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Meh, AJAX through PHP or something I can probably figure out.
@LogicalAngel nothing is impossible
@LogicalAngel we can say that is web service to access remote DB
@Mr_Green I don't like WP
no comments?
but how my blog looks?
@Mr_Green Looks like you just slapped a theme on.
Does my english looks bad?
yeah ofcourse :D
But, I dun wanna use AJAAXX...
Oh well.
for what my message has been starred?
I am having a div inside which i have li tags with same class
@udaysagar Good for you!
I thought you could only do :hover on a tags.
My jquery logic which i wrote for li tag click isn't working...
@udaysagar what is the issue? is it related to css and javascript?
here is my code-
ok tell me about it
I will try to help you
jQuery("#network_members_div li.member").click(function() {
!!tell uday format
@uday Format your code - hit Ctrl+K before sending and see the faq
i have clicked ctrl+k
@udaysagar it's not valid to have li outside ul
why it isn't working?
oh! such a silly mistake.....
maybe it was already indented four spaces and CTRL+K unindented it?
@JanDvorak Brace yourself, the vamps are thick tonight
thanks @JanDvorak
@SomeKittens I pretend I can always leave / free to go whenever I please
Looks like there is seperation between network members and li.member, but I'm not really familiar with JQuery.
@SomeKittens How many kittens do you have?
@udaysagar some.
@udaysagar e^pi
that gives a float value..
I mean a decimal value
@Mr_Green what about -e^{pi i}
may be some kittens are carrying I guess
then those kittens are dead
and take floor or ceil
dead = negative value
alive = positive value
typeof some
// "number"
float value = hand or leg gone
Floating kittens
hehe, well said @Mr_Green
@Mr_Green then "I'm not half the man I used to be" sounds very wrong
ya it should
btw, what does it mean?
ok beatles song
@JanDvorak I have encapsulated li with ul, my query don't work yet
@udaysagar fiddle please
yea, hang on...
what should I hang on?
@JanDvorak Kitten limbs.
I am sure he means to do suicide
@SomeKittens kitten limbs are not strong enough to support my body weight
"give me fiddle".. "go and suicide(hang on)"
@Mr_Green *hang on sth.
@JanDvorak "hang on" should be "hangsth on" ? or what?
navigate to answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070716084302AATOlQF and search for "To wait for a short period of time"
i should have told "hold on" :-d
@udaysagar yahoo answers is terrible resource
I understood you, I was just kidding ;-)
yea, i know you ppl are kidding
@udaysagar you have chosen "no library". If you select "jQuery" from the dropdown, it will work.
hmm, Choosing library it's working
but why is it not working in my local machine..
@udaysagar not waiting for document ready?
We use moo tools, but i use jQuery.noConflict()
to avoid the collision
when i omit li.member its working for the whole div
are the lis added dynamically?
then use delegation. See jQuery#on
a jQuery object is a set of elements, not a live collection
live meaning the collection updates on document change?
on isn't working @JanDvorak
do i need to go for live?
@udaysagar how did you use it? Green's fiddle doesn't delegate
@Patel Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
oh sorry
Well, if you call your set, then dynamically add elements, the set would not contain the elements added after the set was formed.
thanks jan
Maybe you could add the elements first?
I doubt that my environment doesn't support "on"
is this the new feature?
@udaysagar since 1.7
on is replacement to live method in 1.7
latest is 2.0 right?
if you have to use an older version, use delegate with a similar syntax
@udaysagar 1.10
2.0 is a parallel version that drops IE8 support
Can I have modified fiddle that uses "delegate" @JanDvorak
!!tell uday jquery delegate
just replace "on" ?
delegate(selector, event type, handler) vs. on(event type, selector, handler)
I wonder why they didn't merge the two functionalities together to begin with.
@LogicalAngel delegate is now an alias
actually, my li tags populate into div with on click of drop down select, when i use "on" it didn't populate, but use of delegate populates li tags, but clicking on li tag doesnt give alert
Of "on", I reason.
@udaysagar are you delegating the li click handler?
yea, that's the reason, i am not using "on" @LogicalAngel
@JanDvorak yes, i want alert for li tag with member class
@udaysagar is the div itself added dynamically? If so, delegate to something that isn't.
no, div is already there..but is there any problem with the sequence i write click events?
