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Hi All, I need advice on this question
Q: Try to resize image by HammerJS in iOS not work

UFOI try to make image resizable on iOS by Hammer.js gesture. This jsfiddle code work OK on desktop, and this is my converted code (run on iOS safari) var startX,startY,startW,startH; var canResize = false; $('img').hammer().on("touch", function(events) { canResize = true; var e = event...

Any help?
ok delete now
@LogicalAngel just going to inject that content into the iframe.
I'd consider this, even if it's heresy:
Is it possible to write an XHTML document out of an about:blank page, or does it need to be an .XHTML extention as well?
xmltext.replace(/<html xmlns=".*?"/, "<html")
Hah. I thought about doing something like that, but I'm trying to avoid it.
it's not even a global replace. What could go wrong? {{--Famous Last Words (tm)}}
It would be a lot easier to just figure out how to remove the attribute and then re-insert it.
@LogicalAngel Can you not put the project live?
On a server, you mean?
its hard like this
the thing is, it's not an attribute
I can do that, yes.
it's a namespaces declaration
removing it is equivalent to renaming all tags inside
Well, if I can get it to work, removeAttribute won't know the difference.
@LogicalAngel Why do you wan't to do this? just so people don't see it in the textarea?
if so you can just yank it straight out of the string
Let me upload the files right fast.
I have a object like Object { Strategy={...}, abc={...}} I am creating it dynamically
@techie_28 ok... and your point it?
each value of these keys are also having objects as their values
@muayyadalsadi Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
how can I dynamically add properties to the value of strategy and abc?
@techie_28 myObject.abc.somethingNew = 'hello';
@Pinocchio Yes I have tried that like
prcntObj.prsntCat.prevSplr = {nmrtr:numrtr,dnmtr:denmtr,cmplt:cmpltd};

these values are being populated in the loop it says "prcntObj.prsntCat is undefined"
So I can let users edit html. I don't want an unecessary xmlns involved with the code and the easiest way of doing it would be to simply remove it before writing the data to the textarea.
@techie_28 what says prcntObj.prsntCat is undefined?
prsntCat will have values such as Stategy,abc etc dynamically through a loop and same is prevSplr..
so it becomes like {
@techie_28 are you looking for prcntObj.prsntCat = prcntObj.prsntCat || {}; prcntObj.prsntCat. ...?
@LogicalAngel Well i think Jan is right. its not classed as a attribute. you are better off replacing it in the string. sometimes you just have to do this stuff...
@Pinocchio @JanDvorak I actually want to create this structure


Out of the data set that is like

{ 9:"Strategy", 12:"5", 30:"BETSY DEE",35:'Complete',44:'1:00'},
{ 9:"Strategy", 12:"5", 30:"BETSY DEE",35:'Complete',44:'1:00' },
{ 9:"Strategy", 12:"5", 30:"DEE",35:'Complete',44:'1:00' },
{ 9:"Strategy", 12:"5", 30:"DEE",35:'Complete',44:'1:00' },
{ 9:"abc", 12:"5", 30:"prr",35:'Complete',44:'1:00' },
@techie_28 Where does the data set come from? It looks badly designed
It works fine when its not in an iframe, though.
@JanDvorak it is from a result of query..why is it badly formed?
Sorry I am not very strong in JS
the keys should have been named better
@LogicalAngel Well iframes are the worst thing ever anyway there sh*t stinks
Maybe I can create a XMLDocumentFragment and get it to work that way instead.
!!tell techie format
@techie Format your code - hit Ctrl+K before sending and see the faq
@LogicalAngel what is your real use case?? its not just to put it in a text box if you want to substitute modifying a string for creating new elements
@techie_28 I can't see you getting much help with names like that... :S
    crrntCat  = jQuery.trim(v[9]);
    crrntSplr = jQuery.trim(v[30]).toUpperCase();

