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Hey, one thing I could use some insight about....
Right now, I make one call to my api to figure out what goes on the page
for my test page, I have it setup with 10 content pieces (all served by some kind of plugin)
but the data that it needs to pass to those plugins is very light
Is the request going to slow down drastically when there's the same numbers of things to return, but the values are much larger?
ie, fetching a sentence as opposed to a 9000 word essay
I'm thinking that the difference is minuscule and that it is the request/query itself that actually takes up the most time
9000 words is not a lot of data. Don’t worry about it unless it becomes a problem.
if its over 9000 it cannot be done @m59
i.imgur.com/G159Nxq.png php localhost 'hello world' Vs an awesome server remote host and heavy content
clear cache then try again
ah indeed
i.imgur.com/BJkm8jS.png stil the html is 3x times faster
hello world was faster though compared to all that
although i never use php to echo any thing
i used it for server end only
@cx Which server are you using?
And what’s the source for that page?
#1: Server:Apache/2.4.3 (Win32) OpenSSL/1.0.1c PHP/5.4.7 X-Powered-By:PHP/5.4.7
#2: server:Cowboy (erlang)
So that page is doing something a little more than <?php echo 'Hello world'; ?>.
yes, commented the other ongoing stuff :)
a wait...
just a new PDO(...) killed the perf actually sorry, without it it's 7ms or such
Yikes! I knew MySQL was bad, but that’s pretty bad ;)
:)), mysql is establishing another tcp connection I think, etc... and sucks also
Would it be considered bad if I include every JS file instead of using <script type...?
@AshKetchum Yes.
And why would you do that?
Because everything is messed up now
I changed from live server to local and everything got messed up
Look in your console and find out why everything got messed up, then.
If I reference a JS file, the name of the root folder is missing so the url can't be found. As a result, I decided to create a variable that had the name of the root variable and add that to the front of every reference URL. The reason I did that instead of hard coding the root name is because I want the thing to be flexible when I push it to live server.
@minitech ^
You have a “root folder”?
Anyways, why didn’t the variable work?
Its throwing all sorts of PHP errors and I don't really find it that efficient after seeing all these prblems.
Which PHP errors?
The root folder came up because of using xampp and dealing with the "htdocs" folder.
What does your home page URL look like?
Its hard to explain
forget it.
I’ve used XAMPP before
Just… when you visit a broken page. What is the URL?
the correct url should be "localhost/<project name>/file path"
Except if I reference a JS just by using "/...js" with a forward slash in the beginning, it excludes the "<project name>" part in the url and so the js can't be found.
Yep, the variable is pretty much the only answer
You’re being pretty vague about the errors, though, so consider it forgotten.
That is where the second problem comes. The declaration of the variable throws all sorts of scope problems
You probably need a global $root_path;.
Or just declare it as a constant.
define('ROOT_PATH', …)
Or const, if you’d like
I tried doing that, but I want to declare the the constant in only one file and have every file use it.
So I can change it all from one place when needed
Except the scope of the constant comes into question
So require 'constants.php';
@SomeKittens You pronounce my name incorrectly, by the way. It's more like Uh-maan
Except without the h
@minitech you there?
@Zirak There's no fire...
@minitech Except that creates a problem in that I have to use PHP in middle of JS reference URL.
hi ash
@web2students.com Hey! I feel as if I have met you before too. Have I?
yes ash, i remember nick
i can try to help in php
@web2students.com Come to the PHP room.
why does my opacity for the div hit 0.1 straight away: jsfiddle.net/ckBFy/4
i don't understand
I thought of another optimization to work on. Since I don't have any page reloads on my site, I could cache all of the content pieces/plugins and re-use them if the user re-visits the page they were on. Should I put a cap on that and clear it at a certain point?
I guess I would be concerned about a memory issue.
What if I had a 1000 page site and the user visited them all, lol.
What I would do is have cache.page[pageUrl] and cache.plugin[pluginId]. Then every page they have been to, I would know what belongs without asking the db and would have the plugin output ready to put back into the template.
pretty sick, I think.
say i have <div id="page1">...</div> & <div id="page2">...</div> i wan't to replace jQuery $ with a function that will return any selector that's in page1 and not page 2, i have done this before by doing something like this return jQuery( selector ).not( page2 ); but it's not working for me know. fs does anyone have any suggestions?
I guess ill have to filter thinking about it...
Why would you replace the $(), just do $('#element_to_get', '#page1')
@adeneo that would be fine if i was going to use it once
It would be fine if you where going to use it a hundred times as well ?
Why `parseint`?? [Removed Here] (http://jsfiddle.net/pAvz7/).
You can now see the real problem.
