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oh my God I just saw a post where a dude hid an actual turtle in his foreskin
I subscribed to r/classic4chan for the greentexts, not this
@KevinB idk maybe he really wanted a turtleneck
hey pretty massive sale here gamestore.razer.com/home.html
Farcry 5 drops to $45 with the discount code
I JUST bought FC5 on steam too lol
is it worth it
idk haven't played it yet
but has great reviews
i'm waiting on a 50% discount to get the latest assassin's creed
best they've done is 40
apply the additional 15% to that
I'm considering Skyrim VR
but I have a real problem paying even that much for such an old game I've already purchased
i kinda want that divinity game too... but same boat. don't think i'll put more than 20-30 hours into it, so can't justify $45
why isn't skyrim vr just part of the main game?
wouldn't it being separate make modding it hell?
yeah it doesn't even officially support mods
the VR vs
also, heh, the creation club deal looks to me like it has basiclaly flopped
almost nothing getting added to it, and so many of the things in it i've gotten for free
through their own "free" promotions
I am so done with AC
i enjoyed the last one i played, don't recall the name
got it free with my 970
but i'm a bit leery now of any bethesda related game
microtransactions in SP games are just wrong imo
I hear the new one is good
but I've never really been into AC games
they all blend together for me
first 2 were pretty good, then it seemed like they stalled out on mechanics
I guess really i just like the exploration
in the last one being able to explore that city from a past time period, then go back in time to that same city at even an earlier time period
AC and the Mordor games are similar in that regard
wandering around is fun, the game you're supposed to be playing is lackluster
I really liked dishonored
but wandering around when you can't get into the game doesn't last
the recent one was WAY too short tho
Dishonored 1 was great, couldn't get into 2
it lasted like 8 hours
I absolutely loved Dishonored 1
oh man yeah first Dishonored was great
the intro level in the first was really interesting. In the second, it was a street.
and the ending kinda sucked
reminded me a bit of the Thief series (the good ones, 1 and 2)
iirc some of the old members of looking glass studios worked on Dishonored
yeah i loved 1
2 was a ton of fun. I enjoyed Thief 3 as well, but it was different
the new Thief was disappointing, it looks a lot like the old ones
skyrim and fallout 4 i had a lot of fun in, but now it's not as much fun, because i've already done the exploring i guess
fallout 3 for life
happy frifri everyone
AC1 was mind blowing
that ending
after that it became the most milked game franchise in history
it's like all the people who were initially responsible for it left
and then they just changed the scenery
every game
every other AC had too easy combat
you could literally kill every group of guards in the whole city in one run
@sudosoul ever played 2? One of the deepest, broadest RPGs made
fallout 2 was amazing
@ton.yeung i don't have vr
rumor has it, you can beat 2 without killing anyone
@ssube I tried FO1, is FO2 still the bird eye view?
but in the same genre, I'd rate Baldurs Gate above it I think
it's iso, yeah
@Mosho ever finished 2?
would be my favorite of the series
i never played 1 2 or 3
or the earlier versions of skyrim
AC 1 was an interesting concept, 2 was playable
i wasn't into these types of games until like 2 years ago
or at least, it had a large enough world to spend some time on
assassins creed syndicate was the first one i played, then i bought witcher 1-3 and played that, then skyrim, then fallout 4
prey was kinda fun... but then it just became too punishing to play imo
lost interest
@GNi33 I did but I'm not sure what it was exactly
not a huge fan of puzzles, rather just hack&slash and explore
Unless you're a Hanzo Main then fuck off
could never get into witcher for some reason
1 was my favorite Witcher, didn't play much of 2. 3 is good, but I haven't been able to get into it
@SterlingArcher I'm a Hanzo main
Oh God this mobile chat sucks
I've been practicing with characters I'm not good at. Doomfist, Genji and Hanzo mostly. I should probably throw Mei into it
@SterlingArcher here's my Hanzo potg youtu.be/Cc9EVGTvQnc
@SterlingArcher tldr what are these names? classes?
Tracer here!
@KendallFrey those are hero names
but what are heroes
not villians
@KendallFrey specialized classes, prerolled chars
Heroes are characters you can choose during each game to play as, and each have an nique set of abilities
@KendallFrey playable characters
think Tekken or whatever
As if I knew what a tekken was
different moves
@Ikari basically sounds like classes
that feeling when you're hungry, so you order pizza, then as soon as you hang up the phone you're 1000% more hungry because now there's a promise of pizza.
but in a weird way
@Ikari check out this nasty reinhardt hammer gfycat.com/UnitedArtisticAngora
that feeling when you're hungry and fat :(
@rlemon if I murder the pizza delivery guy and hold the pizza hostage, what will you offer me in exchange?
if you murder the pizza guy and hold the pizza hostage will I offer you in exchange for the pizza to yourself?
@SterlingArcher lol I'm sure I watched that gif in Reddit a couple of minutes ago. Was it yours?
nvm, I'm too hungry
@Mosho was set in Florence and Venice, and in the end, you made a trip to the Vatican iirc
Also, that hammer was dope
I didn't see "what"
anyone play fortnite though
@Ikari no, but I've had one similar!
@SterlingArcher noice
It was on route 66 at the very end, I charge killed soldier 76, spun around and earthshattered the other 5 teammates and killed 4. It was POTG and the last ditch effort to win the match
Easily my best POTG
Rein is so nice to play when mercy and Moira pockets you. Rein is a literal wrecking machine at that time
Moira is so OP last i played (couple months ago)
Oh yeah a personal mercy makes him so deadly
that's just brutal
> Overwatch Patch Notes