    if(parseInt(v[12]) > 0){
    if(v[12] == '5' || v[12] == '4'){
    if(jQuery.trim(v[35]) == 'Complete'){
    if(i == 0){
        nps = parseFloat(v[44]);
    if(prevSplr !='' && (prevSplr != crrntSplr)){
      console.log((prsntCat in prcntObj));
        obj = {};
        if (!(prsntCat in prcntObj)){
I'm creating an HTML editor with XHTML. This case will probably be used for loading the data from a file into an iframe, then loading the data from the iframe into the textareas.
Afterward, the textareas will serve as input for the file in the iframe.
I just want to do it simply without too much frustrating text manipulation.
@techie_28 you are using both prcntObj[prsntCat] and prcntObj.prsntCat. I think you meant prcntObj[prsntCat] in both cases
@LogicalAngel Well it hasn't turned out to be a simple job has it :( Jan give you a regex to replace it earlier so you don't have to do jack
    @Pinocchio problem seems to be here
    if(prevSplr !='' && (prevSplr != crrntSplr)){
          console.log((prsntCat in prcntObj));
            obj = {};
            if (!(prsntCat in prcntObj)){
               obj[prevSplr]      = {nmrtr:numrtr,dnmtr:denmtr,cmplt:cmpltd};
                prcntObj[prsntCat] = obj;
                prcntObj.prsntCat.prevSplr = {nmrtr:numrtr,dnmtr:denmtr,cmplt:cmpltd};
prsntCat gets values like strategy,abc and prevSplr will have subnodes to give
@JanDvorak see the If condition there please.
@techie_28 how am i supposed to know what any of your code is/does/means?
I still think you meant prcntObj[prsntCat] in both cases
Indeed it hasn't. Maybe I could load the data from the iframe into a DocumentFragment and remove the attribute there since it will then be a local operation. Or, reference the data via responseXML.
I don't approve of the variable naming scheme by the way
lvng t vwls scks
'strategy':{'BETSY DEE':{'dnm':10,'num':5},'DEE':{'dnm':10,'num':5}},
'abc':{'BETSY DEE':{'dnm':10,'num':5},'DEE':{'dnm':10,'num':5}}
actually in this desired structure "BETSY DEE" and "DEE" are actually sub categories of the category strategy and are available over different iteration
I am not able to append the object in of sub categories under the categories object.
@JanDvorak yes I am sorry about that
x.strategy["BETSY DEE"] = ...
@LogicalAngel if you wan't to waste all that time on 1 attribute then you go ahead. why don't you move onto something else and ask a question on SO. then come back to it when you know if it is possible
@BadgerGirl I hate you so much right now, can't even describe.
Well, I'll probably be using innerHTML, and outerHTML in a few places, both of which will return elements with xmlns attributes attached. Anyway, I'll figure it out I guess.
I think the documentFragment approach will probably work and won't be all that hard to pull off.
Thanks for all the involvement.
yes that is the problem @JanDvorak I was doing that with
percentObj.presentCat.prevSubcat = {nmrtr:numrtr,dnmtr:denmtr,cmplt:cmpltd};

presentCat gets the value "strategy" dynamically and prevSubcat gets Betsy Dee and so on..
but it seem not to be working
Good after noon all
if you do percentObj.presentCat, the value of presentCat is ignored
Anyone who can help me in understanding some doubts in jquery
Then how should I do that?
@NikhilAgrawal jQuery has no doubts.
percentObj.presentCat is equivalent to percentObj["presentCat"]. You want percentObj[presentCat]
@Nikhil It's lazy. Though, it teaches you that its possible to create custom APIs.
@OctavianDamiean right, but jQuery is being doubted (about?)
@OctavianDamiean Sorry I am not able to understand
some thing in jQuery
@NikhilAgrawal Just ask the question...
@NikhilAgrawal read our rules again after asking.
@NikhilAgrawal don't worry, we're just mocking you because you didn't read the rules
!!tell nikhil welcome
@nikhil Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
percentObj[presentCat] when I get first subcategory it works fine..But in case of subsequent sub categories it will keep on overwriting the previous one
coz I did
percentObj[presentCat] = {numerator:numVal,denom:denVal}
ContactManager.on("initialize:after", function() {

console.log("Contact Manager has been started");

