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@Zirak sshnet.codeplex.com looks really nice.
you guys see the tree on codepen?
@Loktar woa
how many branches is there?
idk, but if you call the branch func again itll make a ton more
branch(wid/2, 5, 15, 100, 20+Math.random()*5, 15 + Math.floor(Math.random()*5));
I gotta get to work but saw that and was like wtff.
I sure @rlemon made them think to post it
@FlorianMargaine Where's the documentation? Examples?
@Loktar hehe
I'm broadcasting my dubstep for the sole purpose that I want people to recommend songs for me :P
on the channel
bro! suggest :P
I guess that wasn't so much dub anyway.
Daddy's back in town!
@Zirak there are a bunch of xml files in the Documentation folder
eh, dub dance house trip hop hard electric house step.. all is good
./Documentation/Working/ddueXml/2337d96d-7638-438e-b980-96e87b807265.xml has some examples of an ssh client connecting and running a command
@OctavianDamiean so you're finally getting to meet him. congrats.
using (var client = new SshClient("host", "username", "password"))

    var cmd = client.CreateCommand("date");



    cmd.Execute("ls -l");


@Zirak ^
That does look a lot nicer.
yeah, look at the SshClient.cs file and grep the method names in the Documentation folder to see some examples
(with a paren to avoid the xml doc)
Hi people and @FlorianMargaine, Please, what is the documentation or argument for learning to use this script chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/10536352#10536352
why me?
I'm not even following your link or answering you because of that
@rlemon Hum, what I want is creating a number ticker. So I have an element wich have '157908' for content. I want to have the content going from 0 to 157908 in 2 seconds. So I want to use the jQuery internal animate function to automatically tick on my function that will calculate the current value according to the current tick
@FlorianMargaine That's the code block you pasted above
@MirkoCianfarani He was giving me an example
But nevermind, I will just create a div, animate it's size from 0 to 100 and use the "step" parameters that give the current stip
Because you publish the script and I want to learn all program, excuse me for the taking @FlorianMargaine
@panda Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@MirkoCianfarani it's C#. Learn C# if you want to know how to use that
function formatNumber = function(num)	{
	return (num + '').split('')
			.replace(/([0-9]{3})/, "$1 ")
I want to ask, If there is a way to scale image maps.
I think I should learn how to use regex, there is probably a far better solution
@dievardump transforms 123456 to 123 456
sorry, I thought you didn't understand what that did
dievardum . What are you trying to achieve
No, I do not see how to make it in a way I'm not ashamed of my code, and without using a loop
@RyanKinal suggestions approved
I noticed :-)
Also, have you ever listened to James Blake?
Good stuff. Super minimal dubstep.
Already I am know to program c# and I believe to understand that the script do.
The script using in the server, connect to client for open the cmd and print the result of ls -l and after disconnect.
Right @FlorianMargaine?
@dievardump you're using many implicit loops... it may be better to have a single simple loop
and... reduce
reduce is always better
hey as i have seen i cannot use javascript to make a mysql query is that true or there is any way to do it?
@MirkoCianfarani No. And it's a simple example explaining how a library works.
@Mche I'm sure that node has a mysql client
@Mhche it's wrooong
connection.query('SELECT 1 + 1 AS solution', function(err, rows, fields) {
  if (err) throw err;

  console.log('The solution is: ', rows[0].solution);
@FlorianMargaine and how i connect to the db?
just use node-mysql it's all magic and unicorns and fairies
var mysql      = require('mysql');
var connection = mysql.createConnection({
  host     : 'localhost',
  user     : 'me',
  password : 'secret',


connection.query('SELECT 1 + 1 AS solution', function(err, rows, fields) {
  if (err) throw err;

  console.log('The solution is: ', rows[0].solution);

@FlorianMargaine wow
@FlorianMargaine seems magic really! Thank you.
!!canIUse reduce
yeah I know rite
@dievardump That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
I do not like you @CapricaSix, especially your avatar. bad bot.
!!use reduce or cry
@FlorianMargaine cry
@FlorianMargaine You do not use callbacks for the connect ?
IE 9. not this time :(
@dievardump Are you unaware of Caprica Six?
totally unaware
!!code or pseudocode
@eazimmerman code
Caprica Six is a character from Battlestar Galactica. The avatar is of her.
I kind of dislike Battlestar Galactica :/
Maybe it should be changed back to a simple "SO ChatBot" with a HAL avatar
That bored me after the second or third episode
@FlorianMargaine I can not clearly understand must i install the node-mysql?
HAL 9000 is a fictional character in Arthur C. Clarke's Space Odyssey series. The primary antagonist of ', HAL (Heuristically programmed ALgorithmic computer) is an artificial intelligence that controls the systems of the Discovery One spacecraft and interacts with the ship's astronaut crew. Being a computer, HAL has no distinct physical form, though is visually represented as a red television camera eye located on equipment panels throughout the ship. HAL 9000 is voiced by Douglas Rain in the two film adaptations of the Space Odyssey series. HAL speaks in a soft, calm voice and a conver...
You're really out of your element here
Yes, totally.
> Now spaceborne again after the failure of New Caprica, Caprica-Six appears to regret her decisions, as Baltar's status with the Cylons rests on the vote of the Sixes (Collaborators). Eventually she votes to keep him alive, though she treats him poorly up until the time he is tortured by Number Three. From then on she is sleeping with both Baltar and the Number Three that tortured him (A Measure of Salvation).
Awwww, spoile... oh, who am I kidding, I'm never going to finish BSG
I'm never going to start BSG
I had a lot of fun with it... up until that whole "New Caprica" thing. That was terrible.
the whole story of caprica is after the new caprica
Oh, I made it past that part.
But the boredom and soap-opera-iness of the whole thing got to me.
Morning Folks!
I have a webpage, I gave an alert in
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
but when i navigate to the page
it is alerting
and then after a second or two
i get the same alert
but, i am NOT refreshing the page
what might be my mistake
@Esailija your words have been most enlightening
A: Should I put default values of attributes on the prototype to save space?

