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one liner for:
sinstr = instrs.split(',');
sinstr.splice(sinstr.indexOf(inst), 1);
instrs = sinstr.join(',');
instrs is a csv string
@Dave-88 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Hello i have a problem with a checkbox validation
on my Tip Area Soccer Game. So if the user likes to tip a game, he must have to use 2 inputs field and the confirmation checkbock. But if the user uses 2 inputs fields and "more than one" confirmation checkbox, then he must get an alert error message. Because the right combination consists from "2 input fields + confimration checkbox
here my form code:

<form action="Ctipservlet" id="AddTip" onsubmit="return chkAddTip()" method="POST">
<div id="inhalt"><h1>Tip Area</h1>
<th>Your Tip</th>
<td>19:30 Uhr</td>
<td>Schalke - Bayern</td>
<td><input style="width:30px!important; text-align: center;" type="text" name="team_a0" maxlength="2" size="2">:<input style="width:30px!important; text-align: center;" type="text" name="team_b0" maxlength="2" size="2"></td>
and here my javascript code:
function chkAddTip(){

var inputs = document.getElementById('AddTip').getElementsByTagName('input');

// boolean flag
var foundValid = false;

// early exit the loop if at least one valid bet has been found
for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length && !foundValid; i += 3){
if (inputs[i].type !== "submit" && (inputs[i].value && inputs[i + 1].value && inputs[i + 2].checked)) {
// set the flag to true when a valid bet is found
foundValid = true;

// determine the return value depending on the flag
if (foundValid) {
ohh i forget on the form code the submit button to paste
<input class="button_green" type="submit" name="tip" value="Submit Tip">
<input class="button_blue" onclick="this.form.onsubmit = null" type="submit" name="back" value="Back">
have someone idea to solve this error problem?
I beg your pardon sir?
"Screw Shcool" by anonymous
is my idea not possible?
if i have a button in update panel and have a click event in jquery .the click is fired only once why?
please any one help me
use .on and click
@O0oO0oOO0ooO so if you can help me to solve my problem so please do it
$(document).on('click',"Your ID",function{................
@FlerexFerwin Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Dave-88 can you provide a JS fiddle
@ఠ_ఠ give me a moment i do it
@ఠ_ఠ here i have to write my problem stackoverflow.com/questions/18671918/…
@ఠ_ఠ withe screenshot
@ఠ_ఠ i hope you understand my problem :) cause my english is not so good :(
@ఠ_ఠ but if you see the screenshot you can understand my problem
what's that "your tip"
schalke have 0 goals and bayern 5 goals
okay the right headline were Your bet
But if the user uses 2 inputs fields and "more than one" confirmation checkbox, then he must get an alert error message.
i don't understand this line
if the user crazy
he use the 2 inputs fields and click on the confirm checkbox
and click on submit
that is okay and the server need this
but if the user use 2 inputs field and klick on the checkbox and click to another check without to use the another 2 inputs field
So do you want to stop being click if there is a right combination ?
so he get a alert error message
that he can only use 2 inputs + one checkbox
this is group
if one can say so
so i will give the user a error message
for example
if he ckick only 2 inputs field + 2 checkbox or more checkbox
So why we can't stop being checked more than one combination check boxes ?
@ఠ_ఠ thanks
hii all, i'm trying to exit from the app when the button is clicked, but getting this error 09-07 17:31:08.344: E/Web Console(1136): TypeError: Result of expression 'navigator.device' [undefined] is not an object. at file:///android_asset/www/menu.html:24
any idea on my error?
@ఠ_ఠ see you the screenshots?
post ur code@DD.
Hmmm, I noticed Youtube starts to download slowly when I'm not focused on the browser. Damn you HTML5!!
@ఠ_ఠ that is right
what do you mean
but i don't have idea to coding this
i tried with this also but could not solve this stackoverflow.com/questions/12297525/… @Somnath
@Dave-88 using JQUERY
    $(document).on('change', 'input:checkbox', function (event) {

        var bol = $("input:checkbox:checked").length >= 1;
        $("input:checkbox").not(":checked").attr("disabled", bol);

element.addEventListener('click',handlerFunction,false); see this@DD.
where is ur event
@Dave-88 if you need peo JS go ahead
@ఠ_ఠ ah okay, but what do i do when i want to confirm more than one game at one time (cant use more than 1 checkbox at the same time)
use a confirmation alert @Dave-88
@Jaypal Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@DD. am i wrong
@ఠ_ఠ that is a good idea but my problem is for example
we have a view
with 10 games
on the display for the user to bet
so we have user he use the two input fiels and klick on the confirm checkbox and he click as fun of another checkbox
then click on the submit button
my server get a error
because we have a rightly group ( 2 inputs + 1 checkbox) for this example we have 2 inputs + 3 checkbox
but i will that the user can to bet more games as one before he click on the submit button
because we have 10 games to bet it
i know my english is not so good but i hope you understand me now
and if i stop being click the another checkbox with jQuery the user can't immediately all games in the same time
he must always to submit one game
but i will that the user can submit 10 games in the time
and i will you the error alert if the user use 2 inputs + more than one checkbox
and i will use the error ...
but i have given the code like shown in the above link... they had got the output, but why not me? @Somnath
@ఠ_ఠ have you skype ?
not now Bro
@JanDvorak you there ?
posted on September 07, 2013

