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I don't know what history books you read over there :P
@jAndy You know there's always going to be a bias when a history book is written. If you read about how the war began from a Russian perspective it's completely different again. You can get a somewhat okish idea of how it all started if you read the historic documents from a couple of the involved parties and then distill it.
The truth is somewhere in the middle.
how could one ever built a web app without angularjs...
I made my homework, I digged into archieches and documents from Britisch, French, German and Austrians foreign ministrys (at least, what you can get as normal guy). What you get out of stuff like that mirrors a whole different picture
@IvoWetzel With KnockoutJS.
another question: when i match a string with a regex and log it with firebug, it has an "index" attribute, what does that index stand for?
at least, what happend from 1918 - 1939
Yea, I guess all I wanted to say is that it's a very complex topic if you want to be really accurate about what you say.
@OctavianDamiean no wai! custom angular directives are just way to awesome to keep all those pesky templates dry
@user2204158 the index (as in characters into the string) at which the match starts
I hate you all so much, all of you. I'll have to checkout Angular just to see why you enjoy it so much.
Hope you're happy ...
but whoever really believes or even worse TEACHES that WW2 started because Germany slaughered jews, is completely braindead
@IvoWetzel thank you, good to know
@jAndy There are still many in the southern united states who think the civil war was about the liberation of slaves
@jAndy well, Hitler had a grudge against Jews even before he reached Germany.
hence the expression, the feather is more mighty than the sword
Though to misphrase Eric Temple Bell: Time makes fools of us all.
@OctavianDamiean Their doc is a bit outdated here and there and missing examples, but well. Still, custom directives coupled with a ton of includes are just sooo good :) Just make sure you use it in combination with jade and less/sass for super DRYness
just as mind-game, what do you believe would you believe today, if Germany/Austria/Italy/Japan had won WW2 in any possible way
@OctavianDamiean Meaning the war really started the day Hitler got a wedgie from a jew
I'm not saying that it triggered WW II but he didn't like Jews before WW II started.
I guess the majority would now believe that USA and England + France would have slaughterd hundred of thousands of people and commited crime with Versailles, etc.
and that was the reason for the war, its so easy to manipulate public thinking
@jAndy uhm, Versailles was one of the major reasons for the war. :D
@OctavianDamiean as I said, just a mind-game about "history" and especially "written history"
client is online - port forwarding is done - yesterday I could connect to his computer - today I can't even see it. He's verified port forwarding is the same and that the ip has not changed.
what could be the issue?
but the topic is faineant, my point here is just, if you really believe that a war-loser has any right in post-war history, you probably also believe in santa clause and stuff
post-war especially after a total loss, winner could also claim that Iraqi people had sex with Aliens and that was dangerous
if it gets printed and spreaded widely enough, at some point it will become "the truth"
@jAndy from one perspective, fortunately a lot of countries were involved in such a big event and each has their own documentation of it.
You can only tell what the truth from your perspective is.
@OctavianDamiean yea I suggest everybody should read the documents of foreign ministrys indead "history books"
Any category word for meta head content, description title...etc?
not SEO
@OctavianDamiean and then people could find their own opinion about things. I mean, I didn't find a single "school history book" for instance, which says that Germany had like a 1:11 ratio in military resources, compared to France/England/Poland - but that is a fact and a lot official records of ministrys from several countries confirm that
doesn't make much sense that you start a war on purpose with that kind of relation O_o
Yea, well. Depends.
again, just saying that you're a fool if you blindly believe anything that was printed post-war
not "you" in person of course
31 mins ago, by Octavian Damiean
@rlemon Well, I won't go too much into detail on the Austrian history, you pretty much know how we influenced the world. I'm not really proud of it.
The beginning of this conversation.
@jAndy No, I meant even if the situation would look like that you shouldn't forget about the power of new strategic concepts.
that sounds more like a myth or madness to me, trying to win against a 1:11, maybe 1:10 ratio in tanks, soldiers, air-force, navy
which was the situation 1939
hey anyone know if you can list all registered modules in angular?
Seen this webgl demo yet? I am totally addicted ^^ hellorun.helloenjoy.com
@jAndy And again you're not seeing the big picture, it wasn't only Germany. Fun fact, Russia and Germany had a pact to invade Poland.
Anyway, I don't really want to lose more time with an unimportant discussion.
@OctavianDamiean non-aggression pact no alliance
@OliverSchöning Is it just me, or is it nearly impossible?
I don't think its that unimportant, but I guess thats what most people think today, which is sad
@OliverSchöning I swear there's walls with no holes.
@kendall idk. I am testing if I can rely on "my gut" and move through it. instead of focusing. But I got 122 at best :p
Its funny how things work.. I was stuck at 60. but then you figure some rythm out and you get way better. Life.
My record is 23
Shit. I have a problem.
Double score if you speed up passing through the walls
This is bad.
With the mouse, it's f-ing impossible.
I am playing to hear the music. and yes! My LG mouse cable gets stuck!
... I'm 30 years old.
@RyanKinal welcome to the club :D
@RyanKinal Why is that a problem?
posted on September 18, 2013

