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What additional things do you need the CRA doesn't give you?
And I don't need anything it gives me :P
React apps are not complicated or particularly difficult to get off the ground.
It gives you index.js which is needed isn't it
New file -> index.js -> enter
@Jhawins yeah if anything cra makes it look complicated, but I still will use it or a tool like it because I'm not IT and when I did IT I got tired of config lol
@DavidKamer Yeah exactly that was my point. It makes it seem like there's some complicated first steps to starting an app
@Jhawins That's AT LEAST a 10 minute job
There just aren't. It's dead simple lol
sitting around and configuring things makes me edgy lol
Idk it happens so fast I don't notice
Config step is almost negligible
@Jhawins yeah it was this simple to setup on codepen so I don't disagree: codepen.io/uniwrighte/pen/ZqbBmM
@Jhawins my thing is I like my npm run test and npm start and npm run build plus other ones (like running a local build for demoing) and those are always the same steps to setup
so I probably spend the 5 minutes you're talking about but also have something I like to interface with
Hi there, I am looking for a lib which I can pass an extension for example png or xlsx and return me logo of the extension, for example a png file or svg file which can symbolize the extension
what if said extension has hundreds of logos?
.txt and .html for example
the logo can be any number of different applications
hi, I want to implement a search bar in the header of a mat-tab-group element, just below the tabs. but nothing is display inside mat-tab-group.
@KevinB Yes just a generic one
no such thing
the "generic" icon is typically whatever is installed by default on the OS you are using
it's even different between OS versions
Something like that
something like that can be done purely in css
but with a lots of more icons
I am looking for the lib with all the icons, I thought a npm lib could exists
i doubt it
This is what I meant in regard to my question.. not sure if the design is dumb codepen.io/anon/pen/ebPJyX?editors=1010
@DavidKamer Those are the tiniest things ever
Literally one liners
I put them in package.json manually.
  "scripts": {
    "dev": "webpack --progress --watch",
    "lint": "eslint apps/**/*.js"
So difficult....
npm run dev
With my terminal snippets I don't even need those in every damn project...
And I can type "webpack --progress --watch" within ~1s of the same time as npm run dev
CRA just makes you think these scripts are complicated lol
I just don't like using tools where they don't make things any simpler. For me... It just doesn't. No reason to bottleneck myself into the options provided by a tool I need to install when I can "just do it" immediately and in any way I want :P
@Jhawins to each there own. In the end it is all personal preference.
There is a real point to be made of abstracting trivial steps of programming tho
Liek cool, you can use CRA, but do you know webpack?
The skill doesn't transfer because it's abstracted. Only applies to noobs that have only used cra tho
@Jhawins ouch
I did not intend to make an insult?
We were all noobs once. And we are all noobs at something currently
I just meant it makes it harder to grow since you haven't actually learned to use the tools
"CRA" is a very confusing initialism for us Canadians
What's CRA mean for canadians?
our version of IRS
initialism is a brand new word for me.
It's like an acronym but it's pronounced letter by letter
@towc, mybad I had to take a subway and a bus quick, but check out one app that I'm currently doing for someone you might need to make an acc with stripe and get a secret key and your own publishable key though. github.com/oadese/Glocities-Travel
ATM is an initialism, while PIN is an acronym
this is a fine line:
    const [response] = await Promise.all([page.click(".gcw-submit", "left")]);
No roast please
but the code shows you know some fairly advanced concepts in JS
did you try react?
In what way is that code "fine"?
