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Hi all
@IvoWetzel I hate bloated code
I also find the generator syntax horrible... but I guess I'll get used to it eventually
@IvoWetzel That's why I never do if (x) y(); braces FTW
@phenomnomnominal feedback:
1) y u make me full screen / horizontal scroll ??
2) y u have snake wrapping at edges, shouldn't it die ??
3) the mouse over effect for the page is ugly. drop it.
@Spilot Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@JanDvorak Keeping a strict design doesn't mean bloated code though, python sticks to the "just one way of doing things" rather well and it looks really clean because of that
@Neal they do make it run slower, they are slightly ambiguous (some of them) and they stand to only save your 4 characters. Considering you are already loading an abstraction library how is 4 characters even a concern.
@rlemon 1) i like it at 1080p 2) it's snake 2 bitches, 3) which one?
@JanDvorak go is also quite nice, but I can't stand a some of its "optionalities" and the fact that google's own tutorials are written in different GO styles
@phenomnomnominal when I mouse to the top right corner the page changes. I'll get a pic
My javascript question has been up for two days but I haven't been offered the "start a bounty" option. Why is that? I have 67 reputation points and can afford the requisite 50. Do I still need more reputation points?
@phenomnomnominal ahh I c. lighting is based on mouse position... nice
well, kinda nice. work on your lighting biatch!
what don't you like about it?
Hmm, looks better at night
I can make it look like this if I go off screen top left.
Change your comp clock to after 7pm
I do like operator overloading in ruby
curves = curves - c + (c[0] | c[1])
so dual monitor, moving my mouse to the left screen did this to the page.
yummy, Greek salad.
@OctavianDamiean \o
also I get random 'webgl hit a snag' errors
@Malkus Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@rlemon yeah I can't do anything about that
@rlemon as for the lighting, I kinda like the hard shadows
@OctavianDamiean looks yum .. ready to play ?
@JanDvorak Operator overloading is great, but I'd never use it in a non-static language. First it's rather limited in that case and second I don't need more bugs because of sudden coercion
@phenomnomnominal hrm, well I don't!
also, please make shit wrap at less than 1080p
@IvoWetzel Ruby's operators are methods of their left argument
@Darkyen lol mate, it's still office hours in Europe. :)
aint nobody got time for dat [horizontal scrolling]
but I don't wanna :(
you're gonna loooove what i just pushed
@OctavianDamiean hmm,... i should get a mouse :->
it's awful
in the meantime if i dont want my ass obliterated (XD)
^ stay away from 'bubba' in prison
+ i amma test the game lag [slower internet]
@JanDvorak Ah I see, you'll have to use typechecks in the method body though in order to implement all the different cases, right?
Anyone know how to force a github pages refresh?
@IvoWetzel or ducktyping
basically you push it and wait
@phenomnomnominal bogus push to the pages branch
@Darkyen Already prepared my Sleetseries equipment. ;)
@IvoWetzel sometimes it takes a few minutes.
@IvoWetzel ahh, got it
longest it has taken was like 15
@rlemon go have a look now
2 new buttons
@OctavianDamiean i have got a new-crap bandage for my left hand so that i can move my fingers ;-)
i am all geared up aswell :D
@rlemon I once had git die during the push, it pushed up all the changes cleanly, but on github's end the job that would rebuild the pages wasn't triggered :(
@Thanassis_K Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@phenomnomnominal which ones?
down the bottom
I already saw the full screen / wireframe deals
they were in the snake version
case y
  when Array then ...
  when String then ...
  when Fixnum
to the left of fullscreen
the wireframe puts a big yellow line btw
in snake it did at least
yeah, that shows where the lights are drawing
@Darkyen As soon as I can call it a day, I'll reboot into Windows, install GO and then disperse your brains on them walls. :)
@OctavianDamiean you wish ;D
my neg-ev shall rip you in pieces
@rlemon well, he'll respawn so it's going to be more than one brain.
bed time for meeee
night gentlemen!
awesome band name
anybody wanna do a ping speed test ?
@OctavianDamiean in counter strike go you can play ghost too :P
you can take control of the bots in your team (if any)
Nah, no bots, just a good ol' 1v1
You can take your neg-ev, all I need is a Deag.
@phenomnomnominal if you, Octavian, Benji and myself started a band we could be "Ben Damiean and the Phenomnomnominal Lemons featuring the smooth bass tones of Darkyen of Abhishek."
I would buy that album
@OctavianDamiean 1vs1 counter strike ?
Abhishek isn't in the bad, he is just a cameo
no fun :P
@Darkyen What did you think?
i'd much rather have bots :P
@Darkyen can play the sitar
also "Dead men in raincoats" would be a pretty good band name for an alternative band
comon ... strategic advantage
@phenomnomnominal i can remix songs ... thats it no sitar
@Darkyen We're supposed to measure our skill, you can't do that with dumb ass bots getting into your way.
"Testicular Sound Express" still tops my books for 'best potential band name ever'
The Archibald Quartet, for some sort of ultra hispter folky shit
@OctavianDamiean skills also include strategic planning
Fuck strategic planning, if I want that I go play Arma.
there's a band called The Craig Spence Project. I should sue
hi guys
@Mokkun Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
