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I'm not one to do that, find and replace is easy to do.
Hopefully. But I'll hold you to that (if I remember or if you come back here later)
He'll probably forget, he's our special little boy
Should it just return rTxt, or should it return this.hDummy.rTxt?
Or better yet: Zirak, how would YOU print the objects coming from a factory to HTML?
would be cool in css
a.foo {color: body.color;}
can't you do stuff like that in SASS
color:inherit; is almost that, but bootstrap modified body that's why
css could do with box sizing as the standard >.>
I wonder how many people buy the 1 Gigabit internet thinking they're getting 1 Gigabyte and be all YO WUT DA HERR
well i have border-box
ive always thought width + padding = true width
never made sense given padding is internal
I personally prefer margin-box because then you can do everything by percent, but it really depends on what you're doing
how many browsers support that?
honestly not sure, but it works in FF and Chrome as far as I know
well you can usually always rely on those 2 browsers
yeh i got cross browser fix from paul irish
he posted it on his site
The white box isn't appearing
mmm how could I put a checkbox in a <table> cell? or am I thinking something totally stupid
checkbox in <td></td> shouldn't be hard
<td><input type="checkbox" name="sports" value="soccer" /></td>
yes but in term of design logic I'm not sure
@SomeKittens tinker.io/af00e/4
i think you cannot use it for stroke style
u need to use...
kinda like this:

context.moveTo(100, 150);
context.lineTo(450, 50);
context.lineWidth = 10;

// set line color
context.strokeStyle = '#ff0000';
!!should checkbox column be in first or in last or in middle?
@cx checkbox should column be in first
like yoda talk you?
and this bot's randomness scarily makes sense
fuckable bot
@SomeKittens do you mean lineTo instead of moveTo?
!!would you marry me?
@cx I expect so
@SomeKittens Or you need to stroke() or fill() your path.
(Zeroth day with canvas, be nice)
i managed to get it to draw a white box but then it dissapears
@SomeKittens ignore my first comment btw, I'm half asleep!
@SomeKittens tinker.io/af00e/13
well i got it to draw but its probably not quite what you wanted but im sure u can fix it from there?
fixed the long line: tinker.io/af00e/17
dont know why its not drawing a full square
tinker.io/af00e/19 Now I can't get it to stay the same size
if (this.direction === 'right') {
this.x = this.x + 1;
} else {
this.x = this.x - 1;
@Trevor Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
the 3rd number in rect is width so as u change this.x itll change its width
@SomeKittens tinker.io/af00e/21 i changed it to fixed sized
@SomeKittens You are setting the width to the current x-coord (+1).
!!mustache Il Profeta Profeta
did you want the box to go out of the bounds of the canvas ?
mustache fail sorry
!!mustache DaveRandom
aha, got it!
grrr /trash
was this what you wanted? tinker.io/af00e/31 @SomeKittens
oh okay never mind
I'd like to ignore my posts but can't
at least set the speed to +150 :P
also for functionality store the square size in variable so you don't have to keep changing this.x + 10 etc
Now to take user input
So I'm still getting undefined, any ideas on why? Code
@Event_Horizon might be cos body is reserved? just make a div and append to that to check
I changed it just in case but that's not the issue : /
document.body isn't an array?
I'm not worried about that, I'm getting undefined for target[i] still
this code is fucking awful
I know :(
is there a reason i starts at 1 ?
instead of 0 given target is an array
no, I changed it
when i console log the target array its all undefined
i know, thats my issue : /
@Event_Horizon it's really really bad
I know, its been a long time since I've coded
put comments in too
And I'm not good at OOP/Factory stuff anyways, my first try at Factories
@Event_Horizon, I'm fixing it for you
@phenomnomnominal for free ? :O
@Event_Horizon switch (true) {
buy him a coffee @Event_Horizon
No, i'm just bored.
I'm going to need to now
but I appreciate the help
What's the proper pattern for directional input in canvas? Switch statement in update call?
though I'd rather be told why I'm unable to get the text into the array from my human objects
I do like to make sure I'm learning not just asking for fixes on here
i use switch @SomeKittens
which i mainly got from when i was doing C++
Or even told the basics of how I should be handling my factories/objects/render relationship, IE how to get a render function to work with a factory and single object input
I know for a fact I'm messing up the render/factories part
for an indepth answer SO question might be best :P
@Event_Horizon something like this: jsfiddle.net/9tkHZ/11
@SomeKittens decision table with functions
@phenomnomnominal Example?
var types={ //message types
	9: log,
	10: ping,...
function msg(d){
that's what I do too
@phenomnomnominal thanks, this helps a lot
msg([type, foo, bar]), but the array is not a good way, anyway I think that's what pheno meant +/-
var events = {
    '1': function () { console.log('up') },
    '2': function () { console.log('down') },
    '3': function () { console.log('left') },
    '4': function () { console.log('right') },

