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@dievardump that's not what you wrote, you wrote "you don't need document ready to add event handlers", but the document, or at least the elements you are trying to access, has to exist before you add event handlers. Then you suddenly wrote that adding the script right before the closing body and using a document ready was a good idea, now it's plugins, so who knows what you're talking about
@adeneo "at least the elements you are trying to access, has to exist before you add event handlers." I said that
You can't spell happiness without penis.
At the beginning I was just saying document.ready is overused for things that don't need the document to be ready.
And I gave two examples (one is partly, I agree) of things that needs the document to be ready: size calculations, and animations
According to the questions asked on this site, document ready isn't used nearly enough. At least ten questions every day are just someone forgetting to add a DOM ready handler.
@phenomnomnominal you can't spell "Hepatitis" without "Tities"
Why would you need document ready for calculating an elements size or animating it, but not for attaching events? It's the same thing.
you can't spell "amusement" without "semen" ?
@adeneo +1
or "slaughter" without "laughter"
@adeneo -1
Drawn Together did that one already
@monners didn't see it ?
@adeneo Ignorant !== Absolved
@adeneo yes, it's even more .load instead of .ready for size and animations using elements sizes. My mistake.
Admission of error? What strange times we live in...
If you are talking about when all the resources (like images) will be loaded, that would be the window.onload event
the styles applied to an element are generally available when the element is
lets just agree to agree, it's all fine !
Generally, yes.
@adeneo Where's the fun in that?!?
Ya can't spell "Collaboration" without "Labor"
Anyone had a jquery plugin loaded twice ?
I have this while trying to use MarkitUp. here what Il looks like
The icons are loaded twice... But no js error in Firebug
@dievardump We have a winner!
posted on July 20, 2013

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} COME SEE ME AT SDCC: Noon: Phil Plait and me at the booth with THE

@FlorianMargaine /rpsls Spock ?
I should add that mustachify thing
and a girlify one
@AaditMShah Make a gist!
stumped by this angular $routeProvider prob: stackoverflow.com/questions/17760096/… . would really appreciate an assist!
@rlemon Hahaha, congratulations!
@Gacnt I didn't realise you were into Brostep.
Hey hey hey
So /mustachify accepts an extra parameter now, it should be non-negative and less than 5, but it's not enforced, so don't screw it up and stuff.
@NagaJolokia Make a gist of what?
Tell people to not screw it up, then screw it up. Cool.
!!undo 10733609
@NagaJolokia what is brostep, I'm terrible with genres, like what's the classification and is that a bad thing lol
zirak you wrote caprica?
@AaditMShah Your poll. Better to collect thoughts in one place.
Indeed I did
!!/urban brostep
@NagaJolokia [brostep](http://brostep.urbanup.com/4926480) Brostep is a relatively new sub-genre of music (born out of Dubstep micro-genre) which has no emphasis on soul.

The goal appears to be to produce music as fast as you possibly can, without placing any emphasis on quality.

