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Q: HTML + CSS or HTML5 + CSS3 or HTML5 + jQuery

baburao113I want to be a good UI Developer. I'm confused whether I should learn (I need some serious suggestions): 1) HTML + CSS + JavaScript or HTML5 + CSS3 + JavaScript or HTML5 + CSS3 + jQuery 2) Is it required to learn CSS first before learning CSS3 ??? 3) If the above technologies needs to be pri...

posted on July 06, 2013

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Final 24 hours to get the new book!

they never want to follow standards ?
@Po-YingChen Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Feeds wow...you are clueless
Ugh, slept in till 7, start work at 7:30, never got to shower had to rush out the door, luckily a wide load hit an overpass and gave me an excuse to be late because I was 'stuck in traffic'
which version of mysql should i install in windows before working with node+mysql?
@phenomnomnominal Season 2 homo
@Samithaఠ_ఠ Install Linux first
You have 99 answers and 11 questions
99 answers and a linux aint 1 HIT ME
i have already install ubuntu
as i know ubuntu 12.04 already has mysql inbuilt?
apache probly yes
is that for 12.10
type mysql in console
how do i create db .user or pass?
google must know that
wow Objective-C looks like a nightmare
how can i get rid of the # in backbone?
bugs.jquery.com/ticket/8283 ok let's drop IE<10
i did
Backbone.history.start({pushState: Modernizr.history, root: ''});
but it doesn't work
im a very beginner
!!> 'backbone'.replace(/#/g,'')
@cx "backbone"
with backbone
@cx where did i put this?
RIP Douglas Engelbart
@BenjaminGruenbaum :( RIP
Can anyone guide to an answer please?
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeah, pretty sad. It's sad to realize how many insanely awesome comp-sci people are dying of old age. And in general.
Change that to "it's sad to realize how many insanely awesome people are dying"
And continue generalizing
Until you get to "it's sad"
the mouse inventor
Invented Mouse, Hypertext, Groupware, Interactive computing, and a big part of what we know as GUI
@Zirak you're safe with your 150 years old
Seen "the mother of all demos"?
It's sad how I'm being tested on some of his stuff tomorrow and he just died
A lot of work on AI, in addition to human-machine interface
he invented MVC? no jk
mm a brilliant man
a CS phd in 1955.. wow, not sure they had many computers
though the people who contributed to make the big spaguetti plate of network protocols are not to thank, (imo)
most of protocols are smart I mean, but it's now in a non evolutive state, (see openflow and SDN now)
Nobody can help me :/
var Router = Backbone.Router.extend({

		routes: {
			'foo/:bar': 'paramtest',

		func: function(action){

		paramtest: function(param){

	 * Instancier le router
	new Router();
	// start l'history (regarde les changement de l'url)
	Backbone.history.start({pushState: true});
I wish I could do a thesis on SDN
thats just my code
but my url localhost/backbone-tutorials when i click on a link with an href "foo/bar" it goes 404
what did i do wrong?
try #foo/bar
@cx it don't go 404 but can i get rid of the hashtag?
@MikeBoutin I can help you, but I won't, because backbone is stupid.
@BenjaminGruenbaum it's your choice, i learn it because it the most popular and i'm a newb
ill learn others after
and in codeschool, it have a lot of videos on it
yea that sucks, if you want page routing first you need #'s and just do location.hashchange=function(){..
@MikeBoutin Learn JavaScript first, then go with a good framework, that's pretty much everything but Backbone.
Backbone is a persistence of suckiness.
@BenjaminGruenbaum i know javascript
Learn Angular or Knockout.. you're learning the framework people used 2 years ago but are stopping to.
doesn't seem so dude
if you don't like it, it's your choice
but peace, got work
@cx i wanted to learn the best way to route without hashtag with backbone
i didn't wanted to create a function to remove the hash
if backbone supported it
@BenjaminGruenbaum And why Addy Osmani love it so much?
dude the hash if a web standard..
@MikeBoutin I read his book. I like Addy Osmani, I just think he's wrong there... he doesn't know other frameworks well.
Also, he started writing his book back when Backbone seemed like a good option.
@BenjaminGruenbaum what you think about ember
@MikeBoutin Ember is nice, but Angular has a lot more traction
Angular is like the new jQuery, for the better and worse.
is it easy to learn?
It's what Google are developing, it's the most actively developed.
It's the fastest growing by far
Anyway, I'm off for a bit, if you want a reply to something ping me.
why is it better than backbone?
one letter close..
o sorry..
Why you doing attitude to a guy who want to learn
@BenjaminGruenbaum does angular works without hash
because you could learn yourself, like most of us
that's what i do
i just seeking some advices from others who are more advanced than me
i stopped gaming to learn javascript
i do javascript all nights after my work
and i do seek answers for my code here
just advices and help to find the better way
@MikeBoutin "Working without hash" isn't a property of the framework. It's part of the history API, but yeah - "Angular works without a hash"
@BenjaminGruenbaum Great :D
Q: Get ajax response in a jquery plugin attribute

