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it's easy, really. Just do a console.log({4:'a', '5':'b', 'g':'c'})
4 is coloured differently from the other two
not for me
I'm on Chrome :D
might be just a wrong output then. I'm tired to repeat myself
its a string
believe me :p
or read the es spec
@jAndy I know :)
@ChristianSciberras ...
I'm just saying there is some internal oddity.
No there is not
there is oddity in the colouring convention of console.log
the only oddity might be in the ouput of console
@Raynos - I doubt it.
I mean, it must know the difference in order to colour it.
@ChristianSciberras and two people who know what there saying are telling you your wrong ;)
Either continue being stubborn or listen
If you want to quote the ES5 spec where it says I'm wrong, go for it.
I'd love to see a quote of ES3 now :p
How exactly is a browser engine oddity covered in the standard?!?
Q: "Your" vs. "you're": Why the confusion?

AlexandruI have seen many comments on different blogs and forums where English native speakers spelled you're as your. I'm not a native speaker, but I know and understand the difference between the two. Why is there a confusion? My initial guess is that your and you're have similar pronunciation and beca...

hi all
@Neal Hello
can anyone take a look at my meta Q? its bothing me... meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/99103/…
along with my old chat meta Q lol
@Raynos You can't know the browser's internal state, and the standard doesn't talk about it for good reason.
hi @RyanKinal
hey @Raynos
hows it goin all?
@ChristianSciberras your reading too much into the colouring of the console.log statement
Hence you can't be 100% sure how data is being stored.
I presume the colouring is done by regex
not by internal type information
"On the javascript/php rooms I do not get as bad reaction"
@Raynos Jeez, just look at my example!
just because we are so much more cool than those c++ junks :p
@ChristianSciberras which one?
console.log({4:'a', '5':'b', 'g':'c'})
You could even do var o={4:'a', '5':'b', 'g':'c'} and console.log(o); later
even chrome 12 displays all keys the same
which version are you on ? 2 ?
@ChristianSciberras what am I looking at?
@Raynos Try make a regex out of it :)
The keys are displayed the same
to me and jAndy in FF6Beta and Chrome12
@ChristianSciberras what are you smoking?
Not here. Chrome11
Number's blue, the rest violet.
Upgrade ;)
For me they are all purple
@ChristianSciberras Obviously it was a browser bug. They happen. Let it drop.
@RyanKinal I never said it wasn't.
Chrome 12 windows 7
Are you using linux? Mac?
just let me finish my months-long projects first :P
all that talk just for a buggy or incorrect behavior for a console.log output ?
try to get the numerical value in code - that will take my attention
@jAndy You still don't get it.
It's not console.log's problem since it knows the type correctly.
My suspect is that they staged type conversion at reading level.
Forgetting that console.log acted on browser internals.
yay maybe chrome 11 stores the original type somewhere, even if thats the case
"listen an repeat:"
try to get the numerical value in code - that will take my attention
I can't even fool around with it since I don't have any v11 around
Well, it's easy when you're doing loads of work on different VMs :/
> It's not console.log's problem since it knows the type correctly.
That's a) A BIG assumption and b) a BAD assumption
@ChristianSciberras why cant you upgrade to v12 :\
@Raynos If it could identify between a numeric property and a numeric-string property, I think that's ample proof.
Are you afraid your code will break?
Nope. I just said why.
> Well, it's easy when you're doing loads of work on different VMs :/
Why have a chrome v11 vm ?
Don't have a magic button "Do updates everywhere" yet :)
Q: Difference between Java and Java Script

JavaCPass - Java Job BoardDifference between Java and JavaScript People having very little programming knowledge and even with little knowledge gets confused between Java and JavaScript. Java and JavaScript are not same. Java is developed by Sun Microsystems. Java is Object-Oriented Programming Language. • Java is Prog...

@ChristianSciberras: the question still remains. Does that behavior also show up in any code-related access/loop ?
silly question everyone knows javascript is java duh!
if not.. lets get over it
@Raynos It's not like I surf the web with it.
Honestly why arent you all using 13 or canary 14 sheesh?
@jAndy The for loop is the only thing to check it out. That's why I said the engine must convert on reading instead of on writing.
Well, at least, the engine at 11.
A: Difference between Java and Java Script

RaynosJava is to JavaScript as Car is to Carpet Wait, what is your actual question?

