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@JBis working with hls is literally my job - so I'm probably biased - but I think it's all reasonable.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Whats your job? If you don't mind.
@BenjaminGruenbaum 🤔 The state does not mutate, at least in mine.
@JBis I work at Peer5 ( peer5.com ) - we contribute to hls.js and other such projects (when able)
@jake if the state does not mutate then how does your UI update?
And steal your bandwidth
@BenjaminGruenbaum It returns a new state object based off of the action props. Let me show you an example
@jake like, if your app's state is immutable - then how does your UI change when the user does stuff?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Cool. Lots of behind the scenes companies that no-one knows about (or at least I don't) that power things we use every day.
@jake It's a rhetorical question... if you get a new state object then the state object was replaced right?
So it was mutated right? Just one level up - and your views may have stale state :D
Missed my omni-bar
People don't get mad that Peer5 is using their bandwidth for other ppl
Well, you can just tell the people when they sign up which is what our biggest users do
@BenjaminGruenbaum Material example:
People usually opt for a better video quality and less buffers - at least in the sites that give them the choice.
@JBis We had a large discussion on this in the past. Seems you do get notified in a lot of cases, I personally would opt-out
@jake did you actually watch my presentation?
@JBis also - it's automatically turned off on metered.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Is that the option presented? "Do you want higher quality and less buffers?" Or does it actually explain that they're giving out bandwidth :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum Some of it, but I am trying to answer your concerns here.
@LadyBird it's up to the broadcaster using us and not our concern - but it's usuaully presented very clearly.
I am using a wonderful ISP who can't even tell me the amount of bandwidth I use monthly let alone where I used it. SO I have no throttles, no caps, no tracking and equal up/down speeds. So tbh, I would probably opt-in at this point
When I was using Cox? Nah.
@BenjaminGruenbaum This is the diff when running that function:
That's very common in most of Europe and in Israel btw, though again - we don't work on mobile or throttled connections
That is - if you have a cap we turn ourselves off.
How do you know when a connection is metered?
ISP detection?
@jake right, so you have state mutations with redux - do you agree?
@LadyBird basically we pay a fuckton of money for a database that maps IPs to ISP plan and err on the side of caution
Figured, that's about the only feasible way
@BenjaminGruenbaum Very interesting technology anyway. How do you get around port forwarding?
@BenjaminGruenbaum No, you always return a brand new object as the new state:
But that would imply you don't function on any Comcast connections? That seems way too large of an exclusion
Note that is an object spread (object-rest-spread)
You basically hosting a streaming server on every computer.
Cox, Century Link, etc. It is extremely rare in the USA (afaik) to have an unmetered/capped connection
@jake let's say I have var x = {y : 3}, do you agree that in both x = {y: 4} and in x.y = 4 there is mutation?
@JBis Remember LimeWire? Heard of torrents? @BenjaminGruenbaum correct me if I'm wrong but, essentially it is the same deal jsut a P2P network and you are the tracker
@LadyBird to be honest the USA is not one of our bigger markets anyway, it's mostly places with terrible internet infrastructure like latin america where we're huge
Oh, you should have mentioned that in our last discussion :P. The whole premise makes so much more sense in that context
@LadyBird right, that is a good analogy though most of our challenges are working on live video which is a lot harder + we focus on good user experience.
@LadyBird Yes true.
@LadyBird I liked how you were against it and wanted to figure out why and how we can improve - honestly I like talking about the problematic parts rather than what we're good at.
@JBis Potentially non-consensual. I mean. Let's be honest we have no reason to believe every single Peer5 user didn'topt-in explicitly and understand the implications. We're just speculating
Yes, because you are mutating x. Correct:
var newX = {y : 3}
return {...state, x: newX};
Right, and it's possible sites are using us without telling the users anything - it's a SaaS service.
Yea I'd like to work on shit like that
@LadyBird "no reason to believe every single Peer5 user didn'topt-in explicitly and understand the implications" Source: Common Sense
All I do now is help us sell your phone numbers to cold callers
@jake right, how do you think redux works? When you return from the reducer it's doing setState({state: newState}) which is an assignment.
Not really. But that's all it feels like usually.
Well, Peer5 does really interesting shit that is hard - we sort of still suck at it too.
@JBis Ayyy that's still common sense speculation
It's just a very hard problem doing it for live video in real time - matching the right peers, doing delivery well, improving UX and working around congestion issues.
I just wanna do automotive oriented interfaces
Would love my job
It's the hardest thing I've ever had to debug since it's distributed.
Yeah, definitely sounds like some interesting work days
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm not too familiar with STUN. Does it have to be supported by the routers?
it's more science than engineering - doing experiments and seeing what works and trying to understand why. It's weird but sort of fun that way.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I don't think so, it updates the store prop on the <Provider> component. Give me a sec to check the source redux.js.org/basics/usage-with-react#passing-the-store
@JBis read about it a bit, I just blasted you with like 10 new technologies.
@jake don't bother - I recommend instead spend like 10 minutes thinking about it - "if state is what my app presents and my state doesn't change - then how does the UI show new things?"
Something we always talked about but never did... Pinning a new technology or 2 every week for room focus
Updating the store prop is still assignment - just to a store prop - redux just hides the assignment from you - it's about controlling state mutations in order to do change detection (since it's in one place)
