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4 hours later…
2 hours later…
Hi People
anyone out there
Did you just assume my humanoid status!?
ha ha ha!
u r so human Neil
I'm more human than human
a super human
Came in early for a release in production
i am planning to be a nodejs developer ... so just knowing nodejs.org/dist/latest-v10.x/docs/api can make me a nodejs developer... !?
there were two components to update, and one went up before the other, and so there was about 10 minutes of sheer panic
what technology you are using currently?
Professionally? Not node or javascript, though I do use it sometimes
I program mostly in Java
@CommonMan That's a good reference guide
I don't any guide or tutorial can "make you a nodejs developer"
I suppose you're only really officially a nodejs developer when you're being paid to program in node.js :)
I like node.js though. It's quite elegant with respect to say, java
a bit easier to use as a functional programming language at that
Hi i want to convert "12-12-2016" this string to number, please tel me the shortest way to convert it
@RameshKrishnan Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
@RameshKrishnan !!> Date.parse("2016-12-12")
you can use substring to move it around
Anything more sophisticated than that, use moment.js library and then:
parseInt(moment("12-12-2016", "DD-MM-YYYY").format("YYYYMMDD"), 10)
@Neil well; since it is in the official format, it would be OK. Yet parsing string into Date using the Date construct is not reliable
@KarelG well the only "decent" way of going about it is to depend on a library then
or doing some hack job of substring
or use new Date(year, month, day) construct
or write your own like I did
I wrote one function for month and year you have a built in to get year in 4 digit format
but it won't support in IE edge
!!> const d = '2019-03-11'.split('-').map(Number); d[1] -= 1; new Date(...d);
@KarelG "2019-03-11T04:00:00.000Z"
more recommended way is to write on our own... @Neil helped me with a patter matching site for regular expression.
IMO the fact that month starts with 0 is soooo annoying.
yes @KarelG
assume that it really starts with 1, then I can simply do
@CommonMan actually, I didn't think of that :)
new Date(...'2019-03-11'.split('-').map(Number))
pattern match
regex would probably fit well here too
yes... :)
coming back to the topic that we were discussing @Neil: So you saying nodejs is just another scripting language with more scal-able facilities and cannot consider it as main stream primary technology?
Compared to other technologies is Node.js a "hack" imo.
@CommonMan hmm, why would the "scalability" of the language prevent it from being used as a main stream primary technology?
it runs on a V8 engine on top of a OS, with some extra adapter features to interact with the file/IO system below it.
I don't think I'd ever try to use it professionally unless I were using Docker as a platform
But aside from that, I don't see anything wrong with node.js as a backend technology
I think with node.js, it's easier to write hacky code
It takes more effort to keep it elegant and modular
But elegant and modular node.js code is truly a thing of beauty
@Neil what is your definition of "modular" Node.js application?
some people has a different view on that matter, so I am curious to yours
@KarelG self-contained.. reuseable.. Not precisely like classes in OOP design, but almost
single responsibility basically
is it perfectly possible at this moment?
in which sense?
there is a master / worker processes. You only have to assign a worker process for a specific task.
each process has their own resources
seems contained enough ๐Ÿ˜›
i think there were problems with worker threads in javascript to be able to send an arbitrary task to be performed
but that is javascript, not node.js
And I suppose if a module is dedicated towards performing a specific task (and not being able to organize an arbitrary thread pool), then it's still possible, sure
there are some cautions to take in account though
you cannot simply spawn each worker process for each dedicated module
I have seen a project from an IT student (his mother is an acquaintance of me and asked me to check it) where he has to setup a chat application using Node.js. Yet, he spawned a worker process for each chat user.
Well if you can't cleanly modularize something, you don't do it
Architecturally seen, it is acceptable, but technologically seen not feasible.