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Before you get mad, I'm a vegetarian. Just like Einstein. Also Hitler.

@@ mobile onl
@ఠ_ఠ have you later time ?
deepschool.kd.io/Pages/Experiments/draw.htm How can i get the contents of the mini canvas to be the tild background of a 640*640 px div?
@DD. on what evnt have u called document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, true);
function onLoad()
console.log("device reday !!!!")
document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, true);
<body onload="onLoad();">
see this
If a assign this m = "[{"id": 5, "latitude": "33.000000"}]" I am Unexpected identifier error, how to overcome this
like this i hv to give? @Somnath
when will be ur document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, true); will call
If I assign this m = "[{"id": 5, "la": "3"}]" I am Unexpected identifier error, how to overcome this
when i press exit button ... @Somnath
<button type="button" onclick="exitFromApp()">
function exitFromApp()
console.log("in button");
if u get let me know
document.addEventListener("button",onBackKeyDown,true); this is your code
here button is not an event
see the stackoverflow.com/questions/15255801/… document.addEventListener
getting same error dude @Somnath
hey everyone, i need some help about a regex, i've got this:
var test = "http://tv.saxo.com/video/8086844/hor-anette-harbech-olesens-erfaringer".match(/^.+tv.saxo.com\/video\/(.*\/)?([^#\?]*)/)

it extracts the 8086844 as i want it to, however it also extracts the "/" after it, how can i make it so it doesnt extract the slash?
now whts prob
also dont know jquery moblie but just trying
same error as 09-07 18:29:02.893: E/Web Console(1412): TypeError: Result of expression 'navigator.app' [undefined] is not an object. at file:///android_asset/www/menu.html:32
@AbhishekHingnikar hi
can u see the prob of @DD.
I realised that many people try hard to always close their series of if - else if statements with a else statement but do you think this is necessary? I don't think so
@BadgerGirl hi
can u see the prob
of @DD.
@Ankit_Shah55 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
1 hour ago, by DD.
hii all, i'm trying to exit from the app when the button is clicked, but getting this error 09-07 17:31:08.344: E/Web Console(1136): TypeError: Result of expression 'navigator.device' [undefined] is not an object. at file:///android_asset/www/menu.html:24
any idea on my error?
Hey man
what's going on?
just come here
if u can
I'm sorry
I don't want to
First time since I started SO I have a reputation change of more than 500 points in a day ! :D
@dystroy great
i have in all just 500 rep
Too bad it's negative
why m =JSON.parse("[{"id": 1, "la": 30}]") leading to
SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier.Can someone help
@dystroy Is that yours?
I answered this question. It was deleted. So I just lost 627 rep :)
Escape the quotes in literals :
it's generated from server, How do I remove them
m =JSON.parse("[{\"id\": 1, \"la\": 30}]")
!!Code or game?
@SomeGuy game
@dystroy thanks
@BadgerGirl Maybe in an hour or so.
then assign that value into a variable first like

//ajax callback function
var crab = receivedStuff;
var m =JSON.parse(crab);
//Are you even doing this already?
@SomeGuy I'll be gone in an hour.
That's too bad, then. :P
Q: How can a server side developer survive in a position which expects front-end involvement?

JimMy background is band-end server development. Really back-end. Now I work in a position where I need to also take care of front-end. Nothing fancy but I need to be able to code for front-end as well. I know some very basic stuff about html/css/js but most of the time I spend googling when I need ...

