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are you like 15?
you call it node.js
I understand..
@LogicalAngel node.js is node.js and you can only have it on a dedicated/virtual private server as far as i am aware
Oh. Hell.
Hell on a stick!
@Pinocchio What? Of course not..
They say they support WebSockets, so that's a thumbs up.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Well, with hostgator thats the case.
@BenjaminGruenbaum seeing as node is it's own server i presume that's the reason why.
@BenjaminGruenbaum soo... you're saying that's not the case?
What other API would I use for the mechanism, then?
@LogicalAngel If you have no fucking clue what we're talking about, then don't follow our suggestions. Either learn the subject, or continue with your way.
i have to laugh at that
@Pinocchio You can easily put node behind httpd or any other server.
@Zirak Yes but are hosting providers prepared to do that?
I do have an idea, but there seems to be several different APIs.
I've seen it done with nginx, Microsoft does it for IIS (I think? or what do they call their odd stack now?)
@Zirak I'm just saying, I was discussing this with a bloke at hostgator and he said you will need a dedicated/virtual private host to run node.js
The unthinkable may have happened: He could be wrong.
@Zirak or he could be speaking for hostgator, or he could be right
And giant llamas may roam the earth
@Zirak they do.
define Giant?
More than 7 largeness units
67.9 dicks².
well, i've seen one that is more than 10 java-units
beat that
lol at the 2
@OctavianDamiean how'd you do the tiny numbers?
You mean, the squared sign?
@Pinocchio I iz a fucking wizard.
i done it
Mind blown.
It's CTRL + C
You're ¼ cooler now.
That was unexpected
I didn't know you could do that.
Suddenly, ninjas!
We're wizard, we can do pretty much everything we want.
In related news, it's "Successfully Comprehend the Obvious" week in js chat.
Free popcorn for everyone who participates (popcorn not included)
Hey, comprehending the obvious can be a difficult endeavor.
@Zirak That's pretty much like saying a packet of peanuts may contain nuts and i have seen that alot
Like my, "It is thouroughly fucking impossible to remove a xmlns declaration" run earlier today.
@Pinocchio No it's more like saying a packet of peanuts may contain nuts but doesn't contain anything at all including peanuts.
@OctavianDamiean Yeah well.... ask jeeves
Nobody likes Jeeves.
@IvoWetzel hmm in simplified situation when optimized code expects float but gets an integer it just converts the integer to float
instead of deoptimizing
Converts to float..?
Lets have a discussion on oAuth
especially when you have a bunch of theres bastards
because the optimized code will have float operations
what do you people do ?
the only possibilities are to deoptimize or convert to float
Is anyone else here going to w3schools conference in november?
@OctavianDamiean :-/
@Pinocchio i am
Would it not result in some sort of inaccuracy?
My app is a single page app with a api server backend (so obviously the oauth callback goes to the api server but that leaves the child window open since it can't access :-( )
no, float can represent up to 53-bit signed ints
@Darkyen what day because i will be there on the saturday but its on all weekend?
and the v8 ints go only up to 31-bit signed
@Pinocchio i am kidding
(btw by float I mean floating point, which is the double precision kind)
@Darkyen oh. thats a shame :(
I dont wanna meet that guy so i am not going there ^, he surely will be there
He definitely doesn't wan't to eat those grapes
I understood floating numbers and being fractional.
That.. is twisted..
@Darkyen i guess ill be on my own then :(
You are going to hell... on a stick.
@Pinocchio u can be in this room :P
from there
and wear a nice lil MDN shirt their :D
w3schools conference!? You kidding?
wear that their :D
@Darkyen I have the blue one. ;)
@Darkyen What if the jQuery developers find out that im speaking in the javascript room? i can't be dealing with any conflict
Okay, so my server says that they support socket programming, but what API do I use to do that?
//I'm actually amazed by the ugliness of this right now. It sucks you in if you stare at it long enough in hopeless despair, truly magical!
@Pinocchio raynos alone can annihilate them all, even by not being present here :P
i shouldn't code at night
and then we have Gni33, ivo, me, amaan, Zirak, Es*****, Benji, Copy, Shmiddity to back u up
why are you censoring Esailija?
What are the two of you even talking about?
No one knows...
What API is best to use for socket programming?
@GNi33 ?? :P
You mean WebSockets?
