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God damn, solving Rubiks cube is waste of time
Ew, comma first
!!> (function f() {
return '(' + f + ')()'
@C5H8NNaO4 "SyntaxError: missing } after function body"
If you want a reason to become a mass murderer, play this game on hard.
@Zirak been there tried that
completed the first level
I want that hard badge.
? Why that SyntaxError ?
Bot doesn't accept multiline input.
@Zirak it's more an endurance batch than anything else
ok... let's get to it
!!> (function f() { return '(' + f + ')()' })()
@C5H8NNaO4 "(function f() { return '(' + f + ')()' })()"
HaHa this is funny
This person writes full adder instead of using +
hi there
Hey there?
> I built a simple XOR function — which is the first building block not built in to JavaScript:
i get a json string like "{\"DefaultAndroidApnService\":\"http://coapn.yipinapp.com\"}", type is object{string}
Do you think he/she is bragging?
how to get the value of a certain key?
!foo ^ !bar
I love JavaScript gui with CSS and HTML
DefaultAndroidApnService for example, should i split that myself
It's SO MUCH EASIER than XAML based things.
It's absurd how you get used to stuff like XAML after a week or two, only to come back to web and go "WTF XAML?!"
XAML was that Microsoft crap ?
Yeah, I still use it but I wanted to make a windows 8 app now, and you can either use XAML or HTML
Oh dear lord, 8 more levels...
I don't want to think of the rainbow one...or the flower one...
The books has a whole chapter one of to defined object, so no it's not really possible to explain it in an answer here. Basically, the goal is to avoid building object that need 'new' to be instanciated, and relying on a good understanding of closure and scope to produce safe and optimized JS code. Really, this book made me a better programmer in just a few hours. — Scalpweb Sep 13 at 13:13
guess which book?
@Esailija your book?
I didn't imagine someone could even get such delusions from reading good parts
Well, Javascript the good parts then. @Crockford
@Zirak I know, right?! I'm going to be watching his other show, "Love is Evol" today. I don't think anything can beat the one I watched yesterday, though!
What format are online databases
@deep whatever they want
What format are they usually
@deep DVD-RW
Your not helping.
@deep nor are you
I'm not supposed to be
If I'm asking a stupid question, Say why it's stupid.
How can we divide a grid dynamically by number given into number of columns and rows ? for example if i has given 24 i must divide 24 into rows and columns dynamically in javascript
there are 8 different nice ways to do that
@Gajini That doesn't make sense.
@Gajini 24 is the number of columns, you don't divide anything into rows. I'm not quite sure if you know what you're talking about.
@OctavianDamiean @Pinocchio 24 is total number of items
find all the factors of the number, get the two most central values
i has to display them in a grid
@Pinocchio yes
What grid library are you using or did you write your own?
Ok... Looks like im getting nowhere here. Bye Guys!
Also, we don't know what items you have there, how much space they need and so on.
@deep Good bye there, you're welcome not to return until you learn to ask proper questions.
@Gajini try 24 * .25
@OctavianDamiean i am not using any library. i was stuck in a game. i am getting number of items from server let say once they send 12 items and once 8 items only . now i have to display them in a grid. Depending on the number of items they send to me, i have to divide rows and columns
@dievardump That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
That roxx !
That won't work
@Gajini I don't get it ... a grid can be made of as many columns as you want ... do you even know what a grid is?
@Gajini That's a good question.
Wasn't the name of this chatroom !Javascript before lunch?
Yea, jAndy decided to put it on topic again.
@Pinocchio what to do :(
44 secs ago, by Octavian Damiean
@Gajini I don't get it ... a grid can be made of as many columns as you want ... do you even know what a grid is?
So the name of this chatroom evals to false
It means it's about JavaScript right now.
@jAndy mainly Angular and Knockout for binding and client side management but it's on a per project basis, a lot of my own code, Require for loading (browserify was too problematic), and a lot of grunt for builds and stuff. Also jQuery for old browsers, momentjs for dates, and Raphael for drawing most of the time.
@OctavianDamiean equal columns/rows
Doesn't make too much sense to me but whatever.
@OctavianDamiean What was wrong with my question?
@deep That it doesn't quite make sense without defining what database you're talking about.
@deep It's too spontaneous. You didn't say anything prior to that question.
YOu know how you can have a user login system, like Facebook, our Details (Name, age, Email etc) are stored in a database, what file format is that database?
There are like a myriad of different databases you can chose from.
@OctavianDamiean dude, THE database.
Such as?
@deep A database is a type of program which stores information and hides implementation details
It depends how it is stored and it doesn't even matter in the end
M$ Access
!!tell mikedidthis wiki Genie (Feral child)
@SomeGuy Command genie does not exist. Did you mean: getit
@deep the question is, why would you care how the data is saved?
