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2:30 PM here
we are currently playing the "say your local time" game
German people, Is there work in Berlin ?
11:00 am
!!youtube its thursday
Did i win anything ?
@dievardump Is a medal good enough?
In what language was caprica six written?
!!tell tredged help
@Tredged 420, help, listen, eval, coffee, live, die, refresh, forget, ban, unban, info, jquery, choose, user, listcommands, norris, urban, parse, tell, mdn, awsm, color, convert, define, findcommand, fuckable, get, github, google, hang, inhistory, learn, 5318008, bewbs, i_am_a_robot, aliens, ym, format, 3point14, camel, ihatelanadelrey, fa, knock, lick, insult, ultimateinsult, microlove, easytools, wherearethegoats, tobacconist, ninjad, sarcasm, adventure, w3schools, 3mdn, joystick (page 0/2)
ihatelanadelrey LOL
@Tredged A knife cuts your head off and you die of lack of advanced web development skills. Game over.
What an awfull death
@Tredged Foth
And a bit of javascript
@AaditMShah Chuck Norris' testicles do not produce sperm. They produce tiny white ninjas that recognize only one mission: seek and destroy.
Haha, that was enough :)
Hey kiddos, Go play in the sandbox, please.
@AaditMShah I ate them
!!tell aadit sandbox
@JanDvorak Command sandbox does not exist.
jAndy is German, isn't he ?
I have a script that post an ajax request to a php script that send out some values from a while loop can I with JS instead of put those values in a textbox make new checkboxes for them? atm I update the values with appenPloeg(html)
@jAndy do you have any idea of the current employment market in Berlin for a front end developer?
@Zirak That was towards me I guess?
No, that was towards the room in general.
@Zirak @Zirak 50 : 50 on that one
Darkyen draws 8, bust, dealer wins.
@Zirak meh
@Darkyen Because a quadruple ping is better than one.
it looks to me like jQuery voyering around
the first example confused me for it being a template engine instead :3
@Zirak Looks very nice.
Missing some stuff... honestly NodeLists should be arrays, that'd pretty much fix of half of what's wrong with the DOM
What do you guys think about NodeJS?
During daytime, or in our sex dreams?
Daytime xd
How will I add text to a checkbox then lol ? @Zirak HTML.body.div.add('div').add('checkbox')
@Fabien Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@CapricaSix Hello Autobot.
@Tredged Please don't post the same thing more than once in a short period of time. If it's a question, try again in a few hours.
@Zirak ping!
@CapricaSix Hmm.
@JanDvorak pong
maybe you should allow emoticons more often :-)
oh, I didn't push the size filter?
Can someone explain the HTML.min.js I readed it but I dont quite understand how to customize the adding lol
Whoever said that Planetside 2 is great, I have a message for you.
@Tredged What?
@OctavianDamiean Why?
Someone here in chat said that Planetside 2 is great, he was full of shit ...
Hence the "why", why do you dislike it?
Granted, the concept is interesting, the implementation sucks big time.
I mean giving the checkbox a name, id how lol
HTML.body.div.add('div').add('checkbox'){ checkbox.textContent = "lol"; };
I've burned double-digit hours on it, and it's not awesome, but it is nice+
@Tredged That makes no sense syntactically
Been fighting with a xss/iframe/javascript issue for a while. How easy does it seem to you guys?

I need to produce a JSON object of every iFrame/Object on any given page. The JSON should contain "height, width, left, bottom, right, top, src, html". src refers to the top level source. HTML is from the outterHTML all the way to inner HTML. So essentially a stringified version of the dom element. Here is an example format. http://pastebin.com/1PF6Hsvf
@Zirak What would make sense then ?
@Tredged The very first example is about setting an element's text.
@Fabien And the problem is?
@Zirak Stringifying cyclic structures in the iframes
Typically I am no good at Javascript. I've written something to almost do all this but it's so convoluted and ugly.
@Zirak On Planetside 2?
