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A: pdo button delete row

Karlo KokkakI made the delete functionality using jquery and ajax. Above your form code add: <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> <script> function deleteBook(b) { $(document).ready(function() { var ids = $(b).attr('id').substr(6).split('-'); v...

He give me this error Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in ......
Updated the getBooks(....) function.
I did exactly what you say
Btw, make sure to backup of your database before you continue.
why he give this error Mr. Karlo
What is the current error?
when i enter true user name and password he give this Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /var/www/html/User.php on line 111 Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /var/www/html/User.php on line 111
I've already updated the getBooks(....) function. Please check it.
now its display button delete after your updata
Btw, make sure to backup of your database before you continue.
but when i clicked delete still reload the page and he didn't delete any thing please help me Mr. Karlo
Have you added the first block of code from my answer?
where i can show you my all code ?
I updated getBooks(..) pls check.
Now when i clicked on delete he give me field to delete
alert? What it says bro?
failed to delete!
yes alert
Have you created the file - deletebook.php?
I udpated the first block of code. Pls update.
Alert : fail
He just remove the row from interface
but he didn't deleted from database
Can you pastebin the record that should be deleted? The complete row from database?
example >>> you logged in .. he will display the books you takes ... and inside each book there is button delete ... when you clicked delete inside Math book .. he must removed from the interface and database
Use this code:
^ that code will alert something before delete, can you paste the value of alert to here?
book_id is 5, user_id is 3
Does a record in userBook with those values exist?
Can you delete from our interface?
Deleted in database?
Weird, it worked locally when I tested it.
What does that output in alert?
The first and second alert pls.
the first book_id is 5, user_id is 3
second failed to delete!
and he didn't deleted from interface and database
how i can show you my code
Pls tell me the first and second alert pls.
book_id is 5, user_id is 3
book_id is , user_id is 3deleted
but he didn't deleted from interface and database
okay so book_id is empty.
He deleted from the database ... finally
thaaaank you Mr.Karlo
No problem :D
but last thing pls ... when the ueser clicked delete
i want to display alert
are you sure ?
Ok wait..
if he click yes then delete from data base af click no then return to his page
thank you very very very much Mr. Karlo
really thank you
Glad to help! :D

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