This is a list of relational database management systems. List of Software *4th Dimension *Adabas D *Alpha Five *Apache Cassandra *Apache Derby *Aster Data *Altibase *BlackRay *CA-Datacom *Clarion *Clustrix *CSQL *CUBRID *Daffodil database *DataEase *Database Management Library *Dataphor *dBase *Derby aka Java DB *Empress Embedded Database *EXASolution *EnterpriseDB *eXtremeDB *FileMaker Pro *Firebird *Greenplum *GroveSite *H2 *Helix database *HSQLDB *IBM DB2 *IBM Lotus Approach *IBM DB2 Express-C *Infobright *Informix *Ingres *InterBase *InterSystems Caché *GT.M *Linter *MariaDB *MaxDB *...
Those are just a couple.
@D_K Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Oh, and those are just relational databases.
O.k. This is just confusing.
@SomeGuy in context this is odd to say, but thank you.
@mikedidthis Haha, you're welcome!
@deep What's confusing, exactly?
I want users to be able to login to my site, and then i want to load their profile picture
@deep Use a database. teehee
I dont know how
No really, you have to get some basic knowledge of what a database is and how to use one.
Gimme a link, all the ones i have found are confusing
well you will have to look into that
@deep Databases will save large amounts of data (byte info from a file like an image perhaps) only if databases support saving large amounts of data
@deep change your job then, become a gardener.
@Gajini Do you only want to know how to find the factors of a number ?
@deep Every new bit of technology you'll learn is potentially going to be confusing at first which is why you have to learn how to use them.
@C5H8NNaO4 my be if it is only solution for me
Then where do i start?
Learning all this this
@deep I'd say, pick the most popular database and try to find tutorials.
I've seen MySQL being used quite a lot.
@deep start by realising you don't have to read the database files yourself
What do you mean
@deep databases (not files) are applications that store data in a way you shouldn't care about. The only thing you care is that they (relational databases) offer a common language, called SQL, to let you request and store data
He means that the DBMS is going to read the file for you and return data.
function f (n) {
 var res = [];
 for (var i=1,c;i <= (c=0|n/i);i++) {
      if (i * c === n)
          res.push ( [i,c] )
 return res

Should give you an array of value pairs which match up to the number inputted. *untested*
I know about SQL
@deep all you have to know is that if you send SQL, you can store/request data from a database, end of story
@C5H8NNaO4 let me try
You're getting me down ... @deep.
@OctavianDamiean Don't feed the @troll.
@C5H8NNaO4 What are you trying to do?
@OctavianDamiean s/down deep/deep down/ :(
Can you use SQL To store and delete data? I don't think you can but i want to check
I give up.
@deep yeah, you don't know SQL.
@deep yes. facepalm
Of course you can. That'S the point of a database ffs
Hmm, gardening might be too complicated for you, mmmmkay..
I don't know SQL, I know ABOUT SQL
SQL is a language that a database understands, though
me no gusta
@Pinocchio finding the factors of a number
@Pinocchio LOL
@deep SQL is to speak to the database, Database is to store stuff.
Then How do you edit the contents of a database? from a webpage?
@deep the server does
you talk to the database
in SQL
inb4 troll alert
How do you tell the server to delete the data?
@deep Using a magic potion. You have to milk a unicorn.
@FlorianMargaine you're the finest troll ever
@deep DELETE FROM users WHERE username = ? ????
There We go! Now,How do you make this potion
@FlorianMargaine Troll level: 99
@OctavianDamiean don't tell him THE secret $_$
@OctavianDamiean aaaand that's why unicorns are disappearing.
^Thats what she said @Utopik
@deep A real magician never reveals his secrets.
He doesn't know how milk unicorns yet. ;)
he knows he has to kill a unicorn for that
@Pinocchio Unless the magician is female, in which case all bets are off.
$sql="CREATE DATABASE my_db";
if (mysqli_query($con,$sql)){...
@FlorianMargaine no no, you don't kill the unicorn, it's just like milking goats. You have to caress it, play with ballsack.
because how often do you need to create a database from PHP?
@JanDvorak if you're writing server management website?
@OctavianDamiean Well damn.. wish I had known that sooner.. I had been doing it the hard way all these years
or, I don't know, any database management application
@FlorianMargaine I wouldn't want people who read W3schools to build server management tools
@OctavianDamiean come and milk me. I have magic properties.
Uhm, pass but thanks for the offer nonetheless.
Come on. Play with my ballsack.
Not sure if your wife will understand that.
she doesn't have to know.
Actually you should be using pdo
and hopefully, she doesn't want to go on english websites, hence she's never going there
@OctavianDamiean When your wife walks in on you playing with @FlorianMargaine's ballsack, just tell her it was just a programming technique and I'm sure she'll understand.