@KarelG and that's just a bad idea
500 users and 500 threads later, system is moving at a crawl
he has to rethink. I suggested to use the workers to receive and send updates
eventually he got the best score :P
that's one of the tricks you learn as you go along
if you want to multithread something, you have to also imagine how that'll scale
1 hour later…
*gives revive*
hi guys what's the difference between a class and a constructor function
like I can set create new object using class constructors or just: function Object(x,y,z){...}
@SanchezPanza not sure I understand your question. You must use constructor to create a new instance of a class
a constructor function can only be defined within a class
maybe i dont fully understand what a class is , and what's its difference to a object
"object" is a representation of a data structure. An instance of a class or function.
well, in a practical sense, not much difference
or just a simple data structure like const obj = {a:1, b:2}
there are some "niceties" that you get using class that you wouldn't with just an object
and in general, you should probably be using object structures for purely data
if you want to add functions to it, then what you have is conceptually a class, not an object
there is a difference between using new on a class or a function object.
that is hoisting. Declarations within classes are not hoisted while it does in functions
@KarelG thanks @KarelG.
@RameshKrishnan wait. That is not correct if you have read the conversation !!!
months starts at 0 in javascript. Scroll a bit up for the right code.
pfff.. what difference does it make if it's off by 30 days
the users will just have to get used to subtracting a month from the date.. EZ PZ
"EZ PZ" ?
ah, does it mean "easy peasy" ?
@Neil - I wasn't saying scalability is preventing it from being used as a main stream primary technology but is that not as equal to java? was my question.
@KarelG yep
@CommonMan they're definitely not equal
they both have pros and cons
It would be unfair to say one is better than the other overall, because that's not true
How is lodash's _.sortBy is able to sort numbers while Array.sort in javascript can't?
yeah got it thanks karle.
const d = '2019-03-11'.split('-').map(Number); d[1] -= 1; new Date(...d);
this is the right one!
@KarelG is always right
@KarelG - but why java is being widespread?
@Breathing the default implementation compares by string values to ensure that no crashes would occur.
lodash checks the types before doing the sort
you can say that javascript can do that as well, but why implement for additional types if you only have to write comparison methods with .toString result of both function arguments?
@Neil steam is updating its UI for Library this year.
@KarelG ugh more updates
I don't even have internet these days. I switched apartments and I'm using what little internet my phone tethering can give me
everytime a game tries to update, I have to stop it or it'lll take up all my bandwidth
you can set it in config that a game does not update automatically
only when you click on an installed game name in Library
I didn't even think of disabling that actually
though I'll bet steam updates just the same
@Neil Set your connection to metered in Windows, I think Steam works with it too
Why hello there!
@OctavianDamiean yo
!!give me a lick
@OctavianDamiean Mmmm! you taste just like raisin
That's right bby!
@rlemon BROOO!
you use discord?
I can install it a little later.
bunch of the regulars are more active there now
I'm back in business! Sort of.
it's more friendly chat and less JS
Awesome, send me an invite link or something.
More memes
Is Caprica there as well?
no cap, but we got bots.
sent you an invite on hangouts
@BenFortune there's a metered mode!?
how did I not know this?
@rlemon cheers!
@SterlingArcher no need to get all toxic bro ...
@BenFortune well that solution still kind of sucks, because it'll use it up in an update and then won't let me use anymore
I'm not too worried about going beyond. I get 30 GiB per month afterall
@Neil it won't update in metered mode
the whole point of it :P
windows might not update, but I doubt that it will prevent Steam from updating
if it actually does prevent steam from updating, that's actually quite an impressive feat from a programmer standpoint
I can't imagine steam not taking advantage of that, it's exposed as a windows api
maybe, maybe not
a lot of bs there too though
yeah, there's no definitive answer
just toggle that setting to not update at all unless you launch that application
is there anything special i need to do to get a variable in a function that linq recognises?
should you not be in C# room for that?
no, you can use linq syntax in your view, including javascript
for example: var players = @Model.WarPlayers.Where(c => c.SeasonId == 3).ToList();
but i am firing a parameter to a javascript function, but when i am passing into my linq statement, it does not recognise it
that is still for C# since we are talking about views that got preprocessed in ASP.NET (Razor engine?)
ah ok, thanks
I love how SO "hacks" around a post ID to handle moderator elections
Q: "The candidates answer your questions.", different elections, same link

SyscallBeing in the election period of the moderators, I wanted to read the answers to the questionnaires of past elections. So I went to the page of the previous election: 2017 Moderator Election . At the bottom of the article, I saw the link "The candidates answer your questions." But, to my surpris...

