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uuh wasn't capturing the external scope like that very dangerous? And better to capture arguments at lambda creation? (Or if it is dynamic, just pass the current io instance as argument)
const getIO = (io=io) => {
  return io;
why is that a problem? hmm I really have no idea.

isn't it eeexactly like:

cont getIO = function(io){
return io;
and that is also not dangerous
or is it oo
I mean yeah with lambda you give also the current scope to the function
var io;
const getIO = () => { return io; }
io = undefined;
//somewhere completely unrelated:
blah =getIO(); //blah is now undefined
but what should happen?
but in my example it is happening exactly the opposite
var io; is at the begining undefined
That is what should happen, it's just that it's easy to miss those things and they tend to bite you back.
than a bit later it has the instance of socket.io
In which case just using a function is probably better and passing the argument explicitly.
import { init } from './myIO';

const io = init();
just pass an init, and get the object from there.
    var io;
    const getIO = () => { return io; }
    // then in sequelize.then(()=>{
        io = socket.io();
    //somewhere completely unrelated:
    blah =getIO(); //blah is now it has the right instance
@rlemon but in the myIo.js I don't have the instance of express()
Then shouldn't the whole function wait for the sequelize promise to complete?
@Suisse so pass it
@rlemon but I need the instance in a lot of other modules, than I have everytime pass the express() to that module?
    sequelize.sync().then(() => {
      let server = app.listen(config.port)
      io = require('socket.io')(server)
      module.exports = {

that would be the best solution
in that case the io is exported and has already the right instance of the server
and in every other module I just could get that one io instance
but because the whole thing is in the callback it is not possible to access it from other modules with require
@paul23 "Then shouldn't the whole function wait for the sequelize promise to complete?" isn't that per se happening? server is starting (noting is working yet - routes doesn't react) than it is running and then when the user hits a route the whole thing is already instantiated
    sequelize.sync().then(() => {
      let server = app.listen(config.port)
      io = require('socket.io')(server)
      module.exports = {

seems like a bad idea all around
@rlemon hmm why is it bad?
you're delaying the module export, and it has an avenue where nothing is exported.
and it just seems messy overall
@SomeGuy I'm not done yet (halfway) but the fmri stuff he quotes is bad science and I don't like the "grandeur" rhethoric (talking about impressive things to make the point. Otherwise it's good so far
What is the code that's actually running then before sequelize has synchronized? (you shouldn't make io a constant in any dependent file, as it isn't constant).
Just passing the io-instance to the functions that require it would be best. As it allows for easy substitution when you start using tests.
@LuckyKleinschmidt thanks!
@BenjaminGruenbaum LuckyKleinschmidt is afk.
@paul23 actually there is no code running before sequelize - I had the require('.routes')(app); there! and I thought app is depending on the server, which is not
If you find passing io too much work I'd look into just creating an actual object in each of those modules, and only initialize those objects (which contain the functions and a reference to io) once you have io instantiated.
@rlemon oh yeah lol, I wish they'd just fix it (the chat flags)
I'm a bit torn on the Python master/slave thing myself to be honest. Like, there are real people who are actually bothered by this who talked to me but I'm not sure if changing the wording around it makes sense.
and I'm sure there are people who don't like "blacklist" vs "whitelist"
and we know people dislike dongle.
I think it's unfortunate that middle ground wasn't sought - for example a docs page explaining why the terms are used.
Huh what's wrong with that?
Master/slave is a very old concept, so what's wrong with it?
@rlemon I'm not - but I actually am sure there are real people who don't like master-slave in code because they talked to me - I honestly found it hard to believe beforehand.
should we use king/vazal in the future?
I had a tongue in cheek idea to raise a PR against React for using Native.
it triggers me
@paul23 apparently people who were slaves (millions of slaves still exist today) don't like it.
@rlemon haha, if it actually bothers you they'll actually change it most likely - but I'm really not a fan of bad faith.
Any term can be loaded for the right people.
That is, the part that surprised me is that people actually got bothered by the master-slave thing.
I wouldn't worry about it.
@paul23 yeah, but I don't think if a term can be loaded is relevant - it matters if it is loaded mostly.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I can almost understand being a bit jarred when just getting into computers, but it very quickly is apparent that it has nothing to do directly or in support of slavery
I just wish there was an actual discussion rather than the whole "either you're doing it and you're a retard or you don't do it and you're an insensitive racist" narrative - that's the part I really hate.
well, that's arguments on the internet
doesn't matter the subject
People in the "business" will have enough experience with it: from hard drives to os design and servers it's nothing weird.
I work with serial devices
Yeah, but Python isn't "the internet" like that - they have pretty decent culture usually
almost all protocols I use are Master -> Slave relationships between devices
That is, the fact internet culture is shitty doesn't mean the discussion needs to be shitty
I'm not saying that's the reason, I'm saying it exists outside of programming discussion
Even USB has this terminology (at least until usb-c)
Oh, absolutely
@paul23 what do you mean by "passing the io-instance to the functions..."

