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(function doDishes() {
 return "done";
"This message is now too old to be edited."
@Shaz What? prevent default click what?
@Nathan there's another Nathan in here. O_o
ooh.... spooky.
He's trying to steal your identity!
Fight back!
fight fight fight fight fight fight fight
Are we talking in punctuation today?
    return false;
I see...
I'm too old to fight these upstart Nathans. I'll just have to give up my identity.
I'm the real Nathan
The one with the Apple for my profile pic!
He is. I'm the imposter. See?
I'm the one that was talking to Thomas last night about JavaScript being disabled on sites
And Twitter and stuff
that was you.
but the other Nathan has been here longer.
I remember him first.
Yeah i know
Well i thought someone was saying that I am not Nathan or something
We were just...
Maybe it would be less confusing if everyone changed their name to Nathan.
cuz if everyone's Nathan, no one is!
@ThomasShields yeah
@Nathan You good at making stories?
@Shaz Which one?
@Shaz i've got one in the making, gotta finish these dratted dishes
@Nathan Either I guess. @ThomasShields Ah, for the Code golf page?
@Shaz yup.
Cool :)
I'm apparently good at making babies. #4 due Friday, so I'll be absent from here for a while.
Congrats @...crap which one's you?
I think it will go to the last Nathan that sent a message
let's see...@Nathan
I think if you use the reply button it will explicitly link also.
I thought this chat is about JavaScript? lol
@Nathan true dat.
@Nathan you can be the Nathan while I'm out, okay? Please?
@Nathan Off topic is how we roll, broseph.
@Nathan ok
@Nathan lol
we'll makre sure he does a good job.
a bunch of notifications are popping up in the right bottom of my screen because all of these mentions
@Nathan Really?
@Nathan how odd.
@Nathan Sorry, should've said "I'm extending my prototype and will be implementing offline diaper closures for a while"
@Nathan LOL
@Nathan haha
I love dictionaries sometimes.
" stip·u·la·tion (st p y -l sh n). n. 1. The act of stipulating."
naturally the entry for stipulate reads: "v. 1. To engage in stipulation"
> re·cur·sion. n. 1. See recursion.
I always thought it was angle brackts
but I guess not
it is '> ' on the first line, Markdown-style
> test
Naturally everyone's going to try it.
no quotes, silly.
oh duh
sheepish grin
like this??
@Nathan Unless my eyes are deceiving me, I see no example of using >
Like > "RAWRRRR" -- T. Rex
@Shaz you're right, no example anymore
> I thought this is what I did before... fail
If you wrote a Javascript function to "wash" the dishes, what would it look like?
@Shaz LOL
Error: NullReferenceException: Object "wife" is null or undefined
@ThomasShields Yeah that's the issue, I don't have one.
shakes soap of hands and i'm too young
I noticed a while back that I could wash a lot of dishes in 15 minutes if I focus on speed. I had a bad habit of being methodical and slow.
Perhaps chatting while washing might slow it down too?
@Nathan that's the problem. If I don't get these dishes clean, no one will. I could go fast, but then they won't get clean
@Nathan prolly not...
No, see, I realized I could still get them clean without being slow.
ah okay. lucky.
Just do the same job, but faster. And with less typing in to SO chat.
I'd try self.call("brother") but i'd probably get a Error: TVFixationException: Object "brother" is stuck or cannot leave TV
@Nathan yeah :)
Seriously. 15 minutes will seriously dent any pile of dishes if you focus on speed.
A: Creative Programming

Matthew ReadReminds me of LOLCode, everything is sort of a story (or at least a "conversation"): HAI CAN HAS STDIO? I HAS A VAR IM IN YR LOOP UPZ VAR!!1 VISIBLE VAR IZ VAR BIGR THAN 10? GTFO. KTHX KTHX KTHXBYE

@Nathan I think it worked. I'm trying that again tommorow.
@Shaz is it okay if there's a few functions/vars off to the side to make the code run that don't quite fit with the story?
Like if I wanted to say if(thing === good), is it okay to stick a definition for good in there even though it doesn't flow?
@Anyone I need help with something (JavaScript). It's my lightbox plugin. wowbox.yolasite.com/copy.php The image one isn't working for some reason.
@ThomasShields Of course
@Shaz k cool.
I need help with something (JavaScript). It's my lightbox plugin. wowbox.yolasite.com/copy.php The image one isn't working for some reason. Can someone help?
Problem at line 25 character 2: Missing semicolon.

