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A: Electron main.js NODE_ENV is not available

mklimekTry to read mode through process.env.WEBPACK_MODE. In your case: const isDevelopement = (process.env.WEBPACK_MODE === "development"); Another, workaround solution using WebpackDefinePlugin: const mode = 'development'; module.exports = merge(common, { mode: mode, plugins: [ new webpa...

using WEBPACK_MODE still results in undefined. If I log the env variabel I also cannot see the WEBPACK_MODE variable in the list of keys.
Try to pass mode as a parameter to webpack: webpack ---mode development
Check out workaround solution as well :)
I just found out I still needed to use the definePlugin, what a coincidence. But I still cannot access this variable in Electron. This still results in undefined :(
TBH, I haven't worked with Electron development environment. Try standard and most simple like SET NODE_ENV=development && webpack ... or EXPORT if you're unix based. Then read process.env.NODE_ENV.
That works, Thanks! But now the question remains, why isn't the NODE_ENV leaked into the scope of electron, where it is available in the scope of the app (Electron is nothing more then a container arround an App, just like Cordova)
If it works, you can pass it to mode and use WebpackDefinePlugin to make it available across whole app :)
I tried it with the define plugin, but then it is still unavailable
But when I use the SET you added in your answer it works
So what is the difference between the two..
Using SET is explicit setting env var
it must work :)
I (logically) do not want to use 2 places where I set the env variable for my app, but I do not know how I can work arround the 'SET'
To be honest SET or EXPORT is a standard way
It's not workaround
ofc, use only once place :)
Hmm then I guess I would need to use the SET in my npm task and not the defineplugin
to set the 'development', then only pass it around
Thank you for your help!
accept and upvote the anser please :)\
I will :)

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