document.addEventListener('keypress', function (e) {
something like that, obviously the keycodes are wrong
but I'm finance messages oriented :)
some one must of made a function that has all the keycodes written already some where
would be useful if wanting to allow users to assign hotkeys
well that i didn't know, the window button on the right on my keyboard is 92 the window button on my left is 91
wonder why that is =/
@phenomnomnominal What about something like this? tinker.io/af00e/36
yeah seems fine, i just don't like switches
you making the game snake?
I made snake recently haha
@Dave No, just wrapping my head around the basics of canvas
ah. it really comes into its own when you start adding sprites and game mechanics
@innoSPG Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
i went the isometric route
@seanxiaoxiao Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Dave I've got bigger ideas, but they're top-down
well thats alot easier math wise
heres a top down canvas rpg which is petty impressive: browserquest.mozilla.org
I should benchmark x > 0 vs x != 0 vs x !== 0, when I won't have something more useless to do
surely x !== 0
no casting, and only once check?
my bet too
How come HTML5 gets all the credit for cool things that happen, when its usually wrote solely in JS
It's like look at this sick game in HTML5!!! When it's like a canvas tag and that's it
too bad can't do domEl.children.slice(1,5) logic
How can I get the correct keyCodes for different keyboards?
for instance, 38 is up on my brother's, down on my Mac
6:24. Sorry, how is that possible?
@some allow people to map their own keys :)
mm a half centered GMT zone apart from that nothing
@Gacnt That's a little above my area of expertise
Can't you just make a variable that saves local storage that gets which key is pressed, and saves that then just use the variable instead of specific key codes
@Gacnt hi Donovan!
Hi Eva!'
You never answered on facebook. :(
I never doubted you for one minute
You must have invited the wrong one
No, I sent you a message, it must have gone to the "Other" folder.
Where the other folder
So what method did you use to find me :)
Not telling, FlashGordonn.
Hehe actual chuckles
Probably one of my previous
So what's my profile privacy like anyways.
Depends on how much you care.
What do you mean ?
I can see some things but not too much.
Anyways, add me so I can further stalk you.
Oh I was just curious, I set it a long long time ago
I have no requests
That's because you don't have the add button on your profile.
No, I was wrong. This is how you ride a bike: youtube.com/watch?v=Sv3xVOs7_No
I thought I did but people I don't like still find a way to add me ::
@Gacnt I don't know. Just add me.
When I'm ready for that responsibility and to make such a huge commitment. I will :)
I think I'll watch some more Dexter and ponder on the thought.
Yay GTA art
@Gacnt dexter is perfect
What season you on big sexy
up to date of course
i've been watching it since the start yo
I'm on season one
Almost two
you have got some amazing tv ahead of you bro
seasons 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7 are so good
I known I'm excited
6 is good too actually
they're all fucking awesome
I'm at the part where dex got the will I don't want to spoil too much for zirak
I heard its the only show that gets better as the seasons go on
!!define chuckle
@cx chuckles Plural form of chuckle
@cx chuckle A quiet laugh.
last season of dexter too :'(
yep, but it's gonna be a good one!
i sense the ending will be tragic
me too
but hopefully not
@phenomnomnominal That's not my real last name :D
doubt it
no one would be that retarded
It's Hindenburg combined with something else :D
Von den hinderburg
Sister and her long time fiance broke up, now she's all crazy, it's fun to watch people change their life completely, or do things to help forget
Dexter will be the end of me.. Got up at 4:30AM, worked 12 hour shift, got home 8:30PM, laid in bed watching dexter till 1AM, went to bed, got up at 4:30AM again, worked 12 hour shift, got home 8:30PM, and now I feel like I'm gonna end up watching dexter till 1AM again.
!!> var x=[[1,2],[1,3]]; x.indexOf([1,3]);//sucks
not smart js
array are objects, so they are not compared by value blabla
!!> var y = [1,3]; var x = [[1,2], y]; x.indexOf(y);
@NagaJolokia 1
for(var i=0; i<accounts.length; i++){
	if(accounts[i][0]==bk && accounts[i][1]==id)
!!> var a = [[1, 2], [1, 3]]; a.map(function(x)''+x).indexOf(''+[1,3]);
@NagaJolokia 1
hmm stringification
There are certain arrays where that will fail, but you should be fine with a 2D array containing just numbers.
!!> [[1,2],3,1,2,3].toString();
@NagaJolokia [[1,2],3,1,2,3]
@NagaJolokia "1,2,3,1,2,3"
Just come up with a hashing functino
No, that's a bad example.
!!> [[1,2,3],[[1,2],3]].map(function(x)''+x);
@NagaJolokia ["1,2,3","1,2,3"]
That's a better example of where it could go wrong.
1 hour later…
@phenom god damn dude that repressed chainsaw memory, you remember that shit?? Hit me right in the feels
On dexter you remember ?
When he walks into that hotel room full of stuff, and faints, and at the episode it shows what actually happened in that repressed memory that caused him to faint
oh yeah bro
that comes up a lot
Omg bro last episode of season one you know what the fuck is up
Gonna be so exhausted tomorrow worth it.
and that's possibly the least intense finale
hey dudes
Noms, how's the celeb life? @Gacnt, you rich yet?
@phenomnomnominal also, change your name to Noms, so I can tag that, lolz
How am I a celeb???
@Gacnt has infinite money
You got skeelz.
All @Gacnt does is gag over shitty music and bitch about my site not being done yet
missed that lol by a mile.
Here's an idea for my CMS I'm trying to work out.

