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Can I use an app that was shown (at a very early stage in development) at the Windows 8 Hackathon event, or does that count as being displayed publicly? It is a brand new app.
5 hours later…
@gyurisc I'll be glad to help and fix, but you'll have to be more specific. "I am having trouble, can you please fix?" isn't very much I can work with.
@balpha I tried to vote and leave comments now and it worked ok! So, I guess the error was either fixed or went away :)
I didn't fix anything, so it must have been a transient issue :) Good to know it works now.
Will Windows 8 have e.g. GTK-3 support, for all those developers NOT using Windows for development? I sure would like my apps to run on Windows, but I'm not going to get a Windows box and learn .NET APIs for this.
@Anony-Mousse @Anony If you don't want to learn .NET APIs, the alternative is HTML/JavaScript for Windows Store Apps.
JavaScript is the worst programming language still alive (not including maybe COBOL in the equation). It's good for quick hacks, and (unfortunately) the only thing working on the Web. But the whole toolchain is really bad. Think of debuggers, profilers, IDEs, code validation and documentation, standard libraries and so on.
1 hour later…
@Anony-Mousse JavaScript is horrible if you need to support ancient enviroments. Otherwise it's a fine language.
PHP is much worse.
Both are crap. They encourage people to write crappy code because it's a lot easier than writing good and clean code. A good language should help people write good, clean and efficient code; without having to learn to work around the madness and quirks of the language. For example foreach loops, JavaScript is incredibly helpful here at screwing you and introducing bugs.
How did the Windows 8 room turn into a language bashing room? :)
@balpha Because if you don't want to use .NET, Microsoft wants you to use HTML5+JavaScript if you want your apps to run on Windows.
if you want it to be a Metro app, yeah
Is there any particular reason for this restriction, or are they just trying to be quirky? I don't mind JavaScript that much, I just want to know why I'd be forced to use it.
You wouldn't be forced -- you can use the standard .NET languages as well. Just when you want to use something like GTK or Qt etc., you're constrained to Desktop apps. Metro apps (or whatever they're called these days) are more of a mobile-ish thing.
But as I understood it, you can only put metro apps into the store?
more or less -- there's a weird way to somewhat (but not really) put desktop apps into the store, but I don't 100% understand it
I think it's for companies only, and your store entry is more or less just a link to your own download page, something like that
but take that with a pinch of salt; I'm no expert on that
If like at least half of your users are OSX and Linux, there is no point in starting with .NET
oh, absolutely agreed
(although you do have the Mono option)
You can also write windows 8 metro programs with c++ (msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/hh465045.aspx), although I think that is still using DirectX and XAML.
Though I imagine that porting essentially "native" win8 apps via Mono isn't that easy either.
probably not; I was thinking about desktop apps
Mono is okay if you absolutely need to run a Windows app on a non-Windows system - you might be lucky and it works. But it isn't a good choice to start with. It offers about 50% the performance of a native app, comparable to JavaScript. Java is at >80% of a good native app. If only Java would look like a native app on any platform instead of an alien anywhere. It has a great toolchain.
I used 1 single Mono app the last year.
(Actually, a VB.NET app, probably slightly modified to run on mono, too)
I actually had to install mono for that. It's not a killer thing for me, I've been happily living a .NET-free life...
@Conard, Yes, you can develop a Windows Store App using C++ and XAML. If the app involves any graphics, you can use DirectX. You can also develop WinRT components using C++/CX or WRL. You can develop Metro style applications for Windows 8, using a variety of languages including C++/XAML (with WRL or with Component Extensions – C++/CX), the managed languages C# and VB.NET, as well as JavaScript (HTML5/CSS3). More info at bit.ly/WinRTIntro
I need more portability. I cannot use Windows-only or even Windows-centric (C# with Mono fallback) technologies anymore. That time is long over, too many non-Windows users.
anyone here tried Azure mobile service?
seems like apps which are already in the Store (even if just an early version) cannot participate :/
I hope we can at least list them as I would really love to encourage other devs to develop for the platform.
3 hours later…
Any one on here interested in being an Alpha tester for my windows 8 app? You need to have an instagram account.