the setup now is like this:

in app.js:

require express
require sequelize

run sequelize => then
create a server instance
pass that server instance to the required io
save that in an const io;
create a getter for that const io;
export the get_io() , so that other modules can require it and get the only instance of io available in the whole app
why do you need io in your other modules?
I just wish there was actual real discussion about it - at the moment we have this alienating culture where the big projects (like Python) just don't engage with the community "at large" because they get trolled or attacked.
It closes the projects up which is unfortunate
shot down for ISE
@paul23 hmm for example I need the same IO instance in different routes?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I feel you don't have to change names because someone feels offended.
you don't
you need a way to trigger IO functions from other modules
@rlemon yes true, the way I use now works, because you have only 1 instance (like singleton pattern)
@Suisse then when that function (the "different route") is called you pass io into the function.
but those different routes has no clue about the IO?
somehow I have to pass it to the routes
aha wait hehe
require('./routes')(app, io)
thats it hä
when I solve the quest how to pass extra arguments to express middleware, than it is solved, I think.
Hmm what html status should I return if the user tries to log in while already logged in? (notice this is normally not possible, other than through postman or the likes)
just 400? not something like 405?
ok for exchanging variables between middlewares you just use res.locals
@paul23 why?
That is, let's say I'm the person writing Python and it bothers me - am I not entitled to make changes in my own code?
We do tons of things so people don't get offended in general. Offending people isn't too great.
yes, but there is a clear line in the sand. some people just want to be offended.
not saying this is the case, but it's happening more and more
so it's a fragile wall to sit on
just send a 200
I don't, I quit at "being polite", having to change culture or speech I refuse to do.
because it is not an error
If you wish to change it for your code: just do so. But don't spent too much work on it, that's silly.
but I do agree, @BenjaminGruenbaum, the conversation is not possible when incoherent attacks are being pushed out first. "if you think this change isn't important you are showing your true colours and are a racist POS" vs "if you think this change is important you are a snowflake and should grow up"
neither are going to progress anything
they are the arguments that make the maintainers just make a call without public discourse
@rlemon who are these people who just want to get offended though? Do you know any of them in real life in person?
@BenjaminGruenbaum does it matter if I personally know them?
I feel like that is overrepresented - I feel like just because people get offended doesn't make their opinion more valid.
I've seen them interact
The thing is - I keep hearing about these people but I don't know how many people are actually interacting in bad faith
Most is my experience.
@rlemon yeah, exactly - plus there's a false sense that there is no middle ground
@paul23 your experience where?
In politics in the Netherlands.
But there is no middle ground: as those who feel it actually matters (either way) do also feel that "doing nothing" is the worst thing. Thus trying to find a middle ground will leave both those groups in an angry state.
Yeah but why do we need to cater to those people and not the technology?
Also, it's a very cheap shot to say that without trying in my opinion.
Those who wish to work a middleground quickly feel indifferent thus they will not raise their opinions. Hence you won't be able to find it.
Like, what if we used master-slave but agreed to not use it in new code? What if we used it in existing code but added a note? What if someone made a donation against sex-slavery in Python's name to offset it like carbon emissions? Like - there are a ton of things to try before polarization
@BenjaminGruenbaum And who would be satisfied with that?
@paul23 or they're just scared of being attacked - I feel very safe here because I've been here for 6 years and know everyone - but I'm pretty sure if I had this discussion in reddit I'd be attacked and called both a SJW and a racist twat several times over.
not everyone
you'll never please everyone
but you might be able to not piss off everyone
I saw someone complain (non ironically) about touch and fsck
you'll never please everyone
I experienced the more you try to not piss off everyone, the more you notice how much you piss off people. And that's just demotivating: so I would just not care.
I think there is a world of difference between people who are complaining in good faith or not.
The thing is - these are real people you are alienating (either way), my view changed a lot over the last 5 years. I was firmly in the "these sjws should just stfu and leave it to tech" camp then.
Like I could start complaining about how "Dutch" is actually a derogatory term and we should be called "people from the Netherlands" or something.
