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i want to develop something like pixlr.com
is this the right way to go shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920018421.do being an intermediate
Probably not.
@BenjaminGruenbaum hmm why?
"jquery developer guide" sounds like a red flag
First indication - had jQuery in the title
iam a complete noob
when it comes to web programming
jQuery is not a language, and not even really a framework
@techno jQuery is a hamper of functions.
what do you suggest then
where should i begin
@techno Do you know the syntax pretty well? If so, start with "The Good Parts"
@techno Javascript
If not, eloquent JavaScript is pretty decent, The rhino book is ok.
MDN guide is fair
@Pinocchio i know basic jscript
@BenjaminGruenbaum ?
@techno I'm assuming you may need to look at canvas for that.
@techno Read "JavaScript: The Good Parts", it's a nice introduction to the language and it's pretty short.
jscript != javascript
@Pinocchio That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
@Pinocchio hmmm
No, i know
@JanDvorak orly?
jscript is either the javascript engine in IE, or a proprietary language that is almost, but not quite, javascript
It's JavaScript, but MS didn't want to call it JS :P
!!wiki JScript
JScript is Microsoft's dialect of the ECMAScript standard that is used in Microsoft's Internet Explorer. JScript is implemented as a Windows Script engine. This means that it can be "plugged in" to any application that supports Windows Script, such as Internet Explorer, Active Server Pages, and Windows Script Host. It also means that any application supporting Windows Script can use multiple languages (JScript, VBScript, Perl, and others). JScript was first supported in the Internet Explorer 3.0 browser released in August 1996. Its most recent version is JScript 9.0, included in Interne...
@BenjaminGruenbaum well,im trying to develop an interactive app
@techno Read "The Good Parts", when you're done with that there's "Learning JavaScript Design Patterns" which is a free ebook by Addy Osmani.
Guys have any of you used the google plus sign in feature for your sites?
@Cifer Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@BenjaminGruenbaum The Good Parts looks basic
@techno read it. it's helpful.
variable,strings ... and stuff
@techno It's also short, and interesting which makes it a good read.
It pretty much takes a developer who already knows how to code and knows the basic syntax, and brings them up to date with better practices in the language so they don't mess things up.
@BenjaminGruenbaum hmm
@techno You can't build a skyscraper before you know how to build a shack, starting with architectural patterns in JS before knowing how the simpler design patterns work will get you nothing but frustration.
If you want to do proper GUI coding that does separation of concerns, modularity and so on and so on, you need a good foundation first.
@Doorknob @techno You can't build a skyscraper before you know how to build a shack; starting with architectural patterns in JS before knowing how the simpler design patterns work will get you nothing but frustration. (source)
grammarnazi :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum okay
If you're stuck anywhere feel free to come here and ask :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum Thanks,I appreciate it
User granted access:
^WTF is that?
well can i make something like pixlr with basic javascript
@deep um.
Also, I'd avoid jQuery altogether for the duration of the learning process, it's perfectly fine to use but it can really mess up your learning process. "jQuery developers" are pretty much the laughing stock of the JS world since they don't understand how JS works.
@techno define "basic"
somethings like MVC framework should be needed right
@deep That's a token for authentication.
@techno ...no? Why?
@Doorknob don't know
@BenjaminGruenbaum Do you mind giving me a link to a page which explains all of this?