EsailijaWell this is a really bad idea. Objects are always considered having different class if they don't have exactly the same set of properties in the same order. So a function that accepts these objects will in best case be polymorphic and in worst case megamorphic all the while you are thinking you ...

has somebody got a minute or two spare ?
@Darkyen Where do I send them?
dunno ... i can use some distractions
troll me
@Darkyen U SMELL
Q: Plugin for insert custom jQuery script

sgnsajgonDo you know any existing plugin that allows insert a snippets of custom jQuery scripts into all pages in the site? I have found nothing applicable on the Web. I have used Insert headers and footers plugin to add Google Analytics javascript code, but this plugin don't see loaded jQuery script whic...

that good?
@Darkyen Ummmm.... REDDIT!
even 9gag proves no good
$('.class li .class').click(function() {
can i declare 2 class same function
@Darkyen You're bored ? You want to build something ? Make new missions for SpaceBullet !
There are many new features and now 15 missions
wow @SimonSarris that is an amazing answer from @Esailija he needs more rep
I'm having an issue in when I set jquery into wordpress
I do have a widget which is coded to push an element
but in wordpress its coming with alteration
I'm sure someone have some code to transpose.. [[1,2],[4,1]]
and also an error that says ".live() is not a function"
@Loktar that is why I posted here
he did the work, no doubt
function transpose(a)
  return Object.keys(a[0]).map(function (c) { return a.map(function (r) { return r[c]; }); });
Is there a way to, when checking if document.getElementByID() doesn't return null, to avoid the typeerror in the console (when the element doesn't exist)?
@FlorianMargaine it looks to work
posted on July 11, 2013

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Our most blasphemous poster yet.