Unlike Dubstep where sub bass is key, Brostep places more emphasis on ratty high frequency samples and oscillators that arent even low frequency. Toss in a few hip hop vocal samples and you are well on your way to being the worlds next big Brostep producer.
@Mangiucugna Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Zirak What's her profile picture of?
@dievardump A general purpose library as in a library which can be used in any JavaScript environment. jQuery is not a general JavaScript library. It made for browser environments. Underscore.js and async.js are general purpose.
@Cygwinnian Caprica Six
!!wiki Number Six
@NagaJolokia lol, I just like it for the malicious sound
Damn it!
!!wiki Caprica Six
@Cygwinnian No result found
Number Six is a family of fictional characters from the reimagined science fiction television series, Battlestar Galactica. She is portrayed by Canadian actress and model Tricia Helfer. Of the twelve known Cylon models, she is the sixth of the "Significant Seven". Like the others of the "Significant Seven", there are several versions of her, including Caprica-Six, Shelly Godfrey, Gina Inviere, Natalie Faust, Lida and Sonja. She is the only model that does not use one particular human alias for all copies. The character was named after Number Six, Patrick McGoohan's character from the sho...
@BenjaminGruenbaum Hmmm... trivial data binding. Isn't that DOM specific? I was looking for what you would like to include in a JavaScript only library. Nevertheless, that's valuable input.
@Zirak So that's where she gets her name.
Amazing how Caprica Six is named after Caprica Six.
You like that stuff?
@Toiletduck Thank you.
@AaditMShah Re: library. AOP, async, currying, unit tests, object iterators and mixins, modules (maybe that's really browser-only), and most importantly a lack of code-bloat and funky hipster shit. What's your target environment, ES5?
@AaditMShah I want to be able to do Object.map(obj, String.prototype.toUpperCase)
@Gacnt There's no craft. :-(
@Zirak Modifying the property names of objects? =)
^^ I love Nero
@NagaJolokia I'll create a gist.
@AaditMShah Not mutating, of course. Basically, all array methods, just on objects.
@AaditMShah Cool. I don't think you should rule out a browser lib as maybe a separate module though.
I don't understand why traders talk of 'open price' or 'close price' for EURUSD (for example) it's more an exchange ratio, or maybe EUR.USD^(-1) can be considered a pricing unit
@Zirak Oh, alright. So Object.map(obj, String.prototype.toUpperCase) creates a new object with the values converted to uppercase?
anyway that's not the only thing wrong in this domain..
@NagaJolokia Indeed. It makes sense to separate pure JavaScript and the DOM. A separate module would be nice.
@AaditMShah Keys converted to uppercase. Which brings us to functional stuff - of course, String.prototype.toUpperCase loses the this context, and if we want to make it convert values to uppercase, we want to switch the parameter order...
@Zirak reverse and sort?
@NagaJolokia Last one, I find this one very creative :P, specially the way the bass talks
And map and reduce and filter etc
And is also very meticulous / malicious :D
@Gacnt I've never liked dubstep, and a track called 'girly' probably isn't going to convince me!
Give it a 1 minute listen :D
Okay, thirty seconds in and I'm being trolled, right?
You can pretty much implement all of them with a Object.keys(obj).reduce
@NagaJolokia haha no, gets good around 55+
@Zirak Sounds good. Let's see how to implement it. Perhaps we can borrow ideas from Lua. The colon operator in Lua is awesome.
@Gacnt It improves, but still not good IMO, sorry.
Don't apologize, everybody has their own taste :)
@AaditMShah I can show you my usual implementations if you want.
@Gacnt Yeah, I know :-) I either tend to prefer a higher tempo and darker, or more like this: youtube.com/watch?v=xf66Lmrqk00 (plus it has animated cats)
Like Black Sun Empire :D
@Zirak That would be nice.
Using my windows installer USB to lug around my dexter tv show, I left it in the work computer overnight came in today and turned on the computer.. My face when it booted into the windows installer and I thought I lost all my work x.x
can a jquery object be saved in sessionStorage?
and retrieved****
I get [Object][Object] back and can't figure out what to do with it
my other objects I can save/parse as json
@Gacnt That's not dark.
@m59 That is just a string - you can't do anything with it
right. I'm thinking my only choice is to pull the jquery object apart and put it back after I retrieve it
You would need to reconstitute the DOM elements, but best case, you'd just be creating new elements from serialized version of the input elements
Grats @rlemon
gotta make that 100 milestone! :P
Object.map(orig, reverseArgs(contextify(String.prototype.toUpperCase)));
@Zirak You're contextify function is similar to one of my favorite functions - callable:
var bind = Function.bind;
var call = Function.call;