You could - but that would be in bad faith.
Yet it is true, I've just learned to be proud of it.
There are maybe 50-150 people in a large open source project - you can actually ask all of them.
I feel like everyone should just do that.
You really don't have to cater to everyone - you do have to cater to your collaborators though
@BenjaminGruenbaum yea, ignoring your team and opening 100 PRs don't exactly work out in the real world :P
Sure but be mindful that this can open pandorra's box and people will leave because of the opinions raised.
@rlemon lol
why is this pandora's box though?
@paul23 you haven't had everyone's experiences though - it's possible some people are legit scared whenever they see that terminology. You can use the word rape and then complain that rape victims are triggered but honestly I don't really see why you would do that.
because you'll get people bikeshedding morality
That is, why is using terms that are subjectively problematic such a big deal?
the master/slave thing doesn't bother me (although it could. natives were used as slaves at a time) -- I have no horse in this race. but I could have a big voice.
so it turns into bikeshedding morality
Because ^ that..
and then no one wins
Right, but if it bothers some people - then isn't the least political thing to do is to not debate morality and just change it?
btw 99% of the population ha been slaves at one point in history
if not 100%
well, s/population/races/
Let's say it wasn't morality related - let's say I didn't like the color teal and wanted the python code base to not contain that colour but instead use "azure" for that colour. If I was a python collaborator everyone would be ok with that - complain about "churn" at best and it'd land uneventfully.
@BenjaminGruenbaum have you seen the pep572 discussion?
Like, I don't think this is actually about being able to use every word - I think that if people made requests that were less associated with the sjw crowd no one would complain
@paul23 I have not, nor am I too familiar with the people involved or their experiences - why?
atm, I think they should leave it. but I also haven't seen any better terminology. a lot of these arguments would be better if a solution was presented (a good one) from the start.
too many issues are just "don't use this. use something else. discuss"
and I realise that is subjective. some people might thing agent or controller or w/e are better
I don't
Yeah, I personally blame our culture as an industry though. Programming is so fear driven lol
Well it caused so much controversy that Mr. van Rossum had to pick a decision (over whether := would also become valid syntax).. And the backlash was so heavy that Mr. van Rossum reevaluated his role as bdfl.
Open source leadership leads to a lot of stress and people feeling entitled for your help and think they are entitled to have a say.
Like, open source burnout is pretty huge.
But I think it's a proxy to programming in general where we have a very fear driven culture.
For example - we really like criticising things we haven't used and calling them shit. Where do you think that's coming from?
there are pretty big problems with entitlement in open source.
It's just an example of how small things can have huge opinions.
@rlemon Oh yeah definitely, it's all very unclear
> In the end, he had to stop reading the threads so he wouldn't "go insane".
I have heard that sentiment more than once, usually in private.
"I have disengaged because I am concerned about my mental health" is something I've heard more than once or twice before.
we were discussing TJ (express and koa, etc guy) and people get upset when he stops working on a project. I think treating an open source project like a child is a good mentality, but you have to let it grow
It's really easy to go somewhere and drop a "bomb" as a discussion topic, even something that seems trivial to an outsider. So just be very careful when discussing things, I tend to just don't do it unless you have a facial contact with someone.
at a certain point we let children go to school. they get taught by someone other than us, then they move out and become their own thing
you can't always coddle them
@BenjaminGruenbaum I vaguely recall seeing you say that at least once too, and I distinctly recall thinking it at least 4 times in the PHP internals, when I was still active there.
People got pissed at tj for selling express to IBM in my opinion and not for stopping to work on it. I totally get why he did though.
@MadaraUchiha oh, I disengage a lot better now and Node is much nicer now. I don't recall it but it's certainly possible I've said it.
That is, I'm a lot less tolerant towards this sort of aggressive and hostile discussion though it's something I acknowledge I used to do myself in the past.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Meh, if people seriously care enough about it to be pissy, they can just make a fork and call it velocious or something, to keep it "pure"
because the promise isn't resolved.
Just like other projects have done
@paul23 yeah but that's a pretty shitty outlook. You should be able to engage constructively.
Hi folks !

