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00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

there is an IP geolocation API that I wanted to use but it throttles requests by IP address. So I though of originating the request from the client. that could have been cool.
we currently just use the geolocation data cloudflare gives us
I don't get why he wouldn't just be able to make the request in Axios and get the status code
its not possible
the browser will scream at you
axios just sends a fetch or xhr request, neither of which can read the status code of a cors request
you can suppress the error with fetch by using no-cors mode, but... it still won't give you the status code
I just want the json response here's the API https://tools.keycdn.com/geo.json?host={IP or hostname}
ex: https://tools.keycdn.com/geo.json?host=google.com
I'm looking around and not finding any resources on this limitation @KevinB
I want to find documentation because I'm not understanding the problem
I'm reading that now and not finding anything that would limit being able to find the status code
@forresthopkinsa the request is blocked
there is no request to have a code for
it is 0
but if the request is allowed
then why wouldn't you be able to find a status code
then sure. but cors has to be enabled.
if proper cors headers are there, it isn't blocked
he said random sites
he's talking about a web api
that wasn't the opening statement
9 mins ago, by someone
there is an IP geolocation API that I wanted to use but it throttles requests by IP address. So I though of originating the request from the client. that could have been cool.
yeah its not enabled
Is it at all possible to check if an http request from an external url returns 404 or 200 with javascript?
without having control over the server receiving the request
I was assuming that a web API would have cors *
the second portion of that is why i assumed it was a 3rd party url that doesn't implement cors
random sites was what I meant or sites that don't enable it
if it did implement CORS, they wouldn't have been asking here because it would have worked
@forresthopkinsa but even then, that information was known after the initial message.
okay well shoot no wonder I was so confused LOL
I don't get why browsers are implementing this. Are they protecting the servers in this case or the client :)
I don't see a benefit for the client
because I don't want you stealing my resources.
it was meant to protect the client. it doesn't really protect the client as much as they probably intended it to at the time.
if you link your content from my webserver, I pay the hosting cost for the content you are using
it's pretty good for developers too. unless you are trying to get someones api on the client.
then its up to the api developers to enable it
Now it's more of a tool to make it harder for malicious clients to rip off others.
DDOS attacks would have worked very easily if it was not there lol.
it doesn't have any impact on ddos
you can attack from the client machines
the request is still sent and the server still responds
you as the client just can't read it
the only exception would be if the request was an "advanced" request, meaning it had additional headers or an altered content type.
in which case the request would be sent still, but the server would respond with a much smaller response
well, a much smaller request would be sent anyway
the "preflight"
I meant a layer 7 DDOS like how botnets work. By sending repeated post requests to servers.
cors doesn't stop that
you can send requests to any server that you can access, regardless of whether or not they allow cross origin requests.
how? If the server does not have a CORS header they can't do it.
you can still send the request to the server
the server will still receive it and process it
the server doesn't care that you're a browser or a node.js server or an asp server
from the backend you can make the request look like whatever you want it to look like
would a ddos still work if the server immediately bans/filters spamming ip addresses?
Yeah sure but I thought the client's browser prevents the request
on operation system level I mean
the clients browser just stops the page from being able to read the response
it doesn't stop the data from being sent
(unless it's an advanced request)
so, if the hardware bans the address (on some network center) should do better
but even then.. I guess, if the attack is big enough, wouldn't help really. I guess it all depends on bandwidth power
our biggest problem is crawlers that don't adhere to our robots.txt crawling policies
@jAndy now you're just getting into general DDOS prevention technique
the server just can't handle the speed some crawlers crawl
throttle em @KevinB
If you do a post request from the browser on a server that does not allow cross origin. Will I be able to receive the POST data in the server side? I don't think it would.
we do
worst I see is a constant (few hundred a day) attempt to access our servers 😒 bots ofc.
but damn, it's filling up my logs
@forresthopkinsa yep, I guess anything else but hardware control is not effective to prevent such an attack
those all get blocked either by cloudflare up front, or by our ec2 security group
I just have two OVH dedicated boxes. one for myself and one for work.
both get about the same hits
the only ports allowed in are 80 and 443, so we're mostly vulnerable to application level attacks
I have 22 open. so even with passwordless there is a log note about it
I'm much more upset with the Google Crawler these days. Seems like the Crawler has some "issues" in parsing all of ES6 syntax correctly and thus doesn't render a page properly or not at all. Worst thing is, Google Search Console doesn't even gives a hint on why or where the crawler parsing has a problem
for us it's bing... bing crawls our site probably 4-5 times more often than google does... but gives us next to no search traffic
that was actually the first thing I changed on my server.. changed ssh port and ssh-key only log ins
that shrinked access logs by 90% :P
I have never thought about changing the port...
one line in sshd config
good idea
only caveat is the ssh -p 666 on connection, but.. thats so worth it
yea that's just an alias away
no problem there
(not my actual port)
We are currently getting a layer 7 DDOS attack. Damn the server blocked 2000 IP addresses. How can they have so many machines. I don't even know from where do they get access to so many botnets.
proxies and networks yea
@KevinB do you use cloudflare or do you work at cloudflare :) ?
