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hey any english people here? Can you recommend me a name for a function that is "stronger than remove"? In a command line tool I have "remove" command to remove a part of the system, and I wish to have an XYZ to actually remove the system and all references to the system..
What would you call XYZ?
delete, eliminate, destroy, implode, erase
Any of those?
Although I would probably swap out "remove" for a different word.
1 hour later…
anyone around? I'm going nuts trying to deal with nested callbacks
5 hours later…
anyone knows the solution?
@Ashik Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
2 hours later…
wipe out
finish off
A: Optimal way to filter out records from array of objects depending on the value(s)

CertainPerformanceYou can first iterate over the array to make a Set of all groups found which have at least one item which is not status: abc. Then .filter the array by whether the current item has a groupID in that Set: const arr = [ {status: "ABC", groupID: "Group 1"}, {status: "PQR", groupID: "Group 1...

1 hour later…
Invalid command! Did you mean: woosh, choose, woah? Try help for a list of available commands..‍.‍.‍.‍.‍.‍.‍.‍
@Wietlol yet I went with purge :P
hmm... my choice would probably have been eradicate
or perhaps exterminate
2 hours later…
Hey y'all, anyone got experience with WebGL being a little shit working alright on a server yet showing a black screen on local host with the same code?
Online demo vs pulled git repo
Localhost as in directly reading webgl js from filesystem?
I think chrome/firefox will block those features when executing javascript from a filesystem.
async await
@paul23 Yes, just reading an local html file in the browser with script tags to local js files
Well then chrome/firefox disallow a lot of the advanced features like webgl
You'll have to setup a local (node/nginx) server to serve those files if you wish to make it work.
I tried setting `privacy.file_unique_origin` to false in `about:config` but it only displays the image for a fraction of a second.
I'll try your solution. Thanks a bunch @paul23
2 hours later…
Been working on some new things with my webpage, so far all pages work on pretty much any screen, Ive got working links and actions going, everything is setup.

Give me your opinions on the baseplate: https://functflow.web.app/
Its nowhere near done, but Ive got what youd call "The Thin little Iron Frame"
Wupsie, had it on the admin page :L
I just hope the big "Functional Workflow" logo on every page doesnt look like some impeding ad
the project images overflow making it difficult to scroll
i'd use flexbox
Ive never actually used flexbox
have the projName class have a flex-basis height and then projImage have flex-grow to fill in the space.
zero idea
that will tell you 90% of flexbox
|| mdn Flexbox is a one-dimensional layout method for laying out items in rows or columns.
^ that one is decent also
Can I use display: inline-flex; to keep the centering
or should I move to just pure flex
what centering?
I do everything is flex for the most part.
Also hey ben o/ long time no see
It should be centered
I always use the text align method
body has text-align: center and anything I want centered, its display is inline-block
Better than using <center> or any other old method
Fixed the project thing...
I was inheriting an overflow property
I set it to hidden and its fine now, but have to deploy the change
Ill probably adapt to flexbox later, I have little time
I was just working on the site for the bit of free time I had
@TaylorS still hapenning
Cuz your viewing old version
gotta deploy :D
Try refreshing with Ctrl+f5 now
also don't use br elements improperly
on the projects page
I dont really know how else to create extra whitespace that follows the EM height
better, but the header needs to be fixed
It works very well
@TaylorS margin bottom
I dont have any margin.. lemme check
where are you seeing margin bottom?
what element
also this is terrible
* {
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    box-sizing: border-box;
    background: #1F2833;
    color: #C5C6C7;
    font-family: Candara, Avenir;
    text-align: center;
    transition: 0.3s;
    overflow: auto;
    -ms-overflow-style: none;
    scrollbar-width: none;
I always clean up my code after I finish it
Somethings telling me this isnt going to be a fully public website and complete for a whle
There's a philosophy i follow with CSS: Don't add, if you are going to remove
I could easily change some of that.. I just havent gotten to it
most of those are effective though.
what i mean is, don't add a property to an element and then attempt to undo that or remove it
The only ones I think could cause issues: The overflow, Text-align, and maybe overflow style.

However, all those are just centering techniques
@TaylorS no
@TaylorS no
@JBis no
all of them can create issues except for box-sizing (well that can create issues but it will solve more than it will create)
Its not bad practice, each of those represents a piece or function that I need for every element in the page except a few exclusions.

Dont break that "Nice little stable construct" of a webpage Im holding together so far.

Because I know I break the whole "webdev rules" a lot, but even I have standards to follow
also, (and this is just my opinion, many do it anyway) I hate hiding things off screen. I think if you don't want something to display than use display: none or something
@JBis Actually, none of them have caused me any issues.

Box sizing, Margin, Padding, and Font-family (sometimes transition too) are always VERY VERY needed to run my projects.

See, I use box sizing for inputs and block level elements like canvases and textareas that have strange miscalculated width and height, I hate that.

Margin/padding are obvious, remove the wierd whitespace on the base HTML template, and any extra un-needed padding/margin built into base elements

Font family is obvious, I want an interchangeable font throughout the whole page.
@JBis you have no idea in hell how hard it was to try getting that little popup menu working with display or something
Idfk why, it just didnt want to respond to anything I tried hittin it with...
so I went with top and left, because I like the slid in animation, and it works well
and theres no strange built in display code that I cant seem to change with JS
I will say colors and logo are nice, however logo should be an SVG
Im just saying I usually have an argument to coincide with the reason why I do something... Im not illogical, and I dont just put these things here for no reason
can you please unbold?
I gave up on SVG, its so strange to use because my current editing software PDN cant actually edit or save them, and making them by hand is a hell hole
JBis, Im emphasizing the end of a debate
there wasn't a debate
i was simply suggesting something, you don't have to take my advice
You told me what was wrong, I offered why I did it
a reasoning to a reasoning, thats a debate right there :)
ok, i'm not getting into this again
Well anyways, Ill try the svg thing, im asking some friends to help me out with it cuz I suck at svg
I got some general questions about redis. I originally thought it is used as cache layer between your app and your real db (such as Postgres or Mongo or anything) and also used for storing temp stuff that expires like login tokens, reset tokens, etc. because the world doesn't end if the data is lost (user just logs in again, requests another reset token). However, after reading some more, it seams like with persistent storage it can be used as a NoSQL alternative to postgres or mongodb or any db
Can anyone explain what role redis has?

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