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@CapricaSix hey baby
@Kasper Night, will do.
@rlemon's drunk again, time for fun!
I was hoping Zirak added the "hit on" listener to pings
How would you get the value of vendor from this using jquery?
<tr data-row="{"vendor":"levdort","area":"Midwest"}">
It's a better idea not to store JSON in data-rows, why are you doing that?
actually - I just realized I didn't format that as an array - whoops
was trying to shortcut my way into storing variables :D
I'd seriously murder myself if I had to maintain your code
<-- contractor - mwahahaha
...not really an excuse for frustrating others.
Where are you contracting at?
uh huh
mostly I just try things to solve quick problems that I don't have time to think about - so I'm storing as much in the DOM as I can or in localStorage
> I'm storing as much in the DOM as I can.
Uh ...
Who is your client right now
The more I use Underscore, the more I love it. debounce is wonderful.
<body onload="all code here">
perfect idea for a attribute only framework
Wait.... Its been done
hmm too bad sql: where shit IN() doesn't work
wanted to handle empty cases, somewhere
Not enough caps
sql's insesnitive
@cx eh?
hmm can init the list in IN, with a useless value
@SomeKittens You mean setTimeout?
@jbolanos You should not store anything but presentation in the dom -_-
@BenjaminGruenbaum working on it
I've never had to go this deep into building a JS app on my own - my usual job is only managing the presentation layer - I'm missing out on some of the finer details on crawling data and having it useable for clicks
@BenjaminGruenbaum lol
@SomeKittens Is that surprising?
It means I am entitled to a manly giggle.
You may proceed.
manly giggle? Is that something like "tehehe"?
I think it's more of a "ho ho ho"
that's not really a giggle though
more a chuckle.
@SomeKittens Yeah that's no surprise :P
A lot of sites don't pass W3C validation, I doubt SO does. I just find it funny that an official w3c site doesn't
SO has 2 errors
Tonights craigslist c64 haul :)
@phenomnomnominal Say it isn't so!
Google's got 23 warnings.
Google use font tags to save bytes
@Loktar Where are you storing all of these?
@Loktar, wow, as a foreigner I was under the impression that craigslist was only for sex.
my room lol
er my office
@phenomnomnominal haha well it can be used for that I guess
I put an ad out saying I want any old commodore coleco or intellivision stuff
Everyone needs a hobby...
@monners yeah mine is pretty ridiculous lately
In the past maybe 4 months Ive spent easily over 2k on random retro shit
I can think of better things to spend that kinda money on. But not many.
I've probably spent over that on yoyos
@Loktar You'll have a museum soon!
haha I know man
@monners yoyos?
@SomeKittens Yoyos.
Im thinking of putting together a crappy video review channel or something random
This is a great time to be around technology: so much change compressed into such a short space of time.
@monners You good at them? I want videos.
@SomeKittens I dabble.
Never could quite justify buying one of these though:
400$ yoyo hmm
There are more expensive hobbies I suppose.
I've thrown one. It was like being in the presence of God.
You've been in the presence of God?
What makes it so good?
High quality everything. Awesome bearings, great shape, and the material it's made out of is super smooth.
I'd probably end up dropping it my first try.
Q: String processing in JavaScript

phwWe have a lot of phone numbers that contain dashes and start with a zero which are from another country. I am trying to strip the dashes and the one leading zero and select the country code from a drop-down box. I'm using "raw" JS with DOM here (for the sake of not having to pull in a framework...

hm, the new close reasons are actually really nice
Yeah, they're useful
I've used the 'lacks basic understanding of the problem' one like 6 times already
I'm glad they're going somewhere with it.
Might actually join the CV Ring again.
@BenjaminGruenbaum yep that's for sure :D
@nEAnnam Usually it's easier to get formatting right if you post your comment and code in separate messages
@Keith Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@SomeKittens how can i paste a litte code here xD
@nEAnnam ctrl+v, then click "fixed font"
	function doSomething() {
		/* looking for having the same number of elements all the time */
			24 25 26 -> "dequeue" element (removing)
			25 26
			25 26 27 -> queue element (creating and appending)
		$('#x').click(function() { doSomething(); });
is this a good practice to enable and disable events?
i want to disable because it can create elements and i dont want an overflow of elements
A: Show all of my question/answers to me even if they are deleted

Jeff AtwoodGenerally when things get deleted, it's for a good reason, and we don't want users to be undeleting them -- there's a reason we require 10k rep to "see" deleted items at all, and only moderators can see deletions in a user's profile.