1 hour later…
okay guys, who is actually working on an app at the moment and who is planning to participate in this contest?
App: Yes. Contest: No.
why not? do you already have it announced somewhere?
what contest?
I plan on trying for the contest, if I feel comfortable enough with the app I will build.
I am doing an app and participating in the contest
No, I'm just here for monitoring if anyone does...
cool, since I couldn't submit an existing Store app I published my plans for a small app I want to implement:

feedback welcome of course :)
@PatrickKlug I like the fact you actually put time into the proposal. A lot of the apps listed so far have very little information.
@PatrickKlug Nice! Ill vote for you if you vote for me ;) apptivate.ms/apps/31/all-my-peeps
@Dreambeats looks like a nice concept :)
got my vote (because I like it not because I want to trade votes ;))
Thanks, as does yours.
I'm planning on porting over a WP7 app. Would I be eligible?
@JohnKoerner I was a bit confused at first what exactly this contest is for and judging by the current submission others are too
there are a lot of apps submitted which don't belong there as per the current contest rules
I agree with Patrick, I think they will be filtered out once the contest ends.
am not sure what to do myself. Would love to post my current game/app there to get some feedback and encourage other devs but current rules would forbid that
@Andy no, not per current rules
@PatrickKlug If you find any of those, please be sure to let us know.
you basically would need to say 'I confirm that this app is new and has never before been displayed publicly.'
which you can't if you already have the app on other platforms
@balpha all of the games at the moment, except mine :)
@andy actually I'm not sure about porting apps. good question
Regarding ports, it seems like they'll be allowed, and the "never before been displayed publicly" can be taken a bit more relaxed. We'll clarify that today or tomorrow. There are too many lawyers involved :(
@balpha right but apps that are currently in the store, even those that are only in an early preview are not allowed, right?
or what would you do with wordtastic for example: apptivate.ms/apps/8/play-wordastic
if they were submitted after the contest started, they're fine
reason is that I would love to show/discuss my game: apps.microsoft.com/webpdp/app/game-dev-tycoon/… but we released a preview version in late July
the store doesn't give you the submission dates; we're still trying to get those from Microsoft
mind you, it's not the full game. just a preview
so in most cases we're currently giving the benefit of the doubt, but if it turns out an app was submitted before the contest, we'll remove it.
what's the reasoning behind this? sounds very odd and a bit of a pity for us of course.
Well, the point of the contest is obviously that Microsoft wants to encourage new apps to appear. Allowing older apps (possibly with an already existing fan base etc.) would lower the incentive for participants.
makes sense
btw, I'm just the guy who developed the site, so take what I say about this with a huge disclaimer
@balpha ok, I get that but shouldn't it also be a platform to discuss and improve Win8 projects.
as far as I am concerned I don't even need to be elligible to win but just to be able to list my apps and discuss them the same would be great.
Oh, and also: say hello to @DorisChen, your host for the next hour!
Hi Everybody!
Hello @DorisChen
@DorisChen: Hi Doris, didn't realize you were here already :)
Yes, I just joined.
My co-host Jerry Nixon will join soon as well.
Hello @DorisChen
@JohnKoerner Hi John. How are you?
Hello @DorisChen
Doing well, excited to get apps built for win 8
@JohnKoerner Great. Good to hear.
I have a question about the contest: is it open to the international or is it US-only?
what are the main differences between the javascript apis for win 8 apps and the javascript in html5
@DorisChen Hi
@Falanwe yep, international
nice :)
@Falanwe, very nice. You planning on winning?
of course ;)
@Falanwe there are some restrictions, if you read the Rules, Terms, Conditions eligibility section
@Falanwe @JerryNixon he plans on winning second place. :) first is mine.
@sissonb A Windows 8 store style app built using HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript, uses the same technology that a web site uses. However, a Windows 8 style app is not deployed page-by-page from a web server. Instead, it is installed locally on the user's computer. Like any native Windows application, a Windows 8 style app built using HTML has direct access to the underlying platform and is able to share information with other applications.
speaking of that, now that both @DorisChen and @JerryNixon are here. could you clarify the rules regarding existing apps a bit more.
