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A: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1066 Not unique table/alias in laravel

MMMTroyThe SQL statement that is failing makes perfect sense. It is attempting to join the table product_relatives to the product_relatives table. So the error Not unique table or alias being thrown makes sense based on the query alone. The next step is to try and think of reasons Laravel might be ge...

error stays the same, PS i do not have 3 tables i only have 2 tables, products & product_relatives, product_relatives only stores id of products so will say product id 1 is related to product id 20 that's all. it only stores id's of products in different columns
Then you shouldn't be doing a belongsToMany relationship. It implies using a pivot table between two models.
ok, what should i do then?
At this point I'm lacking a bit of context to make suggestions to database design. Normally to create a relationship between two models though you would use a HasMany relationship. The confusing part to me is your $fillable fields. Those look like you are trying to create a pivot table.
so what if i make my products model hasMany relatives and relatives model belongsTo?
In that case your Relatives model would contain the product_id. So it can only "belongTo" a single product. Several Relatives can "belongTo" the same product however, so from the Products perspective it is "HasMany". Does this sound like what your are looking for? Otherwise, if you are wanting Relatives to HaveMany products, and Products to HaveMany Relatives, then you wanted a BelongsToMany, which I've described in my answer.
ok i changed my models to: product return $this->hasMany(ProductRelative::class); relative return $this->belongsToMany(Product::class); and it returning result as i wish in edit page, but when i hit save i get this error Call to undefined method Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder::sync() on $product->relatives()->sync($request->relatives);
hi :)
So sync is a method that only exists on a BelongsToMany Relationship
Hi :). Stack started squaking at me
so what should i do with sync?
So if elsewhere you are using sync in your code, then you might actually be trying to do a BelongsToMany.
But that doesn't require two models and a separate pivot table
Why did you call your model ProductRelative?
because it relates 2 products to each other
Ohhhh. Now I understand what you are trying to do :)
I'm just trying to think if it'd be easiest to simply edit my answer. I don't think you need a ProductRelative model at all.
you just need a pivot table and a BelongsToMany
that's fine i just made that by artisan command in order to make schema :)
$this->belongsToMany(Product::class, 'product_relatives', ...)
So the Product belongsToMany Product
product_relatives is the pivot table containing the values
so what you say is:
1- i delete my relative model
2- add this to my product mode
public function relatives()
    return $this->belongsToMany(ProductRelative::class, 'product_relatives', 'product_id', 'relatives_id');
public function relatives()
return $this->belongsToMany(Product::class, 'product_relatives', 'product_id', 'relatives_id');
yes that one :)
ok i try it now
you might need to add a couple more parameters to make your columns line up...but i think that'll work
ok! seems to be working
but there is 1 issue
when i had my relative model
i get my product relatives in blade like:
$relatives = ProductRelative::where('product_id', '=', $product->id)
    ->join('products','', '=', 'relatives_id')->get();
and then foreach it
now how should i get them?
Yeah, i was anticipating this. Okay, so you can re-create that model if you want...or you can just do a raw DB query
if you re-create the model, don't add a BelongsToMany inside it
From within the pivot table, they are technically "BelongsTo" if you think about it
So within that model, you'd add two methods...something like this
public function product()
return $this->belongsTo(Product::class,'product_id');
public function relative()
return $this->belongsTo(Product::class,'relatives_id');
so i add 2 function in my relative model right?
your pivot table will contain a relationship to both a product, and a relative
ok, one more time i try from creating to editing see if there is any error.
I've updated my answer to reflect this conversation
sure i'll accept it, just please till i check it first
of course, i'll wait and make sure
appreciate all your helps
it's working perfectly
thanks a lot
Awesome! Glad to hear it
my pleasure

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