@Doorknob would it be inappropriate to use "vandalism" here?
@SomeKittens highest voted question :(
@JanDvorak I guess, but AHHHHHHHHH
if i have less connections to my server but the data it gets is larger (compared to little and often) will that scale better for traffic?
@Dave Nope
i'm no server expert after all
so more requests to the server for little amounts of data is better?
Also, there is no benefit. HTTP by default (or by a header in HTTP1.0) sends multiple requests over a single connection anyway.
Don't make a lot of requests, but don't make huge requests either, just be reasonable and it'll be fine.
define huge?
like i was thinking of putting all my html layouts in one html file and requesting it that way
then i can store that in js variables for use later
Why store html in JS variables? Store it in HTML
You don't want to download all the layouts ahead of time
@BenjaminGruenbaum templates in HTML?
because id have to re-request it when user comes back to the page later on which is a waste
@Dave So cache it (also, the HTTP protocol caches pages too!)
@JanDvorak the only way to do that is... no... I can't say it... <iframe>s :(
My best suggestion to you is better learn how HTTP works :)
@Doorknob Or the <template> tag but yeah, whatever :P
how can cache do it if its all being appending from javascript =/
@BenjaminGruenbaum there's a template tag?!?! opens Google
template{ display:none !important /*polyfill*/ }
i overwrite the parent div with the next page's content using js to do so
You can cache the data javascript is receiving from the server
how so ?
@BenjaminGruenbaum why'd you post a community wiki?
read up on how HTTP works ;-)
given the html doesn't change that might be a good option for me so i can remove the need to use requests
@Nile Because it's a really stupid question?
@Nile you're referring to this I suppose?
I usually mostly do them for Java question because those are a rep-whore fest with lots of answers
What do I CV it as?
lol i google how to cache html for javascript and the first link is w3schools second link is SO xD
Feel free to edit stuff in
rather, "when does the browser cache HTTP requests"
does it not still need to do a request to check if its the page has changed?
@Dave noooo, w3schools D:
@Doorknob don't worry i refused to click it :P
@Dave yay :P
with cache on it still requests my html file
even though it has not changed
ill tackle the issue last me thinks
Just got boss approval to add cornify.js to our site.
@SomeKittens ahahaha, what is the site for? :P
codepen.io/rlemon/pen/vofKF I was asked to comment it. but i'm drunk
any serious errors?
none that i can see @rlemon
@rlemon it seems to explode when you tab away for a while
@JanDvorak hm... that doesn't happen for me
looks good, one thing I've thought of that even I keep doing
we probably dont need to have the shim anymore
for reqanimframe
every major browser that supports canvas supports it now right?
yeh but the performance between them varies greatly
er nm, looks like IE9 doesnt support it
like on chrome im hitting 60 fps FF im hitting 10fps ie im getting over 100fps
yea and some safari ive heard
@Dave that doesnt matter, the shim just says if it doesnt exist fall back to setTimeout
Opera, IE9
well yeh i have a fallback
@Loktar I also ( pre reddit comment ) want to try my hand at making this a live wallpaper ;)
its a big function to cater for all browsers but it works it was posted by paul irish
Yeah looks like the only major one is IE9
@Loktar Opera, and any Safari older than latest
Opera supports it
just not opera mini
@rlemon live wallpapers are fun
ah thats near future
I've never done android dev.
well tbh who uses opera :P
hes the 1%
down with the 1% :p
I keep telling him
some one uses opera?
fucking june bugs are a menace this time of year
@Dave 3.2%, apparently
Phyllophaga is a very large genus (more than 260 species) of New World scarab beetles in the subfamily Melolonthinae. Common names for this genus and many other related genera in the subfamily Melolonthinae are May beetles, June bugs, and June beetles. They range in size from and are blackish or reddish-brown in colour, without prominent markings, and often rather hairy ventrally. These beetles are nocturnal, coming to lights in great numbers. The generic name is derived from the Greek words phyllon (φυλλον), which means "leaf", and phagos (φαγος), which means "eater", with a plural ...
for me Chrome is the tool of choice for development of javascript specially for debugging
Them and the IE6 peeps should hang out together
I know some developers who use nothing except IE 8 :P
@SayemAhmed they aren't developers
and they call themselves developers?
you can't be that narrow minded on browsers if your a developer
Well, they build .NET applications, and suggest to all their clients to use IE
you got cater for as many as possible including the ugly sister (ie)
then even provide a specialized IE for their client!
promoting IE is not "ew". It's "eeeek". Yep. Four-E
and they are racking up millions of dollars!!
Thats always how it works
then they are probably on a wikipedia page? links or it didn't happen
I used to be an IE6-only developer.
4 year old technology is not that bad... but at the same time I get a chrome update every ~few months
And I definitely didn't use IE6 for developement.
try the canary its every day xD
@Dave: can't give you the link. client confidentiality :P
yea and shit is breaking every other day
no thanks
@SayemAhmed figured
even in the early days I was a NN man
that fog horn still gives me chills
what about Mosaic?
canary is ok for me so far ive lasted 4 weeks so far without an issue
I remember Moasic.
probably a record
i used to have an AOL browser back in dial up days
Running on a DEC workstation running TWM. Those were the days.
[grammar nazi mode enabled]
!!define TWM
@JanDvorak My pocket dictionary just isn't good enough for you.
@Dave: Well they are one of the top consultant companies serving the leading pharmaceutical companies (if you can figure out from this hint :P)
!!more wine or more wine but less than first option
@rlemon more wine
but they only develop on old IE browser version :S ?
and that's really sad
burn IE
its a miracle they still profitable lol
kill it with fire
*they are
you forgot capital letters and full stops..
[full grammar nazi mode enabled]
you must be bored tonight ;)
*this morning
The sun is up already
Not here.
where are you?
Central Europe here
I like the new close reasons
hi all
how are you doing on this morning @JanDvorak
fine, thanks
when using createDocumentFragment() do you have to specify such as createDocumentFragment('div'); ?
ok thanks
in fact, you can't
i bought glasses
Google glasses?
no not google ones simple glasses :D
will buy google ones soon enough my boss got a chance to lay hands on them
I think I've just broken a window :-/
@JanDvorak why ?
When I came to a meta suggestion, it was 0-score and the declining answer was +4. I downvoted the suggestion. Now it's -8/+11
Q: Can we make it a policy to promote the ELL beta on all our other sites?

