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@synth3tk Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Anyone familiar with Firebase's JavaScript API?
@Philethius Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Can I do a WHOIS or something?
this looks like some reddit meme fan art...
who's behind the boobs in the left ? She looks qualified enough to be a bot.
Pamela Anderson
all famous Canadians and Canadian things
it is the most canadian picture ever (according to google images)
I love Canada pictures
they are always about a moose or hockey or coffee or mounties
or bears
or all of the above
first result for "the most american picture ever"
Is Pam Anderson still famous ? Didn't she stop her career when all of you were still kids or unborn ?
@dystroy eh, I never liked her.
I'm trying to figure out why cameron diaz is behind her
or who the fuck that is
What puzzles me is why she's still famous. Internet isn't lacking boobs.
TIL "inharitans" :
Q: make inharitans between two statick object using prototype

optic18Do i have ability in javascript to inharit one object property from another. i have two objects: a={ name:'name' } b = { title:'tittle' } i want that b become a parent of a a.prototype = b; this does not work a_proto_ =b; this is working, but not in all browsers Why it is so? and why i can wr...

no wonder he had no success with Google...
Can you apply properties to the prototypes of standard objects? Like an HTMLElement object?
@LogicalAngel Yes, not sure you'd want to though
@ThiefMaster way to rob my edit with some spaces jerk ;)
Q: JSBeautifier shortcut

ThiefMasterThis userscript adds a shortcut (CTRL+SHIFT+B) to beautify the selected JavaScript code using the same engine that also runs jsbeautifier.org. You can find the source on GitHub (feel free to fork, improve and send a pull request) or just install it right away. ChangeLog: 1.0: Initial release ...

