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Switzerland, for instance, won that game. With firearms, both sides continuously lose this game.
I am officially the only person still in the state who works for my company. Freedom.
Time for a smoke.
@Zirak What don't the Swiss win at?
Doesn't Switzerland have the highest suicide rate? So, they lose at not killing themselves.
didn't know that
I'm surprised that Japan isn't higher on the list
Dang. USA is #34
Look at this pen codepen.io/anon/pen/GJdIC
You see all the divs are left floated, the big red div is misplaced(or is it?), when I give a fixed height to every div they gets settled. why's that so?
Off by two. This wasn't supposed to happen.
Could someone explain this behavior
I would like to see a graph with the correlation between average intelligence level and suicide rates.
It might be interesting to see the suicide methods by gender. Do men really prefer shooting themselves, and women prefer taking pills? I heard that suggested, but never seen any evidence.
@Shmiddty That would be interesting
@Shmiddty But that could mean anything
@Shmiddty I'd like to see that. Along with marriage/divorce rates and such. It would be interesting to see exactly what causes so much of it whether it's a personal thing, or work or just poverty.
I understand that correlation is not causation. I just wanna see it.
@Ehtesham I can't be bothered to fix the code so i'll just link you to this: designshack.net/articles/css/masonry
yes it is a plugin
but you don't have to use the plugin - you can see how they apply the masonry layout
Suicide rate among philosophy majors?
isotope.metafizzy.co looks promising as well
@rlemon thanx, I am not looking for a masonry layout. I am trying to look for how CSS is behaving. like natively
I suggest "check[ing] your logs for details."
@jmarkmurphy Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Learner Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
and why the red box doesn't fall to the next row
because of how css works
I am pointing you towards masonry examples because they show how you achieve the effect
Tht's how I see it
your example is the expected outcome for the floats. the height keeps the red block from moving any more left
@Ehtesham container needs overflow:hidden;
it is correct in this example
@rlemon so you see it alright?
no i see it exactly as you do
and that is not a bug, it is expected
your h2 div pushes the entire row height
display: inline-block; is a bit better but still not perfect
I assume you are trying to get this to look like a masonry 'grid'
@Shmiddty Happy now? jsfiddle.net/somekittens/tREyS/1
Also @Zirak ^^
If that's the proper way to add to the bot, I can create a pull request
@SomeKittens but what if a week is skipped?
You'd need to update XKCD_CONST.
@SomeKittens You know there's an xkcd API, and requesting it will tell you the latest number?
@Zirak sounds much better :)
@Zirak But that wouldn't be as fun.
In my understanding red box should fall to the next row, I am trying infer a conclusion from this
I did that some time ago for the bored responses
@Zirak I just waht !!xkcd <--- random !!xkcd new <--- most recent !!kxcd 1234 <--- by number?
Now If the last column has a height more or equal to maximum column of grid, it falls
maximum column of the row
@Shmiddty Doable. Can you open an issue? And sure @SomeKittens, fire a pull request when you're ready
@Ehtesham switch float: left to display: inline-block;
@Zirak Is a pull request the correct place to do this? Or is that only if I've got code ready?
is this what you are after?
(I've never really actually used github)
@Shmiddty PR is when you've done something, and you want the author to merge changes. Issues are, well, issues.
@rlemon yes with vertical-align: top; but I still doesn't understand the floating behavior.
thanx anyway
floats are strange