@OctavianDamiean Correct
But this was a few months back, maybe it changed drastically in the meantime.
Also, some iframes are crazy complex. Like there's no source on the outermost iframe, so I need to grab the second.
> A Perl program, a C program, and a Java program walk into a bar. The Perl program tries to order, but nobody can understand a word it says. The C program points at an empty spot on the shelf behind the bar and promptly explodes. The Java program wants to order, but first it must construct a BarOrderFactory.
@Zirak How would I set it with .add('input type="checkbox"')
@Tredged We both have the exact same experience with that library. I have never used it, I just thought it'd interest this room. So my answer will remain the same: Look at the docs.
@Zirak lol
@Zirak Ah, my bad then :) the library is nice.
Omg the jQuery IF plugin...
    ///     I think I've set a new record.
@Zirak Hahaha
that plugin must be really old if he couldn't use if
@Zirak That's hilarious XD
He says it's compatible with jquery 1.2+, so pretty old, unless he bothered to go back and verify it only works as far as 1.2
in es5 dot syntax can use reserved words and the grammer is even defined on the spec to allow it
@Blue You got some time to help ?
How would one go about writing a directory structure explanation, several files included? I remember seeing some nice ones, but I can't recall where.
I need some help instead of updating the textbox value I want for each ID a new checkbox can someone help me? pastebin.com/QanJQ8yg
@mikedidthis Some of those look interesting
@Zirak they do indeed. I have zero idea on how you would do it, but I presume canvas would be needed.
@mikedidthis Nice!
I think I'm going to make one of them. Looks like it'd be fun
The DSotM (prism) one I'll definitely try.
Nice! Team JS go!
I just need to remember what angle each colour disperses to
Ha, the slideshow carries on to more random imgur images. I was working out how the hell someone could replicate this: i.imgur.com/2SMDFjg.gif :D
^ some one wanna pin that for me please?
@SomeGuy wow that was fast :D
@mikedidthis That's not me, by the way!
It's one of the completed visualizations as in the post.
@mikedidthis Done!
Odd. It won't show up in the sidebar for me
@SomeGuy oh right, I was going to say... :D
@SomeGuy and thanks. At leasts its saved somewhere.
There, it's on the sidebar now!
I just starred it.
@SomeGuy excellent. Be nice to see what folks come up with.
And I remember absolutely nothing from optics...crap
Look it up?
You are so pretty.
@Andy Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
In case it wasn't clear, it was a back-handed insult. Looking it up is the obvious course of action, which I am taking, so instead of saying "I already am" or "really? gee, I didn't think of that", I decided to say "you're so pretty", as an extension to "be pretty and shut up" - you're not smart, but you're pretty.
@Zirak your penis is small.
Your mother didn't seem to mind
@Zirak it was crystal clear, your insults usually are.
!!Is Zirak Craig's father?
@OctavianDamiean Absolutely not
I hoped he was
@George Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Seriously, why is this message flagged?!
50 mins ago, by Zirak
    ///     I think I've set a new record.
I don't see any flag
Does anyone have any experience in stringifying cyclic structures? More specifically an iframe element. Inner contents and all.
@JanDvorak: I just declined it.. it was one of the "offensive etc." flags
@ThiefMaster I don't want to use / have to maintain the flagger's code. After all they consider code comments offensive
should this question be deleted? stackoverflow.com/questions/18251616/…
The hell is SPA?
what should be done about the answer? It attemts to be objective
single page application
Pure brainfuck.
@OctavianDamiean I can't see any brainfuck there
only a ball orbiting an impossible figure
@OctavianDamiean That's an Escher triangle
Sorry, Penrose triangle
The brainfuck programming language is an esoteric programming language noted for its extreme minimalism. It is a Turing tarpit, designed to challenge and amuse programmers, and was not made to be suitable for practical use. It was created in 1993 by Urban Müller. The name of the language is generally not capitalized except at the start of a sentence, although it is a proper noun. Language design Urban Müller created brainfuck in 1993 with the intention of designing a language which could be implemented with the smallest possible compiler, inspired by the 1024-byte compiler for the FA...
