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java.text.ParseException: Unparseable date: "2013-08-01"
stupid java
!!> new Date("2013-08-01")
@cx "2013-08-01T00:00:00.000Z"
@IvoWetzel sweet!
java.text.ParseException: Unparseable date: "2013-08-01T00:00:00.000Z" stupid java again
let's give up and use timestamp
@cx er... what API are you using to "parse" the date?
oh right, I'm dumb private DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
We live in a sad world when the difference between 0 and 0.0 is actually visible on the memory timeline in chrome ._.
!!> 0 === 0.0
@cx true
Seems like chrome doesn't care and happily throws away allocated 0 for floats as soon as the pop up, might be over-optimizing here under the hood. But turning all 0 that are actually floats into 0.0 did end up saving some memory and reduce the GC
!!d3 or three?
@cx d3
@Loktar Did some cleanup on the code, should be really easy to implement additional collision algorithms now (it's way more modular now). Just extend your new shape from Body and add the require code to the Manfold.solver and Manifold.init things.
Mmmmm... McDonalds. I can taste how cheap I am.
@Darkyen ping
how would you differentiate between Shim and Module?
in what context?
a shim usually implies a "patch"
or a "workaround"
I am dynamically loading some code as '#myid'.load(' ' + '#myid'); in scripy .. .
now I need to catch events from that piece of code
onclick events
which is not happening
can anyone suggest
which is not happening
@Surya How are you attaching your click handlers?
@Surya error messages?
$('.comment-flag').on('click', function() {})
is the code, that should catch event
its in document.ready()
@Surya is .comment-flag part of the dynamic content?
there are no error messages
I wonder if DOM ready makes a difference?
@Karl Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Arvin Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
as opposed to document ready
I really dont know. I am not that great in JS.. but considering that I work on backend.. mostly, I have to messup with this stuff too
@Surya Then your handlers aren't getting attached on page load (cause the content isn't there yet). Attach the handlers to a static element above that. $('#myid').on('click', '.comment-flag', function()
@itamar Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Hi. This is my first time in the chat. I'm not even sure how to phrase my question.
actually there are several .comment-flag
out of which it has to catch one..
I can probably provide #id of parent element
but not its
@Surya That's fine, it will work for all of them. Just use $(this) in you function to figure out which one you're on.
maybe the DOM is hanging - waiting for the event
did you look at the log
A: jQuery .on() event doesn't work for dynamically added element

Felix KlingIt does not look like div.mainTaskWrapper exist. From the documentation (yes, it is actually bold): Event handlers are bound only to the currently selected elements; they must exist on the page at the time your code makes the call to .on(). To ensure the elements are present and can be selec...

id it is?
#myid -->what element
i dont' know the id of the element loading up!!
@Surya Something that's on the page from the start. Probably the element that you're appending the dynamic content to.
I have two ints (0-11) that I need to store in a string until later. My first thought is to store it as A.B, then I can pull A easy, but I'm not sure how to get B because .1 and .10 is considered the same. What can I do?
@Karl use floats
@Karl Why do you have to store it in a string?
i dont' know the id of the element loading up!!
out of which it has to catch one..
Inbutton[i][j].setActionCommand(Integer.toString(i) + "." + Integer.toString(j));
@Surya You don't need to attach the event to the element loading up. You need to attach it to a static element.
may be 'body'
then that's sure to live
I used body and its working.. wowo
thanks for help
@Karl would parseFloat() not work?
@Surya No problem.
My coding skills are WEAK...I'm not sure...
I'm fairly new to JS, but I know it sucks at decimals
I prefer python for math ops
@Karl Can't you just separate them with a comma or something instead? Not to mention, the string would be (e.g.) "3.10". You can still parse those parts manually even with a period.
True. I didn't even pick that up.
@Karl you are trying to add a period to make it a decimal?
That was my first thought, then I'd convert the 2 halves back to ints, but I forgot about .1 & .10....
.1 of a dollar is a dime, so is .10, but nobody writes $.1 for a price...
I'm flexable
I'm reading about them. Can I do String[] temp = sourceString.split(".");
Can I convert them directly to an int?
I'd be OK with converting them directly to int[][] pressed[x][0] and pressed[x][1];
I'm dealing with over 70 buttons, which makes it fun...
OK. I need to pay more attention to what I read. I need the [ & ] in the delimiters...
Thank you. I thinks I understands!
is there a way to reference an attr on a ng-controller in the .controller() ?
@A.sharif Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I need some help figuring how to set up caching static images on my webpage. Does anyone have any experiance?
@IvoWetzel holy hell man, Ill do that tomorrow at work
thats badass
how is this being done i dont get it codepen.io/desandro/pen/kdqgy
@bushdiver it fucks with my eyes so much
but its a neat trick
so the big one starts at 200 and grows
the small one grows to 200px
yah its kind of an annoying effect
hmm i still dont get it lol, so theres only 2 and they grow untill full zoom, then change back to opacity 0 and shrink / start over ?
no, the two swap basically
^ that just stretches until the size matches the next one to go
which is 200px
so I think the smallest image gets to the size of the middle woman basically
oh i see, the effect is built in to the image as well
This must be a stupid question but which one must be faster (efficient) in constant looping situation?