Problem at line 33 character 2: Missing semicolon.

Problem at line 49 character 6: Missing semicolon.

Problem at line 51 character 64: Bad escapement.
$(document.createElement("div")).prependTo("body").html(' \

Problem at line 51 character 61: Unclosed string.
$(document.createElement("div")).prependTo("body").html(' \

Problem at line 51 character 61: Stopping, unable to continue. (42% scanned).
but those parts work, its just the image part
$('a[rel="wowbox"]').click(function() {
if(!$(this).attr('href').indexOf('#') >= 0) {
var element = $(this).attr('href');
var content = $(element).html();
var title = $(this).attr('title');
var wowboxContainer = "'#wowbox-container'";
$('#lb-content').ready(function() {
return false;
@Nathan Go here and click "JSLint"
@Shaz Oh
A: Creative Programming

Thomas ShieldsNot sure how historically accurate this, but it's a mini-history of ECMAScript. Please feel free to suggest improvements. function story() { var IE = { from: "Microsoft" }, Netscape = { from: "Mozilla" }; var setUp = { oncethere: "were two"...

@Shaz ^^
@ThomasShields Sweet! Getting lost after andso: function() { though :o
@Shaz ack okay lemme try and make it clearer
do you get the butThen part?
Yup ;)
okay lemme rephrase the andso part
andso: function() {
            function callLanguage(name) { return name };
            Netscape.language = callLanguage("Javascript");
            IE.language = callLanguage("JScript");
that make more sense?
Ah I see, yup
I wonder what that's called though
I'm certain I'm not the first to come up with the idea
Yeah, i've done it before a little for fun.
4 hours later…
Can node.js handle multiple write events on same socket as a stack ?
i mean if two events try to write on the same socket.... ?? what will happen
will it mantain a stack or it will just flush them together (generating a runtime error on client side )
is it possible to timer set pages of the user controlled by admin using html php or javascript ? i have a situation where the admin sets the time for the users to vote. the voting pages will then be visible if the timer is set by the admin. after the time passed the voting pages wont be accessible anymore.