I vote Deno, some really interesting discussion happening there at the moment.
Ah jeez, TS, something I have managed to avoid for 7 years as a JS dev
Namely, David Fowler (of C# and asp.net fame) and Rob Pike (of C and Go fame) showed up. The discussion isn't about TypeScript it's about something that looks elusively simple
Good link? Or just go to the GH
Like, whether it should be read(buffer) or something else - I argued a bit for async iterators but was convinced against it as a default for the interface
import { test } from "https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/testing.ts"
There is context that went through emails though
You can do that....?
Oh native imports?
I like typescript, except when i come across something i think should "just work" and it doesn't because typescript complains about it and i can't figure out why
@BenjaminGruenbaum It looks like it passes the new store as props.store github.com/reduxjs/react-redux/blob/master/src/components/…
No, Deno doesn't work yet - code doesn't run yet other than "hello world", in about 4-5 weeks it will work I think
@BenjaminGruenbaum More than that. I know less then you think. I'm in High School. Self taught based on need to know. Started real programming <1 year ago. Networking ~1 year ago. Cyber-Security ~1.5year ago.
@BenjaminGruenbaum with some extra magic here: github.com/reduxjs/react-redux/blob/master/src/connect/…
@KevinB Yeah I have seen people spend 3 hours in here trying to figure out how to type some obscure but extremely simple argument.... Huge turn off.
but when i'm not running into those problems, I really like it
@JBis being in high school is totally fine though - I know some high schoolers who can kick my ass when it comes to coding lol
I like that it tells me when i f'd up in some obscure way that otherwise wouldn't have been very obvious
I think it'd be cool, but I don't think using it for a personal project would be worthwhile for me. I'd have to find a legitimate reason to delve into it
@KevinB open an issue rpobably
TypeScript used to suck but now it doesn't IMO.
It feels like you can really architect code within TS
By the way, phenomnomnominal wrote some really cool TypeScript tools and gave talks about them in conferences.
well, each case has been due to my own mis-understanding
Get really sensible errors and such, but you have to do just that, architect it
such as not understanding how to create custom types or how to extend those already existing
@BenjaminGruenbaum Lol. I'm want to go into cyber security so know how to code is important but from a diff perspective. (I find coding a bit boring at times.)
@BenjaminGruenbaum So no, it does not look to be using setState() ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@JBis 99% of people who do cyber security actually do QA - there - now when you decide to do it you can't say I didn't warn you :D
As an example, i need something as simple as adding a new property to the request object, and i spent hours trying to figure out how to get typescript to stop yelling at me about it
Product*100<(Time Put in)
@JBis why is your email X.stackexchange? Where are you studying
@jake you totally missed my point but sure.
@BenjaminGruenbaum What point?
6 mins ago, by Benjamin Gruenbaum
@jake don't bother - I recommend instead spend like 10 minutes thinking about it - "if state is what my app presents and my state doesn't change - then how does the UI show new things?"
there were a few tutorials about that very problem, but i couldn't get any of them to work. I ended up turning it into a learning experience, figuring out how to create my own custom types and how to extend my own, at which point i was able to do it myself, which worked
@jake my point was that programming is tastefully composing side effects and controlling mutation. Redux is a tool to control mutation for a certain goal (change detection) - without mutation your code literally doesn't do anything.
@LadyBird I have 20+ emails all for different things. (And yes I use a password manager). | Wanted separate email.
RIP "I use a password manager"
My main site is AskDifferent got almost 3k+ over there
!!stat JBis
@LadyBird JBis (https://stackoverflow.com/users/7886229/jbis) has 240 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 12 questions, gave 4 answers, for a q:a ratio of 3:1.
avg. rep/post: 15. Badges: 0g 1s 11b
@CapricaSix Well thats embarrassing.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Seeing as reducers must be pure functions, I'm not sure you know what you are talking about with 'side effects'.
@JBis why? rep is a metric of participation and not anything else.
@jake I really wish we'd have this discussion after you do a functional programming course or two :D
I've been here about the same time as Benjamin
@LadyBird You (https://stackoverflow.com/users/1596138/lady-bird) have 2349 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 8 questions, gave 30 answers, for a q:a ratio of 4:15.
avg. rep/post: 61.81. Badges: 0g 18s 40b
A program can't be just pure functions - then it wouldn't react to anything - you need to deal with I/O somehow
!!stat BenjaminGruenbaum
@LadyBird User Elusio proved elusive.
@LadyBird Benjamin Gruenbaum (https://stackoverflow.com/users/1348195/benjamin-gruenbaum) has 176645 reputation, earned 88 rep today, asked 72 questions, gave 1786 answers, for a q:a ratio of 36:893.
avg. rep/post: 95.07. Badges: 60g 384s 430b
I'm not embarrassed
@LadyBird Nothing. My school only teaches Java. Legit makes me want to shoot myself. So bad.
Worth mentioning that my stat is because I wrote some code for some libraries and answered questions for said libraries for a while. I only have like 10-20 answers I'm proud of.
lol Idk man, average rep/post at 90 with that much content
That's just canonicals
Is like playing call of duty for 2000 hours and still having a good K:D
@JBis + @jake - here - learn something new learnyouahaskell.com - you're in for a treat :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum I started with RxJS back in my angular days, I'll forkJoin circles around you any day.
@jake would it help if I said I've been doing Rx way before there was an RxJS and that I was on the committee who introduced RxJS to Angular with Ben Lesh and he's (sort of) a friend of mine?
Also, that quote "programming is tastefully composing side effects" is by Erik Meijer who invented Rx in the first place (and also has a great Haskell course).
Q: .htaccess Compare Cookie with data from file/link

