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Not possible.
@KevinMurphy Well, you most certainly can ask my advise. But I'm just being an ass, you may ask my advice, probably.
ah I suck
And @What was the result of that?
I hate uncomfy chairs. I need to get an office beanbag
@RyanKinal Why it's not possible?
@cx What're you trying to do...?
i've seen that many times
@MikeBoutin please, show me.
youtube new loading bar
@MikeBoutin If you're uploading, you can get the progress of the (client-side) file read. But that's about it.
!!> 'Zirak'.split('').reduce(function(p, c){return p+c;})
@MikeBoutin The youtube one is a fake afaik
@cx "Zirak"
!!> Array.reduce.length
@mikedidthis the bar is full when the video is loaded on youtube
@Zirak no worries! for now, i think the replace using an array has gotten me pretty far so I'll hold off asking
ok so how can i set my bar to be complete when all will be completed?
@MikeBoutin when the call is successful, update the bar
but it loads when the request load
if it's not progress...
@MikeBoutin but it doesn't fill in relation to the page loading, its a fake effect
@MikeBoutin That's not really an "ajax progress". You can try and do it if the data is streamed and you know how long it is
yep, stream protocol not http
@Zirak it's very short when you the video is cached
You know what's the current size and what's the total, so on each packet, size += packetSize; percentage = size / total
ajax is one http packet so you're fucked (even if it can be fragmented in lower layers)
@cx LOL
so we can't get a page size and the percent loaded
Unless the server supplies this sort of information via headers, no.
And unless you can read data as it goes through.
@MikeBoutin see you network console tab on chrome, you can see approximate times
Those are the two conditions, really. If you can do both, it's pretty obvious from there.
Hmmm. Actually... if you know the size of whatever you're trying to get, you can probably check for readyState === 3, and check the partial response that's stored in responseText.
@Seth Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
But again, you have to know the full size.
@CapricaSix I've read the rules like 4 times now.... Good grief.
@Seth It pinged you more than once with those?
@Seth Forgive her. She has temporary amnesia.
don't blame her she's blonde
@Zirak Yeah
I think 2 or 3 times... and then I've read the description ;)
new bug :/
Sorry, it must be a bug, I'll try and see why.
Ty guys
@Seth Did you change you name?
@cx No I haven't.
anyway t's based on userid I guess
Doesn't matter, it latches onto the user id
does anyone have a list off all class names angular use? i need to filter through the classes, but ignore angular ones
comma first = hip?
@Esailija hippie?
If you don't care about the length, should numerical indices be stored in an object or array?
Assuming object?
@Esailija Goes well with invisible semicolons.
i don't like it, people do it to prevent that IE bug right? i think you should run your code in jsHint anyway which will tell you in the end.
people do it to be hip
Wasn't the rational to "protect" against implied globals?
oh, maybe
jshint and strict mode do that, there is no need to obfuscate the code
@m59 try {1: 2, 4: 2}
var foo = 4,
    bar = 5
    cux = 6;
@cx nearly certain that fails.
//perhaps less obvious than
var foo = 4
  , bar = 5
    cux = 6;
@cx I mean why do you suggest that?
> should numerical indices be stored in an object or array?
@m59 Arrays and objects have different intents. If you want an ordered data structure, go with an array. If order and index is meaningless, go with a generic object.
ah sorry
Yeah, so object.
I was just double checking myself. That's what I was thinking.
indices are values
People constantly give these bullshit arguments on how js sucks
"Class.prototype.method is verbose"
aaaa kill me now
@cx I don't think you're understanding :(
@Esailija That Dog user is 100% troll beef.
I mean, look at this:
Q: How does Java distinguish these multiple methods with the same name/signature?

DogI was tracking down a bug today, and I noticed something strange within one of our classes. I cut out as much code as possible to post here: class A { static int obtainNumber() { return 42; } static int obtainNumber() { return 3; } static int obtainNumber() { return -1; } stat...