(especially look at this link)
Does anyone know if it is possible to attach a property to an exported module and then re-export it?
hmm, you mean everytime it is imported, it has an additional property?
something like that?
I wouldn't think so, but it would be an interesting thing to test
@Neil, sort of. I have in a folder A.js, B.js and index.js. In the index file I want to do A.B = B and then export default A so that I can use A and A.B.
I don't know if you have any control over the order in which imports are done
So conceivably A could import B, and then your index imports A and assigns the property
which would mess you up of course, because you need the property set in A
maybe some magic with aliases?
@DimoDoncheff Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
@Chris hmm, can B's exports not contain the properties that you set in B for A?
Like B decorates A, and then your index never needs A, it needs decorated B
that'd probably work
@Neil, yes. I can import B in A and do A.B = B and export that, but I wish I could separate them
well conceptually it's a problem
btw the error I get is Property B does not exist on type {A: ...
when you import a module, you're saying that module needs another module
that's the relationship
If you count on B modifying A, then all other modules still technically need only A, but a modified A which they wouldn't get without B first getting it
it makes sense to make the relationship that they need B, even if B is only a modified A
Yeah, you are correct. I just thought I could split the code a bit this way. Anyway, thanks for your help
well think on it
I'm sure there's another clever solution here
One that doesn't involve you duplicating code
I don't know your specifics, but if you can modify A so that B doens't have to repeat code, then do that
Hi all. I need help converting some GPS coordinates to pixel of an image. Here is an answer which I donโ€™t understand. Any hint is appreciated. stackoverflow.com/questions/20317764/…
is it not possible to change that to a google maps image?
would be helpful because the gmaps library is very useful, especially when adding markers
No, it is not possible.
@DimoDoncheff well, try to make a mathematical formula out of it
And for simplicity, assume there are like 9 pixels on the map
> The role I have is looking fro someone with Angular 2+ experience. I wasnt sure if you had worked with this or only Angularjs.
Bro I don't even have Angular anywhere whatsoever lmao
So what is the position of the first "pixel"? it'd be the middle point of the upper left quadrant, wouldn't it?
There is one in the questions. But I don't get it
upper left , yes
you can calculate that if you know what positions make up the four corners
it's like 1/6th down and 1/6th across
1/6 from what
If you have a 3 by 3 grid of pixels representing your map, right?
the upper left pixel isn't going to be the upper left corner, it's going to be in the middle
so the middle of a pixel in the upper-right hand corner in a 3x3 grid is 1/6th from the left and 1/6th from the top
you see how I got that? This is crucial
the middle of the upper pixel in the 3x3 grid is 3/6th from the left and 1/6th from the top
because you added one full pixel
@DimoDoncheff well, do you have the coordinates of the most upper left corner? Or any other corners of that image?
yes. upper left and bottom right
ok. You have to apply some geometry. When a marker is placed on the map, you have (x,y). You have to project that on the image pixel. Let me draw something in paint
Have a nice Monday lol
That title was so stupid that I actually clicked. Good job
@Jhawins you must live in the past. Can I pass the winning lottery numbers?
@KarelG :P
I'm unemployed I'm bored
@Jhawins have you considered retirement
Yes but my financial adviser says I can't survive the rest of my life on 20K
At least he's optimistic about my life expectancy
I have a technical interview at 330 lol
unemployed? Did you quit jason's company, or whatever?
Also, I feel so out of the loop when it comes to JS these days. I'm too busy to be as involved as I used to be. I think most of that is because I'm putting most of my eggs in the WASM basket, and I feel like JS will become less and less of a forerunner in the web
They fired me and some other people
You were skipping days?
I mean... technically they laid you off, didn't they?
No they terminated me.
With severance
And no I wasn't skipping days lol. As far as I know I did nothing wrong. Just a organizational decision
Ah yeah well I was because of those damn days off during the winter holidays.
I got lazy.
I had like 2.5 weeks off in December, that was sweet
Oh, not fired; laid off?
Yeah, been there
It's actually not that bad, if you get decent severance
No, definitely fired.