JBisFrom this answer, I know I can check if a cookie has a value with RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE} !cookie_name=specific_value; [NC] But I would like specific_value to be an list of values pulled from a file/link. Heres what I mean in a mix of .htacess and PHP RewriteEngine On Rew...

Surprised this wasn't answered, that's actually useful for other users too
Needs better title tho
@LadyBird Thanks
@jake here - that will actually teach you Rx channel9.msdn.com/Events/Lang-NEXT/Lang-NEXT-2014/… :D That's where that quote is from and a great talk.
Actually, I'm not sure if "Friend" is appropriate, we had a few beers and talk on messenger sometimes.
@LadyBird it's ez with stuff like "How to convert a callback API to promises" - I bet on the right tech - sort of like meme economy
@BenjaminGruenbaum a friendly acquaintance, perhaps
lol this question
Q: Assign the latitude and longitude from Geolocation's getCurrentPosition to variables

JBisI am trying to set the longitude and latitude of this function found on W3Schools to a variable (let's just say y and z), then I need to display y: <script> var x = document.getElementById("demo"); function getLocation() { if (navigator.geolocation) { navigator.geolocation.ge...

Quote me "What is document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML?"
@TylerH yeah, that's probably better, friend is a bit much - though I do consider SomeKittens a friend and we've only had a beer once. And I haven't ever met phenomnomnominal but I love that dude.
Been keeping better touch with all of them than Mosho for instance though I worked with Mosho for over a year and I consider him a friend, weird.
Q: Java Serialization Behavior

Benjamin GruenbaumI'm going through serialization and I can't understand the following: I don't understand why the output of this code is: import java.io.*; public class InnerOuterTest { public static ObjectOutputStream out; public static ObjectInputStream in; static { try { out...

Basically, an answer should have just said "this is undefined behavior" - also my question there is pretty terrible.
@BenjaminGruenbaum First protected question with more downvotes then upvotes that I've seen.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm sure that linking presentations you did, being part of MobX and knowing Ben Lesh make you feel an authority, smart and relevant. I'm not putting down your accomplishments, but bringing those things up instead of discussing my points feels like a self-esteem issue. I have done noting to warrant this kind of 'punching down'.
@jake I haven't said anything relating to my qualifications until you bragged and said " I'll forkJoin circles around you any day."
@Cerbrus Well people should not take that as rude.
So basically " I'll forkJoin circles around you any day." was the thing you've done to warrant an appeal to authority - before that I was trying to explain the mutation. Maybe it's an ESL thing though.
Wheres @CapricaSix hosted?
rlemon hosts it
they shouldn't take the alternative as rude either... but it do.
@BenjaminGruenbaum who dat
@jake I do warmly recommend watching "Duality and the End of Reactive". For what it's worth - you came with a question and I replied with a lot of material - instead of reading it or looking at it you proceeded to argue about it. I'm sorry if I came off as rude.
@JBis he has the most messages in chat ever + he once pooped on a slide
Am I going crazy?
I make a 4" x 4" square. Ok so thats 288px x 288px. Then I go make a square on the website I'm working on and it looks smaller than it's supposed to be.
@benlevywebdesign Ctrl+0/CMD+0?
@jake also, I do not need to feel like an authority or smart or relevant - you came into a chat room I've lurked in and asked a question so I was trying to answer it. I'm not even using either Redux or MobX in my job now it's just an hobby to talk APIs.
@JBis 100%
@benlevywebdesign Padding? Margin?