Class.prototype.method is verbose. I don't use it.
I did a quick check on his questions
I found at least 5 troll questions
that had to be set ups
Perhaps you're missing this "indices of _____"? I'm not saying indices of the array or object (which object doesn't have). Indices of data that are being stored into an object or array where order is irrelevant and the set is usually incomplete.
@RyanKinal me neither, but the point is that argument is bullshit because you never have to write such a thing
@Zirak a lot of them deal with hidden unicode in the source and multi threading...
He fakes situations contrary to popular logic and dresses them up in a non-obvious mush, only to have a meaninglessly trivial solution.
I suppose that depends on how well educated you are in OOJS
@RyanKinal or common sense, var p = Class.prototype; p.method1 = ... p.method2 = ...
@m59 well nvm, is it a time series?
Or Class.prototype = { ... }
I'm just deep into that currently
and how about Java HashMap initialization
It's a cache of things that have been loaded, labeled by id
people argue that is verbose too, but are unwilling to think that maybe they could make a method for it or something
@Esailija Fair enough.
@copy I hate the extra indentation that introduces :P
of course you could fake it and not just indent though
where do these guys get their rep from stackoverflow.com/questions/18258722/…
Ask Neal
he even has more jQuery upvotes than javascript .. how is that even possible
Those are a rep farm
well I mean if a question is about jQuery, it is also about javascript
@Esailija I think the number of posts tagged with jquery has recently surpassed those tagged with js...
unless it's about some design decision in jQuery I guess
Oh no, wait, the subscriber number is higher. But they're getting closer
I scrolled 20 newest jQuery tagged questions and 3 don't have js tag
jquery is js 1.10
Not to be confused with js 1.1
holy shit how can someone be this committed
@JohnNicholas: The real code (which is obviously not this) had 100% test coverage and thousands of tests, lots of which tested things in thousands of various orders and permutations... Testing doesn't magically find every edge case caused by nondeterministic JIT/cache/scheduler. The real problem is that the developer who wrote this code didn't know that construction doesn't happen before using the object. Notice how removing the empty synchronized makes the bug not happen? That's because I had to randomly write code until I found one that would reproduce this behaviour deterministically. — Dog 3 hours ago
Q: jQuery security and efficiency simple calculation code

Dawid van der Hoven//AMOUNT CALCULATOR var totalAmount = 0; var serviceAmount = 0; jQuery('.select-service').click(function(){ var serviceAmount = parseInt(jQuery(this).parent().html().replace(/\D/g,'')); if(jQuery(this).is('.selected')){ jQuery(this).removeClass('selected')...

damn it.. i can't replace carriage returns in this array? grr
'/[\n\r]/g': '',
Anyone know if there's a way to use mod_speling to make php includes case-insensitive too?
whats up people
@Jhawins Sounds like a hack
I'm working on my best js lib ever
Well I'm glad to be able to use it for normal URLs. But includes don't change.
It'd take a pretty taxing PHP function to check the directory for possible spelling problems...
@Cygwinnian Congratulations. You're writing something all of us have written.
I know
im so proud
@Jimmy Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Jhawins you are including something directly from url?
hi all. anyone here familiar with modernizr.load ?
@Esailija Well, file_get_contents for content.
does $('#divid').empty() clear out everything within the div? Ie, if you have an image tag, it will clear it out?
it will remove everything under the div
Anybody has an iOS 7 device ?
Eh. Just strtolower'ed the $_GET variables and renamed all the files on the system to lower-case.
Nice having SSH access for once...
Would it really make much of a difference if you put the "email" and "password" label on the right side of the textbox instead of the left?
Q: Using modernizr.js / yepnope.js to load Google Maps API

JimmyDoes anybody have any working code that allows one to use modernizr.load or yepnope to load the Google Maps API? I am able to load JQuery & GMap3 using modernizr, however Google Maps API doesn't work unless I make a traditional script tag. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8">...

@Esailija jQuery has more documentation, easier to copy pasta
In angular i'm using a filter, and when i click a button that has nothing to do with this filter, the filter is called 4 times?
I need a script to kill mosquitos
@Darkyen i do
@phenomnomnominal can u test something for me ?
@Zirak Holy cow, I feel sorry for that guy. xD
Codebase must be a mess.
just made a userscript to add the css: .tagged-ignored{display:none;} for SO
Happy birthday @Darkyen :)
look at the awful html here:
Q: CSS and JavaScript Animation not Applying to all Sections

user2683748I have a css animation being controlled by some javascript code but the animation is not applying to all sections that its assigned to. I have a list formed out of divs but the animation only effects the first one. any idea on how to make it apply to all section with the same id, in this case "Do...

