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Q: MongoDb unable to populate user

MontyGoldyHi I am trying to populate user into another schema called feedbackschema. Feedback schema const mongoose = require('mongoose'); const { Schema, } = mongoose; // Create Schema const FeedbackSchema = new Schema({ user: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'users', }...

Can you please show your sample collection copying from mongo shell or robomongo
@AnthonyWinzlet updated the post
I need you sample collections... Please copy it from mlab and paste it here... Please don't paste screen shots
Feedback collection { "_id": { "$oid": "5b3adf88f3c4cd836bdc2eda" }, "pro": "knfklngfdklgnfdgknkln", "con": "Sales executive updates", "comments": "This is a another funfact for me is me too", "rating": "8", "__v": 0 }
user collection{ "_id": { "$oid": "5b37e456565971258da97d5e" }, "isAdmin": false, "name": "montygoldy", "email": "[email protected]", "password": "$2a$10$zWbxV0Q3VPUxRC6lzJyPBec3P/8zYBaSCTJ2n88Uru3zzFlicR2r‌​q", "__v": 0 }
where is users _id in the FeedBack collection? I cannot see user _id in the feedback so how can you populate!!!
@AnthonyWinzlet yes thats the problem hw should i fix it. Am i doing anything wrong in the model
You cannot do this using populate... You need to do this using $lookup aggregation
anthony user: {
type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'users',
is this suppose to do that
No lookup aggregation is somewhat different thing where you don't need to give ref
can u give a little example or hint?
My problem is I have done the exact same thing in another project and its working
Which user do you want to add with that feedback data?
anthony what i am trying to do is add the current user info into feedback collection
that means logged user
i am using passport for authentication
Ok what is your mongodb version ?
db version v3.6.3
I have done the same thing in another project referenced 'users' in model and then used populate. It worked

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