@adeneo actually, my example was bad, i have <div id="page2"> which is treated as a separate page sort-of, and everything outside it and inside the body is treated as page1, my mistake
so i create the function so i don't get any elements from page 2
i can do it like this
return jQuery( selector ).filter(function(){
	return jQuery(this).parent('#result').length === 0;
Hey Guys ! I'm going to develop free advertisement base website.I want to know which javascript library should i chose ?
It's too early for this. shtuff
@Samithaఠ_ఠ a what what website...
@Samithaఠ_ఠ jQuery
I was going to say a
>ad free advertisement base website....
I know Jquery a lot .I want any alternative one to try and learn
Well then if you know it a lot then that's a bonus. you don't wan't to build a website with something you don't know how to use
@Samithaఠ_ఠ None. Do you know pureJS?
AngularJS by Google is awesome =D
yes Peo Js
I'll try angularjs.org
He'll go back to jQuery after a few hours i bet.
@Connor why?
@m59 because you can't just grab a framework and build a website with it. i wish you could.
Especially Angular
I <3 angular
@m59 yeah, i was thinking about it last night. do you think it would be good for a website builder sort of thing?
I built a cms with it.
@m59 would it be good for modifying elements though, seeing as that's the main point.
lol are you kidding
Actually the paths were correct, but the folder name was wrong, LOL
@m59 thats what i mean.
I can't exaggerate enough. Angular does what you want it to do forever.
Did you not read above what I'm working on right now??
It's crazy, dude.
@m59 really. id'e hate to start again
Whatever works for you.
So. if you were me would you use it?
lollzzzz yes.
Do you use jQuery?
m59 it makes me depress when people talk about Angular, coffeescript, websocket,YUI etc......i know js, jquery (jquery not properly) that's it. people know so many things,
Angular is like 100x harder to get used to, but when you do, the power is infinitely more.
@web2students.com you can't put angular on a level with jquery. jQuery is nothing in comparison.
Everyone knows jquery....there's nothing to it.
Do you understand what I mean about a site with no page reloads?
@m59 lol
@m59 I hate those.
@Connor hmm?
Like Facebook.
you would rather get to the content slower?
i know page reload, but no reload means?404 for ever :P
does it..
I don't think you understand.
you mean using ajax with #?
Say you're on page site.com/blog/1 and you go to site.com/blog/2
@web2students.com yeah, but you don't need the # anymore
Anyway, angular makes it a cinch
It's part of the new history API. Look at the pushState and popState docs
yep ^
so i will learn AngularJS some day
You don't need Angular to do that
angular is the only framework I've seen to support me building a completely dynamic cms with 100% separation of concerns.
@Amaan right, it just makes it a lot more convenient.
@Amaan I dunno if you saw earlier... do you have a perspective about how much html I can cache in an object before it becomes a problem?
Just downloaded angular, let's test this shite out
better to not download, just use google cdn
It's way too big to serve from your server
heck, even jquery is way too big to not use cdn
@m59 . local
@Connor gotcha. Oddly, my local server is slower, lol.
xampp ftw
Does anyone happen to know if you can create an array similar to $_SESSION[' '] in PHP?
@m59 im not using a server yet though. just javascript so file://
i write jquery like,
if($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']=="localhost"){ //localhost path}else{//google cdn path}
@Connor I'never tried that. Your js files shouldn't contain any dom manipulation, so you're going to need to use html files with angular.
@ash what is your question?
i use session in site,and for that we have to use $_SESSION array . do you want custom array like this or you want to know about php $_SESSION array?
@web2students.com I am trying to do define($_VARIABLE['COPYRIGHT'], '2013'); but keep getting the following error: Notice: Undefined variable: _VARIABLE
Custom array.
$_POST , $_GET , $_SESSION , etc such array such are php defined array, so don't use $_CUSTOM
use like $CUSTOM
@m59 well, you know in firebug when you select a element and it gets outlined. i have to make one of those so how would i go about that in angular?
define is used in constants not variables
@Connor I have no idea what you just said. Also, you don't just make stuff with angular. It isn't a bunch of functions like jQuery, it's a full framework. Go the the official site, watch the into video, then look for some beginner things on youtube
that's what I did
@AshKetchum Making an all-uppercase variable that starts with _ does not automagically make it a superglobal.
(Wait. This is the JavaScript room, right?)
@minitech Yes, I know. I was defining it as a constant.
@AshKetchum You can't do that inside an array.
It would look like define('COPYRIGHT', '2013');.
Yeah, I wish I could have array variables in constants.
$_VARIABLE is not a fun variable name to use, though. Why would you need it?
Thought of using it like an array with different options in its value. For example, $_VARIABLE['COPYRIGHT']; $_VARIABLE['AUTHOR']; etc...
Doesn't have to be constant. You never get very far with that in loosely-dynamically-typed languages.
There is always abstract class Config { const COPYRIGHT = '2013'; }, though.
@web2students.com see ya
2 hours later…
Q: Showing Different Code on Pages With Different Layouts