@Zirak fuck you!
"Sections are HTML5, so I'm just going to use them for everything and say that I have experience with HTML5"
a section is not a div
@OctavianDamiean It was delicious.
yay! multiple blocks with the same id!
@Shmiddty each time you do this, a kitten dies, right?
@Siva Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@phenomnomnominal is it also frowned upon to numerate id's? e.g. id1, id2, id3, id4, etc.
If some element group is repeated multiple times, it shouldn't have an ID at all.
So any one got any clever tips how to make a scratch card effect in a canvas with the mouse used to scratch the silver film
i was thinking particle based but that might be over kill
@Dave have you tried anything?
its connor :D
@Dave yes, how you doing?
not bad
cool cool
@Dave well I see this being able to be done two ways. One is you paint the picture on top of the 'grey' (should have the same effect) - the second is that you have a hidden canvas that you actually draw black too (instead of erase) and you just use a clip function to clip the image only on the black.
!!Which sum or total or all?
I started writing a small demo then looked at the time - 4:55pm
hmm im thinking painting the image on the grey would be easier
so if you have a 'pen' tool, you have the image data cached, you just say "i'm drawing at x/y for a h/w value, what is that image data on the image. putImageData to the silver canvas"
does that make sense.
Create a canvas that is black. Touching it will paint it white. Use the canvas as a mask when drawing image.
I think making the pen tool look right will require the hidden canvas.
@eazimmerman I just suggested the same thing but opposite colours
@rlemon This means we are now arch rivals.
because to make the pen tool look right you should be drawing a 'pen pattern' image to the canvas.
lol !
see you all tomorrow.
Anyone know why a function would delete all appearances of some data from the DOM?
Q: highcharts series remove function deletes all original series data (even after stored in new variable)

billmalarkyWhenever I call series.remove() in my highcharts drilldown function the chart series is removed and unset as expected. However, I need to store that original chart data in order to "drill back up." I've saved the data into another variable, but calling remove also unsets the data that I stored i...

using a brush image like you would in photoshop will make all of the difference on realism of the 'scratch'
@Zirak Ate both alone?
yeah this tutorial suggests to use a brush that looks pretty good : webdesign.org/photoshop/imageready-animation/…
@billmalarky because you are saving a reference to the data - but I am just guessing as it is a common problem.
ill use that brush me thinks
is it an array?
Q: Why does this Java program terminate despite that appears that it shouldn't (and didn't)?

DogA sensitive operation in my lab today went completely wrong. An actuator on an electron microscope went over its boundary, and after a chain of events I lost $12 million of equipment. I've narrowed down over 40K lines in the faulty module to this: import java.util.*; class A { static Point ...

@rlemon I believe so, but if you look at that SO question, I am doing a deep copy of the object, at least I think...
> after a chain of events I lost $12 million of equipment.
console.log typeof if you dont know @billmalarky
man, you are going to make me open it again...
@Dave no he means about the ref.
I think
var series0 = jQuery.extend(true, {}, hChart.series[0].data),
series1 = jQuery.extend(true, {}, hChart.series[1].data);
That's how I am trying to copy the data
Then a function later comes along and deletes all hChart.series
@rlemon dont know if you seen this my friend made using reddit karma as a canvas demo : clintbellanger.net/karma
But then series0 and series1 get wiped along with it.
can I style a <hline>
yes we can
@billmalarky use .clone instead of .extend
@rlemon Trying that now, will report back
home time
@FlorianMargaine lol yeah that account is a total troll
check out many of his other questions
@rlemon Clone seems to make copies of jQuery selections. How would I use that to copy a javascript object?
@dievardump I don't know precise numbers, but given from what I know and hear, it varies from like 60-90k (€) a year as frontend engineer and around that corner. Pretty much depends whether you're working as principle or not for instance.
<br style="margin: 1em 0;">
Q: Why is length of "Níðhöggr" 9?

