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Sugar never heard of spacing, have they?
@Zirak lol idk. have they?
Just look at the source...it's a giant pile of code.
Also, look at their pages. All the lines are smushed together. Now look at this: nodejs.org/docs/v0.5.1 Each line is a line and some, making it easy to read.
@Zirak -- this is the source, doesnt look piled: github.com/andrewplummer/Sugar/blob/master/lib/sugar.js
Really? Have you noticed the only blank lines are the ones separating between functions? The few comments mingle in so well, they're hard to notice
@Zirak i see no source code here....
look at jQuery's source code..
im not sure what ur getting at..
keyword "spacing"
That I find their code and design hard to read.
In comparison, the jQuery source is swell: code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js
Notice how everything stands out as it's own, how you can see what's actually being used?
not rly
watever u say lol
it's pretty obvious
See how there are spaces, blank lines, comments stand out?
watev. why do i care..
i could just put it in a jsbeautifier..
yeah....try that
See if it adds proper spacing
var point = "lost";
@MattMcDonald point.status = 'lost';
@Zirak it does...
vote down: trying to have the highst votedown rate on meta (without being closed) meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/99062/…
discussing on meta chat
17 years ago today, Dan Connolly announced a "near-final revision" of the initial HTML2 draft http://goo.gl/4wceb
My point: It only "fixed" the indent to tabs. It didn't make it clearer.
Anyway, nvm...
you're trying to penetrate a concrete wall
im a bit pliable
@Neal Hah, I don't have enough rep on meta to downvote :-P
> Windows is important, just like PHP. -Ryan Dahl
The quote markdown really never works :P
oh, you need a space
you have to mind the whitespace as well
> foo

@RyanKinal lol
added it to the conundrum
@I__ hi hi
@I__ Hello
7 years ago today, Mark Pligrim’s “XML on the Web Has Failed” was published http://xml.com/pub/a/2004/07/21/dive.html. Still worth reading.
anyone familiar with ajax here?
little bit.
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
request.open("POST", "/grades.php");
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
request.open("GET", "grades.php");
request.onreadystatechange = function() {
	if(request.readyState === 4 && request.status === 200) {
		alert("You got a " + request.responseText);
@ThomasShields when u make more than 1 parallel ajax requests doest the browser spaws separate threads or are they just parallel http requests?
js is single-threaded
i have a situation
So it's just parallel http requests, yes.
@lovesh mhm? what?
i have function aj() that makes a post request using ajax and then i have a function called aj_c() that calls aj() and passes a node reference
so i wanted to know if in the function aj() should i create a local xhr object or create a global array of xhr objects and use in the function
the function aj() modifies the node reference's innerHTML
@lovesh no need for an array
oh wait
I see what you mean
Never mind.
no need for an array
I so need some help.
when i check it in firebug although post requests are being sent but the dom reference is not being modified
it looks like the local xhr object loses track of which node reference to modify
but i don get this each function call should have its own local copies of varaibles then why the confusion?
just fire off the requests as they come; their responses will be handled by the functions as they come back. Just keep in mind they don't necessarly come back in the same order you request
can i show u the code through pastebin?
@lovesh can we see your code? Or a dummed down version of it?
yes just a few seconds
here is the url
@lovesh what's with the xhr[num].responseText - why not just xhr.responseText
that a mistake that i forgot to edit sorry for this
did you verify that responseText isn't null or anythign?
no its not null i can see that in firebug the response is not null and it is also what i expected
UGh day two of why I hate corporate IE installs. So we have IE8, but its in permanent compatibility mode, so users cant change it. So now I CANT use the native JSON methods.... its like someone giving me a Ferrari but limiting it to 25 mph.
so frustrating.
the only problem is that the divinnerHTML is not being modified or may be refernce lost
@lovesh well, what does Firebug say "div" is inside the xhr callback?
@Loktar arrgh that is annoying.
@ThomasShields how do i figure that?
yeah yesterday I had an issue due to it, changing the location hash doesnt register as a history change in IE7 :( but in IE8 does.
@lovesh console.dir(div)
then check the console
@Sanden as do many people in this world..
@ThomasShields there are lot of properties which ones are u interested in
@ThomasShields did u see the latest conundrum?
@lovesh does it exist?
can u tell me whats console.dir() for?
@Neal no, sorry. Been really busy with this summer class. checking
can u refer a console reference
yes it does?
@lovesh Just logs the object for inspection
@lovesh okay, weird
@ThomasShields but there are many divs
I keep forgetting about native JSON
I just use json2
how will it know which div
@ThomasShields lol
@lovesh You're passing it in, aren't you? For every time you call that function it creates a new XHR with a new callback, so it should be unique.
i didnt specify a callback the function getLinks(url,div) is just getting a reference and modifying it
@Neal LOL
@lovesh no, the callback on the XHR. You know, the "onreadystatechange" function.
@ThomasShields ^_^
@Neal: care to help me see WHY this javascript to call various iframes is making me psychotic because it's freakin' blank?
@Sanden what javascript?
the inviible air one?
0o0o0o0o0oo shiiiny!
And the 108 constant daily temps aren't helping my sanity.
@Sanden fix your brackets... this is what you have now:
function selectiFrame() {
    if (window.location.hostname == "padv.abc.com") {
        document.getElementById("padv").style.display = "block";
    } else {
        if (window.location.hostname == "paqa.abc.com") {
            document.getElementById("paqa").style.display = "block";
        } else {
            if (window.location.hostname == "pacp.abc.com") {
                document.getElementById("pacp").style.display = "block";
            } else {
                if (window.location.hostname == "papd.abc.com") {
see something funny?
your missing one or two...
@MattMcDonald ?
use else ifs. please.
no no, he changed it all up to switch
@MattMcDonald i agree. thats prob why all the brackets were missing
switch and else ifs are interchangable
scroll down
@Sanden try my solution....
but don't even nest ifs like that
@MattMcDonald i know.
I'm quite confused
@MattMcDonald I edited my answer
@Sanden i changed my answer with an update to use else if
what about the bottom part for the actual iframes?
@Sanden no idea wtf u are talking abt lol
Q: Pack and unpack bytes to strings