We use cloudflare
We are currently using CloudArmor but its mostly a manual process for blocking.
Layer 7
We were hit with a dos that took our sites down for a few days and began impacting our backend servers, the moment we put cloudflare in front of it and blocked non-cloudflare traffic, it ceased. We haven't had an issue since other than said crawlers
who is "We"
we, where i work
ye where is that? I'm wondering why some guys would put so much effort in shutting down a website/portal
before I insisted on setting up the network security, some russians got into the network, and got some software to scan for credit cards on the pc (they got nothing). only reason we knew is we had dodgy internet and it cut them off mid scan and they never returned. I came in next day to the pc with the software still open and a few other documents on the desktop that were not ours. it was surreal.
it was pr related
it was a weak password, and they brute forced the pc
that's insane
it was lucky the network cut them off, and I suspect they think a person did and bailed (assuming it wasn't a bot)
we don't take credit card information. but the files they left behind were half english half russian and were indicating that they were looking for card numbers
it was a crazy day 😀 probably my most eventful ever
worst hack I ever had to endure was a leak in CouchDB. It was pretty easy to get access to a machine with the couchdb-user (luckily no root access rights), but it could install software and run it. It was mainly used to install bitcoin-miners on thousands of machines
some guys must have made a fortune
lol crazy
Right nwo our weakest point is our phpbb forums... for some reason, crawlers go crazy on it
phpbb is still alive?
it'll eat into the cpu/memory and eventually cause java to crash. Really need to get them off of that server
is there a better alternative?
phpbb was the best thing ever

in 2001
I would probably still use it if I used forums that were not Q/A structured.
it isn't bad software.
this is a really old forum
as-in, it has a whole lot of content
just old and forums of that structure in general are (imo) dated. there are better formats now
oldest post i can find was from 2006
I need to agree to something
but i've pruned it a few times over the years
Discourse is pretty cool. It is a hybrid Q/A and forum style
lmao that's awesome, can't stop giggling
There was a wave of mail viruses in Germany some time ago which was actually really smart. They took data from job offerings from all over Germany and sent really authentic mails that applied for those jobs to the contact mails in the offerings containing the obligatory CV (or similar document) with Excel or Word macros.
The network of the city administration I work at had to be shut down for a while because someone actually fell for it.
the forum was created in 2003
as that's how old the oldest user, who happened to be the founder of it is
@geisterfurz007 sounds like nude-women-gone-wild.jpeg.exe
I think clickjacking is a pretty clever idea
still needs some creativity to work effectively.
the ones that always annoyed me were when you go to click on something as the page is loading, but it moves and you end up clicking on an ad
It is annoying but after using Adblock + ublock origin. I almost forgot about these.
ihate the newsletter popups that pop up when your mouse starts moving
Is it even effective. Why would they do that and its pretty common.
haha, yeah I remember when 15 ads would pop up along with alert boxes that tried to stop you from leaving the webpage
it must be effective
many of us don't run ad blockers. visit sites that are not obnoxious, and don't return to ones that bombard you.
it's easy.
@KevinB It works with the type of users who thinks Browse Happy is a malware :)
I was surprised that anyone would think that its a nice website
So how did everyone get into javascript?
i got a job
i had to
it involved developing a website, among other things
and so i learned javascript
can't make a usable back-end project without a front-end
I was young, it was attractive, and all my friends were doing it.... :sobs:
How do you guys feel about learning javascript vs learning javascript frameworks? Like sometimes I wish I knew how to do things without the help of frameworks.
coldfusion is my primary language, but that's not fun to talk about
I picked up and dropped web dev a few times in my life.
so I missed a few eras, but I saw the early, the early-middle, and now
Im still in second yr of CS classes at uni.
I feel like my knowledge expanded the most when i started picking apart the jquery source to figure out how it worked
mine started the most when I joined this chat..
ohh the good old days..
I might try to do that kevin.