@Jimbo ... do it correctly?
@Jimbo if (document.getElementById('ss'))
@dystroy for( var i = 1; i < 15; i++ ) { localStorage.setItem('missions.' + i + '.state','done') } // I win!
@RyanKinal I'm converting my jQuery quick code back to JS ;)
@FlorianMargaine Ah, I was assigning to a var and checking if that was null, hence the type error
var ss = document.getElementById('ss');
if (ss) {
also works ^
@rlemon no, you lose. That's just like buying a game and then cheating to only play 5 minutes. With the additional downside here that you disappoint me. I'll cry, you know ?
... ninja'd
@rlemon You called?
@dystroy really I just wanted to get to the level editor and level 3 is a PITA
@ShotgunNinja lulz
@rlemon you may also now directly test the level 14 and 15 (but they would be easier if you do the levels 11 and 12 before)
@Jimbo I'm still not sure where the type error is coming from
@RyanKinal Neither am I. After searching for ages, it has disappeared :/ and I'm not retarded.
Oh. Huh.
@dystroy mission editor stinks.
I expected visual editor
Sorry about that, possibly jsfiddle issue
drag and drop
@rlemon Sorry, I hadn't had the time to do that already... I'll do it if I have other players expressing their interest but the game has no success for now
otherwise A+ game
games I can't beat are good games.
Copy has the best game of my life.
Can't beat level 1
link ?
And I might change the level 3, I don't like it too much.
I changed the third mission. It should be less painful.
@dystroy i am not bored i want to shoot myself in the head
aka... dipressed and the cause of dipression is dipresive itself so this is recursional dipression
@Darkyen Do you want some training in bullet to head (or station) steering ?
@rlemon so hard men.
@rlemon ... I like difficult games. Not impossible games.
I have trouble going after the second platform
@dystroy might aswell try
Apparently it is not impossible.
@Darkyen Are you OK?
I've made it to the last platform once but ran off
@rlemon Good : you don't spend time when dying. Which is especially interesting for this game.
@rlemon No it<s not. You have to jumb against the wall
But did @copy really waste time in making more than what is visible at first sight ?
that give you another jump
I think
the controls are terrible
@copy we're discussing your game. get in here.
@BadgerGirl you can keep minutes until then
is it actually copies game?
@copy avatar is based off of the indy game kayin.pyoko.org/iwbtg
hes a playable unlockable character in super meatboy as well
I think it's just a remake
the apple killed me
but I call it his game
the real game is possible
@rlemon You're welcome
add them to space bullet
ping badger when you need copy and he shows
@dystroy People have finished the first level
@dievardump which apple
steve jobs or
looks almost impossible
It's a cherry, not an apple.
isaac newtons ?
@Darkyen Oh, I didn't test enough on Firefox.
you need a controller for this game :P
it allows me to select stuff / shows select cursor
even on webkit
also u can use lea verou's prefix-free
if not already using it or sass / less
@Loktar very much so
@Darkyen I have no problem on Chromium... stange
chrome is full of bugs though
@k0pernikus Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
!!mustache k0pernikus
boy... thats precision
@Darkyen user-select:none; doesn't seem to work. You're encouraged to contribute to the project which is under github :)
hmm only thing I can think to do is take advantage of the spikes not instakilling you on the edge of the platform
wow, I already feel welcome :D
@k0pernikus ^_^
There might be some 'clever' solutions but the simple answer is you have breaks in an inline element. padding is ignored for some reason. Make the span a <p> or <div> and ensure you make it inline-block. jsfiddle.net/2HdW2/1rlemon 6 secs ago
@Loktar learn to jump
i'm not sure if this is 100% true
i almost made it ... to the ending point
but line breaks in an inline element are not proper, ergo the padding is not applied correctly.???
@Loktar Use the double-jump
I do :P
haha I just cant find a safe platform to "rejump" from
Waitaminute. The cherries are poisonous?
what are you guys talking about?
@Loktar The small platform near the spikes
oh lawd. ok ty
oh god
@RyanKinal yes
why IE9 height iframe attribute is FU*
double jump resets my momentum
kill it! kill it with fire!
like I lose the forward momentum
@Loktar +1
i can't play games like that
now i know why i am dying after this position :-|
there we go
I don't think my computer likes the "shoot" function.
ok I had to double jump.. but hit arrow right as well again right after hitting space again.. hard controls man
In fact, I think there's something terribly wrong with my Chrome installation.
Best place
@dievardump how'd u get there ?
Oh crap, I was writing all my code in jsfiddle, and now it's crashed :')
double jumb.
doesnt seem to work for me :-/
I am scare
@RyanKinal From the "storyline": The kid doesn't have a gun yet :P
Also, I keep hitting "r" instead of "t". This sucks.
@copy I hate you.
@dievardump it seems like hitting space again resets the other controls
Naaaaah, I love you
@RyanKinal I keep hitting enter instead of single-quotes...
like it doesnt see me as holding right anymore
idk maybe its just my chrome
why god do I need javascript to fix IE9 not rendering an iframe attribute properly.
@Loktar Oh that's a bug
lol that makes it hard as hell
the platform after the cherry is evil too
I hit over, space, space+over again lol
stop being a b...
coworkers had to look over
because im furiously hitting buttons so fast
so hey you guys might be able to help me with this
why did you put evil things on le last platform @copy ?
I have an interview today, for a previous company I worked for, for the position im currently in
I put evil things everywhere
its in case they win the next contract
I have no idea what questions to ask!
I know about the company already since I worked for them... and I know about the position since im in it
@copy // Making this a singleton to piss off the B.S.-holder in the other cubicle.
@copy Tell me the truth. Is this actually beatable?
@RyanKinal Yeah
@Loktar can you give us more details?
Badger Girl and jAndy did it
I was at 3px to win
@Yann Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
well Im on a contract that expires this October, other companies put in bids to win the same contract
@IgnatB. Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
if another company wins Ill have to work for them, or lose my job
so I have to interview with one of the contenders just in case, however this company is the one I worked for prior
I see, how odd
I used to work for Booz Allen Hamilton, on the same contract, they lost it
What kind of work is it?
and General Dynamics won
web dev, mostly front end
we make training activies, games etc.
its just myself and 2 other devs
General Dynamics? Come move to new hampshire!
@copy Can you find a relationship between the people who have passed your game and their OS?
... I feel like I know some people who work for General Dynamics.
yeah I know there are a lot of gov jobs around there @SimonSarris
@RyanKinal yeah I work for General Dynamics IT specifically
@Loktar Nice! I had a physics professor who worked for them.
General Dynamics may win the contract in October.. its all up in the air right now lol
But like, people I know from not-here. Like college people.
@Warface That is where javascript magic comes into play :-) — Neal 11 secs ago
so I have contigent offers from 2 other companies
and then have to interview with my previous employer now
its so weird
nice @dievardump
So now, I have to be good
Oh hey, look at that.
4th time I'm here
> Engineer at General Dynamics AIS
Are yu kidding @copy ?
it moves ?
and get into the evil ?
the little pltaform moves
@dievardump The key of the game is never move. So you don't die.
I like how everybody's angry at @copy :-)
I love it
Crazy people
For everyone who has just been playing @copy's game: helpguide.org/harvard/stress-relief-guide.htm
@rlemon is that just I wanna be the guy?
shit again
Copy, did you make that game?
The sprites and sounds are from the original game
I can't stop dyinh on the right wall
I wrote the game engine and the levels
@dievardump apparently you just need to jump at the right time

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