Right now apps that have already been publicly displayed cannot enter the contest. I have two apps on the Store already but they are both new and in early versions.
and I would love to list them in the contest to get some feedback...
@Dreambeats There's a first place in the US and a first place Internationally, then there's a grand prize winner, too. So many chances to win. And with all the different categories to win, too. If you lose, something is wrong!
@nkchandra check out this to get more detail about the implementation and subject. blogs.msdn.com/b/dorischen/archive/2012/10/02/…
Hi @DorisChen, Is there going to be a Windows 8 App directory website (not the one accessible from within Windows 8) at some point of time? (I posted this question earlier here - stackoverflow.com/q/12618684/325251)
@PatrickKlug I posted a comment on the blog to clarify this a little bit: blog.stackoverflow.com/2012/09/…
@JerryNixon good to know.
@PatrickKlug if your app is already in the store, it's ineligible unfortunately
(if it was already in the store before the contest started, that is)
that's a pity of course but can I at least still list the app to get other devs commenting?
@PatrickKlug this is a contest to build a great app. Not bring in a finished app. Come on, it's the spirit of the game, man!
Question about Windows 8 and the store. Is there going to be support for the open source community to create apps that live in the app store?
@JerryNixon I just submitted a brand new idea too: apptivate.ms/apps/38/color-sort-master
@JohnKoerner yes, of course. Many apps that are in the store already use open source components and services.
@mvark I will look into the question and get back to you on this direcotry website question.
@sissonb check out this to get more detail about the implementation and subject. blogs.msdn.com/b/dorischen/archive/2012/10/02/…
@JerryNixon also my apps are not finished...
Follow up: If I understand the app store, it does require keys for development/distribution, how can those keys be properly managed in an open source project?
@PatrickKlug seriously, this app has Kinect written all over it. Write it. And watch for the Kinect SDK to be released for Windows 8 apps. This would be killer cool. I have written a similar app in the past but it used foods. Healthy foods go left and bad goes right. Use your arms to grab them. Just think about it!
much more inclined to do it multi-touch since I want it to be fast and precise but thanks for the suggestion.
@PatrickKlug embrace the "and"! Do them both!
Hello, Thanks for hosting the chat. How many days does it take for the app to get approved and published once we submit it to the AppStore? What is the average time as of today?
I rather do one of them well
@JohnKoerner ask that again. What keys are you talking about?
@PatrickKlug @JerryNixon - You do one, and il do the other :)
can anyone confirm if we can compile monotorrent on WinRT?
@Dreambeats I have so many half-completed apps it's sick
I see it as 10 days. Is that correct?
@JerryNixon You and me both
@vulcanraven the best way is to test. But to my knowledge monotorrent has not been compiled down to WinRT yet. No.
@JerryNixon haha, yea those are the only type of apps i can make ;/
since there is no app for torrents thus far.. I thought it would be nice to have one! :-)
so @JerryNixon can existing apps be listed at least? Note that I'm not talking about finished apps. they are all work in progress but happen to have early versions in the store. I don't care about winning but would love to participate and share my experiences.
@vulcanraven you are so right! It's a great strategy to get your app on the top of the heap fast. It might be worth figuring out how to convert monotorrent to WinRT or contacting the owners to see what they have planned!
@kishore1021 It varies. From what I heard, some developers says they get the acceptance within a few days. Some apps take a bit longer to test. One recommendation is write good description about your app, and good documentation on how to will speed up the time.
@ Doris. Thanks.. That helps..
For me it took between 5 and 12 days.
@JerryNixon, thanks.. I was trying with other (non .NET) libraries, my desktop power-supply got toasted. I thought would be more easier to port the .NET based monotorrent lib than libtorrent
just make sure you read everything carefully. one of the most common submission mistakes is when people have the Internet (Client capability) checked and they don't provide a privacy policy.
@vulcanraven It would be, true
would cause a rejection right away
So can you submit an app to the store for others to test? And then update it to an RTM version?
@PatrickKlug you know what developer need? They need a generic privacy policy that they can include in all their apps and tweak only if needed. Ever see one of those?