Ive been taking online udemy courses on nodejs, electron js, and vuejs. It's been interesting and fun. I just trying to find something that will fill in the gaps of my understanding of vanilla javascript and exactly how these tools and frameworks function. In time I guess!
you should work with vanilla js more often. Vuejs really makes things so much easier but they do a lot behind the scenes.
I definitely will!
So guys vim or emacs? :)
yeah a good rule of thumb is that you should understand everything going on behind the curtain before using a library that will do it for you
I think vim has the lead in here
what is emacs
i like vim too. I use vscode now with vim shortcuts
emacs is a text editor
like vim
@rlemon i mean, by that logic i'd have to stop using SO
SO is super considerate about their ad policies
@KevinB I should have been more specific :P
shame on you
Not if you're a new user, or if they're advertising their own products
SO is fine compared to some sites.
y'all are spoiled
anonymous user ads are still hardly a 'bombardment'
and seriously the teams sidebar is far from 'intrusive' and it's so easy to get rid of
what is SO?
it's an exception generated when you recurse too far
The ginormous blue box. The bright orange "NEW!" icon on the top left. The "Create Team +" button in the new left nav that doesn't create a team.
spoiled rotten
I wish there was a dislike button in Google's search results.
by what?
i mean it's not like SO is worse than most others out there
Doesn't mean i can't hold SO to a higher standard
means you shouldn't hold SO to an unrealistic standard
They still need to make money
I'm not against them having ads. I'm against them having ads that don't look like ads
I really have never thought it was particularly deceptive
How do I view the RO for this room?
go to its info page
The job ads don't have a sponsored label
Why doesn't it match the list here github.com/orgs/JavaScriptRoom/…
because that's github and this isn't
@Loktar can you read the github RO moderator pages?
i can read the issues, messages, etc
yes but you are on both lists
Loktar as an example is only on one
I'm curious how chat bots in SO work. Is there an API or do they access the site like normal users.
@someone just a normal user
!!echo test
They typically run as browser extensions
you can run in just through console though well you used to be able to
what does "private" mean in the member list
I can't see that so no idea
who is ryankinal only person I haven't heard of
Ok that's interesting. does it monitor all the rooms to be able to listen to these commands?
it sits in a room just like you and i do
@someone no I think this is the only room with cap but not sure
another room has kenny, irobot and hmm then is another
and can be sitting in more than one at a time
@William old regular.
sandbox has caprica
Considering the 2 lists are different does that mean there are 2 types of Room Owers?
what two lists?
the github just hasn't been kept 100% in sync
no biggy
the room owners are the ones in the room owner list on SO Chat, being as that's what we're owners of 😋
you can't be a room owner if you're not a room owner, but that doesn't necessarily mean you can't have access to the GH
it appears Denys, Shrek, Ben, Cerbrus, Madara, GNi33, Badger Cat, monners, florian, copy, loktar & some guy all are RO's of JS but not on github
does this mean they can't view the github issue pages but can block people essentially and freeze the room
a lot of the names you listed are ROs
the github and SO usernames don't always match up
on github? Where is the list?
there are also mods on the github list
and 1-2 other users who were mods, or were ROs
the icons match up more often than usernames, but not always
9+2 vs 20
there is also an owners team, which is not public.
something still is amiss
ahh that makes sense a secret list then
it isn't 'secret', it is the owners.
well I can't view it tmk
its just not visible on GH I guess (if you can't see it) because it points to private repos
so its secret to me
so call that a flaw in github
and it looks like it is visible.
I am curious
or at least, that's the setting
I just started a node js cli project to manage a serial connection. Things like open connection, close connection, transmit data at 1 Hz... etc. The simplest way to map commands to functions would be with a switch statement on the command right? Or is there a way I can avoid conditional statements and directly write handlers for the commands?
maybe it is, maybe it isn't. github has it behind a login. so I can't easily test if it is just any account or not
super interesting @ex080 let us know how you end up doing it, if no one here is able to input
Thanks. RO is the only privilege in this room right? There is nothing else to request to not like level 1. Sounds like I go straight to eagle scout or nothing
Do or Die
it is RO or nothing. we don't really restrict anyone beyond kicking
and... you really don't gain that much from it.
you gain responsibility
It's not like we have a bunch of conversations over on the github that don't happen here
With great RO comes great responsibility.
fus RO DAH!
you see deleted messages, and are held responsible to clean up the BS.
yeah, there's a reason I stepped down from RO
but can't I see deleted messages when I hit 10k anyways
(I'm lazy)
deleted messages are for mods and room owners only.
10k just lets you see flags
and deleted questions
I think
yea but in chats, it's just flags.
flags for all rooms, not just this one
even ones you've never been to
and with no context (directly)
So for somebody that is lazy 10k sounds like a good reachable goal.
