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Q: No cast for observer pattern using generics

user2546926I was looking to implement an subject-observer pattern where the subject provides its self to the observers when notifying. public class Subject<T extends Subject> { /** suporting stuff for subject */ private List<Observer<T>> observers = new ArrayList<>(); protected void doNotif...

In your case, your observer is a consumer, therefore you should use super: private List<Observer<? super T>> observers = ...;
You can extrapolate the meaning from the example: If a generic class is a producer, use extends on the generic type. If a generic class is a consumer, use super on the generic type. Your observer is a consumer. Therefore, use super.
How about class Subject<T extends Subject<T>>?
Oh you are right, the exact definition is a little more complex: private List<Observer<? super Subject<T>>> observers = new ArrayList<>(); (T itself is not sufficient) (plus what @AndyTurner said, since you are basically using raw types right now)
@AndyTurner this alone is not sufficient to get rid of the warning.
@Turing85 that is true. But there isn't actually a way to get rid of the warning, because there is nothing to constrain the class to be exactly self-bounded.
@AndyTurner you can constrain observers. But then again, without further knowledge of the Observer class/interface, I do not know whether my suggestion is feasible.
@Turing85 it has nothing to do with Observer itself. It's like the fact that you can write a class class SomeClass implements Comparable<SomeOtherClass>: it doesn't make sense to do this directly, but it doesn't mean you can't.
I think we misunderstood each other. I did not want to change Observer, but the definition of private List<Observer<T>> observers = new ArrayList<>(); to private List<Observer<? extends Subject<T>>> observers = new ArrayList<>();
But we agreed on changing the declaration list of observers would not resolve the problem, right?
I am not quite sure about this. It resolves the warning, but I am unsure if the Observer interface is still functionable afterwards
Well I did change the observer declaration to what you suggested and I still had the warning
You to be clear we tried the same this:
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class Subject<T extends Subject<T>> {
  private List<Observer<? super Subject<T>>> observers = new ArrayList<>();

  protected void doNotify() {
    for (Observer<? super Subject<T>> observer : observers) {

interface Observer<T> {
  public void update(T t);
this should run without any warning
(I updated the solution, right under your first comment)
sorry, there was a typo, edited my message
Ah, you are right
sory about that
Well, there seems to be another problem
I tried to change the for statement to for (Observer<? super T> observer : observers) {
that was my problem
given this code of Subject, one can assume that there will be some kind of public void add(Observer<...> o) method
But what second problem do you see?
I am pretty sure that this will deny the use of super
or at least force another cast
public void add(Observer<T> obs) {
will force a cast

public void add(Observer<? super Subject<T>> obs) {
will be a nightmare to use
just to understand why this is, how would use the last option?
This is exactly the point. wait... let me code up a minimal example
That would be nice :-)
class MySubject extends Subject<MySubject> {}
class MyObserver implements Observer<Subject<MySubject>> {

  public void update(Subject<MySubject> mySubjectSubject) {
and this would be the usage:
Subject<MySubject> sub = new MySubject();
Observer<Subject<MySubject>> obs = new MyObserver();
That looks like a night mare indeed :-P
And if you re-write the Observer interface to only allow T extends Subject<T>, you will get type problems again and end up with nasty cast situations.
if we would try to make a cast in the add observer, we run into the unchecked cast problem right?
yes. As soon as you start casting to T, you will get the warning
(unless you suppress it via annotation)
yeah, but that is similar to writing "this code is smelly"
depends. ArrayList does some casting to T due to the lack of other options.
really? are we running out of options here then as well? and is suppressing warnings the only way to go?
nope. I got something
Subject and Object:
public class Subject<T extends Subject<T>> {
  private List<Observer<? super T>> observers = new ArrayList<>();

  protected void doNotify() {
    for (Observer<? super T> observer : observers) {

    public void add(Observer<T> obs) {

interface Observer<T extends Subject<T>> {
  public void update(T t);
one sample implementation: MySubject and MyObserver:
class MySubject extends Subject<MySubject> {}
class MyObserver implements Observer<MySubject> {

  public void update(MySubject mySubjectSubject) {
a second sample implementation: OtherSubject and OtherObserver:
class OtherSubject extends Subject<OtherSubject> {}
class OtherObserver extends Observer<OtherSubject> {

  public void update(OtherSubject otherSubject) {
and here is how it is used:
Subject<MySubject> mySub = new MySubject();
Observer<MySubject> myObs = new MyObserver();

Subject<OtherSubject> otherSub = new OtherSubject();
Observer<OtherSubject> otherObs = new OtherObserver();

That looks nice :-)
the last two lines will rightfully lead to a compilation error due to mismatching types
So the thing we were missing is the generic bound in observer, right?
what do you think, is this question still a duplicate? or should we post the answer?
there is still one compilation problem I am trying to solve...
sigh nope. It is not possible. The reason is the generic parameter in Subject...
Ok thats a shame. I'll suppress the warning for now and write some said comment that this might trigger a ClassCastException when used wrongly :-(
Thanks for your help,though :-)

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