   case 0x0:
   ...many more cases

equally fast?
idk, jsperf it
id be interested to know
Too lazy XD..... That's why I'm asking here heh
hello guys, can someone help me to my problem
I have a datepicker and tablesorter in one view file , and they are conflicting , the datepicker is not working anymore, but when i take out the tablesorter the datepicker is working fine
Thanks is advanced to your help
1 hour later…
Q: How to call a javascript function in a local HTML5 file from native Objective-C method?

Adromil BalaisI want to call a JavaScript function like: function alertMe(msg) { alert(msg); } How can I call it using XCode if the HTML file is loaded on a UIWebView in XCode

I was wondering, when something like say .preview img (css) is clicked can I make it so that it does playMovie()
is this possible? What would the code look like?
@Shmiddty wanna do the Angular adapter for github.com/benjamingr/TakebackJS ?
@BenjaminGruenbaum is it possible to do what I am asking?
$( ".preview img" ).click(function() {
Would that do what I am trying to do?
@BrandonGelfand if you have a playMovie function then yep.
@phenomnomnominal what am I doing wrong? edutasc.com/blog/lesson/math-lesson-video I got it to start playing when you click the image but then it immediately stops.
@BrandonGelfand Yes. I'm busy however.
@BenjaminGruenbaum thanks, I got it working.. kind of :/
$( ".preview img" ).click( playMovie );
@phenomnomnominal ?
   if ($("#quickRegistration").is(":visible") || $("#fullRegistration").is(":visible")) {

if this #quickRegistration or #fullRegistration is visible i want to hide #registrationType div ? but this isn't working ?
@à° _à°  when are you calling this?
@JanDvorak what am I doing wrong? When you click the giant play button it immediately stops after it stats. edutasc.com/blog/lesson/math-lesson-video
@à° _à°  the condition is only executed when the page loads
@BrandonGelfand got busy, sorry.
@phenomnomnominal np mate, can u just take a look at it plz?
Its really odd
@JanDvorak so i need to add any event ?
click or something
@à° _à°  you could hide the buttons when one of them is clicked
@BrandonGelfand nah, i'm doing shit
@phenomnomnominal is .bind() better?
because when they click the play button it starts then stops
$('.close').on('click', function() {


$( ".preview img" ).click(function() {
.bind( playMovie );
why is my this code not setting value for select class??
@BrandonGelfand it sounds like you're just being stupid
what do you expect .bind to do??
well bind worked
You're calling a function on nothing
sort of...
!!tell rozer format
@rozer Format your code - hit Ctrl+K before sending and see the faq
Yes I am .preview img
what is .bind applied to?
you have this:
function () {
That does nothing.
$('.close').on('click', function() {


!!tell echo BrandonGelfand jquery bind
@cx Command gelfand does not exist.
It's not even valid JavaScript
@Rozer ok, now add indentation :-)
@cx Command gelfand" does not exist.
@cx Command "brandon does not exist.
i'm trying to set value for select class on close
@Rozer also, show your HTML
@cx Use the same name it takes to ping him.
You only remove spaces.
every other thing in the code works except this
give me a moment
@cx Command brandongelfand does not exist.
yeah.. not the morning.. :) s/echo/
@Jhawins yep thanks
 <select name ="country"  class="select">
            <option value="Australia">Australia</option>

            <option value="United states">united states</option>

<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">×</button>
@Rozer do you have any errors in the console? fiddle please
no not any error
Your answer is even more cryptic than the question. — dystroy 35 secs ago
@Rozer chances the button does not exist yet when you're trying to bind it?
put a breakpoint inside the handler to verify it runs
it exists and it work for                                                                                                    $('.modal-body').find('input').val(''); $('.state2').show();
@phenomnomnominal i don't know how to get this thing working what do i do?
except $('.select').val('Australia');
@Rozer it's a long shot but try $(".select [value=Australia]").prop("selected", true)
you can't set the select value to an arbitrary string
sorry it didnt work :(
fiddle please
hi all
$( ".preview img" ).bind( "click", function() {
@BrandonGelfand bind is outdated. Use on
I used that and it still is the same, when you click the play button it immediately starts then stops
koi lift e nai :/
its shows the same value that was selected even after clicking on close
@Omar what's that? It's not English
Q: How to get the id Tag?