I wrote li click event before select box click event
i mean, jquery
Would you do $.delegate("#li_list", "click", function() {alert("clicked")})?
No, its not depending on the sequence..
@udaysagar if it's delegated to something that already exists (did you wait for document ready?), it doesn't matter. Fiddle please
@JanDvorak Actually, I work on Social Engine framework.
Which uses moo tools my default
And I didnt give document ready...
@udaysagar Someone needs to be wacked with the cluehammer
@JanDvorak have a look at this- jsfiddle.net/RYDSh/2
@udaysagar where is #select_network and what does populate_networkMembers do?
@LogicalAngel $.delegate("#li_list", "click", function() {alert("clicked")}) isn't working
#select_network is a select box
that on selection of some network, populates #network_members_div with li tags
populates, or replaces?
did you get it? @JanDvorak
replaces, selection of other network clicking select box gives fresh li tags
is it possible that the div itself is removed and replaced by a new one?
you mean adding dynamically
@JanDvorak No more troubles!
I've got it using "live"
Thanks All :-)
jQuery("#network_members_div li.member").live('click',function() {
alert('li clicked!');
delegate to document instead
JQuery("document").delegate("#network", "click", function() {alert()})?
I guess a live object would work well with a dynamic set.
-_-' This room frustrates me sometimes :)
I dunno JQuery at all, though.
What would make delegate better than live?
!!tell logical jquery live
@BenjaminGruenbaum Good morning
Protip: the bot autoresponds to you, so you don't need tell in that case
!!jquery live
Oh. Thank ya.
Does Caprica have a caniuse feature?
@aliasgarvanak Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
hey everyone
!!help caniuse
I have to ask one question...can any one please help me for that
@SomeKittens Command caniuse does not exist.
Well, I can try.
@LogicalAngel:- hi
i have one question
Ask away.
can i use form validation in onclick event?
JQuery's form validator?
I dunno JQuery, but I would guess: most likely yes.
!!jquery validate
maybe all of the validation logical could be resided in javascript code?
actually i have 4 step form and i have to validate each step when user goes to next step
if the validation is not passed, the form will not be submitted?
@SomeKittens Morning from Finland :)
Why not use prototypes? It's just a different approach, nothing negative about it that I know of... — elclanrs 53 secs ago
Am I the only one who finds it's stupid to use prototype here ?
Prototypes are something I still have not thouroghly wrapped my head around.
prototypes are good when you instantiate more than once, but for a singleton...
@LogicalAngel:- ?
Using the same mechanism on different functions, I get out of it, setting methods that different functions inherit somehow.
A complicated reasoning base for something that seems like a relatively simple concept.
"The function searches blah and if it doesn't find it, it searches the prototype of blahblah's greatgreatgreat grandchild and finds it and so on and so forth."
@aliasgarvanak Hm?
yes, it's not the most evident inheritance scheme.
So it seems. Maybe I'd get a better understanding of it if I took a little while to think through it. Haven't been bothered here lately, never had a use for it anyway.
I was attracted by the idea that I could set a method to an already existing HTMLElement prototype.
That one, I could probably use somehow.
Does anyone think they could show me a simple archetype of a realtively useful DOM application of a prototypal implementation?
there are examples but adding methods to DOM elements is generally not seen as good practice
This one could be helpful but I wouldn't do it (not tested) :
So I've heard a few times. Never caught the reason why that is though. Why?
HTMLElement.prototype.remove = function(){ this.parentNode.removeChildNode(this) } // NOT TESTED
Why ? For a start I don't like to change objects whose lifecycle isn't known to me, and whose implementation is hidden.
So, thereafter you could do document.getElementById("HTMLElement").remove()
might be, if tested (and fixed)
That's the kind of thing I'm more interested in doing.
The lifecycle, what do you mean?
elements aren't created by you, usually, and they're used by much more than just your code. I don't like to instill my code in other parts which don't need it. That's not clean.
I see. That makes sense, I guess. Is there no way to apply to it's prototype only in a given scope?