Mike BoutinI develop a jquery plugin and i try to get the server date and pass it in an attribute of my plugin. It always get me undefined. I just want to my attribute dateNow have the text echoed by my page below My dateAjax.php is only that below <?php echo date("Y/m/d H:i:s"); ?> How can i do ...

That's pretty horrible by the way, the answer that is.
2011 man lol
i just finished school
Lol, you should consider adding an answer to that that isn't horrible and acceptint it.
Or unaccepting the answer and deleting the question, that answer spreads horrible practices
unaccepting done
Wait, one minute!
Can anyone who's not on a UTC timezone run this please: (new Date(2013, 2, 25, 14, 03, 25)).toString()
@MikeBoutin he seems active, I left a response
Weird flags
Mon Mar 25 2013 14:03:25 GMT+0100 (CET)
@copy you're in UTC
"Mon Mar 25 2013 14:03:25 GMT+0200 (Jerusalem Standard Time)"
looks like we have more information on zirak: he's in UTC.
he probably lives in africa.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Crap. Thanks.
he's one of those nigerian guys.
@FlorianMargaine I did not know that
@Zirak Why all the interest in dates?
whose aunt died leaving a bank account with lots of money
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm writing an strftime
In js. And of course, timezones.
ah no, we're in utc +1
Because on several occasions I've thought "I'd really like to have an strftime in js"
Ah, fair enough. I don't see the use case though, I mean moment is really solid and small imo.
It's 5KB and it does everything
doesn't make coffee
But moment is more than that and I hate its codebase
Plus, localization is a Big Thing™
It has a very simple code base (moment) and it's all documented
There're 2 other (notable) strftime implementations, and they're both borderline meh.
Don't get me wrong, I hate switch/case just as much as the next guy - but the source code is very straightforward
I don't like 1500 loc files personally
They do the basics, but I want some other modifiers as well. Ruby added some interesting stuff to the mix, and there're %# and %_ and stuff.
I'll finish the readme and publish what I've got so far
$_ is last line input, but what is %#?
i.imgur.com/JD23tVk.png @Loktar @rlemon how hard could implementing that be ? in canvas
oh, it's nothing to do with Perl. It's a glibc extension to strftime, which switches the case of the result. So %Z for instance gives you UTC, and %#Z gives you utc
It's only really useful for that single purpose. As AM/PM has lowercase/uppercase equivalents (which are, ironically, switched in case - %p gives uppercase, %P gives lowercase)
@Darkyen You don't need canvas, you can do that in CSS
@BenjaminGruenbaum circular text ?
teach me master :P
Google result for "css text around circle": css-tricks.com/set-text-on-a-circle
that's some ugly css
but @Darkyen it's not very hard in canvas if you want
write one letter after the other, rotating a little bit every time
@FlorianMargaine isnt there something in canvas for text on a path ?
yea in rotating css that what I was thinking also, but curved text, I'm not sure how to do it then
and @Zirak i thought that way before asking in here :-|
@Darkyen I don't think so, but I don't know canvas enough to answer
Well thats a shame if it doesnt....
meh i will focus more on the img processing for now :->
Can't SVG layout a text along a curve?
mozillian canvas has it
yeap it can
If Chrome can too, it's plenty sufficient
Opera will catch up eventually
@C3PablO Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@phenomnomnominal Haha, Vince the asian dude cracks me up so much with his one liners towards Morgan
but not selectable text ;p
@cx why not selectable?
I think this is css^ because svg wouldn't be more selectable (with mouse) raphaeljs.com/helvetica.html
hey all
oh im so happy. build my first web sockets app
there's a good perf gain to load everything in the page with ws, but it's not funny
and anyway spdy will arrange that
@SomeKittens I like that acceleration!
Next up: Rotating spaceship.
A man, a plan, a cat, a canal Panama
Go Hang a Salami, I'm a Lasagna Hog
@user2286550 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@user2286550 the bot said "ask your question", not "command us"
1 message moved to Trash can
@CapricaSix thanks for the links but I am looking for date and time selection combined feature
@user2286550 I think you should use two widgets. One for date, one for time.
@JanDvorak thanks I think is the only solution becoz I haven't found any widget on google as needed
@user2286550 What are you building? For who? What's it's purpose?
@SomeKittens I tried this but want date selection on the same calendar also left or right
You have answered exactly zero of my questions
@SomeKittens tinker.io/af00e/42 - I don't know if you wanted to use setInterval over requestAnimationFrame
I am building this for my client
But notice the smoothness difference?
Where one can select a date range , time in GMT with different time zone
ok thanks guys.. I will figure out myself
Hi guys! Can you advice me in what situations jQuery could be a bad solution?
no! check the search in top right -->
When all you need is document.getElementById()
@Gacnt That breaks the acceleration.
@GeloVolro when you don't need to support IE8
@user2286550 Is said client paying you?
@SomeKittens Seems just fine for me?
Takes a little while longer to get moving faster and faster, but changing a value or two would fix it and make it look a lot smoother?
Doesn't seem to accelerate at all for me
I think it's animating faster than the keypress is being registered
Which is why my setInterval waits for 100, instead of 12
Plus, I don't like jquery as a library.
are there any alternative node.js tool like jsapp.us?
@Zirak why exactly?
@GeloVolro Their API is crappy with broken design.
Hey All :)
@JanDvorak may be it's even better to say IE9, because I'm working with one project. The only one normal webbrowser is IE 10, which supports normally html5/css3
You have functions like jQuery.inArray, you don't have different API for single elements and multiple elements, you have selectors everywhere, you have horrible overloads...
I don't know JavaScript very well, but as I remember it doesn't have class definitions and other stuff.

