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thanks @Pinocchio i've been looking for a site like this
definitely going to favorite this
im just interested in the usage for the most part
i am using intellij which is pretty nice for javascript
if you click on compatibility in the top right, it will give you more options than just DOM CORE
Yeah i was using sublime then i was using webstorm now im using sublime
top left you mean?
yeah left-right same thing
ya aha
I got some afrikan music going on from youtube.
@JoshM also last note. whenever looking for js docs for something google mdn like this document.createElement MDN
nice lol
Or even better document.createElement MDN -w3
ya thats what i was doing before
id just type in
javascript document.createElement
and the first result would be the most ideal
Just warning you. if you get caught on w3Schools everyone will reject you as a human
anyway i have to code and listen to african tunes!
i never programmed any java in like
2 days
have no project ideas though lol
what for JS?
nah just looking for a java project lol
i have been doing a lot of networking lately
because i'll need it for college
infact im going to have to learn javascript in college as well
so im getting a headstart now
im also going to have to learn .net asp.net and php
k cool
yup lol
not looking forward to that at all
Why do you have to?
.NET le sigh
taking software development
i was under the impression that you would strictly be doing java
i was totally wrong though lol
I don't think they'll be teaching much javascript in software development
hard to say tbh
Javascript is taking over the server....
i know they will be teaching a lot of .net asp.net and php because there are entire classes just on those
@JoshM btw my name is also Josh M
i have an html and css class first semester lol
omg really
My name is Connor M
well we definitely dont have the same last name
@JoshM Whats your last name?
id rather not say lol
@JoshM the second letter?
mannik though so
sure :P
@copy hi
@BadgerGirl hi
@Pinocchio What's your phone number?
@BadgerGirl 555-837-22
I don't answer anonymous numbers so don't even try it!
Unless it's Pizza Hut
@BadgerGirl What's your address?
Prol. Marsella 2827 Dept 3
Monterrey, Nuevo León
@BadgerGirl Can i send a postcard?
You can send me your soul.
@BadgerGirl I'm not sure but i think i'm starting to get you know feelings for you :/
@Pinocchio Use the power of commas, Luke
Also, don't get feelings for my girlfriend, thanks
And, how do, you expect me, not to?
If you do, knock yourself unconscious
I'll, fight you, whoever wins, get's her!!
This may be a silly question, but is there a way to attach a callback to DOM render events. For instance, trigger a function each time an element is rendered onload?
But I don't want to be with someone who misuses apostrophes!
@BadgerGirl Don't you mean commas?
He said get's instead of gets.
I don't really care about the commas.
You don't care? You don't CARE??? explodes
@copy what's the use case?
I don't like Pinocchio
Me neither
Nor do I
!!unmute 1907358
@phenomnomnominal User 1907358 added to mindjail. User 10 added to mindjail. Cannot find user is. Cannot find user this. Cannot find user thing. Cannot find user on?.
@phenomnomnominal Muted user 1907358 for 10m
@phenomnomnominal Unmuted user 1907358
can't be fucked going to gallery
@phenomnomnominal why would you go into gallery?
because then you wouldn't be able to talk
@phenomnomnominal are you actually serious?
What did you just wake up and decide your going to go into gallery because you don't like me lol?
@phenomnomnominal To your knowledge, is there a way to interrupt the load of an image on initial page load? Or rather, can you conditionally render a page (for the first time) against a script that's been loaded prior to DOm completion?
That's pretty sad
No, I've just been thinking that you're a bit of a douche.
And doucheyness begets doucheyness
@monners not sure what you're talking about. It sounds silly, but possible.
@phenomnomnominal You really do try to make yourself look big on here don't you well it's quite sad considering I haven't even said anything to/about you.
Do I? What reason would I have to do that. It's the fucking internet.
@phenomnomnominal I suppose a generic use case would be pre-determining whether to serve retina or regular images prior to image loadComplete
@phenomnomnominal Yes you do. regardless of the reason.
@phenomnomnominal And you keep adding me to the mind jail! what's all that about?
@Pinocchio @BadgerGirl & @copy are the fucking best, you're an asshole, and if you think I give a give a shit about how I appear to you, then that's literally the funniest thing I've read today.
I don't 'keep' doing anything.
I don't think I've even had any interaction with you before this.
!!unban Pinocchio
there happy?
@phenomnomnominal Yeah, I know. Read that a few days ago. It's actually what got me thinking about this. It's not so much that I'm looking for a solution to that problem, I'm just interested in whether a kind of html pre-processing can be done on the client side
@phenomnomnominal User Pinocchio freed from mindjail!
@phenomnomnominal So then what's your reason of being an asswhole if i have have no interaction with you before this
@monners just have image tags without srcs, get the res and load them in.
@Pinocchio the things I read you saying just before. Douchey.
@phenomnomnominal No, it can't be that simple. No way.
@phenomnomnominal like?
@monners why not?
I was being facetious . That's a really good answer. So simple.
Pinocchio: @BadgerGirl I'm not sure but i think i'm starting to get you know feelings for you
copy: Also, don't get feelings for my girlfriend, thanks
Pinocchio: And, how do, you expect me, not to?
^ douche.
@phenomnomnominal @Pinocchio be good or you make baby jesus cry
Happens all the time
@copy is she actually your girlfriend?
@phenomnomnominal So hypothetically you could store two src locations in data attributes (retina/normal) and swap the appropriate one into the src onload?