Go to page manager
Select page to edit
Page opens in a new window, here's the flow from there --
Load the site's template
Templates contains some specially marked divs that tell me the content can be edited
These divs get an edit/new/delete button, based on the situation
Click the button to pull a menu of things that can be added
I'm thinking...auto save for all of this. Close Window.
new window = good idea?
I'll be wealthy in another 4 years when I get my second journeyman ticket and get paid as a dual-ticket journeyman. :) until then. No. I'm not rich. ;(
Basically, you'd be modifying the page like it's really going to appear....new window makes a lot of sense to me, but what about mobile?
@Gacnt how's your dota thing going?
Good, tbh it was more of a way for me to learn sockets, make a party system learn CSS and play with other things, I accomplished it 100%, now it's just sitting there
I'm not sure if its still being used
Lol, shitty music, if only phenom knew what a real artist was, he wouldn't be so grumpy searching to fill the void of poop music he listens too ;)
JK love you long time homie, we're dexbros now and I must sleep GG errbudddyy
@Gacnt, i use the term 'music' liberally, you like to liken to computers having sex.
@phenomnomnominal I think you meant to say "Lycan"
!!youtube Rido - Poison
1:00+ = real music bro
gimme yer opinions, dernit! =D
I'd really appreciate it
I don't really fuck with CMS' so I'm not sure if that's good or not, I build them for what I need to do, eg if I want a quick way to add news, manage links
New window = bad idea.
I knew that was coming haha
why's that?
It seems programatically a lot more difficult, but way more open for editing
No, it's easy, you should have tabs within one browser window.
Actually you should make it as flexible/customisable as possible!
Ohhhh, I certainly meant tab
but, what about, like a phone?
Sorry I'm not following you, what do you want to do?
wait, I think I get what he's saying.
I could make the page I'm looking at THE page.
That makes a lot of sense.
Have everything slide up to hidden and have the new content there
That's freaking brilliant. Perfect. @phenomnomnominal
By the time phenom releases his web page his domain name would have been for sale and I would have bought it
Fun fact
That's why you're a celebrity. I don't care what the word is supposed to mean. You earned it.
@Gacnt lol
Yeah, I don't care what kind of bad things m59 says about you when you're not here, I think you're a pretty cool dude.jpeg
@Gacnt, if he takes too long, you'll be even richer and you can just buy him instead.
@Ganct it will just be on GitHub til I move onto my domain.
Make him my sex slave.
It's not slavery if you want to do it.
But it is prostitution if he's paying.
LOL actual Lols were had
Struggle cuddles!
@m59, I meant tabs within the page, not browser tabs
Yeah man, I gotcha
I don't need tabs at all then. Like I said, I just need to hide the whole page and show the new one
then when they save that page, I can just delete it from the dom
and show the cms again
err, even better. The top and bottom can stay, even.
sickly pro
night homies! thanks a ton
@kaps Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
do you know the fastest and clever way to unbind then re-bind window scrolling ?
1 hour later…
So did that whining douchebag from the other day go away?
Which one?
he was a userxxxxx who thought 'wife make sandwich' type jokes were offensive and started flagging
yesterday, maybe? or the day before? I don't remember
Oh yeah, I remember. Seems like it.
I blocked him so I'll probably never see what his ragequit looked like
That's the best policy for troublesome users IMO.
nothing spectacular, really
but all kinds of jokes broke out soon
Anyone fancy reversing a revenge downvote? stackoverflow.com/a/17492452/1094311 Provided you think my answer is correct, obviously.
if it's a serial downvote, wait for the rollback script
I don't know what that means :-) But it sounds good.
I mean, how many of your posts have been downvoted?
Oh I see. Just that one I think.
Ah, back to zero. Cheers, whoever that was!
countered. I don't think it deserves a downvote.
Well, I don't care about the rep, obviously, I just don't want the OP or anyone else who stumbles upon that Q to be misled.
sure ;-)
oh crap, yeah
just noticed that myself
Hm. That was from 25 june.
the serial downvoting, I mean. I wonder who that was
@NagaJolokia my lazyness made me do this codepen.io/anon/pen/jomzw
after 7 hours of reflexion, jk just had to sleep
@cx that's a really bad idea
my arrays are alays 2-level arrays, yeah should have called it removeJson or whatever
i just can think of a good reason to delete an object from an array like that
array items are subscriptions
-> unsubscription
yeah, but why do you not have another reference to the same object?
the rest is on server-side
so search through the array for the element that matches the condition for deletion and then remove that?
mm, you're probly right, can tell server: unsubscribe to ["foo","bar"] then he replies with the new subscription list
@AmalMurali Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
nvm, for the moment it was half working, thanks
@cx I don't know what the use case is, but that could be a useful trick for checking if two arrays contain the same values. JSON is a limited subset of JavaScript though, so it won't work for arbitrary array contents.
I was more in a XYZ problem, like always
this guy looks smart
@rlemon did you saw this for your terrains? twitter.github.io/interactive/andes
i need a help about string replace
Q: String replace: multiple replace is not working in JQuery