@LogicalAngel socket.io
@Esailija you and Benji are going to meet in some time, right?
he is coming to Finland
I'm currently polling the server for responses and would like to upgrade my technology.
cool :)
always a good thing when people are actually connecting after being in the same chat for some time
i really need to go to Graz some time
if anyone of the regulars ever gets near Austria, hit me up
@LogicalAngel lmao
@Pinocchio Thanks, looking into that now.
Looking at the blue page for a little while, the screen looks pink.
lol @ spongebob
It says, "entirely with JavaScript". You sure this isn't another library to do what I could otherwise code myself?
What library doesn't fall under that category?
Well, I'm asking if it is one.
I need help guys
I have an app resting on s3, which talks to my api server
while performing o_auth i run into an issue, the o_auth has to redirect back to my API endpoint, and hence my app [the parent window] cannot have access to that child window to close it, or obtain any information out of it, Any suggestion on how can i handle this situation ?
Chrome is at v28?
Well, assuming I can, how would I go about coding websockets with JS?
Chrome is at 29 i think!
@GNi33 ... or else!
What part of that did you not understand? 'Chrome is at 29 i think!'.split(' ');
@copy actually it just means filling the new bits with the value of the sign bit
so if I go from 8 bit to 32 bit, it will fill the 24 bits on the left with 1 if 7th bit was 1 and with 0 otherwise
I think it was that "Chrome is at 29 i think!".split(" ").item(0) != vc
!!> (((0xFF ^ 0x80) - 0x80) & 0xFFFFFF00) === (0xFFFFFF00|0)
@Esailija true
!!> (((0x7F ^ 0x80) - 0x80) & 0xFFFFFF00) === (0x00000000|0)
@Esailija true
@Esailija I know. If you want to do that, (byte << 24 >> 24)
@OctavianDamiean huh?
are you threatening me?!?
@copy o right cos >> doesn't move the sign bit in js
@Esailija No, it does
I mean, it shifts the sign bit in
>>> moves all bits normally, >> keeps the sign bit in place
Why exactly would you need to shift a bit?
anyway, turns out it wasn't necessary, v8 only uses 8 and 32 bit
@OctavianDamiean hm, it's not playing for me
You can download it from there.
and the disassembler only handles the code v8 generates
it's not generic
I am effing pissed off :-/
Google / Facebook / Twitter oAuth works, ADN has no way i can by pass the x-domain barrier
that's not a very nice thing to say
Screw oAuth, go for Mozilla's Persona.
@OctavianDamiean can't :P
You can everything you want, you do want to!
@Darkyen Hello :)
Interesting song, by the way, the circus one.
work project @OctavianDamiean can't
@LogicalAngel I like the pace.
The tone is edgy to me. Like a genuine freakshow host would sound.
How do I start using this socket.io?
@LogicalAngel That version was performed and recorded for a pretty brutal movie scene.
Really? What movie?
does the jsholes tag have any similar tag with some posts? and how am I supposed to pronounce it in a non offending way?
@OctavianDamiean not bad, not bad
Yeah, its right next to the assholes tag.
That's the entire scene.
Sinners and Saints is the name of that movie by the way. :)
Its blocked :/
wow, i might have to go to Kapfenberg on Saturday
Maybe you could say "Jay-Es-Holes", or "Javascript Holes"
Though, I guess the Jay-Es might come across as slangish "They Ass" holes.
@Logical so basically it's an insulting ghost tag? same as the floating device
Well, I've never heard of a JSHoles, myself, so maybe. Then, it could be my lack of understand of the broad application of JS.
@GNi33 woot!
pretty cool concert going on there, but I'm not sure if I'll be there yet
@GNi33 wait, what festival?
@Darkyen you a bb10 user?
it's called "Overdrive Encore"
@nsawaya nope.. not my ass
function Foo ( img ) {
    this.image = img;
Foo.prototype.addBorder = function( size ) {
    this.image.css( 'border', size );
I have this that handles a single img, how can I make it handle a jquery collection of images, or an array of images?
@Darkyen why not? I've worked on a mobile project, a hybrid one mind you, BB10 has a slick performance, native like, even faster than the iPhone 5
Here's a question: what exactly is a foo?
@LogicalAngel jargon.