How exactly do you suppose JQuery got the APIs to respond to a "$" sign?
I couldn't figure that out.
There is a contact Managet object
Now I want know what I am thinking is correct or not
@techie_28 then you're writing with the same value of presentCat twice
And why for that matter... I don't think it was really necessary to do.
.on is an event in jQuery
@LogicalAngel look up valid identifier names in javascript
and what is this initialize:after
that I am asking
This initialize:after
@NikhilAgrawal it's not an event. It's an event binding method
Will do. I've been curious about that for a while.
never heard of initialize:after
!!jquery on
Means we can bind some events like click right
me neither.
caprica I have seen the document but I am confused what is event what is event handler, what is eventbinding
@Panayotis Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
yes @JanDvorak coz the loop is like
category -> Subcat1
->Subcat2 .... so on can be any
I have to collect all Subcategory wise data and group in category.So subcats are actually available over different loop iterations and need to be grouped under related categories.
I am sorry if I am too confusing
@JanDvorak "ECMA-262-3 recommends that this symbol be used as an initial character in automatic generated codes only. Most Javascript libraries use it in a different way in spite of the recommendations of the documentation."
@NikhilAgrawal You hare binding an event handler to an element so that this event handler gets called when a certain bound event occurs.
So, it's just a possible identifier character?
If you didn't understand that, don't worry, I wrote that and didn't quite understand it either.
@techie_28 you can't have two properties with the same key in the same object
octavian who is event handler in this case and event binder can you clarify me
I figured they used some kind of complicated regExp to get the effect.
@LogicalAngel yep. Normally I read $sth as a jQuery object, and the sole occasion where I regularly use the hungarian notation
I am confused
SubCat1 key is formed only after collecting all the data of Subcat1 and so for other subcats over a loop so Subcat1 and Subcat 2 are different.. @JanDvorak
@NikhilAgrawal event handler = function that gets called when an event occurs
@NikhilAgrawal There's no event binder per se. You bind event handlers to elements using .on() (or one of it's aliases) and the function you pass to .on() is the event handler which'll be notified when a bound event occurs.
@techie_28 are you looking for an object of arrays?
@LogicalAngel Well, Jan gave you a tiny regex earlier
Oh god I feel so miserable ...
Object of objects actually @JanDvorak
Yeah. Lost to the chat void now, though.
@LogicalAngel We have a transcript. ;)
And a search function.
@techie_28 so do that. Create an empty object if it doesn't exist, and then write to whatever is there
lke this @JanDvorak
octavian so that functions inside .on are called as eventhandlers
@techie_28 did you mean Cat1, Cat2?
Oh yes sorry @JanDvorak
cats[cat] = cats[cat] || {}
cats[cat][subcat] = {...}
where the first line is a shortcut for if(!cats[cat]) cats[cat] = {}
@NikhilAgrawal Yea.
yea @JanDvorak.. it seemed to have work with this
prcntObj[presentCat][prevSubCat] = {nmrtr:numrtr,dnmtr:denmtr,cmplt:cmpltd};
was not working with
prcntObj.prsntCat.prevSplr = {nmrtr:numrtr,dnmtr:denmtr,cmplt:cmpltd};
thank you octavian
and what is .on called as
!!tell nikhil jquery on
A function.
Does document.createDocumentFragment() generate an XML document in XHTML?
@NikhilAgrawal .on is just a new thing to replace .live.. have you used .live ever?
They call it method in their documentation, which doesn't matter, it's just a function, call it what you want.
techie_28 no
@techie_28 not just live, but also bind and delegate
@techie_28 You shouldn't confuse him.
Yes @JanDvorak..
It's not even relevant to the subject.
No @OctavianDamiean I was just trying to have him a Idea of its functionality
I imagine its supposed to be an emulated API, which would refer to it as a method. In the end, though, I guess it really is just an emulation: from a function.
Q: Manipulating the methods of strings dynamically