get that :p
eh, I just do it by hand or load it into jsfiddle
inefficient but works
Is it possible to write multiple colored fonts in a textarea?
don't use a textarea
Line 1 is red, line 2 is green, etc.
I have to use a textarea for my application.
hidden textarea + iframe + style some spans / divs
or contentEditable.
It's a text input/output mechanism - kind of like a chat, but with a single textarea. I want different users to have different colored fonts.
hide your textarea and place an iframe as an editor field. capture your input (text + formating) and write the corresponding HTML into the iframe.
this isn't like a "hey this would be a cool way to do it" this is the accepted way to do it
or use contentEditable on a div
you cannot style the contents of a textarea line by line afaik
A hidden textarea outputting to an iframe... I did not think about that.
That's a great idea.
You can do contentEditable on a div?
sure, why not
Type in a div as if it were a textarea?
That would be a much better solution for my application, I think.
Wow, thanks a lot.
How do I enable the contentEditable state?
element.contentEditable = true;
<div contentEditable="true"></div>
either or
Alrighty, thanks.
but the iframe / input combo probably is better
Yeh. Onmouseover or onclick on the iframe and focus() the textarea?
@Room so measuring text for something like this, I was thinking about it and my old technique is slow and uses canvas because of measureText function.. so I came up with this. is it horrible?
function measureText(str) {
    var div = document.createElement('div'), // make a div
        w; // variable to store the width in for the return
    div.textContent = str; // set the div text content to our string
    div.style.position = 'absolute'; // position the div off screen (probably over kill, this all happens extreamly fast)
    div.style.left = '-999em'; // see above comment
    document.body.appendChild(div); // add the div to the body (this needs to be done for the width value to be appreciated)
@mikedidthis Oh stop being so humble, yer damn good!
@LogicalAngel yes, google "simple wysiwyg html/js tutorial" on google
the google knows all google goodness
@OctavianDamiean shhhhh don't give him more work he needs to make my theme for free!
he's already behind ;)
What does WYSIWYG really mean?
what you see is what you get
Yes, I know that part, but what does that mean?
@rlemon WHOA! New avatar, I thought you'd be just some random dude and was all like "WTF!? Why is that guy talking to me?".
@LogicalAngel Pile of shit
@LogicalAngel what you see (the styled output) is what you get (i.e. it is a design mode. you design the output and that is what you get)
My attitude is alright, shut up everyone!
so I see bold text, I get bold text (the code at least for it)
@OctavianDamiean Hahaha happened to me yesterday too.
Pretty much saying, it is what it looks like?
I know it isn't what you are making, but it is the same technique
@LogicalAngel HTML is not WYSIWYG, because, well, you don't see HTML on your screen. But if you use a WYSIWYG editor, you would see (and edit) rendered HTML.
I see.
no, you get
@rlemon true dat!
@NSArray Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I think I may have just resolved a complicated issue with my Firebase application with a function I was not previously aware of.
there are many tutorials on how to do this
@CapricaSix my question is on android
whispers @mikedidthis make Octopress themes and your epenis will increase by at least 256 kilo bytes.
like I said read the wysiwyg tuts, they are numbering in the shit-tonnes
@NSArray Then go away.
I was having problems with two users applying data to the same location at the same time. Happenstance has it, the Firebase API has a function specificly for that.
Thought I was going to have to go through a complicated, cumbersome workaround.
@OctavianDamiean I will take a look at it.