@nsawaya iPhone owner.....
and i believe in apple :D
PS ... i am a web-developer so my shit works everywhere ;-D
A metasyntactic variable is a placeholder name used in computer science, a word without meaning intended to be substituted by some objects pertaining to the context where it is used. The word foo as used in IETF Requests for Comments is a good example. By mathematical analogy, a metasyntactic variable is a word that is a variable for other words, just as in algebra letters are used as variables for numbers. Any symbol or word which does not violate the syntactic rules of the language can be used as a metasyntactic variable. For specifications written in natural language, nonsense words a...
PS found a typical web-solution
Does it mean anything particular, or just a random word for when you can't think of anything better?
@LogicalAngel ^ @KendallFrey nailed it.
@OctavianDamiean Architects would be there, awesome band
one of my favorite songs right now -> youtube.com/watch?v=QxWbOZjxkA4
That was a complicated definition that seems to express: any random word.
@Darkyen what typical web-solution if I may ask?
@nsawaya for the adn ?
@Logical now you are acting like a jshole
use a query string parameter in redirectin uri which tells it to render the content with the post message api
@LogicalAngel foo and bar are used not when you can't find a better word, but when it's intentionally very generic (that is, only in examples - never in real code). For instance, if you want to show toExponential, you can do var foo = 4; foo.toExponential()
Absolutelycalifragilisticallyexpialadosciously correct.
I understand. I typically start my functions with the names "blah" and "bleh" and so forth.
@mikedidthis if you pass in mutiple images it would work already....
@Darkyen was that thing an answer to my question? because that's way over my head, I'm still stuck at the post word
@Pinocchio it only works for the first img in the collection / object / array
@nsawaya i am wondering what your question was
@OctavianDamiean But why?
@BadgerGirl ... so so much ...
@OctavianDamiean Are you tired?
I didn't want to know that...
Q: JQUERY Variable Text Replace

AdamHi I have a JQUERY variable with the text chatMin_0. I want to remove the chatMin_ and just get the 0 (zero). How can I do this? Thank You

.... +8 for "jquery variable".........
@Darkyen PS found a typical web-solution....for the adn ?... then you threw of that use query string thing
@mikedidthis no it doesn't jsfiddle.net/b5tNH
@BadgerGirl quite a bit, and guess what, today I'll have to go to the gym again ... tired as I am.
Is that why you hate me?
@BadgerGirl Yea.
How do I use Socket.io? Do I need to install it or something?
@ThiefMaster Can't we just delete that?
Ok, next time I won't keep you up all night.
@ThiefMaster If only you had some sort of power to delete it..
@BadgerGirl Slept an hour last night. ONE HOUR!!!!
If I started to delete all crappy JS questions it'd probably be a fulltime job ;)
@ThiefMaster wtf
@prot Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@ThiefMaster Just the stupid ones you run into..
You never know when one of those questions just might make sense to someone...
@Pinocchio dafuq! Sorry, with zepto, it was only doing the first...
@LogicalAngel Shut up! ಠ_ಠ
@mikedidthis it should be the same with zepto
@Pinocchio yeah just checking
@BenjaminGruenbaum done
Downvote to make deleting easier too.
I would have said, "Just delete it and type'0'"
haha wtf, the users participating in the close vote:
> put on hold as off-topic by Benjamin Gruenbaum, Pinocchio, Damien Overeem, Octavian Damiean, HamZa just now
And I was like what!?
Yeah, I posted in the PHP room :P
someone just upvoted! i seen it
@OctavianDamiean How did you do that eyeball thing?
@OctavianDamiean tlol
Who just upvoted it, it's a horrible question...
who the hell upvotes this guys questions?
Kind-hearted supporters, perhaps.
@LogicalAngel you know wizardry and stuff like that, also unicorns.
And this emojicons.com
Q: Jquery Function required to replace content in a String

AdamI have a textarea where users can type content and also include emoticon symbols like :) or ;) When 'Sent' is pressed the textarea string needs to be parsed to convert any emoticon symbols into <img>'s for display. I can easily generate a list of emoticons and there relevant image like: ':)' - '

I suspect a voting ring.
@ThiefMaster can you check?
he pretty much asked the same thing there
a year later, i guess he just forgot about replace after all
@Pinocchio remembered why I couldn't do it that way. The data is the same for all, not unique. For example, if I wanted to get the width, it would be the same for all based on the first?
hah, and jAndy answered
@mikedidthis and how are you planning to get them individually would you use a callback?
@GNi33 rep. whores be rep whoring. :D
@Pinocchio that was my question :D
his website is called seemeagain.com what did you expect??