https://developers.google.com/+/web/signin/ Isnt very Helpful
@techno There are plenty of solid MV* frameworks in JS for organizing GUI, again - I would not start with an architectural pattern before you master the simpler design patterns and the better idiomatic constructs of how JS code should be written.
@BenjaminGruenbaum okay
so i will go with Learning JavaScript Design Patterns
Also, you don't "need" MVC to do anything, it's just a pattern for doing separation of concerns in an application with GUI
@BenjaminGruenbaum what server side language you suggest
@techno Yeah, Addy's book is solid, still I'd read it after the good parts. If you don't want to spare the money for the book Doug uploaded most of the important stuff to YouTube. Generally, Doug is a pretty solid speaker and the youtube stuff is generally interesting to watch anyway.
will check it out
@techno Probably the language you already know best, and even after that - that depends on the use case, pricing, availability, need for scaling, and so on.
@techno wait, why do you need a serverside lang for an image editor
@Doorknob user accounts,cookies
oh, so it's not just an editor
@Doorknob i just needed to give you a popular example
it may not be an image editor
well I had no idea what it was before you gave a link :P
@Doorknob :P
google online image editor
one more concern ,if there are CPU intensive tasks like say
video conversion that is done using the power of the server
what is the language to use
javascript is a client side language right?
@techno We have JS running on the server nowdays, it's called NodeJS
Still, if you're highly proficient at another language, you might want to use that for serverside instead.
Getting JS to behave is nontrivial
(In server side)
@BenjaminGruenbaum NodeJS ... ohhkay
all these frameworks and stuff are confusing
well,let me start with the basics
Exactly, starting with the basics is exactly what you should do.
but for other languages eg:.net there is ASP.net and the MVC
@Loktar just preordered the premium edition, I'll see you on the battlefield.
MVC is quite different from the normal ASP
i think will go with the basic ASP and switch if needed
@BenjaminGruenbaum why?
"Basic asp" - by which you probably mean "WebForms" is a horrible horrible technology. It transfers all state all the time and it ignores the stateless nature of HTTP.
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeah, i had to use jquery to prevent postback
It's pretty much broken. ASP.NET MVC on the other hand is pretty ok for the most part. You also have ASP Web Pages which is decent I guess but way to basic for any real use.
@techno Pretty much avoid WebForms, run from it like wild fire, it's ancient deprecated technology that's not worth learning in the first place.
@BenjaminGruenbaum okay,is there something like i should first learn web forms
and then go on with MVC
Don't learn WebForms, WebForms and MVC are inherently different
MVC seems to be quite different from webforms(from what i know)
(Fun fact, ASP.NET MVC does not implement the MVC design pattern, they just added it to the name to be cool like Rials)
@techno Yeah, MVC relies on the fact HTTP is stateless, WebForms disregards that fact and does a lot of stupid stuff. WebForms was developed in parallel to AJAX.
there are controllers and stuff in MVC
If it confuses you you can start with WebMatrix and ASP.NET Web Pages which is simpler than both of the other ones and then move to MVC when the need arises
no, more like "User systems for dummies"
is this the webforms
this link you provided asp.net/web-pages
@techno No, this is web pages , it's different. It's not as nice as MVC but it's fine.
@deep I have no idea what you're talking about.
It's a lot better than WebForms anyway.
@BenjaminGruenbaum oh man there is another one too
what is this thing called
Don't worry about it too much, focus on learning JavaScript :)
@OctavianDamiean My BAd, i just need a link to a page that explain how user systems work, in simple language
Only do ASP.NET if your C# is fairly good
WebMatrix is an editor, it uses ASP.NET web pages which is a new and basic technology
@deep What are user systems?
i have a question about writing to database just wane make sure because i was helping some1 witht there question and i dont have the energy to install slq to be sure
yeah,i got very good experience in c# desktop apps
@OctavianDamiean Stuff Like Mozilla Persona
@techno Cool, if you use WPF you can use KnockoutJS which does very similar data binding to WPF (after you have experience with the language of course :))
the question was how to write text from a multiline textbox into a database then retrieve it as it is and put it back in that textbox later
@BenjaminGruenbaum javascript+asp.net web pages
@deep You should read the Persona documentation then because it's completely different than the typical OAuth.
is the way to go
@Nikki On the server?
@BenjaminGruenbaum well no WPF , winforms only :(
@techno It's a way to go, and it's the easiest one if you already know C#, again - I'd really start with The Good Parts and then Addy Osmani's book.
@techno Doing GUI in JS/HTML is a lot funner than doing it in WinForms :)
i auess but the point was that the enter key didnt preserve the text as is eg it should save the new lines as wel
@BenjaminGruenbaum not easy i think,in winforms you just need to drag and drop
i sugested using the <pre></pre> tags and instead of a multiline textbox use a rich textbox
@techno Just drag and drop works for the first two hours of development :)
@Nikki You're not making much sense, sorry.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Thanks Benjamin,it was a great help
lets say you wrote a paragraph and wanted to save it to a database as it is. then load it later into a textbox from the database
@techno You're welcome
I only tend to use drag-and-drop for disposing of corpses in the canal.
@Nikki Is the database on the client, or on the server?
but the database doesnt save it as a paragraph but a 1 line string
Make sure not to strip new line characters then.
@OctavianDamiean Cheers
I'm not quite sure if I understand the problem but yea.
im guessing the servers side later on but for now while debugging on the client side it doesnt save the paragraph as a paragraphp but a continues 1 line string
That sentence describes this room pretty well :P
@Nikki Create a fiddle on jsfiddle.net illustrating the issue.
mayb i should just add the question here
I am done !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
now suggest me domain guys !!!!
um how do i do that
@OctavianDamiean That was disappointing.
@Nikki by creating a fiddle on jsfiddle.net
ok how do i do that
How do I make a JavaScript?
insert a text include new line character (from Enter button) from textbox into SQL
that was the question heDING
@Nikki go on jsfiddle.net, make a fiddle illustrating the issue.
wont help the person didnt give any code
do you guys know how the <pre> tag works?
What are you even talking about then?
@Nikki it shows code...
like this
it shows code
i ment the question didnt have code
ill pase the question
I've already read many questions and answers about my problem, but I cannot get the solution.