they pull the element out of line with the document
I avoid them :/
mostly because I don't care to fully understand them
@obourgain Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
deepschool.kd.io/Pages/Experiments/filetree.htm why can i not write into the input field?
tab-to-complete on a cd should ONLY select directories. Grrrrr....
I have yet to find a case where I can't just use inline-block to get my intended result.
@SomeKittens zsh
@SomeKittens zsh is pretty awesome y'know
Nah, this is an OSX problem, not shell.
"Move MBP to Mint" has been on my todo list for a while...
Also, if you ever want to try zsh: grml.org/zsh
Bash does stupid things like sugesting files to cd as well, it might be the shell.
@Shmiddty Thanks
@deep before anyone here helps you any more I require you go into your code and remove EVERY duplicate ID value
Im trying to test input filed in absolute position ed divs, &@rlemon, ok, but i require you to stop pinging me mid message.
@deep too bad
seriously. this isn't causing the input issue but it will cause issues
IDs are singular. CSS / JS will (often) only pick up the first it sees and ignore the rest
@mikedidthis o/
I get to leave at 2 today because Murica
@rlemon I know right. Last theme update this week then its all memes
Chuck Norris changed his name to Zirak
Oh ok. Now, where was i? the input fields are unclickable. i got this problem with div before. is it something im doing wrong, my browser or something else? I dont see whats causing it
@CapricaSix No, bad, I told you not to do that
@Zirak How strict are you about code style?
@mikedidthis haha, I was just saying hey
seems like you've been MIA lately.
@SomeKittens Do it whichever, I'll convert it
@rlemon I know man! :D
@rlemon I have been in the HTML / CSS room. I can actually answer questions in there :)
@deep drop the iframes dude
this is just a tip
they are not meant to be used for how you are using them
you are being forced to supply the same (8?) stylesheets to the main document and the frame?
@SomeKittens oh, but Shmiddty did make an issue, so reference it plz
^ one of the MANY issues surrounding this type of design
@Zirak Yerp.
@rlemon the iframe is for testing, y mate is working on AJAX.
The Stylesheets are for the themes
the themes are a bad idea
but if you MUST support them don't load them all at once
Are they?
download the stylesheets as they are needed
Chuck Norris changed his name to Zirak
@JanDvorak ^
i ripped the code from google a year back
looks good, thanks
@deep go as ux.stackexchange.com/
'themes' are like splash screens.
really? how?
they are more often more of a pain in the ass than they are worth
@rlemon That's what she said snicker
what does your theme offer me? why not serve a unified experience for all
The Amazing Spiderman (also known as Chuck Norris) changed his name to Zirak
@JETRNSEF Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
!!urban ghost poop
@Gacnt ghost poop The king of all poops, in which when one goes to wipe one's nether regions after letting one fly, one discovers much to one's surprise that THERE IS NOTHING ON THE PAPER. The single most satisfying bowel movement that man is capable of.
@rlemon it offers customization, letting you tailorit how you like (also, anfter i add AJAx, they'll only need to be loaded once, speeding up the time needed to browse the site.
also, this isnt helping with the input fields.
no but like when I always help you I want to make sure you learn a little first
I have the answer to your issue.. but I want to teach you something
goodui.org please read this (it is short)
it doesn't touch on the colour scheme or themes but it is still good for you
K.Also, you told me to read eloqunt JS. it goes right down to basics. should i skip or read those parts?
read both
eloquent js teaches you js
that other site is a guideline of UI/UX tips
Q: Should I let my users chose between multiple themes?