@mikedidthis what would you do with the width?
@BenjaminGruenbaum yet another answer that says somehow using setTimeout will cause a problem
128 is the maximum number of cases at which Chromium turns a switch case into a static table, right? Or was it 127?
@copy what is sad that even if you hump through all the switch case hoops, it will not generate any jump table.. just same code as would be generated with 128 else ifs
I really have to create a personal website (mainly for @SomeGuy to steal from it).
@DevellMen Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Esailija But it does that for 127? Or does it never do it?
@copy never.. just try disassembler
How to send image from ajax to php script?
@DevellMen you can't
@DevellMen you can fake it with a <iframe>
@DevellMen Why did you just do that? I was about to like you because of your avatar.
XMLHttpRequest.send(BLOB data)
@OctavianDamiean lol
@Esailija ... god damn it
@OctavianDamiean What?
@LogicalAngel bad support anyway
@WileyMarques Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Pinocchio uh?
@Pinocchio I just updated the js to remove some bollocks.
I guess you could do FormData with the image url or something.
@OctavianDamiean I dont understand )
@OctavianDamiean the lol was a reply to a message if you :hover
@mikedidthis sounds good
@Pinocchio just seems a messy way to do it really.
@Stefan Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Pinocchio Why don't you just hover over mine yourself?
@OctavianDamiean oh, right. blobs
@mikedidthis you should change the way you store the image i reckon
@OctavianDamiean caniuse.com/bloburls
@Pinocchio go on? I am trying to avoid looping the collection for each method.
@mikedidthis whispers store it in a cookie
@Esailija Do I have to compile d8 again to enable code printing?
@copy if you build debug build then disassembler is enabled automatically
in release build you need a build flag to enable it
@OctavianDamiean bloody cookie you! :D
@mikedidthis if you do applyWidth you wan't them all the same width?
@Pinocchio nope, all different.
hence breaking the collection > single imgs
same with applySrc
well then you can't modify them all at the same time then can you
@Pinocchio eh? That wasn't my question.
I wanted to know if using Create was the best way to break the collection down and call new for each img.
@mikedidthis ohhh
@Pinocchio though a master function for getting them all to update would be sweet :D
@mikedidthis if you use push you can then add more images whenever you want.. current.push(new Methods ( $( this ) ) );
@Pinocchio yeah I wanted that for ajaxy stuff.
@mikedidthis why would you get them all to update when you have different values for each?
@Pinocchio on page load I want all the images to set their new width, even though its different.
@mikedidthis with what values?
@Pinocchio values returned from _getReplacement
@mikedidthis and then eat the cookie and be like
@Neal just do -w3schools or prepend mdn
@OctavianDamiean fuck. Now I want a cookie.
Me too. :(
I'm such an idiot sometimes.
@OctavianDamiean you do this a lot, right? Say something then immediately want it?
kit kat ice-cream, guys, kit kat ice-cream
I hate you, Zirak, BadgerGirl and your office.
i like that we have that stuff at the office
@GNi33 I raise you, with Oreo Ice Cream
are you having that right now?
@GNi33 no, its in the freezer :(
because guess who just has kit kat ice-cream
I presume yours is in hand?
@mikedidthis So technically the freezer ate it.
yep, and it's delicious
@OctavianDamiean the freezer is 15 steps from my mouth.
So, using the WebSockets API: I'm guessing that each user creates a link to the same file, and sends and recieves information to and from it.
And, using some sort of update event, the server sends information to the user without the need to request it.
@Esailija But chromium does something that makes switch-case with more than 128 elements slower, I believe
You aren't going to eat the freezer, are you?
@copy yes it refuses to optimize the containing function altogether
SIGH I WANT GREATER THAN SIGN | > 128 is like using direct eval or with
@Hemantsom Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Esailija Oh, I see
Is it even possible to learn JavaScript from w3schools?
@OctavianDamiean Angular.js is awesome
@LogicalAngel nope
@SomeGuy A few days ago you linked some youtube video which was supposed to be awesome, and I forgot to watch it (something about sounds?) care to share again?
they can teach you JavaScript.split('')[0] though
can any one suggest a data grid editor that uses javascript?? I came across Handsontable, are their any other tools available?? need to analyse these tools in accordance to the app i am developing
yo yo yo yoooo
I have an interesting question: How the hell do I get an iframe to fit perfectly inside of a table cell?

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