$database = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=databaseName", $username, $password);
@Neil Pair programming? That's what pair programming means?
@Pinocchio qui, moi? I'm only quoting w3s
@JanDvorak just saying.
@Pinocchio wow wow wow, what's new? what's PDO? what's host? what's localhost?
@OctavianDamiean Shh shh! Don't let the secret out!
@FlorianMargaine They're pretty cheap in Troll Mart you should check them out xD
@C5H8NNaO4 Man thank you
@FlorianMargaine I've heard it's a new version of Windows. or so
@JanDvorak oh. That's why it was so easy to hack! I hacked localhost last time and totally pwned him
deleted his C:
@deep So, figured it out then?
however, I don't know why, but I had to reinstall windows ME on my computer after this victory
@FlorianMargaine what did he do when he found out?
I wanted to install debian woody with my floppy discs, but my computer is not advanced enough to have floppy discs. So fok it :(
The hacked strikes back then!
room topic changed to JavaScript: We would like to put in our vote for "Your code is bad". Everything but JS. – Read rules.javascriptroom.com [ecmascript] [javascript]
@Neil no u cant hak me lol i hav 4 antivirus + 2 fire wal protectin me + a super secret tool i stole at the nsa and noone can hak it lol
@FlorianMargaine so much grammar fail...
@JanDvorak (that's the point)
note to self: Remember to validate your HTML to find subtle typos in tags.
@OctavianDamiean this is where XHTML is a benefit
@Gajini You're welcome =)
@Leon Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@FlorianMargaine Bet you dont ave wat i got, i got norten anty virus. gold pakage so no 1 will be hakin me!!!
SEE EYE AY use it unall.
!!should I stay or should I go now
@RyanKinal You should stay
Hmmm. But, if I stay, the trouble will be double.
double double, toil and trouble
deflating the .NET bubble
@SanjayNakate Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@JanDvorak Bah. Stupid .NET
:shakes fist:
double double, toil and trouble
love to hate you, Barney Rubble
double double, toil and trouble
@marlen Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
gah that world in 1k has been posted everywhere
... should I be scared?
@RyanKinal not necessarily but never drop the soap ...
damnit jslover!
I was just invited as well
is not into threesomes
posted on September 17, 2013

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Just kidding. This isn't real at all. O_O

in Room for JSLover and Ryan Kinal, 40 secs ago, by JSLover
I've included both of them
^ @RyanKinal @Loktar
who is jslover?!
ooh help vamp eh?
Most likely
include <loktar.h>
include <ryankinal.h>
Included both.
Right there.
Hard to deny that logic
Maybe I should finally write another article for blogascript.
On basic debugging procedures.
Step 0 Debug before asking for help. DO IT!
Lol, I just got him a chat badge :P
by starring his message in the other room heh
Best JavaScript line ever.
Except when committed to a repository.
or iteratively executing code.
yeah.. even worse than alert() in a loop
it can be even worse than a fart in a sauna
@dievardump I don't use the debugger because the code I write is always right the first time and never has any bugs.
Also, it's in Ruby
@dievardump I use those All. The. Time. Seriously.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Well that was depressing.
Hi:-) : I will start by saying : "I know it's bad design but it's not my code". And here is the question : Is it possible to change only the text in :
    <span class="btn   " >
      Approve personal details
     <img src="/Images/table-arrow-active.png" style="margin-left:10px;">
@BenjaminGruenbaum dat feeling when you write 300 lines of JS code, and you try it out, and it works. It. Works.
@RoyiNamir only way is to get the textNode
and change its data
something with type=3....right ?
Or remove it and insert a new one
I think you should just be able to remove the firstChild of the span
Or edit, I guess
@RyanKinal nope
might be the newline
whats wrong with just getting the textnode there ?
Ah, true
loop through the textnodes till you find one that matches /Approve personal details/
or anything but whitespace characters
hmmm no
something with this.nodeType == 3
Actually, wouldn't the newlines just be part of the first text node?
@RyanKinal That's what I was wondering
Maybe it counts as its own node
   .filter(function() {
       return this.nodeType === 3  ;
not working
It does in xml anyway
(should work , I might be missing something )
@RoyiNamir You probably want to check for the tagName. If it has one, and it's img, then don't remove the node.
@RyanKinal it does not has tag.( the text)
@RoyiNamir Right... but you're looking to remove everything that's not an image, right?
[].filter.call(document.getElementsByClassName( 'btn' )[ 0 ].childNodes, function( node ) {
    return node.nodeType === 3 && node.textContent.trim().length;
Congratulations on your random outburst of common sense?
@jAndy Thanks but I can not handle it as a jQuery object. for example how can I change text ?
   .filter(function() {
       return this.nodeType === 3  && $.trim(this.nodeValue) !== '' ;
   }) .text( ?????????);
What ThiefMaster said.
what did he say

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