JavaAndCSharpI run a relatively successful website made with Twitter Bootstrap. I've heard from the users saying how they love the design and the responsiveness that my website has. Much of said responsiveness and design comes from using Bootstrap. I happened across Bootswatch yesterday. And I fell in love w...

Q: How important is the ability to change the color theme on a desktop application?

Matt RockwellAt my company we create Windows desktop applications using Microsoft's .Net (WPF to be specific). The window or "chrome" is completely customized, meaning that we do not use the standard Windows window. Over the past several months, we have created a base of code to use as the stating point for...

Q: When is themeing applicable in web application?

sreeI have seen few applications with the ability to change themes, for example, in my case, a HRMS application (there are many such). But, people seldom use custom themes or care about them in such applications. Other applications like Gmail, blogs, etc also allow changing themes, which is understan...

@deep Read about the basics. Some bits aren't quite intuitive, especially if you're coming from other languages.
@deep please read the answers / comments in these three Questions
Ok, and Ok. (pardon the pun)
now to solve your input issue: #sidebar is blocking it - simple (you have the bottom half of another element over top of it, but said element is transparent so you don't see it)
does that make sense to you?
Oh. I now feel stupid. as i always do when i come here. ;)
@Zirak did you add rand() to Math?
hey, we could ignore you or troll you , but instead I am forcing you to learn shit then helping
Ridiculous number should be 10.
@deep why does the sidebar overlap the #login div?
I would just limit the height of the sidebar
@SomeKittens Yep, Math.rand(min, max), pass just one for min=0
@phenomnomnominal Happy birthday you big chunk of man, I always did love dating older guys
@rlemon, so would i
What am I doing wrong? jsfiddle.net/4arA9
@deep please please please read some more on UI/UX - maybe hang out here more: chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/389/ux-chat or here: ux.stackexchange.com
there are so many mistakes in your site (from a UI/UX stand point) that I could go on for days listing them
I'm not saying this to make you feel bad, I'm honestly trying to help.
hey pals
@Nexxpresso long time
@lawm jsfiddle.net/4arA9/1 - Don't need window.onload in jsfiddle, it does it for you
@rlemon Thanks for the nudge.
yeah but now i got time again!
finals last week
:-) great
@Gacnt but why is it blown up? :P
Aw no! Who let you escape?
so blew up my lower palm
i can still type though
@OctavianDamiean i see you missed me
you don't need any loading if you include you js in the body
!!answer or reply?
@cx reply
and it's "blown up" because you cannot use css height/width properties with canvas
@rlemon O
it scales, it doesn't really set it
you have to set the attributes or set the property in js
hang on
i have a problem now java + broken hand == Error.OhShit
<canvas height=n width=n>
canvas.height = n
canvas.width = n
@Darkyen why?
Soooo, to the German users in here. I'll be in Frankfurt, Bonn and then Nürburg on 19th, 20th and 21st.
just tab
@lawm that was my reaction to this when I first got bit by it as well
@OctavianDamiean Frankfurt, is that a hot dog?
@rlemon is that ok? It seems like that method will be deprecated
@Loktar informed me that is how canvas works for height/width
@Nexxpresso i use sublime
@lawm nope, never will be
Its most likely the best known german city
this is how you do it
+ tab is on left'
@rlemon I actually have a clump of things like grass, stone, tree, etc. So it's more readable to have src and var on the same line IMO
I want to become my own mail provider.
@OctavianDamiean what are you going to do here
@lawm w/e mate, I just hit tidy up
i think im in berlin from 16-18 or 18-20
@FlorianMargaine ;i m
you come to berlin too?
@rlemon ah
also @lawm if you have a lot of images being created in js make a utility function to do it
@rlemon O_O no quotes on the attributes?
@rlemon good idea
@lawm not technically required
@lawm He likes living on the edge
@rlemon yes.....
@jAndy @ThiefMaster read oct's message ^
And @IvoWetzel
no i'm just lazy and that is 4 extra characters I don't need to type for the example
ok thanks guys
@Nexxpresso I'll be at the VLN race on the Nürburgring and then on 21st I'll take a Suzuki Swift Sport around the Nordschleife for a couple of laps.
I don't suggest you do that in production unless you are google and every byte counts
@OctavianDamiean bring me back some Nürnberger rostbratwurst!
!!urban Bropocalypse
@Gacnt Bropocalypse A large gathering of bros on a mission to do one thing, to get bombed, tanked, or wasted usually ending in some people doing something stupid.
@mikedidthis Oh, that's two different cities. :)
@Delphian Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@OctavianDamiean just bring me back a sausage will you? :)
Hi guys, have you every posted data from a form that resides in jquery ui dialog? While doing so, the submit behaviour use to close the dialog as well so for now I am just doing a post ajax call using jquery ajax method on the click event of the submit button with e.preventDefault() so that the dialog remains open. is there any better solution to this?
I should probably rephrase that.
@mikedidthis hah. :D
@CapricaSix I disagree! 100% disagree! clean sweeps are almost as bad as disappearing logs. I get a certain level of satisfaction out of seeing what comes out of me
how can i get un-queston banned?
Hi guys,
why getting many syntax errors when include jquery.d.ts on typescript
I like to make sure everything is normal
all 3 cities are in the midle of nowhere
@deep Post good answers.
I dont think i can post answers.
@deep also, fix existing questions
i have.
and why would you drive a swift sport?
umm... you are double banned?
i mean of course a friend of mine owns one
@OctavianDamiean well either way, have fun, it sounds like a great trip!
!!urban Piss Angle
@Gacnt [Piss Angle](http://piss-angle.urbanup.com/7092323) Piss angle is an intense math calculation that dudes use when trying not to get back-sprayed while pissing into a urinal.

Pissing against the back wall of the urinal at a 90 degree angle will cause extreme backspray. Thus, a man must strategically place his piss stream onto the side wall of the urinal, prefferably at less than 20 degrees to prevent getting back-sprayed.
@deep you need to finish reading eloquent, then the good parts - if you put your mind to it you can be done both inside of a week
but driving it arround a race track is eh?
then you will be able to answer more Qs
@mikedidthis Like, you know, I'm cool with you digging sausages, it's just that it's not my thing you know, but I certainly won't judge you! :P
@rlemon 1) Seems that window.onload is necessary in the non-jsfiddle context 2) Utility function, like maybe in another file like "assetsloader.js"?
we all had to learn this at some point - you will too
@rlemon where can i get the good parts?
@OctavianDamiean man, we all love a bit of sausage!
@Nexxpresso mhmm?
@OctavianDamiean why such a small car :(
and yeah. seem unfair and pointles if one person doesnt

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