@benlevywebdesign CSS?
clipped overflow? All the usual suspects
Also, 4" x 4" isn't 288px x 288px...
@benlevywebdesign IE? lol jk
@BenjaminGruenbaum none, @JBis Yes css
What is 4 inches by 4 inches then?
@benlevywebdesign you do realize 4" x 4" isn't 288px x 288px right?
Alright guys
@benlevywebdesign It doesn't work that way, I have a 60" TV that's 1080p and a 13" monitor that's 1080p - they have the same amount of pixels but a different size
Isn't ppi variable?
Its been good but I gtg
There is no way to do 4" x 4" on a monitor other than to have the user use a ruler.
Thanks for help from all!
@CapricaSix Bye bot. Cya next time you yell at me about the rule.
In a design program you can do 4"x4" and it stays the same no matter the screen so how could I get close on the web?
JASON.js.org advice anyone. Right now my plan is basically JSON with template string support
template literals allow new lines with out nasty escaping
@LadyBird just skimmed the movie lady bird. Hmm very interesting.
Nope, sorry
Anyway, I got to go
@BenjaminGruenbaum forkJoin was a playful nod that I have experienced Rx. I personally find forkJoins to be the most difficult
Had definitely not seen the movie
@jake sorry if it came off as rude - anyway, enjoy the duality talk - it's mind blowing and actually explains Rx, I also have one myself where I implement Rx from scratch which is pretty easy (I think I do forkJoin there) I can find. Anyway - got to go!
has relationship problems but who doesn't in high school
!!afk wife is pissed I'm not coming to sleep :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum I don't think ill of you, Ill take a look at it and MobX.
@JBis what can I do?
I need to take my design from a design program to the web.
@William my name is based on King of The Hill. See my avatar. IDK what that movie is :P
Lady Bird is Hank Hills dog
well I'm not sure if that is more or less interesting
at least my avatar is from a super cool movie :P
KotH is super cool
Me an Hank got the same truck
Well... Until the train hits his anyway
@benlevywebdesign hiring a developer?
@LadyBird Thats me...
what is your question
I thought you asked how to take a design from design to functional website
Best of luck lol just keep typing until something works. When it does spam control+s and gtfo
I was supposed to go long boarding but my mate bailed so now IDK if I wanna go alone or sit here.... Girly is at work all night :(
@BenjaminGruenbaum He even has more messages than most of the chat bots around; only Natty has him beat
@TylerH BenjaminGruenbaum is afk: wife is pissed I'm not coming to sleep :D
It baffles me how many of us have posted over 100,000 messages to this room...
i think i'm somewhere around 30k
rlemon cough cough
i post a little less often, but i'm always here
I have been on here since before I was even a teenager
not much but I was
so you were illegal
I don't think it asked my age back then did it
don't think it does now either
I'm beginning to think you meant something else kevin
funny question guys
i'm tynig to figure if I can assign numbers to this chart to make it sure that facotrs imply offspring or something
Depending on your country the age might even be 16.
Inherited Blood Type
Parent 1	AB	AB	AB	AB	B	A	A	O	O	O
Parent 2	AB	B	A	O	B	B	A	B	A	O
O					+	+	+	+	+	+
A	+	+	+	+		+	+		+
B	+	+	+	+	+	+		+
AB	+	+	+			+
Oh jeez.... Way too relevant to my life atm.
It was recently suggested that paternity could be determined by blood type lol.
lol I can use the donor chart if you prefer
To be fair eye colors are purely genetic there might be an expception that I don't know about
the wierd part is AB + B can't make AB so I can't use factors
an A + A = B || O like wtf?
oh the formatting is off sorry
stupid copy and paste
@BenjaminGruenbaum I finished that talk, you were right that was a very good talk. I also checked out MobX. I now that that MobX would be a better fit for @Vap0r.