AerovistaeI've just had this stroke of utter brilliance. Every time someone posts some broken up and garbled question or answer in barely intelligible English, let's post a link to ell.stackexchange.com! One of our betas benefits, the user in question benefits, we all benefit! This is a winning idea! Who'...

A: Can we make it a policy to promote the ELL beta on all our other sites?

WendiKiddI don't know if you're joking or not, so I'll answer as if this were a serious proposal. ELL is a serious StackExchange site like any other, centered at trying to help people learn English. If people are posting "garbled questions or answers in barely intelligible English", then their contributi...

!!grooveshark or youtube
@Zirak could you reorder the listeners, please? :-)
@JanDvorak youtube
@Zirak more specifically, listeners should have priority over commands
Does the license on the top prohibit me from using the code in my site?
@AshKetchum did you read the licence?
Well I looked over it, but I felt that I needed a second opinion on it.
I am afraid if I integrate that file into my website, that I could get in trouble with law. Is that true @JanDvorak ?
fair use still applies
As in give credit to the author?
IIUC (IANAL), you may use the code, but if you don't just quote, you must distribute it as-is complete with the source code of the original. IANAL, however.
> You may create and distribute a Larger Work under terms of Your choice, provided that You also comply with the requirements of this License for the Covered Software.
I hate the wording of these things.
> If You distribute Covered Software in Executable Form then:

> such Covered Software must also be made available in Source Code Form, as described in Section 3.1, and You must inform recipients of the Executable Form how they can obtain a copy of such Source Code Form by reasonable means in a timely manner, at a charge no more than the cost of distribution to the recipient
I am using bootstrap tag manager and I initially thought I will just put the JS file and CSS file in my website instead of having to link it and dealing with broken links, but I guess that won't work, right?
Add "using xxx" in the about section of your page
@JanDvorak What?!
@AshKetchum do you have such section on your website? As in, "we're using Joomla with Wordpress, we're using the Google Maps API to track you and we've stolen our buttons from Mozilla and they want us to tell you. If you're still using 800x600 then go to hell. If you're using IE8 or lower, you are already there."
@JanDvorak I have an about section on my site saying what I have used and crediting all open-source platforms that have been included, but I just want to make sure that they don't just go out and sue me for using their code.
They won't. Pointing to them from the about section counts as attribution. Did I say I am not a lawyer?
No, but you said it now :D
!!tell ash urban IANAL
Yeah, well I will definitely "Mozilla" on the "Contributions from" section.
@JanDvorak Command what does not exist.
@ash IANAL I am not a lawyer
Section 2.1 says that I have royalty-free, non-exclusive license to use the code.
I can modify, display, perform, distribute, sell, offer for sale and exploit it.
@MrF Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Connor Thanks but It didn't work,I can see the alert but it didn't load the css
Hello , would you please help me, I want to have specific css for Safari and Specific for Chrome , The alert park works but it never use the chrome csshttp://pastebin.com/yrx3E08R
@ElnazShahmehr What does getBrowserName() return?
"Chrome" or "chrome"?
@monners Thanks for reply -> I fixed that with this correction :document.write("<link rel='stylesheet' href='defaultChrome.css' type='text/css'>");
no need to use document.write. appendChild will suffice.
@ElnazShahmehr, that sounds awful.
@phenomnomnominal so what should I do, I 'm not web programmer what is the best?
Hire a web programmer
hire me :v
I try
in the long term is better to learn how to catch a fish than paying someone
else to do so (IMO)
Depends on your priorities. I mean, I ain't gonna fish my own fish. I've got more important things to do, like hang out in here!
yeah, it all depends. My guess is people in this room are looking for help,
not hiring people, but who can tell heh ;)
there is some nice profiles here on stackoverflow -> careers.stackoverflow.com
Yesterday was MJ Day. Sadly, MJ passed away 4 years ago. :(
Please excuse the following image. It will be the only I post.
@monners right, :D
@monners did you get a web developer???
@Fasilkk For what?
Sorry.. my message was to mr @ElnazShahmehr
Hi All
Can any one help me how do i get all the images in single folder dynamically with javascript or jqury
@SumanthSharma folder? As in on the server?
no @monners its in my local machine
What are you trying to do, display all of the images in a folder?
here i go , i want to display all the images in a folder
do like this..
Its not working can you clearly give me script
so that
i can try it out
I sense a vampire
@SumanthSharma come for PVT chat. i will enplane..
complete code..just try to understand..

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