@PatrickKlug Surely you are going to follow that with a link
only if you answer my previous question..
(I'm searching)
@JerryNixon @MCeley I too have so many half completed apps. The best idea is to concentrate on one app and complete its functionality. Then implement the Windows 8 features like Search, Share charms, etc as well as use devices like Light sensor etc if required... Also, it's best to save the data entered by user or user preferences, so that they need not select it everytime they open the app.. Use roaming features to save the data to the cloud...
I am half way through the development and planning to implement Search, Share and Roaming features in my app
@PatrickKlug I am asking the team about it now offline...
@JerryNixon I found a site that generates generic ToS and PP for sites. Could likely be altered to apply to software in general. bennadel.com/coldfusion/privacy-policy-generator.htm
for website privacy policy this is a tool you can use but I don't know how appropriate it is for apps. talk to a lawyer is what the answer is usually: generateprivacypolicy.com ...
@PatrickKlug Yes, good point. This is a common mistake. Also, if log in required in your app, please provide a test account so the app can be tested by the store, otherwise it will consider to be a certification error.
@JerryNixon, guess the monotorrent's developer; Alan McGovern does use stackoverflow as well stackoverflow.com/users/87195/alan :)
@vulcanraven doesn't everyone?
@JerryNixon My question revolves around management of developers and publishing to the store. Open source projects are collaborative and there are a lot of different people involved. I think providing guidance on how to successfully create an Open source project on the store would be great. Something like what you have at this link, but targeted towards open source teams: msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/jj657972.aspx
@MCeley Now we need that for apps not sites!
@JerryNixon I said it could likely be altered to address apps. I'll see if I can find something better.
@JohnKoerner fundamentally what is the difference between a regular software team and an open source team? It does not require a certain source control. It does not require a certain operating system. What is the distinction that you see that makes that article not relevant to help OSS developers?
@JohnKoerner Have you looked into www.codeplex.com yet? It's a open source site. There is quite a bit effort on windows 8 also.
@MCeley crap, dude, fastest Googler in the West! I am sure you used Bing!
@DorisChen I love code plex, I use it all the time
@JerryNixon An open source team usually does not have an EIN.
@JerryNixon Do you know when they're going to finalize the Bing Maps Metro SDK?
@JerryNixon Sorry but I used Google since I'm on my Linux machine at the moment and it's built into the Chrome address bar. I do like the new Bing though. Much cleaner than its previous incarnations.
@PatrickKlug sorry, apps not in the contest will be removed from the app list. If you want general comments, we need to find another way. (rather, you need to)
@PatrickKlug at least you have your answer
@Dreambeats The store only take RTM version apps now. If you have some app in preview stage, you need to upgrate RTM first.
@Nick Yes, in a day or two I believe. There was a thing that blocked them. From what I hear that has been resolved and they are testing.
@Partick If i have a privacy policy, where should i mention about privacy policy while submitting the app? I see App
Notes to testers
@kishore1021 one moment
@DorisChen @DorisChen Ok Thanks!
In these secions , where should we provide the privacy policy?
@JerryNixon Thanks for the info. Just waiting on that to submit my app!
It's in the description page
@JerryNixon, yeah true.. I subscribed to Generation App to find someone to peer with.. for developing this app on Windows 8.. but can't real people except couple of valuable resources.. The idea really is, a 'Download Hub' , like a download manager, so all the downloads can be pulled via this app (like download "contract" for IE10 metro). Torrent support is one of the features in my mind :-)
a url to the privacy policy
@JerryNixon great way to alienate the core developers who have already invested much into the platform...
@MCeley Yep. My favorite part about Bing is just that it exists. I hate the idea of one massive unbeatable player in any market. I admit I use Google and they deliver the results I live. But as a nerd, that is more true than for my mom. Turns out, she likes Bing because the index isn't cluttered with forums and such. She just wants "the internet" you know. People like us, we want blogs, forums, and low level crap that Google has always indexed.