SidI have pages and posts on a WordPress site. The pages have various layouts. Parent pages are following a 2-column (maincontent + right sidebar) layout while child pages have a one-column layout (no sidebar). I want to display a JavaScript code on one-column layout, and a different JavaScript co...

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Haruno SarutobiIn a general sense, for medium/big projects, what's the best way to handle javascript/ajax code? Is it better, to have a script file where to put each script or, to add the script directly into the html file between tags? I know it doesn't make any difference in terms of result, but i would l...

Q: How reload jQuery var from another script?

SloanI've stuck in this: I've a jQuery script (cloudzoom), which using for zooming some images, pretty simple. It reads "a href="someimage.png" " as big image and "src img" as thumbnail. And I have another script, It change "a href" and "src img" on big image when I click on thumbnails. The problem i...

Quick Poll: If you could create your own general purpose JavaScript library then what awesome new features would you implement in it? Mention me in your replies.
@AaditMShah polyfills, promises, functional operators (ala` underscore), unrolling of continuation pyramids (ala` async.js)
@AaditMShah maybe animations
@AaditMShah if it's truly general purpose, i want feature detection to be built in
also, keep it small *wink*
So if you're trying to append multiple children to a div via the appendChild() method, if those children are identical do they over-write the others?
I'm running an element through a loop that triggers el.appendChild(childEl), but only a single child element is being returned
I can't figure out why it'd work for the first iteration or the loop but not all...
Wait, I have a theory...
are they identical as in look the same, or identical as in they are the same object?
Yeah, they were the same object. Sorted
@JanDvorak @phenomnomnominal Would you rather use a library that provides support for feature detection, promises, functional operators, etc. over a JavaScript preprocessor that does the same in addition to function inlining and automatic code refactoring?
any suggestion for server-side websearch APIs, google's custom stuff seems stuck for clients, and was trying faroo.com/… which is pretty slow, but a good start anyway
@cx Google's custom stuff seems stuck for clients? How so?
I went through the tuto, but maybe I misunderstood
Hmmm... learning by yourself is always difficult, but it's also the best way to learn.
@Gahbu Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I don't know about server-side web search APIs, but you could always use cURL.
The PHP/CURL library is a really nice interface to libcurl.
I wouldn't say that PHP is the best option, but at least it gets the job done.
Custom Search API: Courtesy limit: 100 requests/day
@aadit not sure here. I would prefer whatever produces smaller or faster code. If it is not a cmpiled language, I'd prefer javascript if only so that I can use the same functions from the console.
(concerning your compilation vs. library question)
looks cool
hmm.. no actually windowsRT looks like sucking
a tegra laptop with windows8 or linux would be cool
hmm too bad no ARM runs the x86 version of windows
@AaditMShah client or server side?
@JanDvorak Think about what Lazy.js does. It optimizes chained functional operations like var primes = naturalNumbers.filter(isPrime).take(100). Wouldn't it be better to simply use a preprocessor which converts the above code to something like:
var primes = [];
for (var n = 2; primes.length < 100; n++)
    if (isPrime(n++)) primes.push(n - 1);
@FlorianMargaine Client or server side what?
the library.
Both. A general purpose JS library.
BTW does anybody like playing Rock-paper-scissors-lizard-Spock?
A: javascript, creating a rock, paper, scissors game

Aadit M ShahWhy implement something as trivial as rock-paper-scissors? Let's do something more interesting. Something like, Rock-paper-scissors-lizard-Spock. First we create a list of gestures: var gestures = ["rock", "paper", "scissors", "lizard", "spock"]; Then we write a bunch of rules: var rules = {...

