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A: TypeError: a float is required pyspark

Ramesh MaharjanThe error didn't get replicated in mine but the output was all null too. So I passed columns instead of string and it worked as gps_data.withColumn("dist", dist( col("longitude"), col("latitude"), lag("longitude", 1).over(my_window), lag("latitude", 1).over(my_window) ).alias("dist")).sh...

still getting the error ,which spark version are you using?
spark 2.3 and yours?
I am using spark 2.0.2
I just tested in 2.0.2 and its working normal as in 2.3.0. so i guess you have to see where the error is generating at
ohh...I will just run the whole script again and acknowledge you if it works.
can you update the question with the schema of the dataframe?
I have updated the question
yes I saw that
well its working for me
same error.. Give me sometime then I will have to check again. Ran the script but no luck
I am running on the dataset you have provided in the question
are you doing the same?
if not try on that first
I am using that dataset only
yes,Why will I lie
i am not saying you are lieing
I just got surprised
how did you create the dataframe
?"/home/experiment/Desktop/GPS Trajectory/go_track_trackspoints.csv"
, header=True)
let me try that way too
yes please
no errors
can you paste the rest of the codes too?
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from pyspark.sql.functions import *
from pyspark.sql.types import *
from pyspark.sql.window import Window
from pyspark.sql.functions import stddev,avg,broadcast
from pyspark.sql.functions import max,min
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
from pyspark.sql.functions import stddev_pop, avg, broadcast,abs
from math import radians, cos, sin, asin, sqrt, atan2, pi
from pyspark.sql.functions import acos, cos, sin, lit, toRadians"/home/deevisha/Desktop/GPS Trajectory/go_track_trackspoints.csv"
, header=True)
def dist(lon2, lat2,lon1, lat1):

return c * 6372.8
gps_data.withColumn("dist", dist(
col("longitude"), col("latitude"),
lag("longitude", 1).over(my_window), lag("latitude", 1).over(my_window)
the indentation is poor in chat
its one of your imports
I got the error replicated
let me debug
just remove the math imports and you should be fine
yes you are right!! Thanks for your help!
I guess you solved it didn't you?
ok great
you can accept the answer and upvote too
that would be a help to me
already done (y) :D
Was so caught up in the code ,was not able to figure what really was going wrong .Silly me

last day (15 days later) »