Here is a good article on how to submit apps to the store in case you haven't seen blogs.msdn.com/b/windowsstore/archive/2012/02/13/…
@PatrickKlug This is a contest and the site was built specifically for this so it makes sense that the site not function as an avenue for feedback. I'd suggest starting a development blog and sharing your app with users on the MSDN forums as there are many Win8 devs and future users there that could provide you with feedback. Not the biggest stage for feedback but it's better than nothing.
@kishore1021 Put your privacy policy either 1) in your about page or 2) in a modal dialog when your app first launches (and I mean first launches!)
@JerryNixon Great. Thanks
it's just a disconnected strategy. there you have people who have started their ideas just weeks ago at appfests or other events who now cannot participate in this. just doesn't make any sense. how many of those existing devs do you think will hang out here to help the others.
@Nick It's a prob for a bunch of people. I have the beta here right now. It has some nice new features included. Not sure how they squeezed those in. But I can;t wait to write some blogs on it either. Very cool. Worth the way, I guess. Just funny timing with Oct 26th so close.
@PatrickKlug if you just started your app a few weeks ago and haven't submitted it to the Store or to another contest, you can participate in this. You just can't participate if you app is already in the Windows store.
@JerryNixon My sentiments exactly. Most of what I use Google for is just to search stackoverflow since their search gives me more relevant SO pages than the built-in SO search.
@MCeley yes, one option for sure. it's just a pity since this site and contest was build for this sort of thing.
@vulcanraven dude, I have no idea what you are talking about but I am sure it is brilliant. When you get it written, send me the link!
@JerryNixon The beta seems great to me and has all the features I need. Just want to get rid of that big BETA watermark.
@MCeley @PatrickKlug he's right. Every app deserves a dedicated site or page on a site. If you use a blog for that, comments are built in. It's a worthwhile consideration. I get where you are coming from wanting feedback - and NOT wanting it on the reviews!
@JerryNixon Yes, this is a good feedback.
@JerryNixon, still looking into the monotorrent and fixing my win8 dev machine. Its a shame we can't develop RT apps on win7 :(
@MCeley hilarious. I do the same thing. The SO search is erratic at best. Can't find a thing - have to drop to Google for almost everything. But at least there is a solution for it. You and I are prob not the only ones. I bet even the moderator does! :)
I need some feedback. apptivate.ms/apps/31/all-my-peeps - Would you guys use twitter if it was included in my app? Should I limit to just Instagram and Facebook? What features do you absolutely want/need?
@JerryNixon @DorisChen
@Nick Hey @Nick I just double checked. The Bing Maps SDK is finished and they are putting it up on MSDN now. You should see it in a day or two - like I said early. I just confirmed.
I don't the exact avail hour, sorry
@vulcanraven Yeah, what would happen when you hit F5?
@JerryNixon @DorisChen Are there any plans for allowing a skin/theme for visual studio to put you back into VS 2010 mode? A lot of the icon changes/color changes are very jarring and offputting to developers who have been using the product since VS 2003.
@JerryNixon, emulate RT in a win32 frame?
Alright then. I guess I just have to accept that. If anyone is interested in writing games on Windows 8 using HTML/JS contact me on twitter @PatrickKlug. Im happy to help. Also, if you want to know how we implemented *anything* on http://apps.microsoft.com/webpdp/app/game-dev-tycoon/1159e78f-b270-4839-bef7-3146bcfd3f99 and http://apps.microsoft.com/webpdp/app/novamind/d1c809ab-90ab-4ae8-8d6e-a159ae90f8d8 let me know. I'm very likely happy to share.

And speaking of feedback. If you are a UI designer and want to give me some feedback on our new radial menu for our upcoming update (http://www
(see full text)
@JerryNixon No prob, good to know that it's soon, thanks.
if you have an app already and want to talk about it let me know also.
@Dreambeats I am pretty sure your logo is a copyright infringment
@JohnKoerner I am not aware any plan like this yet.
@DorisChen Thanks, btw I do love the default dark theme for the code windows.
@JohnKoerner Nope. Once you are used to it, John, Visual 2010 is annoyingly colorful - seriously, looks more like a tinker toy now.