The Penrose triangle, also known as the Penrose tribar, is an impossible object. It was first created by the Swedish artist Oscar Reutersvärd in 1934. The mathematician Roger Penrose independently devised and popularised it in the 1950s, describing it as "impossibility in its purest form". It is featured prominently in the works of artist M. C. Escher, whose earlier depictions of impossible objects partly inspired it. The tribar appears to be a solid object, made of three straight beams of square cross-section which meet pairwise at right angles at the vertices of the triangle they for...
The Mobius strip is quite interesting too!
The Möbius strip or Möbius band ( or ; ), also Mobius or Moebius, is a surface with only one side and only one boundary component. The Möbius strip has the mathematical property of being non-orientable. It can be realized as a ruled surface. It was discovered independently by the German mathematicians August Ferdinand Möbius and Johann Benedict Listing in 1858. A model can easily be created by taking a paper strip and giving it a half-twist, and then joining the ends of the strip together to form a loop. In Euclidean space there are two types of Möbius strips depending on the direction...
@dievardump I'd say its a golden age in Berlin and Hamburg for developers / frontends. I'm not around that corner but I know a ton of people up there
its like the German Bay Area so to speak
@Zirak "M.C. Escher's lithograph Waterfall depicts a watercourse that flows in a zigzag along the long sides of two elongated Penrose triangles, so that it ends up two stories higher than it began. The resulting waterfall, forming the short sides of both triangles, drives a water wheel. Escher helpfully points out that in order to keep the wheel turning some water must occasionally be added to compensate for evaporation." haha
btw success!
 - parsed Body 185 -> Class
 - parsed Manifold 555 -> Class
 - parsed World 1531 -> Class
 - parsed AABB 2088 -> Class
 - parsed Circle 2349 -> Class
 - parsed testAABBvsAABB 2483 -> Function
 - parsed resolveAABBvsAABB 2824 -> Function
 - parsed testCircleVsCircle 2877 -> Function
 - parsed resolveCircleVsCircle 3077 -> Function
 - parsed testCircleVsAABB 3152 -> Function
 - parsed resolveCircleVsAABB 3465 -> Function
 - parsed CollisionHandler 3484 -> Class
 - parsed testCollision 3567 -> Function
that fully automated JS doc generator is coming together :))
(and yes it's modular, meaning that you can write your own "plugin" to detect whatever class pattern you've got
It will take away all of the annoying namespaces and reference / name handling code for you though
And it also has a plugin system to detect common wrappers and their exports (e.g. iife, node.js exports stuff, amd )
how do I quote something in hacker news
yea I read that.. I guess I am going with code formatting
here's my comment anyway news.ycombinator.com/item?id=6217260
or * *
you could do: *> My quote here*
there is not even a preview feature
ok refersh, it looks pretty good with taht
haha, lack of class-based OOP is a severe deficiency.
I love that argument.
class-based is ambiguous too
ruby classes, python classes and java classes are very different
but you could say "class-based" in all cases
even though ruby classes and python classes are closer to javascript constructors+prototypes in spirit than Java classes
the word "class" is severely overrated
The website which started the discussion looks interesting
hey how to pass arguments to resize event?
^ check the fiddle
I am trying to run the function on window.resize
Python and Ruby are just less strict, Python (don't know about ruby) allows for multiple inheritance. I still like Lua the most, it's prototypical just like JS, but more "clean"
Python classes are more like a shell for mixins
(and operator overloading yay)
well none of that shit ultimately matters too much.. if I recognize the concept of a Person in my problem space, then I can express it pretty much the same in all of these
Any help?
@Mr_Green window.onresize = function() { setAlign('row', 'box'); }
$('.ass').resize(function(x){return x/2;})
So, it is impossible to pass arguments to resize event?
right now you just assign the return value of setAlign to the resize handler, but you need to assign a actual function
@cx Heretic!