DJDavid98I'm kinda lazy when it comes to using the local storage, so I decided to write myself this handy little function (or class): function LStorage(){ var dis = this, ls = window.localStorage; dis.has = function(i){ return ls.hasOwnProperty(i) }; dis.set = function(i,d){ if (typeo...

prcntObj[presentCat][prevSubCat] = {nmrtr:numrtr,dnmtr:denmtr,cmplt:cmpltd};
was not working with
prcntObj.prsntCat.prevSplr = {nmrtr:numrtr,dnmtr:denmtr,cmplt:cmpltd};

@JanDvorak why it was like this..any Ideas?I am little confused
Oh wow ... the computer I ordered yesterday for our customer, they told me it's going to arrive today and that's what I told the customer as well, guess what. The company I ordered it from just realized that the computer I ordered is out of stock ...
24 mins ago, by Jan Dvorak
percentObj.presentCat is equivalent to percentObj["presentCat"]. You want percentObj[presentCat]
ok..thanx @JanDvorak
Who do you work for?
Is there a easier way to do this?
$scope.active = $scope.active === false ? true: false;
$scope.active = !$scope.active;
$scope.active ^= 1;
@copy How's gamescon?
@copy cooool, thanks
It was awesome
Especially on the day where they only let a few people in
huh, why that?
Because I have special connections
Almost no queues
You can't use getElementsByTagName on a documentFragment?
@LogicalAngel no
Hell on a stick. Can I use the children collection or something?
@LogicalAngel no, it doesn't have any API
What about a reponseXML document?
Ha, i do like hell on a stick though, i will remember that one
.children() maybe
@cx seriously?
Yay, it has a childNodes nodeList.
@LogicalAngel so it does. my bad
No biggie. Glad I don't have to use a responseXML, though.
Hm.. would I have to use cloneNode to insert an already-existing element into the documentFragment via appendChild?
It doesn't seem to be working to appendChild(document.getElementById("elementId")).
Okay, nvm, maybe it does work.
@Pinocchio any idea why
    function Authorized(res){
        if( res.status.code === 222 || res.status.code === 200 ){
           $scope.data.auth_status = 'authorized';
           $scope.data.user = res.data || res.temp_profile;
           $rootScope.$broadcast('success','Your account was successfully connected');

    function AuthError( arg ){
        $rootScope.$broadcast('error', arg  || 'Error during social signup, please try again!');
the broadcast in Authorized works but the one in AuthError doesnt
moreover the AuthError function does gets called
@Darkyen where are you listening to them?
on another directive
nvm i figured out
$scope.$apply(); was needed
hey guys, can someone explain why cant i use <a href="www.mypage.com/#contactForm">? I think this is called pushstate and it works via menu, but not as a link...
Should be able to...
ah nevermind ... got it
Do you have a #anchor defined?
<a href="#contactForm"> is the way to go
without base url
@no9 http:// http:// http:// http:// http:// http:// http:// http:// http:// http://
copy chill :)
Might need to do url/pagename.ext#anchor
@LogicalAngel works with using just <a href="#contactForm">
looks like this way the refresh does not happen... idk for sure
I should read more
If you're pointing to another page, you do it that way. If its on the same page, I guess that works.
yes I am on the same page
If I remember correctly, that is...
will keep that in mind If i need to link from another page
thank you!
@no9 - you could have just edited the comment. Well done!
Hello Room. tips hat
@Blue still an IRC habbit.. to flood
You won't be able to flood here. It'll time out your messages.
BLAHHH xmlns-non-removing-sonofabitch
@LogicalAngel I sense some hostility or annoyance...
Is it possible to put a XMLHTMLElement in a div?
suggestions anyone?
Q: Drag and Drop - Detecting - insertBefore, insertAfter, append or prepend

Pinocchio I have a container I'm my app, and a draggable element. The draggable element needs to be able to be dropped anywhere possible. I am using elementFromPoint becuase it will be handled on the mouseup and the element that is being dragged will be the event.target So I get the element with element...