@vulcanraven Sounds so easy
@JerryNixon Thanks for the reply. I know I'll get used to it, but that coupled with the win 8 drastic changes meant a lot of change for me :)
@JerryNixon @JohnKoerner I've always though VS 2010 looked a bit too colorful and wasted too much space as compared to 2005/2008. Glad to see some of that unneeded fluff go away.
@PatrickKlug Thanks for offering to help. Yes HTML5 game space on windows 8 is catching a lot of attention. Where you located? Perhaps you can help with some local developer community event.
@Jerry really?
its temporary
I'm in Australia and am already involved in the local community. Even spoke a bit at TechEd. just wanted to offer my help internationally as well and this contest seemed like a good idea.
@JohnKoerner Yes, I understand you. If I find more information on this, I will share with you.
@JerryNixon @DorisChen Have there been any studies done on the performance metrics of windows 8 apps. Specifically speed differences between apps written in C# versus HTML & JS.
@JohnKoerner The good news is that I think the pace of change is slowing down drastically these days. You shouldn't expect anything new for some time. (this was sarcasm)
@PatrickKlug Thanks a lot to help with local event already. Yes the contest is great. Do you have some blog on your experience developing HTML5 game on windows 8?
is there/will there be a FxCop for windows 8 store apps...an automated way...to validate some of the objective requirements of Win apps certification?
www.patrickklug.com - I will start to talk more about our experiences there but at this stage it's often easier to just talk to people who want to get started with win8
@mvark there is already the App Certification kit
@JohnKoerner Yes. Many such studies. And as far as I know they are all internal. The official comment is "negligible" and it's likely the best answer, too. Since apps are sandboxed and CPU-contained the delta between them is likely unimportant. With a few exceptions. Certain types of apps are well known to be faster in HTML5; @DorisChen can clarify - but for the most part these are games with many sprites on a canvas.
@PatrickKlug thanks for sharing.
with that you can test an app for store certification
@JerryNixon, but Microsoft already did an excellent job with Windows Phone Emulator. While the Android SDK and emulator is struggling with bad-performance issues, MSFT came up with the idea of Virtual Machine. They installed the same WP-OS in VM and made a loopback RDC! It was an ultimate performance spectacle in emulators space. I am sure they can come up with a similar but 'minimal RT' functionality for devs, if they feel like it.. :-)
@mvark This is already present in the Windows 8 Certification Kit. You can run automated tests to validate many parts of your code such as Code Analysis. Code Analysis in VS for Windows 8 is on the way.
@vulcanraven I agree, would be cool; I am not that guy tho
@PatrickKlug I want that radial menu as a control in XAML
@JohnKoerner @JerryNixon I totally agree with Jerry. Windows 8 is using the same JavaScript engine as in IE 10 and the JS engine is super fast now. WinJS library provides many easy to use API so it make HTML5/JS app very easy to develop.
good luck with that. I bet you couldn't do it in winrt/xaml. on the other hand in svg it's not that hard :-D
@PatrickKlug Of course you can
@PatrickKlug Are you kidding?
right, without custom drawings?
@PatrickKlug Had I only unlimited time
I can do it in WPF and even then there would be performance issues
yea right and if only XAML on WinRT weren't quite so limited...
@PatrickKlug What would be the perf impact? No, this would not be impossible for sure. It would not be easy, I don't want to kid anyone. But I could do it. Guaranteed. What do you think would be the hardest part?
Hi, I need to go to the airport now. Nice to chat with everybody and I will chat with you next time. Thanks for join.
first of all try to draw text bent on a line. then try to use shadow on a text and then try do custom drawings.
Your text is all straight, just tilted
not true
But yeah, that would be a trick
The tilt is so subtle then, it's not an important part
plus given my initial assessment of XAML on WinRT you would face a ton of other issues (social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/eu/winappswithcsharp/thread/…) - granted it's a bit outdated but still.
when it comes to UI subtle things are important
Yeah, no
That list is outdated
And super-duper incomplete
can you do shadows?
There is far more forit
can you custom draw text?
can you even draw anything in immediate mode...
Which part of it do you want me to draw there? The pie parts?