But mooooooom, I want to play!
@Madhu13 or just JSON.parse('[{"id": 1, "la": 30}]')
@dystroy Deleted by who?
@SomeGuy You will get on TS now. End of discussion.
And what are you going to do about it?
Did your server actually sent "\"[{\"id": 1, \"la\": 30}]\"" ?
I'll take away your toys.
My variable is a.data = "[{"id": 1}]"
it looks like that
I need to make that JSON, to use id
my points 19
I'm new to JSFiddle, how do I include twitter bootstrap?
As in external sources.
@BadgerGirl lol d.pr/i/c5j0
@Madhu13 That's invalid javascript
@Pinocchio My variable looks like this a.data = "[{"id": 1}]" , I need to convert that to JSON. struggling from 3 hours
@Madhu13 Yeah that's invalid you need to do this a.data = '[{"id": 1}]';
@Pinocchio That's on purpose.
@BadgerGirl How did you manage that?
In server python is making that quotes while fetching json from database and making it JSON @Pinocchio
@Madhu13 Well, at least you know what's wrong.
@Pinocchio That's not my website.
ya @Pinocchio, I tried in server too.
jsfiddle.net/gs5rQ How would I go about aligning the bottom MPG label and button to the right of the div? When I try it goes to the complete right of the screen.
@Alec position: relative; on your container.
@Pinocchio Thank you, now it works.
Cool :)
Doing a fun project where you can track your fuel usage and stuff.
@Alec @Shmiddty?
@BadgerGirl Hmm?
You're a koala.
And Shmiddty now has a picture of a guy.
I am a intellectually profound koala, I do not see the problem here.
I think that guy ate Shmiddty. :(
Just had a beer with @Esailija - was fun ^^ hopefully I didn't bitch too much about how much I love Microsoft :P
Did he accidentally spill the beer on your pants?
Is arguments an Array?
@Pinocchio Technically yes, but it doesn't have access to the same methods that a regular JS array has
@Pinocchio no, but close
Yeah, how can i use splice then?
Apply your own custom method to it
Cheers both.
@m59 wow, I'm not too big a fan of that type of mucis, but it's really really good
How do you tag @JanDvorak ?
That guy should be banned from SO
Third answer I gave on his question and he always has something retarded to say about it.
@m59 [tag:javascript]?
@Pinocchio thanks
If I had this:
	var pattern = /[0-9]+/g;
	var matches = str.match(pattern);
@m59 Can't have any spaces
How would I also grab periods?
!!Play Terraria or study
@SomeGuy Play Terraria
I mean, seriously. You can't give a much better answer than I gave and I spent my time dealing with that and making the live demo (plus all the time making my previous answers because of his stupid post to begin with) and he comes back AGAIN and says some stupid crap about it that no one can understand (and is probably completely foolish)
@m59 when I see that OP is not going to appreciate an answer, I start thinking the question might be worth a closevote.
I don't think "retarded" or "stupid crap" are appropriate words to describe the situation, however.
my bad
damn, how do I do a slashthrough in a comment
SO gets to me
@m59 It must be a javascript-only thing :/
@m59 learn to control your emotions.
@JanDvorak true that.
oh lol and that was the same post where another guy stole my original answer.
sigh, firefox, y u no fire paste events without an input field being focused...
@ThiefMaster where would the content be pasted into?
@JanDvorak: a file or image data wouldn't be pasted into a field in any case
hidden input, then?
(i'd like to allow pasting images using ^V like it's done e.g. on imgur.com)
Can anyone think of a better way of doing this?
yeah probably, but still a super ugly mess - especially since it will be broken as soon as i click somewhere unless i force that field to be focused unless some other field is focused...
@Pinocchio I'm thinking of tables, but it's hardly better
@JanDvorak you don't mean HTML Tables? you mean like js object table right
@Pinocchio display:table. It's dirty as hell, but it does work.
@JanDvorak I'm making a selector, that will wrap around elements like firebug, devtools, i have to have 4 sides because otherwise the mouse event target will be the selector.
And z-index is a bit fishy
"not a huge vulnerability since you can't easily pass around a POST"
@Esailija WAT? sure as hell I can send any POST I like, if I really do.
this from the mouth of someone who you would easily confuse being a rock star developer if you look at the stats of his github profile :P
well, hand-built form, telnet (yuck), devhttpclient...
@minitech thanks for replying to my tweet! nobody ever does :
How do these questions help anyone in the future? stackoverflow.com/questions/18674645/…
The question or answer? because you linekd the asnwer
@Pinocchio probably not. But are they worth putting effort into being destroyed?
Oh, well both
@JanDvorak Wasn't there a Too localised close vote before?
unfortunately, 90% questions on stack overflow are 2L. Upvote those that aren't.
yeah, they removed that right?
Lot of the others can be closed as "asker has no clue"
AKA minimal understanding
AKA ur 2 lazy
> Connect is an extensible HTTP server framework for node, providing high performance "plugins" known as middleware.
I probably know before even looking at the code that it's not high performance
ahh yes, way to have a huge method with try catch in it github.com/senchalabs/connect/blob/master/lib/proto.js#L102
@JanDvorak i want to print a receipt. So i'm going to create a canvas using this FW paperjs.org ? is this good ?
that already means order of magnitude improvements are possible
this is depressing
@ఠ_ఠ never heard of that
or Do you know how to print a receipt without the page URL ( In Mozzila says it can't because of the security issue )
nope. Note that security restrictions are there for a reason and usually impassible
I don't have much of a grip on regex. How would I make this so it also saves the periods ( . ) from the string?
function onlynumbers(str,joinval)
	var pattern = /[0-9]+/g;
	var matches = str.match(pattern);
	var finalstring = matches.join(joinval);