!!google the craig spence project
@rlemon If you ever create a label call it Sour Sounds. :D
Or Lemon Drops.
@OctavianDamiean alright we shall try both then ?
1vs1 and then 5vs5 k ?
Pucker productions.
Does anybody know Lua?
most likely you will be better in 1vs1 [oh btw there is a gift for you]
@Darkyen Whatever, I'll just kill my bots if they dare to get into my way.
Weapons :: SMG :: PP Bizon
I wanted to know what's the difference between select("#", ...) vs table.maxn in Lua.
@OctavianDamiean you can control them with commands 'follow me' and they wont come in b/w you
we can further turn team collision off :P
@Darkyen Can I tell them to stay in position at spawn?
z 4 : "Hold this position"
they will ambush the spawn point
How should I send a textarea with XMLHttpRequest? Is "post" the "right" way to do it?
Team, stay here, don't hold me up.
@Mokkun as always, depends. Most often, post.
@AaditMShah what is table.maxn?
@rlemon It returns the maximum integer index of a table.
@AaditMShah strange, the reference list omits .maxn but lists all other table methods.
@JanDvorak what if I have line break etc on my text, is that still the way to do it?
Silly me, I figured it out. Things become so much clearer when you write them down.
but you can see it in the docs. just not the reference list
@rlemon That's strange indeed.
@Mokkun linebreaks don't matter in either get or post
What is that brown goo sandbox thingy again?
they will get url-encoded in both cases
@JanDvorak thanks I'll try that then :)
@AaditMShah sheesh. I'm looking at 5.1 vs 5.2 docs
see table
table.maxn is removed in 5.2
@BenjaminGruenbaum does the last paragraph make sense to you stackoverflow.com/a/18103909/995876
disclaimer: I don't actually know lua, but am an excellent googler.
@rlemon It's removed from the docs but you can still use it in the interpreter.
@BenjaminGruenbaum what I try to mean is that when you do object literal with methods, that is typically emulating static methods and such
seems silly to do that, but ohh well
@rlemon Lua's really simple. I wish we had Lua in the browser instead of JavaScript.
@AaditMShah lua lacks bitwise operators
Not to mention that as it currently stands the prototypal inheritance model of Lua is more powerful than the prototypal inheritance model of JavaScript.
@JanDvorak There's a Lua standard library for 32-bit bitwise operations.
@ArtemIzyumov Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@JanDvorak wat
@JanDvorak What?
how can a general-purpose language lack bitwise operators..
@Esailija you know, simplicity
@Esailija Lua is not a general purpose language.
It's meant to be a highly embeddable language.
you know, a general purpose language can lack variable assignments (cue Haskell)
The word "highly" being used in a metaphorical sense here.
that's not the same thing
what do you replace bitwise operators with?
great read: contextis.co.uk/files/Browser_Timing_Attacks.pdf (Using requestAnimationFrame and text-shadow to detect whether a links was previously visible by checking the rendering time)
I haven't used bitwise operators in such a long time...
@JanDvorak Haskell is meant to be referentially transparent. Hence no variables.
@Esailija repeated division by two
(widthofwindow = +(960<windowwidth))?yooucandoit():$('#topbar').remove() however it is unwise for you to do this. Keep your code as is. Readability > size every day of the week. — rlemon 2 mins ago
I'm impressed in that line, but sad that he might actually use it
@Esailija C libraries.
they are so great for flags too Regex.IgnoreCase | Regex.Unicode
I haven't used bit-flags in such a long time...
@Esailija Point. Flags are awesome.
this is common in PHP and C# at least
I dunno, regexpObject.ignoreCase = true seems nicer.
You may always use options instead of flags in Lua:
that only communicated half of the settings and took twice the space
Who cares?
I wanted to display a binary number by lighting LEDs (no better output mechanism). I ended up testing and subtracting powers of two
I dunno expressive power is pretty big deal
func {
    ignoreCase = true;
    unicode = true;
it's in the top10 reasons people hate Java - at least
@AaditMShah count at least 4 bytes per bool
anyone here do arduino?
hello all again
@JanDvorak You can always dive into the C API of Lua and create your own syntax easily.
angularjs is slowly killing me
I've always had a dislike for these flag things. I'd rather pass a flag object (key => bool), like you have in Object.defineProperty
@vimes1984 Why's that?
I'm looking for a good 'beginners' tutorial for the programming, I don't just want to throw a c++ book at the guy because he's not a programmer and really only needs some simple stuff.
@AaditMShah not if said lua is embedded in a game whose only non-game-affecting output are said LEDs
is there a 'beginners guide to Arduino programming' ??
Gosh I love my tomato vines.
@HttpNinja Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@RyanKinal I'm trying to return a array from an xml in one cotroller and access it in another controller
They're sooo sweet. :D
@OctavianDamiean :( we've had a cold spell.... bees fucked off, all my fruit stopped..
@Esailija I hate Java to the core. I was made to write a seminar report on Java in my college and I ended doing a lot of Java bashing. Fortunately they never read my report and I ended up getting an A+. :)
I mean, the fruit is still growing, but the flowers all fell off.
@vimes1984 Oh. I kind of expected it to be large architectural problems rather than small, specific problems.
@AaditMShah :P
posted on August 07, 2013