I've considered bountying off enough points so that I'm below 10k again. ;)
@Shmiddty I'll take them sacrificially
i've only seen maybe 1 a day at most lately
none today
cool, I'm going to stick to a switch statement as of rn to map cli commands to their respective node scripts.
what if the order is different ex08. I am assuming you have a loop of some kind.
this eslint stuff is crazy
@Shmiddty what would being below 10k accomplish
cant' you just ignore the flags and ignore the deleted questions
you can simply adblock them
im going to use flags to overcome the order of args issue
be careful with spacing that has lead me to issues before along with error handling off by one character argumenst.
> I don't think this will "settle" soon enough.. If the attacker now has at least a thousand or so npmrc tokens that actually made it through, he can automate the process and infect even more packages, only now his script won't fail (since we pointed out his mistake) and we'll have no way of knowing if we're infected or not.

This will not settle until npm purges all tokens globally.
fun times
Speaking of npm I just know noticed the publication author wrong on npmjs.com a lot of the time if the package has been updated since the take over
Keep contacts the wrong people to fix or update their package
*hasnt been updated
I had a good bowel movement just now. When I wiped, it came away completely clean. Satisfying
I'm happy for you
#Good ROs care.
I use metamucil, it makes poops easy.
How do you guys feel about semicolons?
henceforth known as the cthulhu statement terminator
all hail cthulhu
if i was assigning a property and I wanted there to be a default I could do this right {baudRate: baudRate || 115200} where 115200 is the default if buadRate isn't defined.
or better yet do this let baudRate = process.argv[3] || 115200;
const [,,baudrate=115200] = process.argv;
const { argv: [,,baudrate=115200] } = process;
if you wanted to destructure aggressively.
I'm not recommending either of these (although, I might do the first), but just so you know it's possible.
cool thanks, I've never seen it written like that.
I think you're one comma short there @rlemon if its argv[3]
what is a day without nitpicking
Is there any way to check if a user already has a script downloaded from a certain CDN (eg. a Google Font) and if so, use that - and if not, serve it locally?
only vague, but yes, of course you can check for certain things and make some "guesses" based on that
as maybe the most prominent example, people used to check for jQuery in window to test if jQuery was loaded or not. That doesn't mean of course it has been, but its likely
Right I saw that - it seems like a smart way to go about jQuery and some other JS libraries like that
But I'm thinking more CSS - critical files in particular that need to load as fast as possible.
as I said, it's just a hint. Some other code could have just create a globale variable with the same name. You can go further on checking of course, like check if there is any response to jQuery.fn.jquery and so on
rlemon I managed to get control of the npm jason package. Working on my implementation now
If jQuery is the first file you load, and directly after you check for jQuery, then it should be pretty accurate
cant' what to respond to crockford on the name I settled on
it was your brilliant idea
Is there any way to delay execution of the values in this example?
a = {a:'a',b:`${a.a}`};
@Alesana well, if you load the script yourself, I'd rather check the status of transferring and execution the script itself. If you're in control, that should be more accurate
I guess there could be circular references which could potential cause issues
that line looks so wrong
my line?
I want to flag it
@jAndy That defeats the whole purpose though
The whole purpose is to get the script to the user as fast as possible, 99/100 times a CDN will do that
I can't think of any way to get it to work unless you create 2 separate objects.
a = {a:'a', get b() { return a.a }}; a.b; // 'a'
I don't understand? I thought the purpose is to find out if the file/script was loaded and executed
very creative rlemon
My question was to check if the user has a file in their cache :P
I was just debating if I should support something like that in JASON but I guess not
any advice what JASON vs JSON should support?
I want it to be valid JavaScript just like JSON
@William be aware that with the getter solution you never initialize a property b with the value of 'a' at creation time. It'll just refer to whatever property a is when you access it later
@jAndy thank you its creative but isn't ideal for reasons like you listed amoung other reasons
the whole approach is not ideal, at least, I can't see a reason why anybody would want that anyways. Either use the same property (a) or just hard-code the value to (b) if its only required for initialisation
#jAndy ahh its a simplified example like maybe
a = {name:'William', get hi() { return "Hello "+a.name + "How are you doing?" }}; a.hi; // 'a'
that's worse :p
@Alesana hacky
for( const sheet of document.styleSheets ) {
  if( sheet.href === 'whatever-cdn' && sheet.cssRules.length === 0 ) { // did not load}
hahaha why worse?
I mean at that point just use a function
I was hoping I could do it at build time.
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