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@KedarnagMukanahallipatna Good Morning
@KedarnagMukanahallipatna I have sent them the request once they accept il do rest of them. Thanks fa the help
2 hours later…
Hi. You're Welcome.
If ua free can u help me
i have few doubts @KedarnagMukanahallipatna
Tell me, what questions you have ?
I was adding status field for my booking details using enum
but even if the booking is completed the status stil shows it is pending
howmany statuses are you using ?
only 2 enum status: %i(Pending Complete)
I would suggest using this github.com/amatsuda/stateful_enum
It gives you a lot more control and options when you're changing the state of an object.
rather than just using object.update_attributes(status: "new_state")
okay but what is wrong with this. why is it not working
Can you share your code, so I can see what you're doing.
ya sure
i think so something i have missed
nt able to figure it out what it is
Ok. help me understand, where are you updating the status ?
in the index view i am trying to show the status <%= booking.status %>
yes, but before you show the status, you need to update the status to Complete
right ?
ya for that I have defined a hook action in my controller, once the payment is done via paypal it should update the status field as complete.
i am just saving the status filed in that action from PayPal
Ok, but in the Hook method, you're checking against Completed but your actual status is Complete
Can you put a debugger after line #109
oh ya. it is the typo
and see what is the value of status ?
ya sure.
i should make the payment now rite after that
it is not calling hook action
it just calls booking create and does the booking
Started POST "/bookings" for ::1 at 2018-08-10 13:19:31 +0530
Processing by BookingsController#create as HTML
Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"r8hJON/8HahU5hC24bA6AyPNS6LSOf3Wud6UEFiObIYZP93dxddXVUJqiIkMqM35RE1NHTz3wzfaOuWIZM2ULw==", "site"=>"site", "booking"=>{"event_id"=>"17", "first_name"=>"sushma", "last_name"=>"k", "address"=>"Kentucky 9401 Hurstbourne Trce", "post_code"=>"40222-5233", "city"=>"Louisville", "country"=>"United States", "email"=>"[email protected]", "mobile"=>"09867654332", "are_you_over_18"=>"Yes", "how_did_you_hear"=>"A friend", "who_assisted_misc"=>"Soo
Why don't you try calling hook action from the create action after the save happens.
def create
params[:booking][:who_assisted] = "#{params[:booking][:who_assisted_misc]} - #{params[:booking][:who_assisted]}" if params[:booking]
@booking = Booking.new(booking_params)
respond_to do |format|
if @booking.save
#rpath = params[:site].present? ? summary_booking_path(@booking) : @booking
rpath = params[:site].present? ? summary_booking_path(@booking) : booking_summary_booking_path(@booking)
format.html { redirect_to rpath, notice: 'Booking Confirmation' }
see this is what i get , when i cal hook in create
Started POST "/bookings" for ::1 at 2018-08-10 13:31:13 +0530
Processing by BookingsController#create as HTML
Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"TAndbv7F1mUqF6sHH+XL4zAXn+tSPnIKxUdzO3nbpVH6/kmL5O6cmDybMzjy/TwZV5eZVLzwTOumowKjRZhd+A==", "site"=>"site", "booking"=>{"event_id"=>"17", "first_name"=>"tst", "last_name"=>"k", "address"=>"Kentucky 9401 Hurstbourne Trce", "post_code"=>"40222-5233", "city"=>"Louisville", "country"=>"United States", "email"=>"[email protected]", "mobile"=>"09867654332", "are_you_over_18"=>"Yes", "how_did_you_hear"=>"Magazine", "who_assisted_misc"=>"So
how to debug ? i dnt have much idea about that
see my above code.
after adding your code only i got this result
but is it calling hook action ?
ya it calls
Are you using pry gem ?
ok, now can you check the value of status ?
because if the value is Completed and not Complete it's wrong, enum will fail, as it accepts only 2 values Pending and Complete
@KedarnagMukanahallipatna from the console?
i changed my enum to compeled
Ok. let's go one line at a time.
@KedarnagMukanahallipatna hmm okay
@KedarnagMukanahallipatna in console the status value shows pending
let me make the change in code, and share it.