Why this code returns: `Promise { <pending> } 'Hello World'`
Promise.resolve([anAsyncFunction(),"Hello World"]).then(([first,second]) => { console.log(first,second); });
@MadaraUchiha "people can make a fork" implies people can and that people will maintain a fork. That's a lot of work.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Then at least do that during a conference, don't open a topic on the internet for debate.
and why this works as expected:
@robe007 Markdown doesn't work well on multiline messages
@robe007 because you resolve an array with a promise and a string
Promise.all([anAsyncFunction(),"Hello World"]).then(([first,second]) => { console.log(first,second); });
if you want to resolve an array, use promise.all
@paul23 that's a very pessimistic outlook in my experience that implies we can't make meaningful decisions online.
@robe007 Promise.resolve() accepts a value, any value. If it's a Promise, it will wait. If it isn't, it resolves instantly.
You passed an array (doesn't matter that it had a Promise inside), and an array is not a Promise.
@BenjaminGruenbaum About emotionally loaded subjects? I've not seen that work well.
Therefore, it fulfilled instantly, and the inside Promise didn't have time to resolve yet.
@paul23 I have (in Node), we've had 0 issues in the last year or two and almost a dozen "almost"s that were effectively de-escalated into meaningful discussion.
There's a reason that in science you should report without emotional attachement: otherwise you'll never have a good discussion.
@MadaraUchiha Ok, you're right, understood! Thanks for the explanation
Also, discussion can be respectful. For example I disagree with @snek and Jordan about what Node should do about unhandled promise rejections and it's something I feel strongly about and it's loaded - but I respect both of them and am happy they're speaking up about different PoVs.
That is, it's not about being right it's about figuring out what's true.
@paul23 have you done much science? It's very very emotionally attached
@snek deno is replacing v8 with zend FYI
Will it come packaged with WordPress OOTB?
Ryan hates google
@MadaraUchiha yea, your choice of 1 premium theme as well
@paul23 my dad is a scientist (like a legit scientist) and his work is a lot more emotionally attached than anything we do. Their emails are also very poisonous generally and mostly political.
@rlemon oh wow I'm sold.
@rlemon Sign me the duck up!
@BenjaminGruenbaum yet the papers (I hope) he writes are written in a neutral manner.
I'm just trying to figure out how to replace the event loop with something made from Mongo
then we've got a winner
And actual conclusions are drawn based on papers, not on coffee corner talks.
@paul23 do you honestly believe most people have no strong feelings about their research?
@paul23 Yes, but the more work you put into something, the more emotionally involved in it you become, it's part of human psyche (a.k.a. the project becoming "your baby")
they don't spend 90K on education, then work for 30 years making 30K/year because they don't care.
Science is a calling for these people - they feel like it is their duty and their destiny - my dad works (well, worked, he's had recent health problems) 14-18 hour days for 40 years.
@BenjaminGruenbaum sure they do, otherwise you fail sooner or later. - However when you discuss things through a non direct medium (papers/articles, and responses to that) you use a neutral standpoint as much as possible.
Good science still gets made but it's very emotionally attached - more than programming anyway.
You see this more commonly with prize laureates, they are some of the most emotional people I've met. Mostly because for the most of them people were calling them crazy for 30 years.
@paul23 Scientific papers and reports are aimed so that anyone wanting to reproduce the experiment in the most objective way can do so, and hopefully see the same results (thus confirming the hypothesis lined up in the paper)
@Shmiddty <3
Ok So I am trying to send POST requests with axios, but I want to add some delay in between POSTS.

let list =['item1', 'item2', 'item3', 'item4'];

function add_item(list,item){
      .then(function (response) {
      .catch(function (error) {

