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@CharliePrynn 'spose so. Good luck :-)
@Shmiddty How do you feel about your birthday wish having 2 less stars than @RyanKinal's?
One less
Damn you!
Ooh, I evened it out by saying that.
None less!
You're welcome, Shmiddty.
Saying Shmiddty is so much more fun after I heard how @Zirak pronounces it! :D
wanted to unstar Ryan Kinal's one, too late
Do what you must :-)
And now we can safely say we have 7 regulars in chat
Ryan eats the sun and drinks the skies, And they both go with him when he dies
@SomeGuy Fuck you, I'm right
They're tasty
@Zirak Hahaha, I didn't say you were wrong.
It's just a lot more fun to say Shmididtee
@copy star only one of the guys with birthdays... who is it gonna be?
Zye-Rack and Locktar agree with his pronunciation of Shmiddty
@BadgerGirl You know who it'll be.
Ahoy, I am Zirak, with the Rack of Zye.
@SomeGuy I know, he might be your real mother.
Is this a bad time? Should I leave?
Look at my rack, ye mighty, and despair
DAMMIT GOOGLE! google image search "zye" -> porn
i'm at work!
@copy It's either always a good time or always a bad time. Your choice.
@makla Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@copy Ryan Kinal now hates you
@RyanKinal That sounds like the first thing you get told at prison
@rlemon Guess I'm not the only one that googled that. heh...
Untrue! How could I ever hate @copy
@copy lol, true
Is it also your birthday Ryan?
It is!
Maybe you're twins?
I'm 28
both can grow more facial hair than I can === confirmed twins.
@Shmiddty There probably was a bit of a latency.
@Shmiddty So is my brother... as of today.
I have twin cousins who turn 34 today as well.
Shmiddty and Ryans mom hates Shmiddty, 17520 hours of labour must have really sucked.
Shitty connection, deal with it.
Monster lag.
Maybe she thought "well, that's it", and they let her go. Then, on Ryan's 2nd birthday, she suddenly felt "oh my", and Shmiddty slid out.
Sporting a beard, of course.
... at the same time as my brother?
what else.
with hatred in his heart..
It was also lossy after I came out. That's why I'm more handsome
... other brother?
Shmiddty is Ryans evil alter ego
Story needs to change...
Wait, Ryan is 30?
lol @Zirak sporting a beard..
Ryan: Lets all go dancing! yea! songs! love! peace!
Shmiddty: Fuck you noob. goto hell. gtfo. !!afk smoke
You geezer
"it burrnnnss!"
@rlemon Holy shit, it's true.
@Loktar ...tickled the vagina.
the tickler?
The flood refugees I was harboring? Dinner.
harboring in your beard?
@Shmiddty you in CO?
@Shmiddty You ate them?
Yes, Colorado
wtf is up with CO this year, you poor people.
Fires.. floods
Its like Moses is fucking you all up or something
@Loktar everyone is stoned, no more public service workers.
@Loktar One counteracts the other...
frogs are next
Fires are common
yeah werent they worse this year though
Obama is to blame. fucking crazy weather. dude should really get this in check.
There's one almost every year
we also had fires in Northern MI every year but every 15 years or so wed get a terrible one
I think last year's fire was worse but I'm not sure
from the way the news made it sound this past one in CO was the worst in like 30 years
its all they talked about for a good week or two
@Loktar Hopefully Shmiddty has an older brother.
@codinfreak Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I have an older half-brother
yeah it was called
hello all. how do I restart a setInterval?
Q: Give break and restart setInterval

codin freakI have this show car moving to the right with an interval. It should stop when it reaches left: 750px; and turn back to the original position and start driving again. I did everything until clearning the interval + putting the car back to original point, just I can't restart the interval. http:...