Xeon06I need to write a function that "packs" an array of bytes (integers between 0 and 255) into a string. I also need to be able to perform the reverse operation, to get my byte array from the string that it was packed into. This needs to be done as fast as possible. Seeing as JavaScript has 16-bit s...

<iframe id="if"></iframe>
that isn't working
@Sanden idk what ur saying....
what does that mean its not working?
give me just a sec, I am on crutches atm and have to go get a key - girl vs tree roots, tree won.
@Sanden you have to wrap that in an onload....
bc the element doesnt exist at the top....
yea. it works if u do it onload...
sorry, ok, let me see
do I just need an onload or do I also need to change the top code as well?
@Sanden omfg
just wrap in:
window.onload = function(){

    //your code...

@Sanden ta da....
and remove that body inline load....
Neal, sweetie, I don't speak javascript, you see years of being chained to my desk in Peoplesoft hell has rotted my brain to oatmeal.
@ThomasShields i posted my ques here
Q: making parallel ajax requests

loveshi have javascript code that does these things in a loop create a div element,append it to the dom and get its reference pass this reference to a function that makes an ajax post request set the response of the ajax request to the innerHTML of the passed element reference here is the code wi...

@Sanden ok. but i gave u an answer. so ta da ^_^
@lovesh i made ur code easier to read...
@lovesh posted answer ^_^
@lovesh you kept overwriting ur variable accidentally.
ok correcting that
@lovesh also its not always good practice to repeat var names like that (imo) it gets confusing
commented on the answer
@lovesh as did I. you dont have to tell me, i get an alert abt it
oh sorry
being lame
var link = categories[i].children[1].children[0].attributes['href'].nodeValue
i dont have much experience using console can u tell me how to do that?
head explodes
cud have used XPath
@MattMcDonald ha
@lovesh console.log(xhr)...
or any other msg u want to put there...
im done in abt 10 mins..
@Neal its showing ready state to 4 and also showing response text
@lovesh and also log the div: do this: console.log(xhr, div);
make sure u have the right element
div is not defined
please, never ever use blind DOM traversal again
@lovesh there u go. and then put logs everywhere to see where u went wrong...
because to a passerby, element.children[4].children[0].firstChild.value is gibberish
@Neal why do u think div is not defined?
when i was not using var div but hust div it was defined
@lovesh hah dont ask me. debug ur own code :-P
i used log(div) before
i have no idea. i dont have access to ur site (nor do i rly want to) lol
ok. ive gtg
its been fun ^_^
ok bye
1 hour later…
Q: Changing content on a page using javascript via a url string

MatuI'm a designer not a JS coder so any help would be great on this. Using javascript or jquery how would I replace content on a page via a string in the url? So if content 'A' is just the normal content via this http://www.example.com and if 'A' is replaced by content 'B' via this http://www.exam...

...I'll take a server-side language for $200, Alex
just type javascript: in url then paste your commands
javascript: alert('hello');
unless I misunderstand what you are asking
I'm not asking anything
I'm linking to someone who clearly has no concept of client-side limitations
the example of changing the video player is reasonable, and feasible in client-side JS, but unfortunately afaik you have to parse the URL (document.location).
plus filtering the query string is a mess in JS whereas it's made for server-side code
i'm surprised none of the libs provide better access to the query string. You could do a lot with it. Some of the hash-based navigation and history stuff deals with it, I guess.
mm, very interesting
ever used window.location.search?
no just substring iirc
or regex
well, regex or split are necessities in this case
yep. I had to do it a few months ago because I didn't have control of the backend, only static HTML, and I needed info from the query string in JS variables.
I'm still waiting for my first opportunity to use server-side code here
so we get crap situations where a one-page dynamic site is required with 0 server-side code
hi guys
i have the following js:
if ($("#size").val() == "") { alert("Size needs to be selected"); return false; }
but i have multiple forms, with size dropdown on a page
is there a way to handle this, because the code uses id
@Dino do all your <form> tags have id="form"?
nope sorry was just about to edit
should be just form
so you really want to specify that that form's 'size' needs validation.
yep, this was just an example as there are going to be numerous validations needed.
so this code is for multiple forms on the same page?

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