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Last day to get your First Human poster. We will likely not be carry

It's not. I'm just being overly dramatic :-D
Safe to presume its your birthday today?
Wait, today isn't your birthday, right?
@RyanKinal ooooooooooooooooooooold
Today, is, in fact, my birthday.
@RyanKinal happy birthday bro!
Thanks :-)
Holy fap!
Happy birthday!
@RyanKinal Happy Birthday ^^
Holy cow...
@RyanKinal Happy birthday squire.
@jAndy another one joined your club
@RyanKinal all the best dude !
@jAndy wait, you're 31? OH GOD ARE YOU OLD!
teens, tweens, is there a word for thirties?
... thirties?
@OctavianDamiean you knew that already and just wanted to rub it into my face
@OliverSchöning granpa
you're a bad person
Nah, 30 is cool.
I'm just being a (young) dick.
Q: box shadow & border radius bug chrome

PinocchioJust found another bug in chrome when using border-radius and box-shadow. Hard to explain it, Look at the picture below, the first box is fine and has a radius of 53px, the second box loses its shadow on the corner, to me it looks like the shadow is now square but is being hidden with a overflo...

@OctavianDamiean (don't mention @dystroy's age.)
@FlorianMargaine what club, who ?
@OctavianDamiean its true. I can't explain it, but I like being 30.
@FlorianMargaine ahh you mean the age.. lol
I'll just take solace in the fact that I'll never be as old as @Zirak
@mikedidthis Now I can imagine how that is.
captains have to be experienced and old'ish
@RyanKinal You should join us on TS one day, to feel better.
is ziraks real age still unknown actually ? O_o
Ooh, I've been planning on it. Will probably have to be muted most days, due to being in the office.
Of course @jAndy should join us too.
@RyanKinal He's probably only 20.
@jAndy Zirak is ageless.
is it really true ?
@RyanKinal That's cool, you're gonna be like SomeKittens then.
@jAndy 7
no one after all the years knows his real age :P ?
come on.. :p this is the biggest myth I've ever seen
@AugustusFrancis Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@jAndy mainerror.com (TS hostname)
Get on there old man.
@RyanKinal loktar logged on, spoke a couple of sentences, and went idle. That was about a week and a half ago. He's still logged in to TS.
welcome to nginx ?
@Zirak lol, nice
@jAndy TS3.
@Loktar See the above
I'm in the office without any mic anyways :(
2 days and 6 hours ago he had a disconnect followed by an automatic reconnect, before that he had a connect time of 5 or 6 days.
so then, what's your defense?
yeah I got dc'd at like 2am the other night from everything
@Loktar You just hate us, deep down you do. Admit.
I'm trying to decide if I should have a crisis or not. I mean, I nearly bought a computer I clearly don't need. Does that count?
no Ill be active for bf4 beta
@Pinocchio isn't it a case of applying a border radius that is larger than the element height, so it breaks? I know it shouldn't like.
you guys just arent playing games I am
@RyanKinal You'll need it for BF4.
so I feel weird being in the chan talking
@OctavianDamiean nah, he hates us on the surface.
@Loktar We are not always playing, sometimes we're just trashtalking room users.
@mikedidthis I doesn't do it in firefox.
@OctavianDamiean I don't really play shooters?
plus when I play certain games like volgarr or rome total war 2 I need to concentrate! :P
@RyanKinal You will, for science.
For science, you say?
maybe ill join tonight and say HI!
can't connect from work :(
@RyanKinal bf4 beta is free oct 1st fyi
also did you not end up ordering the pc then?
@Pinocchio I get that, FF probably compensates for the miss calculation.
No, I might end up being more responsible and buying sorely needed furniture instead.
Furniture? How's that useful?
@RyanKinal which might be another sign of crisis
@RyanKinal you can imitate BF4 on the new furniture.
Can't you place a coaster on the new computer and call it a table?
@Shmiddty Happy birthday koala <3
wat? shmiddty too?
Wait, Smiddty's foreskin got older as well?
huh, it is
My kitchen table is third-hand, and broken. The two chairs that are left are unstable and basically unusable. My futon is second-hand, ripped, and broken.
It was @JanDvorak's birthday yesterday as well!
Well happy birthday to you and your foreskin @Shmiddty.
I said happy birthday to him too!
September,17, 1987, Jan Dvorak,
September,18, 1985, Shmiddty,
September,18, 1983, Ryan Kinal,
September,28, 1982, Loktar,
man, what occasion was it 9 months ago?
New Year...
Shmiddty also has a birthday ? wow
It actually ends up being something stupid like Thanksgiving.
"The Perl programming language is created by Larry Wall."
Or I'm completely remembering it wrong.
December 11th? That's nothing terribly significant.
@Darius Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@jAndy yeah, weird that a golf robot has a birthday right
> Mega Man is released in Japan.
Ryan Kinal has some interesting ones
The first U.S. execution by lethal injection is carried out in Texas.
The December murders occur in Suriname.
Oh shit happy birthday @RyanKinal and @Shmiddty!
and @JanDvorak!
Woodstock of physics: The marathon session of the American Physical Society’s meeting features 51 presentations concerning the science of high-temperature superconductors.
AZT is approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration for use in the treatment of HIV/AIDS.
nothing interesting :|
@mikedidthis and it only happens with inset
@RyanKinal you're the big 30!!
Hey guys, any of you used comet chat before? I'm trying to build my own custom chat app, and was wondering how they save the messages and tab open or close in between page visits. It doesn;t seem to run an ajax call upon page load.
@Zirak I like your "message" (Most likely historical events that aroused your parents:)
@Loktar Yerp
Grats on making it this far :P
@RyanKinal @Shmiddty @JanDvorak Happy Birthday (belated) guys !
Hehe, thanks
@RyanKinal Happy birthday!
(I wonder how many different ways there are in which you can reply to the same message.)
you are invited for captains dinner tonight
Anyone? :)
if you can bring a hot chic for the party afterwards.. sure
@SomeGuy Gracias?
@Shmiddty Happy birthday, Shmididtee!
@jAndy you're the hot chick ;)
A: box shadow & border radius bug chrome