@IvoWetzel That always reminds me of this:
Hexen: Beyond Heretic is a dark fantasy first-person shooter video game developed by Raven Software, published by id Software, and distributed by GT Interactive beginning on October 30, 1995. It is the sequel to 1994's Heretic, and the second game in Raven's "Serpent Riders" series. The title comes from the German noun "Hexen", which means "witches" or the verb "hexen" which means "to cast a spell". Plot Following the tale of D'Sparil's defeat in Heretic, Hexen takes place in another realm, Cronos, which is besieged by the second of the Serpent Riders, Korax. Three heroes set out to des...
My favourite PC game as a kid.
@Mr_Green You can't reference a function with parenthesis as that evaluates the function, so what you need is an anonymous wrapper function
I guess on resize you just have the dom events
but we can pass arguments to onload event right?
then why can't to resize?
ah css flexbox would do that :p
post answer here if it works stackoverflow.com/q/18226007/1577396
@Mr_Green You think that's correct because you immediately call the function. It looks like you're doing it onload, but you aren't.
In fact, what you're doing is:
var t = setAlign(...);
window.onload = t;
not IE but IE users get uglier UI that's normal for them
@Zirak Is this correct?
window.onload = setAlign('row', 'box');
@Mr_Green What you posted and what I posted are exactly the same.
You're calling the function
The language doesn't defer your call to the event. When you do foo(), you call foo
It doesn't matter where you call foo - it can be in a variable assignment, it can be in another function call, it can be in 3 AM when foo is all tired
function setAlign(a, b) {
    return function() {
this is what I do when I have this kind of issue ^
^ closure right?
ah, the useless function pattern, I see what you mean
That's one possible answer. Or you can do the reverse as Ivo Wetzel suggested, and wrap it.
Since having setAlign return a function is really, really weird behaviour.
rename it in ..
You can have setAlignDeferred of some sort, and then extract to the general deferFunction function, which would then make you realize you're re-implementing bind
@IvoWetzel you have nice teeth.
setAlign.bind(null, a, b);
how do I get such nice teeth.
@rlemon step1) no smo..ng
smo..ng ? is this a new thing?
I let you find :)
I will use bind then
bind doesn't work in IE8
in case you're wondering...
but it does in IE7 so don't worry
that's why I usually use the way I described earlier
it was a strange compatibility issue
bind automatically fails if the host is version 8
It's in the spec.
that's why it doesn't work in Chrome 8 either
and FF 8
it's soon time for safari...
nah they skipped version8, coz nothing or almost fails on FF and chrome
1. Let `Target` be the `this` value.
2. If `IsCallable(Target)` is false, throw a `TypeError` exception.
3. If `HostVersion()` is 8, throw a `SyntaxError` exception.
but if you write it using emacs 8 you are ok.
Especially because Emacs 8 was released before javascript existed.
it was future proof
Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I could improve my question? It doesn't seem to be getting any attention, so I was wondering if it was clear enough?
Q: Pdf.js text overlay only adds to canvas. How to log it to console?

Joel MurphyToday I found this fantastic code example on how to extract text from a pdf file using pdf.js. The functionality is perfect, but the script itself has more code than what's really needed to call the pdf.js library and is rather messy. An example of this is having an un-needed(?) ajax call to anot...

Thousands of years ago, in the 70s or something.
@Zirak have you compiled emacs 25 yet btw?
it has some nice features.
lol that PommeDeTerre dude is hilarious
he is like replying on every comment and trying to shit on Javascript
@JoelMurphy It's most likely because pdf.js does not have a large user base
@FlorianMargaine Cool, I'll try it out over the weekend.
Unless I'm too busy playing stuff @rlemon pointed to.
@Esailija ?
@Zirak ?
8 hours ago, by Shmiddty
user image
@FlorianMargaine on the hacker news thread news.ycombinator.com/item?id=6214553
@Zhegan You are probably right. I wish it did as it's an awesome project :(
@JoelMurphy Who the hell is Zhegan? Are you cheating on me!?