SandyI have a table <ol id="subdiv_3" class="thumb-grid group"> <li id="0"><a ><img src="klematis_small.jpg" alt="thumbnail"/> </a></li> </ol> How to get the id of <li> element?

yeah @jan , its called pothohari
The upvote of the first answer is depressing...
> Please sign up for the course before starting this Lesson.
@JellyBean Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I will disable it, give me a second @JanDvorak
@CapricaSix thanks
anyone here who have experience of working with socket.io specially with mrniko-netty server ?
@dystroy downvoted
@BrandonGelfand it doesn't start playing, not that it stops immediately
yes it does
click the big play button then the play button goes away and u see the first frame of the video
so it does start but stops immediately
that's usual for videos that haven't played
to show the first frame
But it does start cause that only appears when the video has started
If it hasn't started u see the play button
@JanDvorak This morning I want to downvote everybody... Here's another one :
Multiplying by 1.0 would coerce to float, if for some reason, you didn't want an int. — Paul 24 secs ago
@BrandonGelfand the CSS makes me sick
Thats not the problem here though
it is, if it prevents me from wanting to investigate
I can't do anything about it
Thats just how its generated
by what?
@BrandonGelfand ew inline javascript
@AkashPius Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@BrandonGelfand bind is ou... wait, I've already told you that
why are you using jQuery instead of $?
I know thats why I did $( ".preview img" ).click(function() {
That stuff was preprogrammed and I am afraid to edit it
L90: ever heard of &&?
jQuery used instead of $ is to avoid jquery conflicts
@JanDvorak what is causing to to stop immediately after the image disappears?
say if we are using prototype and jquery both in one project there will be errors occurred because of this $ as this is used in both libraries.
if you are using prototype and jquery in one project, you're doing the internet wrong.
@JanDvorak If you're not tired of voting to close...
@ChuckKelly Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Q: Javascript date formatting

Mohamed Fawaskhani tried my level best but couldn't get the result what i need is YYYY-MM-DD function AddDays(days) { var thisDate = new Date(); thisDate.setDate(thisDate.getDate() + days); var dd = ( thisDate.getFullYear() + '-' + (thisDate.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + thisDate....

@AkashPius do you know what might be wrong? edutasc.com/blog/lesson/math-lesson-video When you click the big play button it starts then immediately stops again
@BrandonGelfand would you be so kind and disable minification or (better yet) enable a source map?
Dude I only know CSS and HTML I am clueless as to what your asking for
googling can tell you
I am trying to figure this stuff out and I am just using things I remember you guys talking about
im using suprb.com/apps/nested and for some reason no matter what i do when my page loads it renders the grid pannel of my layout above its desired div pannel causing it to overlap
Ie click
do you want me to debug library code???
where is vplayer.js from?
any ideas?
@BrandonGelfand there is no problem with small play button right. The only problem is in big button. Which plugin u are using for the media player
Video Gallery from CC
ok let me check that
@BrandonGelfand where is said $( ".preview img" ) I'm trying to find?
Its the CSS for the big play button
is there anything i can do or barter with to get some input on my problem ?
im pulling my hair out over this damn bug
i know design , android , REST api's , php , java and some ios ...ill do work or help anyone who can help me with any of those topics. im desprate
/me working with dropbox on 2 machines can a bit fuck you
sorry safari crashed
@JanDvorak I put the non minimized JS in there
@BrandonGelfand is this problem happening in all browsers when i checked this in firefox, it seems the big button is changing to small as on click .
@BrandonGelfand he asked for js code I think
and the file + line number of it
alrighty then
3000+ lines and the script is vplayer.js
3841 lines, but there is a lot of spacing and crud
most of the lines are annotations and spacing
I need help for Mongoose, anyone?
@BrandonGelfand I just see minified version online
refresh your browser
Its there and I see it
ah ok
$( ".preview img" ).click(function() {
Uncaught TypeError: Property '$' of object [object Object] is not a function
forgot a .
where did I foget it?
btw use Chrome to debug web stuff
@BrandonGelfand between $ and (
Safari for Mavericks has very nice dev tools
un minimizes code to
@Matthijs Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
so its readable
@BrandonGelfand Welcome to the future.
@OctavianDamiean u running 10.9 to?
That's what Chrome had for a year or more.
anyone here use angular?
@BrandonGelfand No, I'm running sane systems.
@cx so it should be $.( ".preview img" ).click(function() {
@OctavianDamiean you no like?
@cx look what happened :/
@BrandonGelfand remove the . here $.( "
should be $("...
@Connor ok, but now when u hit the big play button it starts then stops immediately
@BrandonGelfand where's the player?
what do you mean?
@BrandonGelfand where is the player that is not working.
(function( $ ){
  $( ".preview img" ).click(function() {
})( jQuery );
Try that
@BrandonGelfand You shouldn't really be putting your own code in other people's libraries though unless you know what you're doing.
@BrandonGelfand ah sry, but well $ is not defined, you seem to have an old jQuery stuff
so put jQuery( back instead of $(
Q: will the jquery.jplayer render the videos from akamai