You get some time to chill out
Oh, oof
Compared to "You're done, no more pay no nothing log off"
I think I got the same when I was laid off. I had a trip planned to florida and everything already, so I just took my severance and went on vacation, lol
Yeah I went on a trip to visit my brother a couple days later. Fuck it I'm still getting paid
Then I caught up on my beer intake for the year
Now I'm just trying to stay at my desk during the workdays so I don't fuck up my routines
any easy way of converting a 64bit into two 32bit ints
divide it by 2
ya I guess that should work, thought that maybe it might not be a safe operation cool
Rick you need to gain a better grasp of when you're being trolled
@Rick how do you think to "convert" it correctly?
you can put it to a string and split it in two pieces
either that or I need to gain a better grasp of when you're trolling
@KarelG I was thinking of doing that but I don't think it would be useful
or do some bit shifting
that is how it would happen in C
can't shift 64bit
I play Apex Legends while I cry and wait for employers to reach out. Add me on Origin @Jhawinss lol
have you talked to auth0 yet
posted on March 11, 2019 by CommitStrip

rightBlock = val & 0xFFFF...F
leftBlock = (val >> 32 ) & 0xFF.....F
@Rick does that not work?
@forresthopkinsa Yea Shrek refereed me. They said I didn't have enough Backend experience and I was in the wrong timezone
Refereed lol
Close enough
that's funny, I think I had roughly the opposite problem when I applied
I didn't even get a response
He told me that on FB.
There's always Target
Isn't Target in Minneapolis?
ndugger wants you to move
If I was single I'd have taken 2 jobs already in states my girlfriend isn't interested in living in...
then she should manage the household finances at her own only
I just had this girl move 600 miles for me and me alone lol
I hope that she don't blame you for not bringing in the money if you cannot find work
11 months ago. So she deserves some pull
@KarelG you mean shifting after a split, that might work. let me consider it
@KarelG She's the one making money. She has a full time and I'm unemployed
sometimes, having one income is not enough to keep a household finance healthy
it depends.
Like I said I have a technical interview at 330 lol
Doin my bestest
i.sstatic.net/MD0ky.jpg : accepting clients
good luck then
or just be Heisenberg and bring in a lot cash.
step one: phd in chemistry
I'll just take a remote job or this local one I found. Not going to be a problem long term, just short term
/me has no debt and only high expense is a muscle car lol
A fair share of USA citizens are having unhealthy household finances.
Yea we are really generally bad at the dollars
it is actually the responsibility of your government to tackle it down. But a wall has more priority than that.
let's get political, political
Eh. I started with 9 siblings living off a blue collar salary an I'm doing just fine.
Opportunity is there for those who'll work for it
We need to build a wall to keep all of the php developers out
I'm being a bad influence
some of them, I assume, are good people
Any elasticsearch experts in here?
I need to find a way to do an exact match on a field so that it won't match on "Title" if the entire field's value is "Title Value"
I could probably use the regex query, but that's super slow apparently
Use control+F
@ndugger it has to be on fire if you want to keep them out more appropriately ๐Ÿ˜‰
php is already on fire, it being a dumpster fire. I don't think that would act as much of a deterrent to them
Lol I just realized I could apply to a PHP job if I wanted to and that made me sad
we merely adopted the fire. they were born in it, molded by it
@forresthopkinsa It was always burning
who started it
No we didn't light it but we tried to fight it
@Jhawins well, you can apply for that until better opportunities comes by.
PHP is not that bad though.
that was before.... PHP5 shall not be named
now... it is ok'ish
If I end up in a "Until a better opportunity comes along" mode I'll just go to the marina and build race boats for a bit
I stopped using it after 4
All I want to do is front-end at this point lol
She is my love
I broke a $2.50 power button on my Node304 case, costs $35 to ship from like Germany
I don't know why people are talking about PHP infront of JavaScript. Probably they are not friendly about peace of handling of events and programming use cases. Yes, asynchronous generator makes differences here.
@AnupamMaurya Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
thanks for the edit. makes much more sense now
@forresthopkinsa yes๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ณ
I have a query
need suggestions
@AtalShrivastava my suggestion is to ask a question
Yes champion, go ahead
my question is why you need a suggestion for a question that hasn't been asked yet
ok thanks
here we go
[jeopardy theme song]
i have a list where dynamically i can add a new li in ul and i cant add more than 6. suppose i deleted 5th li and then re added it
the count will come to 7
is there any possibility i can assign a deleted count on newly added item
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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