I have to try that after I learn more about javascript
but brb gotta get lunch
@KendallFrey in the british sarcastic way
(it's taken from the repo that was linked to)
@towc um wtf
this line is from the repo someone here linked to, who later asked for it not to be criticized
@KendallFrey So what is gif
I thought I already explained the concept
@Jhawins I don't think it's really a classifier for noob unless you mean "noob at bootstrapping react with webpack" or if you assume the never used webpack then "noob at webpack"
Yeah, that's what I said
one skill is independent of other skills, thinking that there is one path to learn "development" childish imo
Noob at webpack uses create-react-app and never learns webpack. Sucks for him.
oh I'd agree with that lol
Just makes your learning curve worse when you move to some new framework
WHERE IS CREATE-VUE-APP??? How do I start??
lol, wait for me someone like me or you to make one for them
Yep lol
Classic script kiddie scenario
apparently it only takes 15 minutes to learn how to use webpack: tutorialzine.com/2017/04/learn-webpack-in-15-minutes
It's been 15 months and I still don't learned webpack
Yeah, it's really pretty simple
If you end up using custom loaders or code splitting it can get a little complicated but still not really
I've never seen a webpack config that's more than 60-70lines lol
Mostly empty ones
yeah, it's just one of those things people tend to (or want to) ignore because it is mostly low level logic (well as far as "low level logic" goes with something like JS)
@DavidKamer Except it's not and has almost no complexity lmao.....
What's your thoughts on this solution...put a CRM in an IFrame within an angular client that's used by a customer support agent..let the agent login to the CRM in the IFrame. When the CRM receives a case we try to listen to it from the client by adding a listener on the IFrame and raising a case on the client.
Am I the only one who thinks this is unfeasable?
So far I've had issues with the IFrame not allowed access to set a cookie on login to the CRM embedded in the IFrame and also X frame errors because the CRM is a different domain from the angular client that hosts the iframe
@Jhawins that's why I put that disclaimer in there lol. I was only really talking about what you referred to. Code splitting namely, but lazy loading is another one that comes to mind. Maybe not "low level" but it is pure implementation.
Sorry if thats a bit long winded..any thoughts on it are appreciated :)
how to execute a ajax call only if a input type text has changed? I mean, if someone add 4 letters or more on the input
function checkAvailability() {
	$('#UsName').on('input', function () {
	        url: siteURL + "/veriUSPF.php",
	        data: "changeUsernamePF=" + $("#UsName").val(),
	        type: "POST",
	        success: function(a) {
i tried this, but it's not what i want
it will execute the ajax call every time someone add or delete one letter from the input
@BrianJ lost me at iframes. iframes = bad lol
I think this is the 4th time I've seen this question
@user236945896 just check if the number of letters is more than 4
@Rick rick... 4... 4.... season 4... when? is?! it?!?!
they are all variations on a theme
@user236945896 Debounce.
@forresthopkinsa so you can do background fetch even when the browser is closed. But it shows up in the user's notifications, who can easily cancel it at any time.
having looked into it, my previous opinion that it was a security risk is no longer a position I hold.
e.target.value.length > 3 && jQuery.ajax({...stuff});
@KevinB I don't know if you noticed, but that comment is no longer up.
@user236945896 if I understand you correctly, add e to function() like function(e) and do the last thing I said
replacing stuff with your object lol
it doesn't even show up in the history lol
If your wondering how I was able to accomplish that, it's called SO connections.
@Rick every fetch request no matter what is some level of a security risk lol
along with every network request of any type
thats why...
you need TempleOS
I am referring to something specific forest Gump brought up.
@Rick with service workers?
or pwa
he might have been using service workers. but It's not specific to that
it was about service workers, yeah
service workers always seem kind of icky to me at some level for the same reason @Rick mentioned (even though he's backtracked some). Notifs are the only benefit
oh and cryptominer malware. That's definitely a major plus
well service workers are intentionally limited to make them not really viable for crypto mining
@forresthopkinsa I hope so, but I'm not confident that they can't be utilized en masse to do that
well they're limited by time
so they're not a lot more useful than just javascript
@forresthopkinsa by time?
service worker can only run in background for a few minutes
just make sure you specify the correct size and it should download the whole thing
but if you plan on doing any work on the data while the browser is off. that seems like a dead end.
chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/45036051#45036051 this code is executed onBlur on the input type text. Should i care about spam? If someone spam it
if someone spam it, it could be 4-5 ajax calls at 1 second, i don't know if it could negatively impact my server
@user236945896 you should worry about that server side... It's called a DOS
@forresthopkinsa few minutes how often?