!!Rock rock or paper or scissors?
@cx Rock rock
!!Paper rock or paper or scissors?
@cx scissors
@Zirak I want this in the bot.
@AaditMShah Epic dude. Really cool.
@m59 Sorry, missed the ping. I have no idea
paper shit flush
@Loktar @Amaan just purchased my 70th steam game
I know it is no where near you Loktar, and not even half of yours Amaan, but it is a big step for me :P
@aliasgarvanak Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@CapricaSix: ok
@rlemon Hey i need a help
I'm all out of helps today
@rlemon ok
I have multiple galleries on one page, how do I pass a reference to the current element into the wipeRight/wipeRight event?
$(document).ready(function() {
        fx: 'scrollHorz'
        wipeLeft: function() {
        wipeRight: function() {
@Zaidar Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@an1zhegorodov Just a guess: $(this).cycle("next");
@Zirak you got mail, I was camping.
@AaditMShah trivial data binding, nothing as fancy as Angular or Knockout but at a trivial level would be nice.
@Zirak Talked about it before here, but thanks :)
@Gacnt No of course not, I got it for free from work :)
@copy Shut up, you can't talk to him like that, he has rep in SO, that means so much,.
not the one on the picks, but it is the original ;)
I'm missing the joke here
@rlemon awesome !
i.imgur.com/dAtcCfH.gif (perfect game of snake)
@AaditMShah what is a general purpose JavaScript Library ? for me, even jQuery , which is the most used one, is not a general purpose library. Too much things in it. Not that it does not help when needed. But 10% of the whole library is a general purpose. I sometimes see people including it in a big page to just do a document.getElementById() and a show/hide with opacity transition on a button click event. That's it.
that is awesome... I watched the entire thing twice now
@rlemon Y U STOPPED ?
I was completely hypnotized
@BenjaminGruenbaum february... why the hell did you go so far in the past?
@BenjaminGruenbaum data binding ?
Like automatically update the view if the model change ?
Hey dudes, I'm still looking for some insight into caching page content in an object. I am caching all of a page's dynamic content in my cache object and then using that rather than fetching it again if the user returns to that page, or if any other page uses it after it has been removed. (there are no page reloads on the site). Would it eventually be a burden on the system to have that much cached?
if so, is there a good way to measure?
@m59 well, I usually prefer caching parsed template trees (just before the data binding) than the whole content object.
I'm afraid I don't understand.
The stuff I am referring too if 99.9% from the server, with just the slightest bit added by my js, so no worries about extra bulk there, if that's what you mean.
did I misunderstand your intent?
@ABFORCE Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Let's say you're using HAML