var bindable = bind.bind(bind);
var callable = bindable(call);
Dude...that's magnificent.
Alright, I created a (somewhat ambitious) gist where you can vote for the features you would like to see in a standard JavaScript library. For JavaScript programmers. By JavaScript programmers. The gist is currently a very rough draft so if you have any recommendations then do mention them. gist.github.com/aaditmshah/6045606
@NagaJolokia Yes, we'll be targeting ES5. However for maximum compatibility we'll have an ES3 compatibility mode as fell. Feature detection, as @FlorianMargaine wanted.
anyone know of a good infinite scroll plugin?
hello @everybody hope you all doing good. am working on plugin and i have this jsfiddle.net/rsRxM so far there's a minor issue stops me. I'll appreciate any help. in this fiddle line #25 am trying to clone the image for each <li> tag to the block with halfBlock class and my problem is i want to clone only single image for each <li> now it's cloning all images inside this block. thank you
@PJUK Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Mahmond i had a fiddle with your jsfiddle :) jsfiddle.net/rsRxM/2 looks better - not entirely sure if it does what you want tho :S
@AaditMShah Okay, but using an existing library such as es5-shim would simplify things in that regard.
is their any library or tool to generate html area codes for this SVG image ? upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/30/…
that's all I know
*"is there any library ..."
"is their any library" would question an ownership of a library, "is there a library" merely asks for its existence. I assume you wanted the latter.
otherwise, you'd have to specify the owner.
as for the existence - I don't think there is
i want to know about any library which we can use to generate aremap codes using given image
you would need some reference point
you would need to calibrate the image with a real map which shows the gps coordinates
oh, sorry, misunderstood
it's not too hard to write one
SVG is XML and AREA is SGML, so a XSLT shoud suffice.
it would probably be easier to hack something together using a XML parser, however
as for the existence of such code - I lack the expertise to answer that question
Is there a circumstance under which something could be stored in localStorage that is huge....like a reference to a mp3 or some nonsense like that?
@AaditMShah Oh ok ! Thanks man !
I was muted for 30 minutes because I said a joke containing Mormon and Moron... that's completely ridiculous !
Come on SO guys, stop being so damn tight
@m59 yep. Upload the mp3 and store the link
@Samithaà° _à°  write your own area map generator using canvas. easy to do
@JanDvorak but that would just be the reference? - so very small, right?
@m59 there's also a bug that allows you to store 5MB per subdomain with as many subdomains as you wish
@JanDvorak That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: inhistory
@JanDvorak the localStorage shouldnt be more than 5mb, so I guess I'm just trying to think of what could go wrong here, like a reference to an mp3 actually storing the mp3
@Gacnt zirak_naked, commandyourself, foo, test, loktar, gayclubs, rickroll, roryroll, gimmeakitten, regtest, lucky, tgif, artisticpoop, censorship, gm, crustypoop, buttstuff, poopkittie, pingme, daybreak, rfc, about, sadnomnom, floop, man, ilove, testtest, ಠ_ಠ..., friday, piracy, testie, ie, roflcopter, /learn, foobar, test123, yoda, resigpwn, yellow, whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat, !, /, ninja, war, stars, java, !!, !!!, ., z, monty2, law, glare, hardglare, ping, ping2, sandbox (page 2/3)
!!tell ganct sandbox
@ganct Please use the sandbox to become familiar with the bot's features.
5 messages moved to Trash can
7 messages moved to Trash can
@Gacnt 1951 – King Abdullah I of Jordan is assassinated by a Palestinian while attending Friday prayers in Jerusalem.
Server error (status 500) occured (message probably too long)
@JanDvorak I think Firefox is immune from that. Not sure if other browsers have gotten around to fixing it yet
@Zirak It is in some countries.
what ? This meme is just... bad
Oh come on...
It's not that bad
There is probably something I'm missing
That's more than bad
Did the guy who made that joke for the first time make public apologizes ? Like the guy who created the Singleton design pattern ?
@pjuk thanks for your time but nothing happen in your fiddle
Is it me or this thing is pretty laguy even in Chrome ? latabladegisela.com
sorry for my English. simply what am trying to fix is have clone for the closest img to the div with halfBlock class. now my clone is cloning all images inside this div! any idea?
@Toiletduck lol
Q: Javascript: difference with using return to call a callback?

strugglingcomicImagine code like this: function foo(data) { // ... do something with data } function do(userInput, callback) { callback(userInput); } function doWithReturn(userInput, callback) { return callback(userInput); } // ... do('Hello, World', foo); doWithReturn('Hello, World', foo); Is...

when zooming in with mousewheel, what feels more natural, zooming in going up on wheel, or zooming in going down on wheel ?
up = in
@GNi33 What does it say about or room that a message asking us 'what does it say about or room, that a message calling us "rudest bastards in the world" is the most starred in a long, long time?' is one of the most starred in some time?
it should have been the original quote rather, more funny
hey hey
@Sev Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
My general purpose JavaScript have a true OOP system rather than a prototype based on @AaditMShah
@Cygwinnian It's much more Object-oriented to use classes than it is to use objects.
Makes total sense.
I don't like the JavaScript OOP system
its weird
I think a definitive class system, similar to python's, would be nice
What ?
@Cygwinnian Y U KOM IR N TROLL US ?
@KevinMartin Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
/me hope UPDATE orders SET pnl=ratio*?, ... will work (where ratio in the current column)
hmm it has no reason to work.
I love the JavaScript OOP system
its awesome
I think its way superior to any class system like python, because of the ultimate dynamic nature of prototypal inheritance and mixins
To be honest, Python amazed me with its class system. I think it was more of an accident, but their classes are objects too, and you have functions which can generate classes on the fly.
So Python doesn't really have a "classical" class system.
@Zirak you can create classes at runtime in Ruby too
Class.new "name", Parent
(or was it Parent, "name"?)
Whenever you say something like that, I imagine a very sad puppy looking at me, saying "I can do it too"
What is it good for, however?
Q: What is a metaclass in Python?

e-satisI've mastered almost all the Python concepts (well, let's say they're just OO concepts :-)) but this one is tricky. I know it has something to do with introspection but it's still unclear to me. So what are metaclasses? What do you use them for? Concrete examples, including snippets, much app...

except that si how Structs work in Ruby
Point = Struct.new :x, :y
that doesn't look appealing
@cx structs?
ah nvm just the without brackets thing, just got it now
Struct is a class generator
puts Point.new 1, 2
yes, Im noobik in Ruby just saying without brackets it's weird, it could make you think it's a cyrrying system
I like the paren-less style, especially for golfing
but not in function declarations
Guys, Any Idea how to text-align:center inside a rotated div.

