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Q: Redux Store not taking Image File

LadooI have implemented a image uploader in my project. Image which I am uploading is working fine. I then wished to save the image to redux store instead of local state. So I created my actions and reducers and dispatched it. I get my file in the reducer which I checked using console. And my store i...

What does your mapStateToProps and mapDispatchToProps look like?
Link your entire component code that is using the updateImageFile.
@PaulMcloughlin pls check the updated post
Are you getting any error messages?
No error message. My state gets updated but is showing empty object instead of a file
comment out the reducer logic and add a console.log with the passed arguments from the action.
do you want me to see if I get anything passed to reducer?
yes, try that, then if that works, it will be the logic of the reducer that is the issue, or the details are not being passed to action. check if the are not empty.
I have tried that and I am getting file in log and also I tried with passing different object and I can see the object in redux but not the file object
Okay, are you able to share your screen?
if not, I would check the logic of your reducer
yes i can
That would be easier
try this
it easy
i have it
Okay, shoot me a link friendo
I have 10 minutes to spare
But I donot have any account over there
sign in with google
or facebook
it's free.
id is reduximage
it says it's not valid
provide link?
i clicked on share screen
i am having app
try that
yes i can
bear with me
Thanx for the suggestion. Nice talking to you.

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