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} WANT

so 4 tomato plants and I think i'll maybe get 15 tomatoes tops
Or does that stem from a large architectural problem?
4 plants should give me at least 50
@JanDvorak Then again that's a very rare case.
@RyanKinal nope this is due to my complete lack of understandinf of asycn and sync calls i think
@Esailija Not really, no
@rlemon That'll happen.
@vimes1984 Ah. Yeah, could be.
@RyanKinal not this year it wont :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum :P
@Esailija I still have the .tex, .dvi and .pdf versions of the seminar report if you wish to read it. A lot of people told me that it was hilarious.
@RyanKinal fancy taking a look?
@Esailija I mean it, you don't typically need objects for statics.
basically the last two weeks have been ~8-9 degrees cooler than average for my area
@AaditMShah Yes please
@vimes1984 I really don't know much about angular. But my company is looking at building future applications with it, so I want to know about large architectural problems.
"You typically need Objects only for grouping related static functionality together (behavior, but no prolonged data) or as a dictionary/map/associative array (data but no behavior)." <- I disagree with that
Look at the small ones.
Most of the time you use objects, that's just how the language works.
@Zirak Can you upload pdf files to the chat room?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I agree with your disagreement.
@AaditMShah No.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I meant Objects
not objects
@Esailija You mean objects as in object literals?
Then I'll forward it to you if you give me your email address.
or Object objects
I use them all the time, I prefer them over constructor functions ~95% of times
that's not the point
new is just syntax added for Java programmers, I use it because I work with some people who were Java programmers, and for optimization.
the point was never about object constructing tactics at all
@Zirak I sent you the mail.
I deliberately collected more than I needed for this salad. Now I'll enjoy them plain. :)
Thanks, will read.
I dropped my water bottle and it has a big flat dent now. Boo.
@BenjaminGruenbaum if you do var a = Object.create(...) then I don't consider a an Object object.. I consider it an instance of ..., you see.
@Esailija var a = {x:5,y:3} I consider a an instance of Point, typing is behavioral, sue me.
@Shmiddty now imagin your flat had a big dent
btw with that you don't get instanceof. I'd argue obj instanceof Node is more readable, explicit and correct than if( obj.nodeType )
@BenjaminGruenbaum Agreed
@BenjaminGruenbaum not codifying taxonomies when they make sense is just I don't have words
@Esailija I don't care if I get instanceof if I use instanceof in a behaviorally typed language I'm doing something wrong to begin with
@BenjaminGruenbaum Fighting over strong behavioral subtyping again?
@Esailija Sometimes it's useful, sometimes it's not. It's worth it when it's complicated.
I am assuming we have clear-cut situation like a Point
of course forcefully codifying a taxonomy that isn't really there or make any sense sucks
@Esailija I think @BenjaminGruenbaum is hinting at the Liskov Substitution Principle.
Substitutability is a principle in object-oriented programming. It states that, in a computer program, if S is a subtype of T, then objects of type T may be replaced with objects of type S (i.e., objects of type S may be substituted for objects of type T) without altering any of the desirable properties of that program (correctness, task performed, etc.). More formally, the Liskov substitution principle (LSP) is a particular definition of a subtyping relation, called (strong) behavioral subtyping, that was initially introduced by Barbara Liskov in a 1987 conference keynote address entitl...
@AaditMShah I love your introduction. "Nobody reads this, so fuck the system!"
@Zirak Well, nobody in the management read it anyway. That's the reason I got an A+. =P
@AaditMShah LSP is pretty simple... it's not what I was arguing though.
You don't need strong behavioral types to have behavioral types.
Op feels like and idiot in 3...2....1...
@rlemon Where's the question?
stupid mobile copy
Q: jQuery .on("click") - alternative to .live()

Casper SlyngeIn my project I am appending several buttons to a div: $(".tab-content").append("<div class='landing_content'><button class='off-screen-nav-button btn btn-info btn_edit' data-effeckt='effeckt-off-screen-nav-right-overlay'>Edit</button></div>"); and then listen for a click with the following co...

> In your markup you have btn_edit and in your jQuery you have btn-edit.
5 upvotes :P
OP made a typo
Lol. People don't seem to be reading between the lines.
no one does
getRates: function(xml){
    return getRates(xml);
@vimes1984 I've commented your question. Your intent really isn't clear. Why the new ?
why not getRates: getRates
That's not a proper fiddle... It's too wide and not working
Oh, about:memory in Firefox is awesome.
equally as awesome
@rlemon in firefox you can explicitely call gc

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