I have a textbox in my Webform, I write the text which entered from that textbox(from Keyboard) into SQL DB. But when I open the table in SQL DB, the text is showing without any new line character (ex: \n) or any replacement character.

So that, when I get that text from the SQL DB to showing on a Panel in my Webform again, it display the text same as one in SQL DB.

How can I insert the text from Textbox into SQL and load it again into a Panel in Webform correctly???
@Nikki Is that question on SO?
Then how about linking the question?
A: insert a text include new line character (from Enter button) from textbox into SQL

Nikkiwhen you write it to database put <pre></pre> tag around the text also save it as NVARCHAR(MAX) instead of NVARCHAR and the textbox must be a richtextbox not a multiline textbox, the pre tag wil reserve the text as is in richformat and when you put it back from the database to the textbox it shou...

and i gave a answer to it but im not sure the answer works 100%
@Nikki ummm... that answer doesn't make much sense
the persons using a multiline textbox
ummm... this doesn't make much sense... — Doorknob 3 secs ago
then saves it to there database
wow ... I'm ... wow
dv'd both q and a, both are not useful in SO, both make no sense, both show fundamental lack of understanding in so many technologies and lack of research. Sorry.
but when they load it from the database it doesnt return the same
cv'd question as lack of minimal understanding
whats cvd?
@Nikki closevote
You're answering an unclear problem with an unclear answer there...
In case that wasn’t clear before, I am not sharing this question because I like it. It now has a net score of +1. http://stackoverflow.com/q/18814873/707111
^ That is “lacks minimal understanding”
it makes sense
they wane save a paragraph to sql database then return the paragraph as is
@minitech Huh? That has 6 upvotes.
> when you write it to database put <pre></pre> tag around the text
what...? how does that change anything
@Nikki How are they getting the form value? How are they saving it? Where is the code that does these?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yes, it’s ridiculous
Careful though
He could just be a kid
We don’t want kids thinking that their questions are no good
the question wasnt about code that much
@minitech But his question is no good
@minitech why not? it is no good
It’s the effort that counts
@Nikki It's not the intentions what we're having a problem with, it's a) their effort to solve it and b) your execution of an attempt to help 'em.
Even though there is no effort
@minitech No, not really
"plz help me write mmorpg for free in a week. plz don't close, I'm a kid"
Yeah. For God’s sakes.
It does make for a funny quote, though
> +1 to @FUD
@Nikki Are you being serious?
wel using pre tag and richtextbox instead of multiline textbox
@minitech Heh, yeah that made me laugh. Newcomers should have bad questions CV'd and adding a nice short description on why it's a bad fit... helping them just encourages more bad questions.
@Nikki WTH are you talking about? I've been a web developer for 10 years, I've used a variety of languages and technologies... this room is full of people who do this for a living and most of them are quire good... you're not making any sense.
Sympathy upvotes tho
lets just drop it
oooh, shiny new flag dialog?
some people dono how to ask and i just tried to answer
@Doorknob Yes!
For me, it means not having as many options
@mini Yay :D
Oh, that is nice.
@Nikki don't answer if you don't understand the question...
(The moderators’ flag thing is just spam/offensive/other now)
Which port ranges can be used for local development? I've seen 8000, 9000, 35729...
@Nikki Naa, this is just a room who likes correct information and high level discussion.
@ŠimeVidas All of them.
Why not 80?
80 requires root or the right flag, at least on Linux.
I see.
@ŠimeVidas because the real thing usually sits there
All of them below 1024 do.
And the ones above 32767 are not safe to use.
They’re for ephemeral ports.
then wheres the noob room for people who wane learn
I think.
@minitech that's not what I observe on Windows
@Nikki Stack Overflow, but read the Help Center first
