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In Java you can do this :
public int []stupid[];
In Java you can do anonymous funct
who uses arrays in java anyway...
@BenjaminGruenbaum do it in less than 50 lines, I dare you!
!!s/arrays in//
@rlemon who uses java anyway... (source)
@BenjaminGruenbaum you can ?
@FlorianMargaine Well, even in java arrays are useful
@rlemon \o ninja entry
@dystroy aren't there some managed arrays?
like, Collection or something?
@Darkyen Yeah, just not closures
@FlorianMargaine they're encapsulated but they're real arrays
Also, really ugly syntax
Q: What is this array?

user1525788I come across this code line in a book and it said this is legal , but I don't really understand though having googling. the code is: Boolean [] ba []; I just know that to create an array, it should be like this: int [] numberArray; int numberArray []; int [] [] num2DArray; Thanks!

@O0oO0oOO0ooO Why this comment ?
Dell is pretty good at making some things.
Their monitors are pretty good (some) and their laptops are decent (some)
We just got some new Dell servers, they came with a shiny keyboard (I'm already in love with their SK-8115, so I immediately stole it). This one's pretty good as well. Not as noisy, it'll take me a minute to get used to it, but pretty good.
I'm in love with Aubrey Plaza
i m in love wid jqueri
posted on June 24, 2013

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} I did a guest comic for Minimumble.

But this one is the best programming keyboard isn;t it? (Almost like Razer keyboard for gamers)
but theres a problem wid understanding
Isn't there always
@O0oO0oOO0ooO Was that a question or a statement?
@user1706511, we've all been there. Don't worry, you'll soon work out that she's a slut.
I'm just saying
...as a question, or as a statement?
"But this one is the best programming keyboard..." statement
"...isn't it?" question
Hmm right.
@Zirak Sounds quiet, I don't like quiet keyboards
@Zirak those keyboards are actually fun to type on, I used to have to go to my gfs college and do her typing tests for her so she could pass her Buisness Administration (she can type fast, but couldn't use backspace for these tests, dumb as fuck)
I like my rage being heard when I'm coding.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I know! I love hearing the keyboard groan and moan under my crushing typing
I don't understand why tests limit you, it's not like you're not ever going to have a backspace, if you don't you'll probably go buy a new keyboard, or making kids do math without the calculator
I don't need to learn this problem solving, we live in a world of technology bitch
"No backspace" to see how many errors she made, probably. "No calculators" so they won't take shortcuts and actually know what + means, and not just what 1+2 is.
@BenjaminGruenbaum the table usually hears it, hence my colleagues.
Well, the initial learning of it is good you know for the first week or two then after they prove they have the basics, why continue to punish them
After about 4th grade, once you don't learn new operators and stuff and just kinda get these things, disallowing calculators is weird, yes.
That's the kind of thinking that leads to the fact that we're living in a world where if maybe 1000 people died, we would have pretty much no fucking clue how to make processors.
@phenomnomnominal I think the number is a lot closer to 10000 than 1000 and they're scattered pretty well
I can probably make a shitty processor
As for backspace, she can type about 100wpm with errors/correcting with backspace, but the teacher wanted 100 with no errors
and everything is very well documented, I think.
Fuck. We have no choice. We'll have to learn how to raise the dead.
I'm on it
@BenjaminGruenbaum, no one wants your shitty processor :P
If I'm not back in 2 hours, send help
@rlemon, live is deprecated.
!!/live I tell you, live!
@Zirak I'm not dead! Honest!
@phenomnomnominal now you know why.
Only res people with no memory of jQuery
makes thunder and scary-church-piano sounds
Ah, I have an amazing imagination, if only I could translate it to paper :(
Would make for some funny pictures
realizes I'm not alone. shamefully lowers head while still muttering sounds
Or very dark and scary pictures x.x I guess it's better I can't
Quick, someone start a @ZombieJResig twitter account
@phenomnomnominal Damn it, I thought it was "organ"...but then I thought "no wait...that can't be". Damn you, regrets!
John realized early on the power he unleashed to the world with .live() so he quickly deprecated it telling people it was slow and did not chain... when really it was because he had just seeded the 2033 zombie apocalypse. In 19 years old dead code will still be run and the over occurrence of .live() will cause the systems to become sentient and rise up to eat the inferior brains of their human overlords.
^ I'd watch that show
We need a fucking rule against that shit. It's so annoying.
If you're going to delete it a second after you type it, just don't hit enter.
@FlorianMargaine See his last message
Banana soup!
@BenjaminGruenbaum Muted user 1065129 for 30m
I think we have enough evidence that he should be banned.
One of them is me :D
room mode changed to Gallery: anyone may enter, but only approved users can talk
To be fair, I told him last time he did that that next time he does that he'll get muted, and asked him politely not to do it again.
He said we're clear :)
@Zirak, you want to feed on my church pianos?
Hi Guys
@phenomnomnominal Yeah like you're perfect
@phenomnomnominal Some people just 2.9 chuch pianos
i need a hand guys, anyone free?
!!/welcome deep
@deep Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Depends. I'd not like to travel to USA just to screw your lightbulb
I would hope... o_O
you're missing an 'in' there
Yeah... right. Thanks :-D
!!/welcome LordPoop
@LordPoop Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@rlemon Maybe he didn't miss an "in". Why can't you accept him for who he is!?
@Zirak who do you think RLemon thinks is missing an in?
but.. the glass... THE GLASS!
where's the in missing?
2 mins ago, by Jan Dvorak
Depends. I'd not like to travel to USA just to screw your lightbulb
"screw in"?
screw in your light bulb
"screw" itself is banging?
!!/welcome Caprica Six
@CapricaSix Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
screw your lightbulb <- have sex with it
deepschool.jaberwokkee.kodingen.com/~/draw.htm see the mini lightbulb, i need a way to make the width and height variable.
screw in your lightbulb <- screw it in
Because no one wants to fuck a lightbulb.
"screw in" <- mess with?
"screw your lightbulb" => (slang) have sex with your lightbulb
"screw in your lightbulb" => to screw in, rotate to fit a socket, your lightbulb
to "screw" has become an idiom for sex.
One of so many
This should be interesting...
!!/urban screw
@Zirak screw Euphemism for [fuck]. Anyway you use it.
Screw these screwing screwers.
Hence "screw you"
That is a pretty shitty sentence.
so we're doing this now?
Butt scratcher!
Good weather today
@Zirak "screw off" never went anywhere though. :/
We should make "Buffalo" another word for sex.
"Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo" is a grammatically correct sentence in American English, used as an example of how homonyms and homophones can be used to create complicated linguistic constructs. It has been discussed in literature since 1972 when the sentence was used by William J. Rapaport, an associate professor at the University at Buffalo. It was posted to Linguist List by Rapaport in 1992. It was also featured in Steven Pinker's 1994 book The Language Instinct as an example of a sentence that is "seemingly nonsensical" but grammatical. Pinker nam...
Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo becomes much more interesting.
Go be that man who coins "buffalo" as sex. You're already streets ahead.
> Fuck fuck, Fuck fuck fuck, fuck Fuck fuck!
^ it does make sense!
I love Buffalo
Imagine: Imaginated imaginations imagining images imaginated in imagining imaginations.
does anyone have any good links regarding client/server communication event system. Eg... client sends data to the server, and sets a callback when the server responds. The server, takes the client sent data, does proccessing and then sends it back.