> worst fire in colorado history
@codinfreak You don't. You just setInterval again.
There was a lot of smoke this year
thats bad
@Loktar @Shmiddty know what started the fire?
@RyanKinal :(
Lies... Wikipedia says 2nd largest
> The second largest fire in Colorado history by area. Started June 20, 2013; forced evacuation of entire town of South Fork, Colorado. The fire is composed of three subsidiary fires that merged: West Fork fire, Papoose fire and Windy Pass fire. Cause: Lightning.
@codinfreak Why is that bad?
anyway you guys are in the news a lot
also recalled what 2 senators over gun control?
I Want to restart an interval same way I clear it
That's civic center park in the middle of Denver
@codinfreak You can't
startInterval(name); etc
@rlemon youtube.com/watch?v=_QyYaPWasos&noredirect=1 (this is to prevent oneboxing)
@JZweige Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
var intervalID = setInterval(fn,time);
// to reset it
intervalID = setInterval(fn,time);
done and done
$15 please
rlemon has anyone found a real job with those stackoverflow points? :)
Ryan: I know, it looks like a joke though
is there any serious business out there in careers.SO?
I had to suck a whole bag of dicks to get my job
@codinfreak no but employers love using it to look at the moronic questions potential candidates ask.
there are too many moronic questions actually
@codinfreak StackExchange is there
I love helping people though
@Shmiddty like Cockoverflow.com
Yeah, like "how do I restart my interval?"
your Q:A ratio is 4:1
so you like helping people 25% of the time
rlemon: you don't see 99% of my answers :)
@Shmiddty Shmiddty has 7466 reputation, earned 20 rep today, asked 6 questions, gave 342 answers. avg. rep/post: 21.45. Badges: 0g 7s 21b
no I see them all.
If you put answers in my banned accounts, you would realize it's only 0000.1% of total :)
Should the q/a ratio be added back into /stat?
!!stat codinfreak
@Shmiddty codin freak has 31 reputation, earned 28 rep today, asked 4 questions, gave 1 answers. avg. rep/post: 6.2. Badges: 0g 0s 5b
I was banned 7 or 8 times dear
and that says all I need to know
...and you kept making new accounts?
but one account was real high
@codinfreak lol, really?
yes someting like 900
Bragging about being banned?
Why'd you get banned?
@ThiefMaster how does this work?
55 secs ago, by codin freak
I was banned 7 or 8 times dear
900 rep, and banned 7 or 8 times
can users just openly circumvent the ban?
Charlie: coz mods hate me lol
no you are banned for reasons.
being a dick, bad questions, bad answers, invalid voting, etc.
different reasons
yes all of above
@rlemon You know how the Internet works. No way to trace you if you get a new ip and delete cookies
@guydog Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
you can find 8 different reasons
they don't just bad for the whimsy of it
Then why did you create new ones?
@copy no, but when they admit to it
If bans were given lightly, I would be banned.
Zirak: it would be stupid to stay away from this website
there is no alternative
then why don't you try to improve your questions / answers / attitude?
It was stupid to get banned in the first place, and you managed to pull that off. 7 or 8 times.
Zirak: it's a big success, actually
Hmmm. Let me check how many times I've been banned. OH YEAH, ZERO. I'VE MANAGED TO BE BANNED EXACTLY ZERO TIMES.
I know someone who breaks my record
My phone is going to die. Someone flame this noob for me
This isn't a source of pride...
Ryan: yes congrats
!!mute 2784789 2h
@rlemon Please give mute duration, see /help mute
smells like @okok
@rlemon Muted user 2784789 for 2h
anyone feel free to gallery any time.
they can suspend for 1-2 days
but why ban completely?
Because they had a reason to?
most of bans occured because meta
suspended !== ban. ban is on asking questions. suspended means you did something really bad
not the question lol
i.e. being a dick or invalid voting come to mind
the bans occured in meta
the normal website is cool
Ban isn't just a question ban, it's an outright user ban.
meta is full of dicks, and I am dick to dicks
life is full of dicks.
statistically 50% of the people you meet own one
I wasn't banned on asking or answering question on the actual webiste
rlemon: yep
51% if you count disbodied ones
we might be down to 49 now, the vag's are taking over
time to work.. see u guys..
but that doesn't mean you become one yourself.
honestly, I hope we don't see you
7-8 bans === probably not the type of person who will contribute constructively here.
But he had over 9000 rep
rlemon: I was banned over 9000 rep and they banned me for opposing someone in meta
And he's a freak!
900 yea
you can get 900 rep in 5 days if you do the slightest bit of work
Oh... Not quite the same.
the other 7 bans occured because I didn't give a shit after
@rlemon I've spent a year getting 600...
it has become a national sport
Sounds like a troll.
@RyanKinal Oooooh!
Charlie: maybe you post non-working fiddles? lol
@CharliePrynn then you need to do it differently :P ask Neal how he gets so much rep
depends on which topic u work on
@RyanKinal Congrats!
@rlemon haha! I'm more of a badge guy...
once I get the mod tools at 10K i'm done
actually I was done at 7K - the rep I have since then has just trickled in
@rlemon That's what I said too.
and the occasional answer
I'd kinda like 20K for delete votes though
but the answers i answer are because a) they interest me, or b) someone on the chat suckered me into answering it
moreso b lately.
Neat questions are hard to come by.
Sloppy questions are harder to come by.
@RyanKinal when slicktext is huge you're going to hire us all right... right :)?
/me grabs some food
@E.LDunn Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
or the other reason to answer questions is because someone came into the chat and asked a question - was told the answer and didn't listen.
A: Give break and restart setInterval

rlemonvar showcar; STARTZOOM(); function STARTZOOM() { showcar = setInterval(CARZOOM, 10); } function CARZOOM() { var difference = $(".car").position().left if (difference < 750) { $('.car').css("left", "+=2px"); } else { clearInterval(showcar); setTimeout(functi...

also, that question is so bad.
@BadgerGirl great story
a bit bitter sweet about having to leave the next day after meeting
@codinfreak you are the worst kind of troll vampire.
my code as written works perfectly fine. Your issue is that you have not adapted it correctly. — rlemon 55 secs ago
@Loktar I know, but everything went better than expected. :)
@rlemon dude that pisses me off to no end
changes code and breaks it - bitches that solution doesn't work.
@GeorgiEftimov Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
its like wow man I just spent all this time writing an answer
and downvoted me
although I always post a fiddle with my code
@rlemon LOL wat?!
he downvoted you too?
was +2 then he commented and magically -1
I upvoted you btw a second ago
should be at 2 again
> In the history of the world, gamification has never gotten a single person do anything they didn’t already basically like to do.
Love. That. Sentence.
-1. You only gave him a solution to his problem, you didn't fix his code so that he wouldn't have to do a lick of work.
yea i'm net + karma or w/e it isn't about the votes, it is about the arrogance of the OP
he has multiple working solutions and dismisses them all because he's a douche
lol well I make sure to try and upvote answers you give.. to get you at that friggin 10k
@Neil actually I did
:) thanks @Loktar
@rlemon Maybe he dislikes your name then, how the hell would I know?
who dislikes lemons?
they are so yellow and awesome
and they prevent scurvy!
lemons are delicious
Cant have a good iced tea w/o lemon

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