mikedidthisFirstly I confirm I am not answering the original question, in the true sense, but I see this problem a little differently. I would question the values being used for the border-radius in the first place. The height of your <div> is 50px, therefore your border-radius value shouldn't be more tha...

bald men are always hot
!!tell mikedidthis wiki Devil's Footprints
@Pinocchio I still think your border-radius values are wrong.
Not as interesting today. The content is thinning out now.
@CapricaSix thank you kindly, will read when coffee arrives
You know, I'm really worried about mine. 30/07/1920 gives "In Germany, Adolf Hitler gives his first speech for the German Workers' Party (DAP)."
@Zirak lol
@Zirak you forgot me:(
!!Should I sacrifice my closevote privilege to open a bounty
@C5H8NNaO4 Not at all
@rlemon I padded 1 before and after; September 15 was XCritics (Datsik now?)
damn, so all of our parents were getting freaky at the same timeish
Yeah, unless time is linear.
(cept mine, i'm premature, but that date coincides with my brothers b-day.. so my parents got to humpin after they put him to bed?)
...it's not really
Q: Fancybox 1.3.4 : how to disable effect on gallery?

Romain ScheibertA plugin I have installed use fancybox 1.3.4. Yeah I know, pretty old... On galleries, between images, the fancybox applies a kind of transition effect. I cannot disable it. Here is ma javascript code : jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $("a.fancy").fancybox({ "width" : ...

@Zirak i'll make your ass linear...
That doesn't make any sense
... I'll make your ass sense
That's so stupid I started laughing lmao
@OctavianDamiean Anything I need to know for TS besides mainerror.com?
Huh. It failed for me for some reason.
Ooh, I wonder if the port is blocked.
That would be sad.
Aww, the port is probably blocked.
@RyanKinal Nope.
@RyanKinal yea.. for me too here :(
@Zirak what about it?
blocked souls
I'll get on at home at some point.
@Darius That's where our 4 message exchange is from.
It's a good show
Anyone know how to set a selected radio button by default in ZF2? using array notation. The zend site won't load.
Ahh. kk.
@CharliePrynn I'm not sure this is the room in which to ask that question.
@Fogolicious Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@RyanKinal Suppose not. Worth a shot.

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