The icons are easy enough, I already do that
The text is just text. I can't follow a path for text, I admit
But that is not important
anyway, this is not the place for this. if you really think you can do that in XAML let's chat on twitter.
@DorisChen THanks for your time
Now I feel challenged
I will build a prototype to see
oh and it needs to be FAST
I guess these guys are underestimating the power of HashSet stackoverflow.com/questions/12675550/hashset-as-datasource
The gauntlet has been dropped
Oh holy crap if this is a gauntlet, I am starting now!
@PatrickKlug - you seem very knowledgeable in Silverlight/WPF - can you help me build some animations in Silverlight for my Win 8 app?
@Paras as in Desktop app running on Windows 8 - you know you can't use Silverlight for Windows 8 Store apps right?
well, sorry, I meant animations in XAML (I still call it Silverlight sometimes)
@ParasWadehra I still call it SL, too
for silverlight I highly recommend artefactanimator.codeplex.com
oh, sorry I always felt that animations in XAML are a bit tedious... can't help you there. I mostly code them with artefactanimator in WPF
@PatrickKlug Thanks, this looks good
@PatrickKlug excellent library
@PatrickKlug how do you do animations in your NovaMind app?
@PatrickKlug someone should port it to WinRT (as much as it can be)
yes but wouldn't work in XAML win8 I think. would be awesome if someone would port that though :)
Javascript mostly
in our win 8 app. in our desktop app we use artefactanimator for a few things
@JerryNixon With the push towards html 5 and js, does silverlight have a future in the microsoft stack?
@JohnKoerner Not sure if you are kidding, but I will answer
@JohnKoerner Can we call it XAML instead of Silverlight?
@PatrickKlug Thanks. What is your twitter handle? I am at @ParasWadehra
@JohnKoerner WPF, Silverlight, Win8-XAML, they are all subsets of the XAML specification. But in their fundamental core they are all the same. They implement the base specification and developers are pretty comfortable moving between the three.
@JerryNixon I agree with that, but is the silverlight runtime on the way out?
I know many WPF devs who would disagree with that statement. me included.
@JohnKoerner I think you mean the browser plug in. Not Silverlight. Silverlight it still the UI of choice for Windows, Windows Phone, Windows Embedded, Xbox (soon), the plug-in, and Windows 8 apps. It is Microsoft's only cross platform technology. It is actively being expanded. It is actively being adopted across our stack.
okay guys, it's 4AM here. if anyone wants to catch me I'm on twitter (@PatrickKlug) good luck everyone and start your Win8 app. Overall Win8 is the best thing ever happened to software engineers on Windows :)
@JohnKoerner Again, I want to say XAML, not Silverlight.
@PatrickKlug Cheers
@PatrickKlug @JerryNixon on twitter
@PatrickKlug sleep tight patrick
@PatrickKlug Have a good night.. Good Night Mate!
imagine that in Australian accent now :)
@JerryNixon There are some silverlight only controls that I really like, specifically the PivotControl, however it seems that the push for silverlight specific functionality is not getting as much attention as the new and shiny technologies that are built on xaml.
@JohnKoerner To say that the browser plug in is end of life is a possibility, @JohnKoerner, but the XAML platform itself as a technology is far from end of life. It, in a way, is just getting started. There are specific differences between implementations, but fundamentally they are the same. They may (and will) never reach perfect parity. Silverlight will never be as rich as WPF. And Silverlight itself has special features targeting cross-platform that may never appear elsewhere.
@JerryNixon Thanks for that answer. It is kind of what I expected, but good information to have.
@JohnKoerner The only reason Silverlight has controls you like is because people built them. And the only reason they were able to build them is because Silverlight matured over the years to version 5.1. Given time, every incarnation of XAML will benefit from the same story. WPF surely has. SL clearly has. And Win8-XAML will be released October 26th officially, and that will start its evolution, too.
Officially this chat has ended
The next scheduled chat is next Tuesday
Thank you to everyone for attending
@JerryNixon Thanks for speaking with us
@JerryNixon I appreciate your time
Thank you @JohnKoerner
hopefully more people next week!
Thanks @JerryNixon, for the insights
@mvark You bet, Anil
Thanks @JerryNixon

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