The car to carpet is the best
@Loktar 'Course it is! With da script!
@Loktar I find them unstable.
@Raynos tooting ur own horn i see?
@Neal :D
@Raynos ... and ur taking someone elses answer...
Im not asking for an answer
Im just sharing the laughter of the car to carpet anaology
I know I did
Its not original
@ChristianSciberras stop making assumptions go read the v8 source then come back to us
every js developer should know the car/carpet analogy. I believe its an interview question :P.
@Raynos so post where u got it from... dont just post as ur own
@ChristianSciberras: I can't confirm nor reject that. However the specification is pretty clear here. Also however it behaves, you will have the "correct" type in any code related situation
so this whole discussion is useless anyway
@Neal that specific analogy has been around before that page just fyi
@Raynos I think it's a fair assumption. Unless the console subsystem is keeping a copy of all variables, including types and values, which I find outright ridiculous.
@Loktar possibly
@jAndy It's not a matter of whether we can safely walk the Earth, but what lies within. I don't think that's a useless discussion.
@ChristianSciberras: in an intepreter language, it's totally enough you can walk safely
@Raynos also how the heck is this a wordpress question? this should be moved to SO
Then again, "useless" is in the eyes of the one that doesn't care a bit on how browsers work as long as it does what you want.
are you nuts or something ?
That is very odd considering wordpress and java dont mix :?
Myself, well, I'm curious. Shame you're not. :)
whats the point in beeing curious here
it'll never affect any piece of javascript code
@jAndy What's the point in being curious anywhere?
unless there is a huge bug in chromes v8
What's your guarantee?
@Neal dont shout at me. Grumpy pants
Could have surfaced ages ago, could surface in the future! I'll count myself lucky in knowing that it exists!
if something is not obvious like this, then you can be curious
RT @dalmaer: I can haz some HTML5: Philipp Bosch has taken Modernizr2 and created haz.io, a site you can go to from any brows... http:// ...
RT @mozhacks: New blog post: HTML5 APIs – Where No Man Has Gone Before! – Presentation at Gotham JS - http://mzl.la/oB9QLj
> Myself, well, I'm curious. Shame you're not. :)
If your curious stop assuming and guessing how chrome works. Go read V8
or ask @ivo wetzel he seems to know his way around v8
anyone seen @mylesgray lately?
oh shit! I found a major bug in v8
console.log(0.1 + 0.2);
@Raynos im not shouting at you. just saying flag for migration
world ends in 2011 !
@Raynos I might was well do. Don't know why I should take it on some guy to not have an opinion/assumption.
@Neal have you read it?
Its spam
If you flag it, flag it for spam
@jAndy Oh noes! Floating point errors will be the end of us all!
I was going to make a space game where you could travel in realtime across the solar system :( scraps idea due to floating point errors
@jAndy I think I'm better off knowing how things work than drooling on shiny html5 bullshit.
And while I won't go around shouting "bug bug bug", I think I'm happier to know when something strange happens, why.
@ChristianSciberras: well I'm happy to know how things work
@Raynos why would i flag spam?
@jAndy But you're not for others?
So there was this weird console issue in chrome 11. Stuff was crazy, dragged on for days.
@ChristianSciberras but all we've found is that console.log in chrome 11 is buggy
@ChristianSciberras: however, I'd not recommend to listen to me anyway. I mentioned it several times: all I do is guessing and hoping - I actually have no clue about ecmascript, browser or javascript engines
@Raynos - And? Where's the disclaimer in discovering some major disabling bug in chrome??
@jAndy Is that only in V8?
I was just annoyed that you claim keys are not strings
keys are strings ;)
Just because you contested my findings form line 1 doesn't mean it doesn't exist, and neither does it make it "important". I just straightened out the information.
@Incognito: not really (I guess...) :p
I agree it exists
I was going to say, that would be fairly impressive :P
@Raynos And where did I say they're not?
console is buggy
all host objects are dodgy
its a host objects
I still can't see why it's console's fault.
It has to be ;D
Does the EC spec say when the key is converted to a string?
its showing a Key as a number rather then a string
@Incognito: it's actually the correct behavior for a floating point problem related to some IEEE spec.
Thats an anomaly, a bug
I hope..
@Raynos It's showing what it sees.
You also realise the console is a weird sandbox
Yes your right
But what the console sees is not what the javascript interpreter sees
I just blind out anomalies in the console because they just dont matter
@jAndy That's why I was worried. IEE 754 describes the issue with 0.1 not being able to store correctly in binary.
typeof key ?
Whats more interesting is bits of the DOM I dont know about :)
I like those
should be a good name for a language
@ChristianSciberras don't be so damn aggressive
he's gone
22 messages moved to bin
I feel a little sorry for ruining his discovery of the year :(
Is there a good book on the DOM ?
The DOM API is considerably larger then I ever thought
that book is at edition 52 before you know whats going on :p
Gah! Just seen another bit of jQuery and HTML with a class added to an element JUST so the developer could select it with a '.'class selector, where an '#' id selector would have been better.
What makes developers gravitate to these so readily without even considering the '#' id selector?
or even plain old getElementById
one of the devs here uses jquery just so she can hide/show elements :?
@JamesWiseman you seem to be assuming developers are competent
Ahhhhh, those were the days [goes all misty eyed]
Web development is the only sector where 95% of the developers are shit
@Raynos your overestimating every other sector lol
Web is worse.
@Raynos: I'm not so sure about php :p
@Raynos Nope, I was starting from that assumption.
Ask any comptent js dev in this room and they will tell you that they are average.
I'm average
I agree 95% of web devs are pretty terrible
I dont know any expert js devs. Maybe @Ivo
@jAndy Ok 99.9% of php devs are shit
but I think there's a few other sectors where huge groups of workers are pretty bad too.
Oh and @NickCraver. He's a god.
@Loktar like mobile / android / any sector full of cough
yay Nick is the only guy left
And, of corse, Mr Resig
Resig is overrated and I dont know him
What about Java devs, look at Notch! :P
I was about to say crockford is also overrated but.
Crockford is good
Minecraft is such a bloated pile, fortunately its fun.
As I suspect is Brendan Eich
Yes but I'm talking about mortals you know ;)
not internet super stars
thats the understatement of the year. Crockford has such a deep understanding for the language it's pretty unique
I respect EliGray aswell
and dean edwards.
if I was so smart and cool in the age of the Crock, I'd be a happy man
oh shi! Its Myles!
Hey man havent seen you around for a while putting the smackdown on table users.
hey man whats up
yeah i've been working quite a lot recently :)
and am just back after 3 weeks hols ;)
nice, whered you go?
see OS X Lion was released a few hours ago?
Was in Mauritius
if you goto south africa, then go right to madagascar then another 1000 miles right
its about 50 miles long the island

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