Oh dear :3
@Zirak You are probably right. I wish it did as it's an awesome project :(
@Shmiddty and the uncensored one?
That humble bundle is awesome
Sorry, been using linux too much today and just pressed z and tab :p
@Esailija meh, HN always takes at least 15 seconds to load...
that one is just a test
@JoelMurphy but origin :( to be fair, its only Dead Space 3 that is locked to it.
@C5H8NNaO4 what that elephant browser?
Also I presume the key is for Steam OR Origin, not both?
@rlemon Congrats, you get to be the one who'll deflower my new credit card.
@mikedidthis yeah you get steam keys too hotukdeals.com/deals/…
@cx evernot lolz
@Shmiddty hahaha
there is only one stamp on yours
@Mr_Green Yeah that's what surprised me, that they have automated test in the review sections ^^ what else is SO testing..

@cx Chrome Mobile
That's because they love him less.
Q: What are review tests (audits) and how do they work?

AsheeshRI recently received this rather amusing message while reviewing a user's first post: Congratulations! This was only a test, designed to make sure you were paying attention. This post has already been removed, but thanks for taking time to leave feedback for the author. What is t...

Stamps ∝ Love. If someone gives you their stamp collection, it means you're the one for them.
@C5H8NNaO4 ok + evernote
@rlemon Well thanks, but tbh. it hasn't always been that way. But if you got a good dentist and a bit of time... but anyways, nowadays everything is A OK whenever I go there for control :)
Dental bleaching, also known as tooth whitening is a common procedure in general dentistry . According to the FDA, whitening restores natural tooth color and bleaching whitens beyond the natural color. There are many methods available, such as brushing, bleaching strips, bleaching pen, bleaching gel, and laser bleaching, . Bleaching methods use carbamide peroxide which reacts with water to form hydrogen peroxide. Carbamide peroxide has about a third of the strength of hydrogen peroxide. This means that a 15% solution of carbamide peroxide is the rough equivalent of a 5% solution of hydrog...
@cx I haven't done any bleaching, I considered it once but the price tag was too high for the "benefit"
you're filthy rich
But yeah, I don't smoke, and only rarely do I drink coffee or tea.
it's almost 3pm
and my gf isn't awake ~~
she's that active
Maybe she's dead. Poke her with a stick.
@FlorianMargaine In case she's a student, I'd consider that just normal.
@FlorianMargaine Nice. Have you checked if she's still breathing?
@Zirak I'd have suggested a bucket of water but that might work too
I don't think I ever slept more than 12hrs continuously
I think 13 hours is my record
let her beat that world sleep record
I'm a student too :p
@IvoWetzel I smoke and drink coffee and wine :(
i'm doomed
I should move to the UK
Your profile picture is you drinking a starbucks. You are doomed.
depend of the frequence/quantity, but yes you are
@JoelMurphy He can just as well start programming in Java and PHP right away, won't make any difference now.
@JoelMurphy There was no tim hortons in the area
Canadians need their coffee.
@rlemon worst move ever.
@mikedidthis but then my bad teeth will go unnoticed
@mikedidthis See what you did there
@FlorianMargaine Which means I live in the United States
ok time to get ready for work
how does anyone be productive with EMACS when there is M-x tetris
@rlemon ahh tbh we do have pretty shitty teeth.
Haha. People in the UK like their coffee too. I was working at an office last week and they sent me to Starbucks to buy 16 coffees for everyone. I think I've actually had 1 coffee in my life.
in canada you can buy ten cups in a box
we just love coffee that much
@JoelMurphy yep. Don't forget tea though. Tea is very important.
@rlemon to clarify, that's 10 'premade' cups of coffee? Pour, heat and drink?
no ten cups of hot black coffee
pour - garnish - enjoy
you get a bad of milk/creme and sugar on the side
and stir sticks.
imgur.com/gallery/poYARCe < made in italy :))

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