He just wants to get his own blog themed without having to do the work himself. :P
Lazy Octavian is lazy.
Shhhhhhut up!
@OctavianDamiean this is not fare...
No, it's not ... I didn't take any of your money.
@SomeGuy probably. But I like creating themes.
@mikedidthis Huzzah! I'll probably end up using it too if I ever want to write on a blog again.
@SomeGuy You son of a goooord! Finger-pointing and then doing the same shit.
@OctavianDamiean luls!
I feel so stupid now, just realized that atob and btoa actually stands for a → b and b → a
You would use innerText to set the text content of a contentEditable div, wouldn't you?
@LogicalAngel Depends on the browsers you're targeting.
What are the variations?
@OctavianDamiean Too bad even in javascript a→b isn't a valid name for a function :(
@Zirak ?
@OctavianDamiean atoi and itoa were like that for me
don't know how I was supposed to get that "a" meant alpha
I'll have to stick with var π = 'roughly 3.4'; when I want to infuriate people who don't have an extended keyboard.
Hrm.. for some reason, when I press enter for a carriage return in the contentEditable div, it's duplicating the first line.
Why is that?
@LogicalAngel Well, there's textContent, innerText, and the dreaded innerHTML. You can probably also use div.childNodes[0].data.
Room Poll: is it a good idea to link up jQuery & jQuery UI just to use the sortable widget?
@LogicalAngel We won't be able to tell unless you have a demonstration where we can reproduce it.
Hold on a sec, I'll JSBin it.
@Pinocchio Are you already using jQuery? Are you going to use the sortable widget a lot? Do you like pain and suffering?
My answer depends on the answers to these questions
@Pinocchio That's the problem with jQuery. If you need one bit of functionality, you need it all. That said, I would use jQuery.
@Pinocchio microjs.com/#
Pick a drag 'n drop library and then a sort library.
haha, no i have not included jQuery or jQuery UI. I'm having a discussion in the comments, and a lot of people don't understand why I don't want to include jQuery & jQuery UI into my angular project just to take advantage of the sortable widget, i would never ever do this, i just wanted your opinions
If none of them do what you want, create such a library and link it up there.
Here, type something and press enter.
Someone needs to make a modular jQuery-esque library.
Works fine for me.
@LogicalAngel Works fine for me.
@KendallFrey jQuery is already modular.
For me, it duplicates the first line of text on the second line. I'm using IE10.
jQuery UI too is already modular : you download what you need (I never needed anything else than the date and autocomplete widgets)
Not enough.
jQuery is mostly just one big file.
@LogicalAngel Looks like a bug in IE10, wouldn't surprise me.
@LogicalAngel Hahaha, that probably explains it.
Why are you using IE, though?
Are you able to reproduce the effect on IE?
I hope you were only testing.
@KendallFrey I'd also recommend Zepto if you really like the jQuery API and need something modular.
I like IE.
Not on Windows currently.
@LogicalAngel Thankfully, I'm not even on a system that'd have IE.
Always used IE.
@Urs Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@SomeGuy You can install virtualbox like me so that you can browse SO on IE
@dystroy That's alright. I do have Windows on my desktop.
Let me try restarting the browser or something.
@SomeGuy good, it will help you expiate your sins
@LogicalAngel Alternatively you could install a real browser.
Ooh, nice word.
I guess I might have to go with the iframe approach.
Sounds like a bad idea.
@BadgerGirl Hola! De dónde eres?
Well, she probably isn't home.
Learning Spanish is actually quite a lot of fun.
@OctavianDamiean De México. Ayúdame a corregir algo en alemán.
Yeh, but the contenteditable div is not working out for me. Damn, that was a good idea, too.
I'mma try a span right fast.
Is it me or is that question totally stupid ?
Q: How to display pretty JSON