Yes, much.
man, I need to write to my attorney ... nobody pays for services anymore :(
What services do you offer?
Tried to stick it in a documentFragment and remove it, no luck. Tried to remove it in a respnseXML, no luck.
@no9 Youch, invoices not getting paid?
@no9 Learn German and start working for an Austrian company.
@Blue yeah ... sucks big time
Detecting it when?
@OctavianDamiean I was thinking of that, but I am not comfortable to move to austria :)
How far from the border are you again?
@Question: Could simply execute another function after the operation if you're not looking for any specific method of detection.
about 100-150km
@LogicalAngel huh?
Oh shit ...
@OctavianDamiean I would move, If I was alone, but I have to consider my wife and a 2.5yold son
@Pinocchio Are you snapping the draggable element into another div or do you want to save pixel for pixel the location it is dropped?
@Blue The draggable should be able to be dropped anywhere.
but yeah, it should snap into where it's dropped
@no9 Yea, I understand.
If they're using insertBefore to drop the element into the document at a specific point, simply execute a function dependent on the elementFromPoint after the insert operation.
but its hard to detect where it should be dropped there is so many possibilitied
@LogicalAngel You think i haven't tried, its not as simple as that
Why not?
@Pinocchio Okay so it can't be dropped ANYWHERE it will drop into a snap location...
@LogicalAngel because you can't just use insertBefore, you have to use appendChild too
@OctavianDamiean im a freelancer now :) , quit my job at former employer ... he still owes me around 10k :/
@no9 10k€!?
welcome to .si
@Pinocchio So if I drag it out of the page it won't stay off screen or some bizarre shit like packup and go on holiday.
@Blue yes but in all possible locations wherever you can place a element in html
I don't know why that would make it any more complicated...
@no9 What the hell? That sucks big time.
@Blue no if its offscreen then it will go back to its original space thats not the problem
@LogicalAngel when you are moving your mouse and you do elementFromPoint thats all good, but what do you do from there?
@Pinocchio Not sure it is a good idea to do it in every possible HTML element, I would recommend making a class that you attach to elements that can accept a drop, like dropContainer, dropCatcher or catcher
@OctavianDamiean and you know what? I will sue him, but its a big chance that he closes his company and opens a new one (like with same name plus ads one letter at the end). That way he cleares all his debt ... how that for a legal system :)
@amorbytes Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Blue it has to be able to go anywhere. otherwise you wouldn't get the layout you wan't
Ok let me edit your JFiddle and show you what I mean
@no9 I don't understand how that's even possible. In Austria he couldn't do that.
onmousedown=moveElement, onmouseup=elementFromPoint.appendChild(element)
Maybe you could use clientHeight and clientWidth to see which side of the element to append to.
You may fuck up the CSS by placing it on a bad element
Unless you make every style self containing you're gonna have a bad time.
@OctavianDamiean I know ... its possible here. Worst case balkan scenario... the attorney said I have all legal right. But the process will take from 1 to 2 years and If he closes his company and opens a new one i get nothing ...
@Pinocchio does this need to be raw Javascript or are you happy to use jQuery?
@Blue Then you don't put it there then do you? :L
if (mousex > clientHeight/2) appendBefore(elementFromPoint(mousex, mousey) blah blah
@Blue show me jQuery and ill convert it.
@Pinocchio - if you can put it in ANY element this will happen. That's why you drop it into a classable element
@Blue What will happen? if you put it in a element and it breaks the element thats your problem, but theres no other way you can do it. without either adding target elements
@LogicalAngel if you think its that easy show an example.
So, if you drop the element slightly above the elementFrom point, it will be inserted before, slightly below the half-way mark, insertAfter
@LogicalAngel ive spent 2 days on this. ive got half way there but you can't put it anywhere
Is this the object you are looking for? Or are you looking at another problem entirely?
If it'll work for you, I'll see what I can muster up.
@LogicalAngel what about append aswell
@no9 If you sue him over the open figure and he can't pay, he'll have to file for insolvency, in which case the entire business assets have to be liquidated in order to pay the debts.
In theory.
Not sure what that is, never used it.

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