 $(document).on('change', '#alreadyBatchSorting', function (event) {
    var selectedBatch = $('#alreadyBatchSorting option:selected').val();
how do i use this selectedBatch var outside of this function ?
var selectedBatch;
$(document).on('change', '#alreadyBatchSorting', function (event) {
selectedBatch = $('#alreadyBatchSorting option:selected').val();
Now, the variable is in a global scope, and you can use it's value anywhere in your script.
Though, only after you have called the function to assign the variable a value to use.
Otherwise, it would return "null" or "undefined".
Does String.fromCharCode(event.keyCode) capture enter presses?
this doesn't capture anything. What do you want ?
is there any better way to do this ?
 var RG_Reg_Fee = parseInt($("#RG_Reg_Fee").val(), 10);
var RG_Final_Fee = parseInt($('#RG_Total_Fee').val(), 10);
var withoutRegFee = RG_Final_Fee - RG_Reg_Fee;
@LogicalAngel Do you want this ?
The wrong way of doing it; I guess, I should just use if (event.keyCode == enterNum) {expression};
document.body.onkeyup = function(e){ if (e.keyCode===13) alert("ENTER") }
.... same second...
Yes, thank you. Heh
@dystroy is there any better way to do that?
@à° _à°  I don't know
Why use a strict equals there?
@LogicalAngel It means that you don't expect a cast : it's clearer. And faster (really not significantly). But there's no problem with ==.
Many js devs argue it's a good habit to use === as sometimes it could avoid some bugs. Personally I don't care.
I don't think I've ever had a problem with it. I figured the value of using strict equals is in the difference between being "is equivalent to" and "absolutely is the same".
Though, I guess it would still work. Save for, when you are not looking for an asbolute comparison.
@sebastian Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Hi everyone. Is there a way to disable the scroll when clicking an anchor link? But sill it has to work as a link, because it's href is page#anchor1
@sebastian preventDefault
@JanDvorak wouldn't that also disable the redirect to the page that the link points to?
I think we have lovers here.
Q: Why is there a new keyword in Go?

dystroyI'm still puzzled as why we have new in Go. &Thing{} is as clear and concise as new(Thing) to Go coders and it uses only constructs you often use elsewhere. In my opinion, having a supplementary keyword is costly, it makes the language more complex and adds to what you must know. And it might m...

@sebastian what do you want, then? navigate to the top of the linked page?
navigate to the page, but don't scroll. The anchor is used to activate a tab
then the target page has to sort it out
say, by using hash targets that aren't actual IDs
and the activate a tab with the id corresponding target, right?
I'm tyring to pass an event object through functions: onkeydown="setTimeout(function(event) {updateMechanism(event)}, 1)"
function updateMechanism(event) {
if (document.getElementById("usernameOption").checked) {

var usernameToken = true;
function endLine(event) {
if (event.keyCode == 13) {
usernameToken = false;
if (usernameToken) {
document.getElementById("textIO").value += "-" + document.getElementById("usernameInput").value + "-" + "\n";
I get, "cannot get value keyCode from undefined or null reference."
Does the event object not pass to the function onkeydown if it is delayed?
@ThatWeirdo Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Perhaps use e instead of the word event
Maybe I should do, onkeydown="globalVar = event; setTimeout(updateMechanism, 1)" instead.
You might be right, but I think the onkeydown event handler calls the inlayed text as, function(event) {setTimeout(functionHandle, ms)}
So maybe, its just that the setTimeout is delayed and it causes an error or something because the event object is out of scope when it fires.
I'll try to assign it to a global variable just to see if it will work.
That's really what it was.
onkeydown="globalEvent = event; setTimeout(updateMechanism, 1)" function updateMechanism() {alert(globalEvent.keyCode)} works fine.
I'm not sure if the store is open. They should be, but they don't answer (which is not that unusual).
!!should I go there anyway?
@Zirak Yes, absolutely
Q: How to realize this drop down menu

raketeCan any body give me some tips how to realize a menu like the main navigation on the following site: http://www.faszinata.de/

!!Should I screw a goat?
@LogicalAngel Certainly not
!!Should I throw a kitten at Zirak?
@LogicalAngel Impossible
Yeh. I guess.
