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1:39 AM
posted on July 26, 2024 by Ben Mason

Hi everyone! We've just released Chrome Dev 129 (129.0.6614.4) for Android. It's now available on Google Play. You can see a partial list of the changes in the Git log. For details on new features, check out the Chromium blog, and for details on web platform updates, check here. If you find a new issue, please let us know by filing a bug. Krishna Govind Google Chrome

4 hours later…
5:33 AM
posted on July 26, 2024 by Giuliana Pritchard

LTS-120 is being updated in the LTS (Long Term Support) channel, version 120.0.6099.318 (Platform Version: 15662.115), for most ChromeOS devices.  Release notes for LTS-120 can be found here  Want to know more about Long-term Support? Click here This update contains selective Security fixes, including: 339061099 High CVE-2024-5497 Out of bounds memory acce

9 hours later…
2:18 PM
!!choose jugg berserker or slayer
even james knows
2:38 PM
Dota 2?
path of exile
new league launches in... 5ish hours
2:50 PM
Ah. I recognised 2 of these as Dota 2 characters (jugg, slayer) and 2 as PoE (jugg, berserker). Wasn't sure if you weren't trying Dota 2
Which one was slayer? Marauder?
slayer is uh, duelist
next to champion/glad
the other two are marauder
this league they've revamped melee balance, all melee skills doe between 1.5x and 3x more damage
plus they added an in-game currency market (auction house) for all stackable items, added gold as a tax for that market, and implemented respecing using that gold
gold only obtainable through actually playing the game, untradable, so rip currency bots
Yeah, I don't think I ever played duellist. Well, aside from races. I've played everything else multiple times, though.
Auction house sounds nice. I've been waiting for something like that.
i've played it quite abit as champ, once or twice as slayer
slayer is all about life leech
glad got reworked a little bit, actually usable now
deadeye has been deleted
The thing that has made me quit PoE multiple times and skip starting leagues was the trading. I hate the fact that if I want to trade (and I want, so I can get to higher content), I have to not play. Trading takes a lot of time - one item might take 30 minutes if you have to wait for the seller. Or ask different sellers to see who is even online. And then barter with them.
yeah, me too
2:59 PM
Trying to trade multiple items is even worse. Can I get this ring? No, so I have to find another comparable one. Or swap ring+belt. Or whatever.
i tend to prefer making my own stuff if i can
avoid unique item heavy builds
The currency AH doesn't totally solve it but at least you skip some of the trades.
they said if this goes well they'll explore having it support rares/uniques next
It would probably get me back into the game.
I did play last year. Around this time. But I've not felt like playing again since.
the implementation looks solid to me
currently they have a cap ont he max number of things you can have listed at 10, which IMO makes sense for a currency market
and with the gold tax, it's going to be harder for bots to exploit it
3:01 PM
Yeah, it's OK. If you're a heavy player, you'd probably still want to do direct trades to move your currency. But it's still OK.
yeah, for things like selling full tabs of essences
3:25 PM
i fucking hate front end
3 hours later…
6:39 PM
posted on July 26, 2024 by Ben Mason

The Dev channel has been updated to 129.0.6614.3 for Windows, Mac and Linux. A partial list of changes is available in the Git log. Interested in switching release channels? Find out how. If you find a new issue, please let us know by filing a bug. The community help forum is also a great place to reach out for help or learn about common issues. Srinivas Sista Google Chrome

3 hours later…
9:23 PM
i've broken up my nodejs project into one nodejs project and another project for web pages
now i don't know how to test them locally
i can start the nodejs server
but then i start another server for my local web pages to talk to the nodejs server?
9:43 PM
effectively yea
you'd have your "webserver" which is also a ndoe server running on one port, and you'd have your actual node.js server running on a different point
because the ports differ, now you have to deal with CORS when communicating with the node.js server
port* not point
aaaahhh not cors. i loathe cors.
cors errors are some of the most clearly defined error messages that exist
ok i have two servers up and running and now have this question. can i make fetch point to a different port?
Q: ES6 fetch: How do I change the localhost port it calls?

cbllI have a webpack-dev-server running with node.js on :8080 serving my frontend. I have a Spring Boot MVC application running on :8088 serving my actual backend service. I have a login system I want to call on :8088, how would I change the permanent settings of the fetch function to refer to :8088...

Yes, just add :portnumber
but i'm using relative URLs
9:48 PM
just cuz?
not possible otherwise, unless you want to make a reverse proxy on the webserver's nodejs server
so that when you request /myapi it forwards to localhost:3001/myapi
i've never done that in node.js, usually do it with apache/nginx/iis
well ok here's the problem
if i start using a full url i have to figure out if i'm on localhost or prod
i don't know how to do that reliably. my server.js
if (localhost) {
   url = "localhost:3001";
i don't know what the standard solution to this is, but i'd probably jsut spin up a local nginx or apache server and have it serve both /myapi and the static files on port 80 at a fakedomain you can access
the static files would sit in the root of the webserver, and /myapi would be reverse proxied to the node server
then you can setup your hosts file to point whatever fake domain you want to port 80 localhost
i'm using nodejs. i could probably do a wildcard route /* and then pass that on to port 3001.
i will probably need to use full urls in the end
9:58 PM
imagine it wouldn't be too difficult to figure out how to setup a reverse proxy with express
probably built-in
damn this thing actually works, might be able to deploy it
hating front end development is normal
there's new things every year. what you'll find is once you get familiar with it, it will be a bit better. i use export tools for the html views and typescript for the code
it seems a lot of people like react or vue or whathave you

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