I need those 3 dots to align in center. I tried width and margin: 0 auto as well as text-align:center;
(except when golfing, ofc)
hmm I think I'll stop trying to do web CV, when everyone/ every site seems to want .doc..
@Mike so you want to center it vertically
because you rotated it
@dievardump: yes,
do you really need to rotate ?
@dievardump: I am actually developing a phonegap app. and I want to have a settings menu there
wait... are you really doing that in order to fake a menu button ?
Yes, Is there any other way to add a menu button in phonegap. I think I am out of options. I didnt find anything in docs about this
Can some one help me with this?? jsfiddle.net/PgGmA
Can't you put an a element with a background image containing a nice image for the menu ? Or a nice character like the 3 line character ?
like that
I am trying to append html element to a table inside div using jquery , can anyone help me?
@dievardump: I certainly can, but I am sure css3 should have something that would avaoid me to putting an image instead
Without having to rotate a div just to have 3 dot in vertical
@Mike CSS is styling. You want designing. Not the same
@dievardump: hmmm,, you have a point
The fact CSS begins to be really damn cool does not mean you will be able to program your coffee machine with it tomorrow :p
@dievardump no, but you can style your coffee machine with it
#handle{color: brown}
.button{color: white}
@ramseykhalaf Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
im looking for a javascript plugin but cant remember the name of it.. it's kind of an infinite scroll solution, but it offloads images further up in the scroll if they're not (:visible)
anyone know the plugin im talking about?
@Zirak lol.. not exactly what i meant by 'offloads' but touche ..
I hate downvote without any explications
@dievardump maybe its due to bad grammer?
I made a mistake, edited my answer instantly, a guy commented. And now, 42minutes later, someone downvote
@Mike - once it's rotated, you're no longer trying to align it horisontally, but vertically -> jsfiddle.net/u5FEm/8
@JanDvorak maybe.
@dievardump can I see it?
A: this keyword not working as expected

dievardumpThe problem comes here: $checkboxes: this.cartModal.find("input[name=check]"), this does not refer to cart but to the current scope this, you can not refer to your current object when you declare it like that. Better do: var modal = $("#cart-modal"), cart = { cartModal: modal, ...

2 people upvoted the comment saying I made a mistake, but after I corrected it
Maybe he is still writing a comment?
@Arbaaz - both the markup and javascript is invalid, you did'nt close an element, and you're appending a non existent variable ?
@adeneo: You beauty... I understand that vertical-align: middle; but why position relative?
and other extra css stuff
@Mike - Try fiddling with the values to see what they do ?
omg... tthee scripts loaded. This guy is really mixing jQuery + plugins with MooTools + plugins
@Ankloop Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Can you give me a link to super easy basic introduction to learn javascript?
@Ankloop I'd go for "google 'Javascript tutorial' and skip the W3Schools links"
"javascript tutorial -w3schools"
let google filter them for you
@rlemon has a list of the best JavaScript resources
javascript.info is good
OMG ... what a movie title. Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus it just can't be bad.

Noob Javascript Resources

Jun 15 '12 at 13:05, 1 minute total – 11 messages, 2 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked Jun 15 '12 at 13:09 by rlemon