for(let i of list){
 add_item(config.list, i)
That is, imagine believing very strongly about something for 30 years and being called an idiot but knowing you're right. That is my experience talking to my dad's friends who are now more acknowledged.
Just like code, pure code, is devoid of emotions, it does a function, a computation, or serves some purpose, and that's it.
But much like code (and probably much more) the discussion around it (and I suspect the meta discussion too) is generally loaded.
@MadaraUchiha funnily, my dad told me that he got a few emails with "we tried reproducing your results, we were surprised to find that it works and the science checks out" - mostly in his earlier years.
@ex080 the delay belongs somewhere else...
@ex080 won't work like that,unless you hold the process.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Ha, "We are happy to inform you that you aren't as big of an idiot as we'd expected!"
I think most people (me included) just have bad emotional intelligence - I'm working on it but it's hard. Most people can't accurately name and pinpoint what they're feeling and are terrified of their emotions and actually dealing with them in my experience.
@MadaraUchiha "sorry for calling you an idiot for 30 years, here's some money!"
@BenjaminGruenbaum Friend, you have been working with "Petka Antonov(esailija)" or "Bergi" in the development of Promises or Bluebird ??
I tried set timeout within the for loop but that didn't work
@robe007 I'm bluebird core, sup?
    function looper(n) {
      // do your stuff.
      if( n )
        setTimeout( () => looper(--n), timeout);
if you want to send one request at a time, without using async/await, don't use a for loop.
( Also, Bergi isn't bluebird core, Bergi is great though and I trust him - he is knowledgeable in promises and has a gold badge)
@BenjaminGruenbaum Bah, I have a jQuery gold badge, and I'm no.... shit.
You have the cards to back it up
Ahh i see. Basically I loop through the list using n
thanks @rlemon and @KevinB
@ex080 Just use async await and make your life easier.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yes, it is. It's just a curiosity.
Don't do recursion and closures just for that...
@robe007 The only one who actually wrote bluebird is Petka. Me and Spion (Gorgi) gave in a lot of feedback about the design and help maintain it (since 2013). I do have some commits in but not a ton (I have commit access though). I actually gave a talk about all this in 2015 (I think?) here.
ok i'll have to go read up on async and await don't know enough to write it on the fly
My focus (when I'll be back from holiday and am hopefully more productive) isn't bluebird though - it's node core.
I don't think there's anything wrong with a recursive approach there.
@rlemon It's much less readable than a for..of with an await delay() inside
Though I do intend to actually start branching out and trying to collaborate on something entirely different. I feel like I haven't learned enough in the last year outside of work knowledge.
@MadaraUchiha subjective.
hmm on a javascript related topic: we have a server that spawns an internal C application. Now the server needs to "wait" till that C application has fully initialized, which is marked by an entry into a database. Currently we use just a while loop to check that entry constantly.
@paul23 the short answer or the long one?
@rlemon Perhaps, but I'll bet money that if you pulled a fair survey, I'll have more support on the nition.
This has always felt "bad" to me, however I can't really think of a different way without rewriting the C application.
people like new shiny things
@paul23 What kind of database?
@paul23 I'm almost certain that postgres has triggers
@paul23 Don't spawn C programs on your Node server. Push the message into a queue and process it on another machine consuming from the queue. The server waits by listening to a second queue. An alternative is an HTTP server.
@BenjaminGruenbaum this is our "must do sometime in the future, but for now is YAGNI".
  function looper(n) {
    add_item(config.list, list[n])
    if( n )
      setTimeout( () => looper(--n), 1000);
That worked :)
@MadaraUchiha I would poll rather than use a trigger to be honest - we tried both in TipRanks and I tried postgres triggers (it does have them) in other changes and we ended up polling.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Why?
@paul23 that's fine, it's a tradeoff. Not saying what you're doing is inappropriate just that it's not the common solution because it makes scaling hard.
@BenjaminGruenbaum That's admirable. And do you meet with these people in person or only by internet?
@MadaraUchiha because triggers make it very easy to shoot yourself in the foot and felt like magic. It might have been our incompetence at the time.
yeah, especially since docker people also don't like this approach.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Meh, making an abstraction that returns a Promise once a trigger you want is fired doesn't sound too difficult to me
@robe007 I've met Petka a few times, haven't met Bergi. Node core gets together twice a year - I'm missing the next one because I don't feel like it's fair to my workplace (I'm in a month long holiday at the moment) enough but the last one was pretty great and I'll attend the next one.
Q: jQuery/JSON content data loading

DanielI'm a beginner in JS so.. I was searching for the answer but with no result at all. I've this $(document).ready( function() { $("#load_p1").on("click", function() { $("#content").load("p1.html"); }); }); $(document).ready( function() { $("#load_p2").on("click", function() {...