I mean , maybe because JavaScript is weak, then to build a library with the good design is rather very difficult? Am I right?
Javascript is not weak. And you don't need classes for good program design.
what does disputed mean on flags?
@Zirak why? if there is no classes, then I can't use patterns, no?
Of course you can use other patterns. One of the bad things js borrowed from the onslaught of other developers is the proliferation of stupid patterns. There are also some good patterns, but they emerge pretty naturally.
You have design patterns in non-class based languages, of course. Functional languages have a large amounts of stuff, and so do languages like C or D.
And don't forget that languages like Python and Perl didn't have classes at the beginning, and people still made good software.
@Zirak All right, let's move more practically, for example how you will build encapsulated stuff? for example simple MVC pattern in JS?
So I suggest you escape the classical bubble.
yeah, you can't do MVC with client-side js because of the way server/client communication works.
@Zirak You are not correct about functional languages. Many of them DO support classes, pure inheretance and other OOP stuff, which also exist in imperative C++ or C#
And you don't have to use those features
@Zirak no, it's not if it was, how it could be used for the MFC in Windows? and other GUI desktop programs?
But you can't escape them in languages like C#.
for example WPF uses MVVM patter , which is very similar to MVC
and it's not server-side stuff
it's clients one only
But client-side js is limited in its abilities, so to have a full MVC, you need the server, in which case you can't have real MVC (but you can have MV* derivatives or whatever they call it)
Anyway, there are loads of js design pattern books, and more frameworks to boast. It's more of @BenjaminGruenbaum's area, I don't delve into those, so I can give you his recommendations
For a book there's Learning JavaScript Design Patterns, and as frameworks go, Angular and Knockout.
For a node multiplayer game with gravity and animations, is it better to stream the exact x and y's of all the players at all times or to stream their keystrokes?
But again, I can't personally recommend, not my area.
Can't agree, because when I used Common Lisp , I've used both functional features and OOP with it.

For e.g. in Haskell or Lisp I could also done such things, which I'm not able do with C++ or C#.

It refers to the N-arny polymorphism. For e.g. both C++ and C# don't support purely 100% even the 1-st polymorphism order, becuase the semantics of those languages doesn't allow to change the return type dynamically and arguments in overriding.
@GeloVolro oh, I never said you can't do OOP. js is more object oriented than languages like Java. But you don't need class based OOP.
For comparison, see Lua and Io, both nice prototypical-based OOP languages; Io is especially funky.
1). server could be `localhost`
2). where did MVC need a server in its idea? In controller? Controller just importing data from the DB ( or just a local file ) make a data binding to the model and send the binded model to the view, where the view does make a render.
@Zirak I don't know Lua or IO , pity :(
Shall check
@Connor They didn't think it was worth a flag.
@SomeKittens oh ok
@Zirak all right, can you provide a simple example ( at ideone or jsfiddle ) with the simple pattern, MVC, MVP or Page/Front Controller or maybe even Facade pattern. Just want to look a very simple example. Thanks!
To make classical MVC work you just need some sort of Observer Pattern. And that's as simple as stuffing a function in an array in JS.

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