@minitech I only use port 1337.
@JanDvorak Yes, I added “at least on Linux”. No restrictions on Windows AFAIK.
Nice :)
@Nikki We're perfectly fine with people learning... See the discussion we've had with techno right above where you started talking. The problem is with misinformation.
You have to ask clear, simple isolated questions.
How do you disable the annoying blue selection thingy
@Nikki ...flagged
@Nikki: Can you please just drop this?
well, that escalated quickly.
Looks like he has to, at least for the next half hour.
Dammit.. I missed it.
@Doorknob Looks like he has to, at least for the next hour. (source)
Meh, I don't like people being banned :/ He did have it coming though.
> This user has been automatically suspended for posting inappropriate content and cannot chat for 58 minutes.
That’s what flags do. Chat is kind of silly that way.
@minitech Well, it works
The bad part is - all his answers are kinda bad :/
I don't like scaring off users and stuff... it's just really frustrating when they spread misinformation.
Who's This?
@deep The object calling the function, you can change it using .call or .apply and you can make it stick using .bind an anonymous function wrapper, or an arrow function.
I was asking Who got banned
@minitech Is your name a reference to Office Space?
@copy No
It is not a reference to anything
I’m not even sure where it comes from
My name is a reference to Benjamin Button.
I confuse about the logic in html.
Since angular developer team say not recommended to put logic in html but why there is a <ng-if> <ng-switch> etc ? Isn't it a logic too ?
"tech guy with a small one"?
@vzhen: Display-related logic is fine in templates. Application/"business" logic isn't.
ugh ... SO is depressing, now I remember why I stopped reading questions ...
@ThiefMaster ic
Hey people
whats up
@BenjaminGruenbaum I thought it was a reference to Benjamin Atkins.
@Cygwinnian I hate people
deepschool.kd.io/Pages/Experiments/newversion.htm?p=right This is a test page, If you look at the url, there is a get request positioning the test menu on the left, is there a way i can set this as default, because without the query the meny is on the right, i want the queryless page to set the meny to the right basically
@OctavianDamiean oh. wow
Humans destroyed his home planet.
oh. pandora?
The Earth's yellow sun has a toxic effect on him. Unless he smokes 10 grams of marijuana per week, he'll die.
See officer, he's doing it because he loves life. And I'm only...uh...keeping some safe for him.
How do you do expanding menus without jQuery?
@Doorknob, are you secretly Sumer
@deep: CSS or non-jQuery JavaScript.
@deep You take a time machine and go back 10 years
Because they are so outdated
@deep Are they fixed-width?
@deep Help vampire? ;)
@Minitech meaning? and @ThiefMaster No.
@deep Is each menu the same width? It’s easier when that’s the case.
Although, come to think of it, who cares
I’ll whip up an example if you like
There are submenus, but it is only one menu
That would be very nice of you.
purecss.io/menus/#vertical-menu I was thinking something like this.
@deep You need a magic wand, a wizard hat and quite some amount of ethyl alcohol. Drink enough ethyl alcohol and the menus will do whatever you want them to do, even sing Magic by Pilot for you. The hat and magic wand are just for the people that are not drunk.
pure is purdy
@deep I just had the weirdest idea ever, I'm not even kidding! Check out the source.
installing xorg on arch linux feels like raping
I know right?
So weird.
@FlorianMargaine What?
No, Thats not what i mean @OctavianDamiean i have looked at the source, and i have the menu, i want to make it expandable.
@deep It's impossible. jquery only does that because it made a deal with Dr. Evil.
@minitech so many stuff...
so heavy...
@Zirak. If i use jquery, will you all kill me?
Thank you
@FlorianMargaine Which parts did you install?
@minitech xorg
which made it install like 50 packages
What, like pacman -S xorg?
Didn’t know that was a group, but you don’t have to install all of it
@FlorianMargaine Don't complain, archlinux is really small compared to anything else
Unless you have a reason?

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