!!Should I deflect a kitten off the moon, ricochet it off a few satellites, and hit him with it that way?
@LogicalAngel No
Man, you're such a downer.
@LogicalAngel I'd like to stab you.
I imagine.
Often, and with great frequency.
Does it always say a negative response?
!!Do you always say a negative response ?
@dystroy Of course not
!!Are you lying to us?
@LogicalAngel Of course not
!!Stab him or better not
@OctavianDamiean Stab him
I figured maybe it was like a magic 8-ball there for a minute.
Well, hey, there's a positive.
Which is also a negative... hm
!!Stab a goat in the balls or shake a snail's brains over Octavian's lunch?
@LogicalAngel Stab a goat in the balls
!!XHTML with external XML file referenced through XMLHttpRequest or hidden iFrame with external html file?
@LogicalAngel XHTML with external XML file referenced through XMLHttpRequest
I thought you might choose that.
Though, I think the iframe would be quicker and easier to reference.
I'm having trouble with a logic stream.
I need a mechanism that will write a user's username and a new-line to a textarea, then allow the user to continue typing, then when they press enter, the usernameToken resets so that when they type again, it will again write the username.
nvm.. I think I just explained it to myself.
Imagine that one.
!!Stab him with a blunt blade or Stab him with a calculator
@OctavianDamiean Stab him with a calculator
Hi, does anyone in here know much about using video online? I need to set a video as the background for a slide in the flexSlider plugin.
I've tried HTML5 so far, and next I was thinking of trying the youtube API, combined with fitVids.js
Does anyone have any advice on this..?
I've never done video, myself.
Me neither, I've never been asked to put video on a website before.
So far, it looks like HTML5 is cool, but the javascript support is not great with older IE versions.
Wow, what a surprise...!
Why doesn't HTML5's <video> tag work?
That's this one, yes.
I've got it working, but getting is responsive it's going so well.
Oh, older browsers. Not too sure about worrying about older browsers all the time. Sometimes, maybe it's better to take advantage of the implemented features of more modern releases and tell the older generation to update.
@LogicalAngel if we ever meet, please remind me to stab you. Thanks!
You sound like a goddamned criminal.
But, I'll be happy to oblige! :D
Maybe youtube's player would be more older-browser compatible, I guess.
@LogicalAngel Looking at the API, it's IE8+
Really, not supporting IE7 is a bit lame...
!!s/not supporting //
@JanDvorak Really, IE7 is a bit lame... (source)
Some people still use IE7..?
IE7 is a bit far back.
The job is for a corporate company, and as you probably know it costs a shit load of money for them to update everything so they can use better OS and browsers.
I'm using IE10.
I wouldn't use IE by choice. Although, I really like Windows Mobile.
Yeh. That's probably true.
Anyway, some of the IT world is stuck in the dark ages..
Well, I'm running a fast machine with a good connection anyway, so its just the style and familiarity with it that keeps me hanging on.
Being that I really don't notice much difference between the browsers.
I'd like something else to choose from. I've been using a mac for ages now, but fancy something else. I do get sick of what everything costs..
I guess that's why everyone keeps telling me it sucks, and I can't understand specifically why. Maybe I should try running a test on a slower machine to understand the common perspective of browser quality.
I hoped the chromebook would runs programs like Photoshop, and then I'd ditch OSX and Windows.
I have a 4GHz quad-core with 16GB of 1600Mhz RAM.
@Dan it will never happen
where can I ask questions related to settings in wordpress blog?
ChromeBook is supposed to be a competitor in low powered devices which are for common users
photoshop is a POWER USER tool :P
@LogicalAngel What a shame ... such a nice computer and you run Windows on it ...
ps you can move to Linux :P Macs suck and windows sucks workse
@Mr_Green PHP room
come on
@OctavianDamiean i agree
My wife has a 1.2Ghz Vaio, maybe I can look at hers.
it deserves Linux : Ubuntu.Fedora.Suse Arch.Debian.RedHat
Windows works nicely enough on it.
I will ask on Stackoverflow now :P
Don't experience very many problems... that often.
@LogicalAngel Cancer works nicely enough on organisms.

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