thanks in advance
yes it is actually
but requires realtime connection from server/client
@renz its totally possible though
hey fox
heya ;)
arriving at work - hoping there are a few new interesting problems to solve instead of the usual at work.
:) where do ya work at ?
software dev company - the boring stuff instead of what id like to be doing ;)
software dev is rather pleasin for me :P
i like to (actually love to) code
dont get me wrong - so do i but of course you have to code to others request, not by creativity ;)
thats why i create my own stuff (so far)
i do what i lyk . :). being 17 rocks lol
hii @darkyen
wats up
@darkyen you know how do i search for a url what language should i learn to do it?
just browsing on google unable to figure it out
your question confuses me
i mean u need something to detect : www.google.com as a url ?
yeah perfectly
o thats regExp
regular expressions
not that dude
i mean how do i search for a URL
not a detetcing
like a search engine ?
w8 tell me what ur software should do step by step i can code it (XD)
something like that
U want to make a search engine .. thats over my knowledge+ requires extremous amount of resources
I have to search some stuff
not like google
u want to search stuff from listed resources ?
thats SQL
hey Darkyen@
SQL will PHP serve my needs?
PHP and SQL can pretty much serve any needs
but if u rather tell me like
I think SQL and php are server scripting langugaes
sql is a database.
Darkyen @ I have something to ask
and php acts as the processor
wats that ?
I have these question from my child age
How do people save data like photos and videos and songs and all that on web?
in their website like facebook youtube
store thier stuff
php can assist u in that but .net works better
i mean all u have to
Is there any limit to store your data or is it unlimited?
there is a limit
how much?
trust me thats nothing u will ever reach for websites like facebook / google
they have peta byte of storage
but youtube you can see each average video file is 20 mb and it has billions of videos in it
yesh i know
but there is supposed to be a limit on that
what they do is
I dont wanna be that long I just wanna know how the things happen
have multiple storage stations
okay tell me what they really do?
say u have 4 drives on ur computer 1 is filled you shift to the other one
you mean web servers?
the same thing they do but on a bigger scale
yeah right
got it ?
then they store where is what stored on a database
but where they are saved on the space itself or in a hyper computer kept at thier offices?
and serve u the information accordingly
dont laught if my questions are like a child xD
I just want to make everything clear
dw me too have several such questions
lol b8r ask @Shaz like peoples bout it
they are much more experienced then me though
YOu said they store the data at data bases ? now the question is are databases are on the earth land or on the space?
same servers
@shaz help us lol
a database of 10 gigs wll store file information of millions of gb's
all it has to do is
servers where they are located
wherever u want em too
I mean
google is situated in US i think
u can make your own computer a server
do they save these data in their big computer and connect via web hub?
install wamp or xampp
Big compuers
i think
cool i got a bit answer
whats wampp and xampp?
wamp or xampp are server softwares which are pretty easy to install
are they free?
both of em are
I mean what is the use of them?
what i have to do with them?
they will install apache web-server , mysql server , php interpreter
on ur computer
thats enough for you to create web applications
so i can upload my songs and videos on internet hub u mean for free?
reverse u can then create a website where people can store there data
@all need backup!
but for the domain registration i need to pay something
whats the running costs goin on?
i need help with node.js any1 here ??? help please i need it
do you have your own domain
dont open the first one its under development
@hey darkyen your from india?
so you must be knowing hindi right?
where are u from ?
Im from india too
hyderabad and u ?
yes i do
I even speak telugu also
I was in need of a friend like you
How old are you by the way ( i am 17)
where is that north to india
im 18
@niko i have work bro sowee but have to code something cya l8rs
twas nice talking to u
Im just moving my work towards php and web scripting
so your moving out
you have any email?
yesh. i have a sponsored project to completed .. i use im's rather then emails
Can i contact you?
u will find me sitting here more most of the time
if you dont mind
I have a big project on my mind to go on i think i need some one like you
but can I have your email
@darkyen you gone?
Q: Force core to use .dev JavaScript files.

ZlatevI was wondering if there's some constant telling WordPress not to use the minified versions of scripts but instead load .dev ones. Already tried define('SCRIPT_DEBUG', true); but it only turned off script unification.

Hi, Mike
hiiiiiii MIke
1 hour later…
Q: How can I improve function definition and manage scope better in javascript?

codecowboyI often use jQuery plugins for front-end functionality in web applications. This requires me to write code like this, where I am assigning a function to a an object property: var trainingDiary = $("#training_diary").fullCalendar({ dayClick: function(date, allDay, jsEvent, view) { var titl...

2 hours later…
Hi everyone
omg - vanilla js can be so verbose it's ridiculous
Q: How to catch onload event on css styles?

IldarI load css var ss = document.createElement("link"); var url = 'http://site.ru/style.css'; ss.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet"); ss.setAttribute("type", "text/css"); ss.setAttribute("href", url); document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(ss); I want to call function after css loading...

and that code is lacking and missing TONS of crossbrowser and "correct" code tho
"You're going to need this," he said. "This fine-edged spear will make you invincible in serious combat. That is, if you use it rightly." "What is 'using it rightly?'" Dominic asked, accepting the spear. "Using it rightly," said the Fish, "is using it with such skill that no one may best you" ....Javascript is like that spear.
I just hate anonymous downvoter. especially on a pretty correct answer, pure souls
@jAndy should the styles from the CSS file been loaded into a <style> tag, instead of a link, or am i missing something?

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