@BenjaminGruenbaum :(, I've only met boring people, like @Mosho
@MadaraUchiha it's like git modules - it mostly works but when it doesn't the stories (well, צ׳יזבטים) are scary enough that you don't take the risk usually.
@rlemon I've met this Mosho guy you speak of :D
did he try to bench press you too?
I've also met BadgerCat and copy in Amsterdam one time which was fun though we weren't too well organized.
I've met the ben with the green lantern pic, Kendall, and Mosho.
@BenjaminGruenbaum who else have you met?
@BadgerCat Ben, Dor
@rlemon I lost a food related bet to him once.
@BadgerCat woof woof! long time no see!
@JonClements <3 hi dog
haha... that's puppy to you :p... how you been?
Good, good, yourself?
Hmm, we should do a mod meeting sometimes
Me too :P
Get elected first, lazy bastards
Bask in the glory of the mighty flag queue
Hey, I'll have you know I placed a solid 11th place in my candidacy
I get honorary invite for being ubiquitous in chats
> caps invited, rlemon is not.
If I ever get a diamond is because I apply for a job at SE, not because I volunteer for cleanup duty - I really don't want to interact with all the people mods need to interact with as part of their job :D
Plus - I don't watch the flag queues anyway - some people enjoy cleaning it I'm just not one of those people.
If I ever get diamond, it's because I figured out how to add Unicode to my name.
add it as a feature to so dark chat
@BenjaminGruenbaum That's a good idea, go be a dev, and discreetly develop features for chat.
Just for me. 100 users think I'm a mod
You know, like an unbroken chat flag system?
Good April fool's joke
@BenjaminGruenbaum Nice, Benjamin. And any one can participate on that node's core meetings?
@rlemon Brilliant - @Madara and I can just point users your way then :)
Stack should just use a 3rd party chat system and develop a bot for it
BTW: Happy lunch for everyone xD
@robe007 not in those particular ones - but if you're really interested in attending anyway there is plenty of room to come on board until May (the next one). Just look up the contributing process and ask around in node-dev on IRC if anyone can find you anything to work on.
@rlemon sorry - without a diamond I can't accept that tag... :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum Thanks again for yur answers. And thanks to @rlemon too, who is always here helping with promises xD
@JonClements 💎
I wonder what a salary at SE as a dev would make
@robe007 sure thing - you're welcome to show your thanks by being involved :) (or not, totally fair)
@SterlingArcher check the calculator
Should I just read docs on async and await and play around in node playground?
don't even need node playground
they work in your browser
test it in production
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yeah, sure why not. That's the idea: learning promises to help others !
oh i use the one from repl it in my browser so i dont have to save anything to my comp
@KevinB lol
Promise tag could always use love
related: repl.it allows live collaboration now
long overdue IMO
@BenjaminGruenbaum definely :3
@forresthopkinsa collab mode is almost always poorly done and painful to use
and when I say "almost always" I'm just being generous. never seen one that worked well.
omg hi forrest
darn it... why am I doing something sensible like saving up for a house when I really want one of these :(
u could always live in the car
or u could buy a tesla roadster
just get a single-wide
What is single wide?
a very small house
more or less a trailer
@rlemon don't like Google Docs?
@ex080 what's up my man
idk how i feel about people with really nice cars and small houses.
probably more trailer than house
@forresthopkinsa nope
nm, chillin while doing some text processing
what don't you like?
also have test in a bit
@ex080 Fun times
rlemon do u like office365
does anyone like office365 though
I feel like google docs/drive is really hard to organize. If only they would provide basic utilities like mv, cp, mkdir, etc..
lol i like office365 more than libreoffice
o365 is a web port and it's not a high priority for MS
are we talking about o365 web?
and yeah I agree that a terminal would be SUPER cool for Drive
@forresthopkinsa I'm not a huge fan of offline tools being shoved into the cloud period
They are super conservative about o365 though
if u dont type for 30 seconds it auto shuts off
editors, spreadsheets, accounting, cad, PS
give me a damn program.
my workflow would go so much faster. However, you can always just use the Drive Sync program and manage your files locally
they dont have drive sync for linux
now.. sync. yes. cloud storage for files I'm a fan of
but putting the program itself on the web.. meh
@rlemon but what don't you like about the live collaboration though
it's often laggy, the ownership is skewed, and conflicts happen more regular.
I think all the ROs and active members should do a group collab project
we've tried. we're busy.
11 people commit. 3 do actual work. nothing gets finished.
story of my life
the most successful 'group' project we've done is contribute to Capricas source code
(written by Zirak)
need an incentive
GPUs r getting cheaper now that the mining craze is going down
What's the longest runtime you guys ever had?
The chat keeps getting me for typing too fast. It thinks I'm flooding.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Agreed that it's not the best - I read at the same time as Sean Carroll's The Big Picture and that felt very complementary. I don't really remember the fMRI stuff or anything, though, just that I did enjoy it at the end
@SomeGuy BenjaminGruenbaum is afk.

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