@copy Sorry, I thought you were joking. seeing as i and BadgerGirl were joking around
thats exactly what srcset does
But you could do that in browsers that don't yet support srcset
@monners there's a polyfill maintained by w3 guys
Well, it's good to know that, while not an original idea, it was a decent one :D
@phenomnomnominal Thanks
@copy are you actually pissy about that?
anyway i think srcset solution was dropped
He's not.
@BadgerGirl You knew i was joking right. and how was i supposed to know he was being serious. it's not everyday you get a couple in the javascript room is it
Since they're here everyday, yes it is
@phenomnomnominal We love you.
@phenomnomnominal You're are not funny in any way possible. you just try you're hardest to create a argument out of nothing.
No I'm not.
^ See, I'm funny.
no you're not. even if i did know they were a couple i didn't say anything out of order.
I still think you're a douche. You're the only one who seems to care about that.
@phenomnomnominal I couldn't care if you think I'm a douche though it does piss me off when you try and cause an argument out of it you ban me from using the bot and attempt to go into gallery mode.
See how you can still talk
@phenomnomnominal Yeah i can still talk
That means I didn't "attempt" anything.
@phenomnomnominal You did, then you changed your mind
Nope, I was hoping Zirak had implemented the automatic switch
Anyways, I have a big bit of work I need to finish tonight. So bye, it's been just swell talking to you. Here's a quick summary:
You're a douche. I don't like you. It's nothing personal, I just really fucking dislike you. Have a good day.
@phenomnomnominal so you think im a douche. do you think it's that important for you to inform me of what you think when i couldn't care less. it's a waste of your time and it could potentially cause a argument or do you think it's better to keep your thoughts to yourself and carry on with what you are doing?
@phenomnomnominal Peace dude
If everyone kept their thoughts to themselves, people would get away with anything.
@phenomnomnominal So you're saying that informing everyone of you thoughts has prevented harm/unhappyness to someone
Probably not, but next time you might think, "hmm, am I being a douche?"
Just like next time I think I see someone being douchey, I'll say to myself, "Hmm, are they actually being a douche?". And then assess the situation, and if they are being a douche, I'll tell them.
So you're saying that you have learned from this time that you should stop and think about if that person is actually a douche?
Forget it, i have stuff to do, you think I'm a douche - I'm fine with that. Cheers :)
Nope, I always consider whether someone is a douche before calling them out.
@String Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@CapricaSix Thanks
Why are you people pinning everything? The point of pinning is something that isn't likely to get many stars (so it won't be there long) but is important for the room visitors to see.. I like "BRO U LIFT?!" so I starred it, but pinning it? I don't get it..
@BenjaminGruenbaum What's pinning it?
@Pinocchio room owners
oh.. maybe paulIrish is their Idol :L
He's just a swell guy. It's not the first time he's here and I'm not just talking about him.
Moreover, while he's one of the good guys and I really like his evangalism, he didn't say anything particularly clever yesterday in here :P
@DmitryKaigorodov Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Hello guys,Abhi here,Shifted to Java Script from Android :)
Hello Abhi
Hi Owner :)
Had some kind of brown-out and my internet was out for a while.
What were you saying about the console, Pinocchio?
@VincentChua Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@capricaSix all right thanks
@cgupta Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Need help with removing xmlns attribute in an XHTML document within an iframe.
@JayP Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@LogicalAngel not sure that's a valid XML operation. Changing one element's namespace is one thing, removing a namespace declaration could invalidate the document.
there's also the same-origin policy that could hinder your progress
Well, I found that it works fine on the normal document, but removing it from the contentDocument of an iframe is giving me trouble.
what kind of trouble?
@LogicalAngel see what this outputs console.log(!documentElement.removeAttribute('xmlns'));
I want to remove it temporarily to write the documentElement.outerHTML to a textarea without the xmlns attribute, then put it back afterward.
Let me check.
@JanDvorak but he/she reckons that it won't let ... remove it
@LogicalAngel he / she?
It returns true.
@LogicalAngel paste your code in jsbin don;t change any of it
Eh... it's a mess of different shit, but alright.
This excludes the bare xhtml document within the iframe, however.
@LogicalAngel where do i see this xmlns attr?
I'd like to see said xmlns attribute
It's the xmlns associated with the page in the iframe's contentDocument's documentElement.
@LogicalAngel You said its supposed to be in the <textarea>?
@LogicalAngel no, there definitely is no xmlns attribute there
No, I'm writing the documentElement's outerHTML to the textarea after removing the documentElement's xmlns so its not included in the output.
ok... either this gets us straight to the goal or gets you utterly confused: are you trying to modify a xmlns declaration, or a default xmlns declaration?
@JanDvorak trying to remove it i guess
@Pinocchio which one?
@JanDvorak there isn't one
that i can see
4 mins ago, by Logical Angel
This excludes the bare xhtml document within the iframe, however.
The JSBin info does not include the document within the iframe to begin with.
The iframe's in there somewhere.
so jsbin is no good for solving your problem then?
ive inspected all the iframes
Unless I can somehow include an external document, it won't be a useful template for an operation.
Can I open another html window and it serve as an external include or something?
if this is helpful i have transported it jsfiddle.net/JRKE7
Hello all.
@LogicalAngel the iframe content would be helpful, just post it here so i can copy it then delete it
@techie_28 hello
Will do.

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