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Q: How to solve cannot read property "length"? [reactjs]

JMRI am trying to get the length of an object but am getting this error message: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined I am trying to get the length and getting a popup when the length is zero. I tried using this.props.storyboardTargets.length === 0 case 1: data not avai...

That means the this.props.storyboardTargets is not what you expect it to be. Figure that out and it will likely work again. Oh, and we can't as we do not have access to how that is created.
this.props.storyboardTargets has some data
If it is an object it will not have a length. if(this.props.storyboardTargets.length === undefined)
I am not saying it has no data, I am saying it is not what you expect it to be. E.g. not all data have all properties, and yours appears to not have length.
You can get the length of properties of an object by calling Object.keys(this.props.storyboardTargets).length
Are you fetching storyboardTargets asynchronously, and maybe accessing it before it is available?
what i am doing here is 1 case checking if there is any data avaliable and 2 case data available and deleted all data
at first case data will be undefined
@JMR Give it an initial value. But your code as it stands should not give that error. If you are truly checking if this.props.storyboardTargets is truthy before accessing its length then that error shouldn't exist.
so than you can not read the length if it is undefined, hence the error. So check if it is undefined....
@epascarello But if it was undefined, wouldn't it short circuit before ever trying to access length...?
no what i mean is at 1st case no data it is undefined i agree with you but at second case user will add some data and clear that data some reason, at bot cases i should get alertor popup
Run console.log(typeof this.props.storyboardTargets); and check what it print out
@Li357 I believe the code when I made the comment was just if (!this.props.storyboardTargets.length) {
yes i have updated
@LGSon it is undefined
@JMR Then it means there is no data, so you need to start checking why is that, before doing anything else
@LGSon if user clicks on the dropdown i need to check if there is no data need to popup and also if data was cleared need to check that as well
@epascarello if i change the code i am facing the same do you say question seems to be different
How can it go to the second step if it has this.props.storyboardTargets? That should not allow it to get into second part of the AND. There is no way that should be getting to the length check.
@epascarello at 1 time user clicks the dropdown button if there is no data it alerts user and 2 . if there is data and user clickson reset all or clear all so now data is not there again if he tries to click drop down i need to alert user
So your code is not doing that it exits out. So you probably want an OR check. if (!this.props.storyboardTargets || !this.props.storyboardTargets.length)
@epascarello, if(!_.get(this.props, 'storyboardTargets.length', 0)) {do_what_you_need();} isn't that true so ? got 2 downvotes :p
@LefiTarik Want a third? lol
@LefiTarik we can use this as well, i dont know why they have down voted...
noop, i tried to help, if someone doesn't like what i gave just discussion will be contructive
@JMR, i just know from my experience that lodash is a nice friend of react, and as a third party it's very welcome in the react ecosystem since its declarative.
@lefi Tarik just for changing the question people have down voted my question ....since they have answerd the things before and i have changed so down voted
@JMR, you got a solution for your problem and that's nice at least :D

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