Learn Javascript Videos

Apr 27 '12 at 15:10, 1 minute total – 7 messages, 1 user, 0 stars

Bookmarked Apr 27 '12 at 15:13 by rlemon

We should update rules.javaScriptroom.com
@FlorianMargaine Wasn't here 2 days :) Went camping
@jAndy where are you in Germany ?
everywhere and nowhere !
Am going ~7 days in Berlin to see a friend
So I just wanted to know if you were in the area
thats quite a ride, I'm located pretty much central / west'ish
Ok =)
It was just in case
when will you be around
11 or 12 og August
But I'm coming from Lyon
So I'll have tto go through Germany
Don't know if I will go with a car or with a flight
a car has the charmé to use German Autobahn dude
@BenjaminGruenbaum Neat, had fun?
but a car is like 200 euros fuel + fees, one way. A flight will be... 100 euros
yea, from that perspective its definitely a win-win situation to go by plane, more relaxed, faster and cheaper
anyway how often do you have the chance to rox0r over the street legally with no speed limit :p
people who do not accept your edits, and add the same edit.
Are there any traffic laws AT ALL that accompany the no speed limit, like can only pass emergency vehicles at certain speeds and what not
copy and I are together :)
Great. Are you both naked ?
@BadgerGirl Congratulations!
Not yet.
@OctavianDamiean Thanks :)
Do you think it will help me to catch the noisy fly which is currently annoying me ?
If you make 5 ajax calls to the same html, you downloaded the first time, so it's auto cached for the other 4 calls?
I can't wrap my head around what the means when appending html from it.
5 different calls with what seems like 5 individual results that are all actually the same file, so you are appending the same html each time...therefore just moving the same thing around and not getting 5 copies?
@m59 do it with websockets :) ns311381.ovh.net:8888
I could make an array of id's for things that have already been appended and then clone if needed....Just not too sure if that is the best way
@IvoWetzel wat?
fake, right?
@JanDvorak Dunno... probably.. I mean it's a gif, on the internet
@IvoWetzel I... uh... what?
Chuck Testa?
@BadgerGirl Shiny, holiday begun?
@IvoWetzel Last time I checked, everything on the internet was real
@Zirak Yeah
Enjoy. Send copy a batch of kisses from me. Or whatever is more appropriate.
A batch of doughnuts?
@Amaan Oops, sorry. I should just call you AC
@BadgerGirl You guys still planning to visit SF?
Not this year
We're going to Little Havanna now. Have a nice day, folks
Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhh Somebodies gettin it tonniigghhtt!
so i login and see a leg turn turning 180 degrees... welcome to the JS room.
This is how we do
just css transform
im currently lost on youtube with cat videos
Anyone used Mightytext?
how is it?
I liked it when I did use it
!!youtube Innocence - Nero
wtf is this video supposed to be!
@AlexPierstoval Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Hi everybody ! I asked some days ago about creating a fictional interactive map using an API like GoogleMap, OpenStreetMap or something else.
I'd like to see if some people know about these API ! :)
Fictional map? Middle-GoogleEarth?
It's a good example :)
Recreating an interactive map for Middle Earth would be kind of something awesome ! :D
But in fact it's for a smaller world (about the size of Germany or France) with less precision than Tolkien's
so a big image you want to be able to pan/zoom?
You might be able to create a WMS layer - I've seen JavaScript WMS clients
Interesting, thanks for the link
@Erdi Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
do you already have a map drawn or are you just investigating options at this point?
I have a map drawn, and soon, some illustrators are gonna make a huge detailed map for zooming
What I need is to render this illustrated map into tiles and be able to navigate into the map with the mouse (or touch in tablet)
And then , I need to be able to calculate routes and itineraries
Q: Create my own addresses, roads and ways on a custom world map

Alex PierstovalI'm currently new using Google Maps API v3 Javascript, and I have some questions. The project It's for a specific RPG. This is a game with its own world map, its own cities, frontiers and roads. So a full map, which I can create easily any data to import in any database, xml, json, kml... ANYTH...

I made a specific question in stackoverflow
for this
But I'm sorry, I'm gonna have to leave. It's almost midnight here, and got work tomorrow. Thank you man for your support, and just send me a message or a mail if you are interested in following the project (or giving me tips and advises ! :D :D )
Good day/evening, depending on where you are on earth's map ;)
any one ever made a function which requests data from a html file + passes a function so it can execute said function once it has loaded the data on screen
is it allowed to call a function caller
i'm being told i cannot
Ask them to give you a reason
@Zirak Did you get your notebook already?
i am but im not getting it
@Zirak its in comment section of my question: stackoverflow.com/questions/17766820/…
@OctavianDamiean It arrived yesterday at my relative's place. So I should have it next week.
Cool, cool cool cool.
I had to send mine to Samsung Austira yesterday. :/
It just died.
@Dave Where do they say you can't name your function caller?
@OctavianDamiean ouch. What do you have?
hes saying it'll mess up its scope in Chrome or something
ive no idea what hes trying to tell me tbh
A Samsung Series 9, Core i7 version.
haha brilliant timing!
My phone is right next to my TV, it made the low battery noise and right when it did so, there was a scene of a guy starring just where they phone is. :D
MightyText is neat, if a bit slow
@SomeKittens AirDroid is cool too

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