itskawsarI have a string and some text (name attr) should be replaced with dynamic text. For example options[team_member][0][name] will be replaced with options[team_member][1][name]. What far i did: var current = 1; var block = jQuery('#contents').html(); var replace_str = 'options[team_m...

here is my question
something like this? options[.*][(.*)][.*]
A: Javascript multiline string replacement with multiline string

Jan Dvorak also, the strings are prased from webpage using some string foo and innerHTML. EEEK! Don't use HTML manipulation to add content to a table. That would be like adding a small detail to a big painting by having a painter describe the picture to you, then paint a new picture based on that descr...

damn all special symbols are gone
the onebox rounded my 11.555 rep to 11.6 :-(
Q: What are some excercises for learning JavaScript?

Tom Julian HumeSo far, I've managed to make simple a pomodoro timer and a to-do list. Are there any other simple things that can be made, and help one learn Javascript?

is there any way to find out when someone was stopped from asking questions?
see their last question
that's a good point
Q: Validating Javascript Model

Luke NeatI'm looking to create a model in JavaScript. Here is an example of the code that I have so far: // Person model function Person(firstName, age) { // Check first name if (firstName) { if (typeof firstName === 'string') { this.firstName = firstName; } ...

@rlemon i m mking it
IE9 is failing me on CORS, I'm rly done with this shit
:-> thought you would like those
Q: First jQuery Plugin (Request Code Review)

Shivam BhallaWould like a code review for my first simple slideToggle jQuery plugin. Demo: https://rawgithub.com/Shivambh28/ezToggle/master/demo.html (function($) { $.fn.ezToggle = function(options) { var defaults = { selector : '.yourSelector', speed : 300, ...

@Zirak I'm studying -_-
And I'm compiling. Booooored.
Your fault for Java
Enjoy yourself though
It's not java!
I am enjoying myself. I think I'm quite good company.
I would never defile a Saturday with Java.
It must be against one god or another.
Also, it's your fault!
which version of mysql should i install in windows before working with node+mysql?

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