ramHow to display pretty JSON changing color and opening inner json data on click event using jquery? Eg: http://warfares.github.io/pretty-json/ Thanks in advance.

@BadgerGirl Por supuesto.
I'm in the office right now.
And.. a span replaces the first line with an empty string.
odamiean at linux dot com
@copy Thank you :-)
@dystroy totally stupid due to wording. Seems he has no idea on how to actually use the plugin (based on answer)?
@BadgerGirl @OctavianDamiean tisk tisk...
Having a single unified language in the chat is a must, and this language is English. We cannot allow conversation to go on in multiple different languages and if you must do this please create a new room with the user or users you wish to speak with.
This is not to discriminate against non-english speaking people, it is merley to control some order and consistency in the room. With that said, all non-english messages (outside of themed arguments) will be binned and an appropriate link to these rules will be dropped.
@rlemon Die Regeln sind mir egal.
@mikedidthis Well... there's a Usage chapter on this page...
@BadgerGirl then we fall into anarchy!
@rlemon Demandarme. :D
@rlemon ONE OF US, ONE OF US!
Can I focus() a "display: none" textarea and type into it?
Aber wir haben nichts gemacht! Ich habe nur ein email geschickt!
@BadgerGirl I believe the green passage is what you need translated to German, right?
@dystroy then, it really is a silly / lazy question.
@rlemon Est-ce que quelqu'un peut me traduire ce qu'a écrit rlemon ?
srsly guis.
Ja, genau. Und auch alles korrekturlesen.
Alright alright, let's get our shit together now. :D
eriouslysay uysgay I'mway oinggay otay artstay ageray ittingfay
onway ouryay andycay assesway oonsay ifway ouyay on'tday
espectray ymay uckingfay authorityway andway opstay itway ithway
ethay otherway anguagelay ullshitbay. Oesday emonrlay avehay
otay okechay away itchbay?
@BadgerGirl Is that correct German ? It really looks like what we would write in French but it doesn't feel like German to me
@Hayato Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@dystroy It is perfectly valid. :)
@CapricaSix Thanks. I got banned today.
@rlemon I'm sorry I don't speak Inuit.
@OctavianDamiean Cool. I would keep this sentence in mind next time I encounter some Polizei
@OctavianDamiean that is perfectly legible piglatin
more pig than latin, though
Les policiers d'aujourd'hui ne sont pas bien formés.
J'ai trouvé cependant les policiers Allemands bien plus courtois et sympathiques que les Français ou les Italiens. Je n'ai jamais eu à fuir devant un policier Allemand.
Je suis si heureux pour toi.
rlemon, are you playing with the flag button ?
Someone doesn't like French in here. :(
Nobody likes french
Děkuju mnohokrát!
I don't even... edit : I asked Google Translate, now I know
@BadgerGirl google translate?
nebo ne
@JanDvorak Ne
Učím se dva cizí jazyky.
Pěkné, co říkáš na češtinu?
onclick="document.getElementById("textArea").focus()" would work to focus the textarea, wouldn't it?
@LogicalAngel no
Somebody less lazy than me should make a bot command to ask google translate what the previous non english posts meant...
Why not?
@LogicalAngel you have crossed quotes
Bleh, typo, I accomidated for that already.
@JanDvorak češtinu není jednoduchý jazyk.
@BadgerGirl chceš opravovat? :-)
document.getElementById('textArea').focus() is correct, though?
ale souhlasím. Vietnamcům se taky hodně plete :-)
@LogicalAngel if the ID is correct, looks good ffor me
Wat. I give up.
Simple English pls.
First sentence: do you want [me] to correct [you]?
Second sentence: but I agree. Vietnamese people often mess up too
@BadgerGirl you've got mail.
Heh. What a joke. It's not working because I'm not clicking on the iframe at all. It works if I click on the border.
@OctavianDamiean Thanks.
It's a question for now.
@JanDvorak Oh alright. Sure, but now I'm focusing on German. :)
So that I can move in with copy.
Question: I have the column id of a table. Is there some way to use jQuery to grab all the cells in that corresponding column?
@RavenDreamer not an easy one. You'd grab the column number first -> nth-child
better store the table data in memory
or classify the cells
@BadgerGirl once you've answered that question I can move on and send you my first correction draft.
@JanDvorak Oh, I don't believe I was clear. I'm not interested in the data, I just want to highlight them.
Highlight all the cells in a specific column.
You should let copy take a look as well since I don't quite like a part of my translated paragraph.
@RavenDreamer try adding col elements and targeting their CSS
@OctavianDamiean That's not mine. But yeah, she means that.
Well, or that.
@RavenDreamer cols are merely placeholders that allow you to style columns.
He's busy with exams and programming and ignoring me :(
Does DOMContentLoaded include the DOM of an iFrame?
@BadgerGirl Done.
@LogicalAngel AFAIR no
@OctavianDamiean !
@Zirak I hate you. tee hee hee hee
@Mingebag Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
What was your ? for?
(oh, and I'm home, so tell me when you're ready to game and I'll reboot)
@Zirak To get your attention.
Like Stewie did with Lois.
@Zirak Lord Krishna is still pissed at you!
When I reboot I'm downloading Steam. Unless Krishna sends me a signal.
Like, if my dog yawns.
@OctavianDamiean Thanks!
@LogicalAngel I hate you.
Works well enough, I guess.
window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {
    var ifr = document.getElementById("iFrame");
    ifr.contentDocument.addEventListener("click", function () {
lol Why?
format you SOB
Oh, I see.
I'm going to have to jump through all kinds of hoops to do it this way. Hrm.
Is contentDocument cross-browser compatible?
You know, mentioning browser compatibility to people is like introducing candy to children. They become obsessed.
I was once drowned in a flurry of compatibility questions...of regexps. "Is global matching supported in IE7? Is case-insensitive? Are character classes? Can I do new RegExp('ab') and it'll be the same as /ab/?"
@Zirak this kind of obsession is nearly universal. New speakers? Relisten the entire discography. Downloaded Cheat Engine? Let's see what I can hack.
@Sathya Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Well, I just wanna know about contentDocument. I'll have to do something like document.getElementById("iFrame").window.document otherwise.
hii all
Then look up contentDocument
!!mdn contentdocument
!!should I reboot now or later
@Zirak later
where i'm using Always visble extender using Ajax control toolkit. and i came to know jquery had that one to..talking about performance .which one is best to move ahead? can somebody answer me...
@Jan How would I do a hidden textarea with an iframe?
It doesn't seem to work to focus() a hidden textarea to type inside of it.
@Zirak whats arrrrrrrrrr lemons blog ?

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