In fact, I would lean towards MobX in most small apps. But, for that app I was talking about, I don't think observables would help much and may even hinder.

One benefit that redux gives me is distinguishing “what happened” from “how things change”. In particular, redux helps debug polygon manipulation in ways that MobX can't (I may be wrong).
You can see here, there is a case against making actions like splitting a polygon in async with observables. Doing this with redux is useful because "what happened" and "how did things change" are very easy to understand when composing/dispatching actions.
is there a way to see why my app might be crashing a chrome tab? i've tried console.trace. i'll placed breakpoints everywhere. i'll used logging. i've been stuck on this for days
By far, the hardest thing was getting SVGs in React to snap. 👆 I can't imagine achieving this with observables. It's messy, but it took a lot of math to get right.

You should be able to see the roll that redux plays here, one single state getting passed through a set of pure functions, returning an modified state based on the details of the previous one and the action passed (in this case, the user moved their mouse while dragging a fixture and we need to know about the surrounding geometry to proceed).
@BenjaminGruenbaum If you have the time, take a look at this project: https://cvdlab.github.io/react-planner/

I would really like to hear your thoughts on weather MobX would be an improvement over redux. https://github.com/cvdlab/react-planner/blob/master/src/components/viewer2d/viewer2d.jsx
@jake BenjaminGruenbaum is afk: wife is pissed I'm not coming to sleep :D
@AlexBollbach Try to profile?
Performance devtools tab?
everything is frozen
i think my app my be using too much memory

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