So my main question is, within javascript, how best is it to do thie que system so when the client sends data off and gets databack it can be mapped back to a event handler?
similar to ajax request
@Chad, we're actually a bit busy doing important stuff here...
@rlemon you refering to the usage of socket.on('message' ?
I'm refering to the usage of websockets for client/server communication for an event system
basically if you want it to be real-time-ish you can use long polling with ajax or websockets.
yes, that part I have done, node.js, websocket.
ahh, sorry I skipped the second part of the Q
just regarding on the client end, mapping between the send message and then the message back to the registered callback
send back an function/callback/event name?
so you need to handle the marriage between the initial send data (object) and the callback processing?
Or use named messages like socket.io does
use a wrapper object and send the key with the data and have the callback send that back
^ I need to append the newWidth variable
var dataStore = {
  'key1': 'asdkjlsdkjfahlkdjf',
not assign it
How to do that?
and a requestID => callback map on the client
or yea node.js has all the requestID's
@rlemon yes, i've got the unique key being sent and then being recieved. My concern is the best way to structure it so the que that is holding the callback function object doesnt get overloaded with ghost objects that 'never' get back
@Chad your concern is that you will send requests that never get a response from the server?
@rlemon yes because i'm thinking about using the similar data structure on the client and server using web sockets. so im just wondering if there is some framework all-ready out there that does this
The server could send "I won't respond to [[requestId]] again" messages
similar to FIN packets
Or yeah, you could open several TCP channels :-)
yea it would seem there should be some server error sent back or that the client would be able to have a timeout or something then slice out the callback from the store
Is there a better way of saying: if (requires and Modernizr[requires]) or not requires?
or just "never forget"
@phenomnomnominal if not requires or Modernizr[requires]
I can impliment a simple timeout value for when messages are recieved/sent, and generally the response window.

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