	return finalstring;
@BrijeshKushwaha Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I have to print a receipt from the DOM data (So i need to make a canvas)
@Alec add the period into the character class? Just guessing
How can I if my browser is connected to internet or not ?
@BrijeshKushwaha see if you can ping your server?
@BrijeshKushwaha use $fp = fsockopen("XXXXXXXXX", 3306, $errno, $errstr, 30);
if (!$fp) {
    echo "$errstr ($errno)<br />\n";
} else {
but IN PHP
@Jan . How can I do that in Javascript ? I will have to do at client side . right ?
@ఠ_ఠ uhh... wat?
I mean I want to do this in Javascript not in PHP or any server side language.
@BrijeshKushwaha Correct. See jQuery.ajax or (if you're going vanilla) XmlHttpRequest
as i know there are no any direct function ln js
@ఠ_ఠ checking from the server if the client can connect to the internet is kinda... stupid
hell yeah
@ThiefMaster (y)
@ThiefMaster !
he can use that .
@ThiefMaster 'This property is updated whenever the user switches into "Offline Mode"' - useless
> Additionally, this property should update whenever a browser is no longer capable of connecting to the network
So I'd expect it to be updated when the browser knows there's no network connectivity ;)
I wouldn't trust that. How would the browser know?
Browser is sending data to big brother google all the time anyway - the browser knows
The only reliable indicator is that if your requests seem reach the server, you're probably online
probably - or on Safari
the OS knows
Thank god for the benchmark. I'm writing code that needs to access a 50 thousand query string parameters and now I know which one to use. — Benjamin Gruenbaum 6 secs ago
it says "no internet access"
@BenjaminGruenbaum LOL
@Esailija Yesterday my OS said I had no access, and I was streaming video at the time.
are you using windows
I got to love people making useless benchmarks and not caring when it really matters ^_^
@Esailija shudder no
hey, me too
clap clap
Windows: 7 > 98
could be that the video was buffered
windows 7 simply cannot be wrong about being connected to the internet
@Esailija my scissors think otherwise
@Esailija No, it was a live stream
@BenjaminGruenbaum lol yes, did you just read what I found about connect
It was wrong, I tell you.
Yeah, not surprised. I see where he is coming from but that's now a serious response when you're building a library. It's not his code anymore - it's code used by lots of users. It's a shift a lot of developers forget to make.
also it's funny how slow those are
I can only access 140k query strings per second?
that's actually very slow
See - you're the problem here :P Noone cares how many query strings you can access in the browser.
It checks the current query string - it doesn't parse requrests or anything
10000 ops per access?
You never have more than 10 query string items anyway - and that's way too many anyway
well I know, just saying it's still horribly slow
I'm terribly bored of music while coding, what is /javascript/ listening to?
@Alec "Rolling Stones" right now
See @Esailija - a whole minute compiling -_-
Ty, my selection of music got a bit boring after listening to over and over.
uh, interesting.. music kendall..
Gotta problem, son?
He has a decent taste. Animus Vox is in there.
Q: How can I let user paste image data from the clipboard into a canvas element in Firefox in pure Javascript?

DG.I have done my best to find a simple, relevant, and up-to-date example that works for the latest version of Firefox and I'm really struggling. Titles says it all really. I want the user to able to copy part of an image from an editor such as Windows Paint or use the Print Screen button and then ...

goddamn firefox, it surely would have been so hard to implement pasting nicely like webkit does
adding css styles for canvas not working or my fault
anyone understand wtf 2.2. means here gist.github.com/novemberborn/4400252
Compiling again -_-
is stuff getting done
you can take unit tests from some other project if you just include the MIT license header?
ok, firefox's image pasting support is even worse than i thought... using a contenteditable div works but when the image was copied e.g. via "copy image" in firefox it inserts an img tag with a src containing the url of the original image instead of a data uri containing the image data
which presents a SOP barrier
@ఠ_ఠ Wtf
Try using document.getElementsByTagName('li') and notice the lack of li.
heh nice, imgur suffers from the same problem (pasting images works but it breaks if the image is on the local network)
@ఠ_ఠ if you're still having problems read this. He kind of write like a dope, but you'll get the idea.

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