DogWhy is the length function saying that this 8 character string is 9 characters? >>> length "Níðhöggr" 9

this is my favorite
Love him arguing the accepted answer
@billmalarky please go read the docs
This guy is messing with us. — Sotirios Delimanolis May 10 at 15:59
if it doesn't clone objects anymore (it used to iirc) then use Object.extend and var new = Object.extend({}, obj1, obj2[, objN]);
i'm out
@rlemon Wait
I've been working on this for hours.
Give me like 5 more minutes of your wisdom
its 10$ an hour
var new = Object.extend({}, obj1, obj2[, objN]);
var series0 = hChart.series[0].data.extend(true, {})
What are the additional obj1, obj2 parameters for?
they have a Doc?
Or is it var series0 = Object.extend({}, hChart.series[0].data);
@rlemon Still there?
@billmalarky No
@Esailija That guy is awesome.
@BadgerGirl :)
he just put a bounty on this stackoverflow.com/q/17890429/995876
Now I have to read all his questions.
@BadgerGirl Challenge accepted?
pretty strange thing to do after destroying 12 million of lab equipment
@copy @BadgerGirl I want my POSTCARD !!!!!
@copy I'd love you more if you posted more questions like those ones.
I'm so sad the original one was sent to my old address :( :( :
makes me wanna cry..... makes me wanna die :-(
@copy send him a pic of his postcard :)
So he can publish it on the Internet even though I threatened to kill him? Nyeh ...
uhh ooh uhh ehhh. maybe I'm not so sad anymore for not receiving it.. :-p
@jAndy you can thank @Shmiddty for not getting your postcard.
@BadgerGirl why is that ?
I guess its pretty much my fault for not updating my address on my internic loopup
Oh well, it's not too bad
@jAndy Read his postcard.
Ive spent all day on the jsbin compo
@BadgerGirl thank you :D
@BadgerGirl lol
seizure enducing
@phenomnomnominal can u ?
I can see straight slowly again
I love that this is just CSS jsbin.com/ufesog/3/edit
its basic, can u find out if iOS 7 allows background javascript aswell ?
dude I had to program it
imagine my eyes
@Neal yeah her stuff is impressive
It is fraking amazing
Anyways. I have gtg. Have a good night all!
see ya
Bye Neal!
Q: What is the application architecture for this Nomad / PhoneGap + Azure mobile services?

makerofthings7This channel 9 video describes how to create a Javascript based application in Visual Studio 2010, send it to a packaging service and get the Android APK, (and iphone files, etc) What is not explained at a sufficient level for me is how the application architecture "works". Authentication I...

Love it.
I guess I lost the game
but... I expected a "DAS SPIEL" from you guys :P missed that one
@jAndy she played ......The game....
like a boss
@copy post the ones with the names <3
@copy haha, PS: the game
"Developers confirm that in iOS 5 an app cannot update its own icon"
amazingly 5 lines of html and javascript with some lines on server attains this with ease.
i still hate the fact that flash isnt supported in devices
given so many stream sites use flash still
can't you workaround/hack that issue ?
by jailbreaking
well on android you can if your on an older android version
looks like thief gets a special post card @copy
That's because he's my best friend.
@jAndy why do it ? when 5 lines of js does it without jail breaking ?
ah. what are the pictures on the front?
Now a picture of @SomeGuy's card but of the cover please.
We don't have that.
@Dave We actually didn't take a picture of that, but mostly places from Miami and some naked girls
But ... I want to see boobs.
    <!-- Method A change the URL From the server -->
    <link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" href="/img/custom-icon.png" >
            // Method b change the url on client
            document.getElementsByTagName("link")[0].href= '/img/apple-touch-icon-114x114-precomposed.png'
well you get a star for saying naked girls.
Only one naked girl.
as does @OctavianDamiean for saying boobs
one is better than none
if you go to spain around the night club regions finding a post card without naked women is pretty difficult
Intruiging .... @BadgerGirl
@BenjaminGruenbaum apparently using strict comparison when it isn't needed violates the open/closed principle.
@Darkyen I hate you so much right now
comon man ... its my birthday.. hate me less today
lol happy birthday
and since u really want boobs
where is this going...
@Darkyen wat? Fo' real?
yes -_- .. fo real
@Darkyen Well happy birthday, my mother as well. :)
OH ! wish her from my side, aswell
i must sleep now, i have crappy college tomorrow :-( ,cya gn

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