The template looks like:
  %h1= post.title
  %h2= post.subtitle
    = post.content
The parsed tree will be something like:
	element: 'section',
	attributes: {
		className: 'container'
	children: [
			element: 'h1',
			value: 'post.title'
			element: 'h2',
			value: 'post.subtitle'
			element: 'div',
			attributes: {
				className: 'content'
			value: 'post.content'
I prefer caching that ^
Than the following:
<section class='container'>
	<div class='content'>
@m59 Because by caching this in, let's say, the localStorage, you will be able to reuse the parsed tree with others data if needed when the user reload the page.
The HAML thing is an example. It's just simpler to represent it.
@dievardump I see what you mean.
tagged myself, oops, man I'm tired haha
actually, the main time consumer is the call to the api to figure out what actually belongs on the page
@m59 But you can do both.
the plugins then load crazy fast.
You can cache the trees for reusing it at every reload, and cache the generated content for the current session
codepen.io/c-ab/pen/omHsv my websucket app
It won't work in my case :(
I have to do something pretty odd to deal with a standard cms issue.
The "tree" has to contain the generated content.
I can work around that =D
1/ add a comment in the JavaScript part, nobody will understand what is happening on the page, else.
2/ USE what is provided by codepen in the JavaScript settings panel to load external JavaScript resources. Don't put it in the HTML.
It sounds like over-optimization though.
It depends how many users you'll have :)
Oh, because we'd be ditching the server more and more?
@m59 If you have a lot of users, sometimes apps thinks it's even better to caches files content in the localStorage.
No calls
@cx ^
@rlemon Yeah it was in French media yeasterday
yeah, gotcha
> stream <0.668.0> <<"[\"comment\",\"<script>alert('Hello!');</script>\"]">>
gotta add something then
setinterval XSS, cool
setInterval ?
just no script at all men
If you hmtlentities, it will be enough.
document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].background = "http://cracktheworld.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/my-little-pony.jpg";
document.body ??
I always forget about that lol
@dievardump done that d[1] = d[1].replace(/</g,'&lt;').replace(/>/g,'&gt;');
why not document.createTextNode, then it will just be text
@dievardump was lazy to put the $(document).ready(function() { for jquery events
!!s/$(document).ready(function() {/$(function() {/
@phenomnomnominal Could not process input. Error: unterminated parenthetical on line 5616
You don't need the document.ready to add events.
if (sessionStorage.$site.pages[pageUrl]) { doesn't work...
document.ready is usefull only to calc size, animate ....
But you can add events to an element, if this element is already in the dom
sessionStorage.$site = {
  pages : {},
  plugins : {}
So after a productive lunch we have come to the conclusion that you could in fact eat a solid block of hydrogen in space, and die from the hydrogen before dying from space itself
document.ready is overused
it can't find pages, but I clearly added that property.
that's why alooooooooooooooooooooooot of pages are freezing after the document is ready
@dievardump - you can only add events to elements that are accessible, either by waiting until the DOM is ready, or by placing the script after the elements.
@adeneo that's what I said.
No, you said it was useful for calc size, animate etc. but not for events, but that has nothing to do with DOM ready ?
You're changing the meaning of my sentence
2 mins ago, by dievardump
But you can add events to an element, if this element is already in the dom
2 mins ago, by dievardump
that's why alooooooooooooooooooooooot of pages are freezing after the document is ready
waiting for the document to be ready to add event listeners is not a good idea.
You can animate an element as well, if the element is in the DOM? I don't see the relevance ?
Animate with sizes etc...
Ohhh... am I supposed to be using sessionStorage.setItem ? Maybe I ran into a w3schools fail?
waiting for the document to be ready to add event handlers makes perfect sense
@dievardump yes I know, but adding scripts in codepen, add them in head I think
Waiting for the element to be acccessible to add listeners makes sense
or I could just put the events code at the bottom, but I preferred to pack it in demo.js
Yes, and when the document is ready, so are all the elements
Waiting for the dom to be ready to launch 70k of JavaScript and add douzens of listeners
when they can all be added before that so not when you launch all your crap makes no sense
parsing the script file isn't delayed even if you use document ready ?
@m59 You can use properties instead of setItem/getItem but the values are strings, not objects
yeah ^ that explains it =D
@adeneo launch not parsing.
you have analytics, gmap, adds and more that is all fired when the dom is ready
If you can just give the domready some space
by adding your listeners when you can, the user and the page will all be gratefull
Side note: All hail modulus, the greatest operator since +/-
you put your scripts at the end of the body
and only add a document.ready
and in this document.ready just do what NEED the document to be ready to work
if you do that, your page will be smoother
your user will like using your website
and you won't freeze my effing browser
At the end of the body the document is ready, you won't need a DOM ready handler
d[1] = d[1].replace(/<\/?script>/g,''); safe :) ?
you can have other scripts
after that
end = where all the scripts are
the script using all the plugins don't need to be the last one.
That has nothing to do with the DOM tree
@dievardump what possible advantage could there be to evaluating a script prior to rendering the DOM, regardless of whether it's dependent on it?
@monners Sorry me english is not good enough to understand this sentence. Can you modify it ?
@monners - If a script is not dependant on the DOM, there's no use in waiting for it to be ready
the sooner the better
@adeneo Well, there is. If it's being evaluated before the DOM is rendered then the render is delayed by that script's execution
@adeneo that's what I say. Including event handlers, you don't need all your plugins to be loaded to add your events handlers, except if the event handler use a plugin
o ^ didn't know calls to .ready wasn't expensive
Am I missing something? What possible reason could there be for a DOM-independent script evaluation being more important than serving the user the actual web page?
@monners - async loading solves that issue,
but generally I agree, the rule is render first
@adeneo True....

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