgarr is in a humble bundle
but fez was MUCH better with a controller vs keyboard
that game is bruuutal
stop begging
And here I thought my couple hundred was impressive.
@rlemon I didn't really like Fez, but the challenge kept me playing.
By the end, it was getting fun.
fez just takes a minute to get used to the rotating on keyboard
@Retsam imo its not near impressive until you get over 1k :P
@RyanKinal Nothing significant that I can find
@KendallFrey there are some aspects I don't like, but overall I think it is a unique game with some VERY addicting parts.
@rlemon why?
@Loktar you told me I was impressive at 75 games :(
you lied to me
but really.. none of it is impressive because you only own a license to play said game.
@Loktar Yeah. Though given how frugal I generally am, it's at least impressive for me.
I still haven't figured out what's up with the owls.
@SomeKittens Huh. Not sure.
@deep because no one likes a beggar
you don't own any of the games :(
then what should i do?
stop begging
steamometer.com/profile/_nderscore I'm almost at $1000 dollars worth of games (licenses) woo
@deep Keep trying to figure out the problem?
ask once, move on
I've been buying a ton on GoG lately
they are all DRM free
i meant about my problem
ask some where else?
@deep Figure it out yourself?
theres another steam calc I like better than that though
/me finds link
@KendallFrey oh, owls spawn in some locations at night. Talk to them, and they fly to a hidden map. Get 4(?) owls, and you get an anti-cube.
@Loktar wallet explodes
@deep do whatever, so long as that whatever doesn't include begging for help in this room

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