@DavidKamer as soon as the tab is closed
It continues running for a few minutes after the tab is closed
background sync is sketchy and I don't really know the limitations of that
but a typical service worker does not start itself in background
@DavidKamer I mean, could some one do a DDoS attack on the the onBlur function?
@user236945896 they can do it regardless of what your client does is my point. Someone could just directly send requests
someone could write that ajax method into their console without any conditionals and put it in an interval of 100ms and do it way faster than any human
@forresthopkinsa huh, I assume that whatever you use to get notifs is how you'd have to do it. but that would probably alert the user if you couldn't put conditionals in it.
@forresthopkinsa were you talking about ac odyssey before the holidays?
I'm to lazy to search the chat but I know it was someone in this room lol
@DavidKamer hm... i just tried it, you're right. So how to prevent it?
@user236945896 use cloudflare or something like that
@Rick ? i still see it
You could implement something yourself, like put it behind an auth wall and check user id each time an keep the number of requests and disable for x time if it gets above a certain amount
@user236945896 A debounce would stop that
but if they wanted to attack you, the client-side code isn't relevant
a debounce would just stop normal usage of the thing from spamming your server with useless requests.
@DavidKamer I think that was @Jhawins
There's no point in sending an ajax request for a p p and l when someone types out apple, instead just send an ajax request when you've detected that they've stopped typing
@Jhawins were you the one playing AC Odyssey before the holidays?
@KevinB chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/45036475#45036475 you're right, i'm new to jquery, how would i do it? There's a keyword to i seach about it?
"debounce" is the general term for that functionality
but it's basically just a setTimeout tha tgets cleared each time the event happens and re-started
if the event doesn't happen within the duration of the timeout, the ajax request is sent
so if the timeout is 250ms, if the user stops typing for 250ms (thus causing the event to not occur for a duration fo 250ms,) the request would be sent
@DavidKamer yeah I thought so too that IFrames isn't really used anymore..better option would be to hook into an api for the crm
But their solution was to use an IFrame maybe they didn't think it all the way through yet
var timeout;
function onInput () {
  timeout = setTimeout(function () {
  }, 250);
got it, but anyways, i will have a ajax call on this code, what would prevent the user to just copy the ajax part and put it on the console with a "malicious" setTimeout, as @DavidKamer said ?
it's no different than them holding F5
even with setInterval(function(){ajax}, 1);?
they could even run the code from their command prompt and bypass the browser entirely
so what ppl usually do to prevent this?
Focus on making your server able to handle the traffic you expect and then some
that generally handles those kinds of problems too.
Crawlers do the very thing you're worried about on a regular basis
Got it
@KevinB maybe you have forgot mentioning ReCaptcha?
recaptcha only helps prevent automated requests from being successful
it doesn't prevent the request from occuring and thus using up your resources
@KevinB not really. I have not ever encountered spam dos. Bots (even non spam ones) will usually make 5-10 requests to a non existent page for testing (/wp-login). Nothing you can really do about those. Dos and DDOS attacks are usually coordinated and intentional. They are expensive, if done right, and therefore you don't really need too much protection IMO unless your big enough that someone would care to do that.
@KevinB barely. Probably deters more people than bots...
I often will click off a site if they make me enter a captcha. I don't need to spend 1min clicking stop signs, trucks, or cars to aid Waymo in detection.
@user236945896 ^^
@user236945896 Never use client side protection for anything, ever. Anything you give to the client, assume they have it and they can do what ever they want with it. Whether its code, a link, media, or otherwise. Never try to use a give and take back or a give and protect or a give and hide technique. If you don't want them to have it don't give it in the first place. With your case, others have suggested cloudflare (which I would suggest too), if you want to use a captcha, thats fine, but...
Can you only send html and css in body of an email?
I would also suggest requiring it for only suspicious clients (e.g. clients who make multiple requests quickly). Of course do this requirement server side.
@OvieAdese Some JavaScript.
And obv plaintext etc.
A: Is JavaScript supported in an email message?

jsightNo, generally speaking email readers do not allow javascript.

I think very minimal js is supported though.
forms are supported
Thanks @JBis
00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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