user30241Currently Im using jquery.jplayer with which Im able to play the videos which are in my local machine.Will this js be able to render the videos from akamai server or do we need any script change for that.I will not be able to test that locally with the akamai server, so just want to check on that...

@Connor that didn't work
@cx didn't work
jQuery( ".preview img" ).click(function() {
right @cx ?
yes, jQuery( ".preview img" ).click(playMovie); is even enough
@cx that doesn't work
@BrandonGelfand $ is not defined so you need what i gave you
or jQuery
that is using what u gave me @Connor
@BrandonGelfand yes now playMovie is not defined
It still stops right after starting
It is though @Connor
It is using it in other parts
@BrandonGelfand There is something that is pausing the video so until you find out what that is you can use this.
  jQuery('.preview img').on('click', function(){
    var el = jQuery(_this);
    }, 1000)});
You need to find out the problem though
that doesn't work @Connor
@BrandonGelfand well, it does for me
you probably need to load the scripts in the right order, the thing where playMovie is defined before vplayer
@BrandonGelfand try this in the dom ready function
    $('.preview img').on('click', function(){
      var el = jQuery(_this);
      }, 1000)}
})( jQuery );
@Ryder Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
hi any one using jquery mobile ?? i stuck in one place need help
@Connor jquery.ready already provides self as the first argument to its callback. You can remove your own IIFE wrapper
@BrandonGelfand did you make an instance of $.fn.vPlayer somewhere, to use its playMovie function?
or this then...
jQuery(function( $ ){
  $('.preview img').on('click', function(){
    var el = jQuery(_this);
    }, 1000)
@JanDvorak i personally don't do that though because not everything goes in the ready function
@Connor doesn't work
@Connor where are you putting the code?
I am putting it all the way at the bottom, can that be a problem?
@BrandonGelfand yes sorry, in your code change _this to this
@Omar hi
hwz u doing connor
i need some help
on socket.io
anyone here who can ?
@Connor now when u hit the small one u have to click it twice to play
function playMovie() {


                if (o.type == 'vimeo') {
                    vimeo_data = {
                        "method": "play"
                    video.contentWindow.postMessage(JSON.stringify(vimeo_data), vimeo_url);
                playcontrols.children().eq(0).css('visibility', 'hidden');
                playcontrols.children().eq(1).css('visibility', 'hidden');
heeelllllllooooooooooo ?
@BrandonGelfand sigh
@BrandonGelfand try this. may or may not work
jQuery(function( $ ){
   $('.preview img').on('click', function(){
@Omar Not the way to get help, Omar.
@Omar just ask your question
@Connor doesn't work
back to square one..
I have a java based application running on play/Eclipse , i want to use socket.io in my app , for this i'm using mrniko-Netty on server side and socket.io 0.9 on client side. the problem is when i want to connect it through websocket it gives error

WebSocket connection to 'ws://localhost:9090/socket.io/websocket' failed: Unexpected response code: 400
@BrandonGelfand you know where this is function playMovie() { ?
i dnt know why i'm getting this
@BrandonGelfand replace it with window.playMovie = function() {
@Omar Java != javascript
then do this
jQuery(function( $ ){
   $('.preview img').on('click', function(){
@Connor that kind of worked....
look at what happened though...
@jan i know
for server side i'm using java , on client side , its java script
@Omar say "java script" again, and I'll wrap your body in a car pet ;-)
@BrandonGelfand what are you doing?
What do u mean?
look at the code above then compare it to what you have just put
jQuery(function( $ ){
   $('.preview img').on('click', function(){
IK @Connor urs didnt work
Now I am trying another
*yours, *didn't
@JanDvorak *I, *know

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