Try that out.
ya sure
ya i have
Cool. I have added comment, please check those things at the commented lines.
that throws error
SQL (65.0ms) INSERT INTO "bookings" ("first_name", "last_name", "address", "post_code", "city", "country", "email", "mobile", "are_you_over_18", "how_did_you_hear", "who_assisted", "comments", "payment", "created_at", "updated_at", "event_id") VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12, $13, $14, $15, $16) RETURNING "id" [["first_name", "test"], ["last_name", "k"], ["address", "Kentucky 9401 Hurstbourne Trce"], ["post_code", "40222-5233"], ["city", "Louisville"], ["country", "United States"], ["email", "[email protected]"], ["mobile", "9876551567"], ["are_you_over_18", "Yes"],
missing template error
adding hook in create action wil give us the error
ofcource, I thought it was a private method
It's another action.
Why are you updating the status in hook action ?
You can update the status after @booking.save in create action itself.
you're intention is to mean, that the booking has moved from pending state to completed right ?
that is bcoz , that status is fetched from paypal and all the details are saved in hook action .
@KedarnagMukanahallipatna yes after the payment is done
but since hook is another action, what you need to do is, get the booking object and then update the status.
I see you're getting the booking object based on invoice.
Can you cross check if the object that saved recently and invoice it generated was it for the same booking ?
@KedarnagMukanahallipatna yes it is based on the invoice
@KedarnagMukanahallipatna i can check but the prob i wnt get the details of the invoice , since it is local server , it wont recognize
I mean, only after the booking is created, you're creating the invoice right ?
so you're association is like booking has_one/many invoices
in your invoices table you have booking_id reference, correct ?
i have no invoice table
i am directly fetching from paypal , which i have stored in hook action and sending the values to the user thro mailer
I think that is where things are going wrong.
If you don't have that reference right, you're fetching the booking based on invoice right ?
Is that invoice # or invoice id ?
but y do we need one more db when we can fetch directly
Since you're updating the status only after the invoice is created and not after booking is.
invoice id, purchase date , payment gross and status is what all i what from the paypal
In you're scenario, the better option would be to update booking status just after you save it.
Rather than doing it in hook action
because in hook action you're generating invoice only, it has nothing to do with booking anymore.
@KedarnagMukanahallipatna but that wont be correct, bcoz some may try to do booking and they may not pay
I'm not sure how you're doing this whole process, here is how I would do it.
1. Let's say I want to buy Item X, I select it and move it to a bucket, now the status of item X is pending.
2. Now I'm ready to book the item X(meaning I'm making the payment), which on success, I move the status of booking to Completed.
3. Now I'll have a after_hook(like after_save, after_create, after_commit) here, which would generate an invoice, if the status of the booking is completed, and this will be sent to user via email.
hmm the first thing is we dont have something like cart
the payment is for booking a course
when the user wants to book for a course , a form appears after filling all the details this page wil be redirected to paypal one and after the payment success the email wil be generated with the confirmation msg in our site
this is what the whole process is
Ok. You don't need a cart for this, you are already using status, you can use that to play around.
1. I select a course, and now I fill the form and I'm taken to Paypal page, where I make the payment, I enter my details to make payment, (at this time `create` action is called and status is still `pending`) and this changes to `completed` once the payment is done. (All of this is done in create action). correct ?
You're playing around with booking status, I'm still not understanding, why you're updating it again in another action, rather than at the time of booking completion.
You don't have to wait for invoice generation as well, as you're system is not generating it and paypal is the one doing it.
see the thing is when someone fills the form , the bookings gets created and when i redirect to paypal page and i dnt do the booking , if at this time status becomes completed then the scenario goes wrong, that is the reason i was trying to fetch the status compele only after the ivoice generation
But where are you saving the invoice to understand it belongs to which booking ?
Since you're updating the status after the invoice is generated, you're getting the invoice from Paypal and based on that you're trying to update, but you cannot be completely sure, that the current invoice was for the recent booking, that is the reason the status of the booking is not being updated.

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