Sombra's EMP now disconnects you from the match.

Dev Comments: Fuck you
Haha, ikr... It leaves a permanent scar on your heart when you don't get to have that meaty hammer
@rlemon I like playing pool though lol. Maybe I should choose something that's not such of a niche?
@SterlingArcher xboxdvr.com/gamer/SaitamaKun1337/video/28564064 this is from the days I played on Xbox. But it's still one of my best rein plays so far.
Q: Is there a way to make my URL case insensitive with scripting

linwormI'm building a page with javascript however I'm trying to add something to make sure that the page URL is case insensitive. so I have the parameter "if (p == 'xyz123')" but in the URL if I do ".../?p=XyZ123" the shell of the page comes up but the content does not load. I've tried to add the fol...

@Ikari I love the freakout swings when genji hit you from the side lol
It's still my instinct to swing away whenever I hear a genji :P
@SterlingArcher always. kill. the. bastion.
@SterlingArcher that's not PUBG
When I get annoyingly rekt by a red team bastion, I make sure to solo ult him. Always. :P
I have an annoying track record of my team never aiming for Pharah, especially when I'm Mercy
I've taken down so many Pharahs as a battle mercy because nobody would even shoot at her
@SterlingArcher have you ever seen an OWL game, or a professional play?
No sir
iddqd or surefour or pine or whomever
it's batshit crazy what people who know what they're doing can do
Pine is a god
Also, <3 that Kheprii widow
I got my widow on that Black Lily
@Zirak יש לך פין קטן מאוד
@FlorianMargaine aaawww, do you mean it?
@Zirak maybe?
@FlorianMargaine I feel the same way
@KendallFrey such a calming voice
@Zirak wait, you actually understood that?
that's chinese, no?
@FlorianMargaine My family ancestry is complex
The dad jokes!
almost 2 times.
oh, I got my house's keys today.
@Zirak do you understand 'あなたは私の彼女ですか?' as well?
@FlorianMargaine C#? Bb? F?
@SomeGuy Did you see my retweet about learning a new language? For some reason when I saw that, I thought of you :-P
@Ikari That's not Chinese you racist cuck
@FlorianMargaine oohh, neat!
Is the bathroom any good?
Does it have a floor?
no water yet though, so it's stinking a bit in it now.
@TylerH Hahaha oh, that's really fuckwithy
(I'm trying to make that be a word - something that fucks with you)
When you try to understand a new programming language.
Thanks @SomeGuy ^
@Zirak no u
I'm so excited for something so minor. I have a super super tiny patch that's likely gonna be accepted into gcc soon :D
(The patch is literally just adding rtems.h to one line :P)
But contributing to gcc is a dream, so dance dance dance d-dance
@SomeGuy nice!
Yeah, I was really glad to stumble upon a bug, haha
It only applies to the RTEMS x86_64 target for gcc, but I'm still happy
now you can say you're a contributor
we need question audits
@Ikari gfycat.com/FemaleRewardingBaldeagle and I'm done lol @Zirak
oh you're here
@KevinB say what?
yeah, like a review audit, only it's a question that shows up on the question list for users who answer a lot of questions
Like if they answer a question that was a test, they fail and get banned?
super obvious dupes
That would be fucking hilarious
unfortunately there's no way the audits could be automagically generated
@SomeGuy Just curious, did you ever commit to manage or -server?
my name is in a jquery book
Anyone know how to do a cross-origin GET request with basic authentication from Firefox when "Authorization" is not allowed in the "Access-Control-Allow-Headers" header in the preflight request?
complain until it is allowed?
@c_pellegrino @PWTooStrong @Telekom_hilft Hello Claudia! The customer service agents see the first four characters of your password. We store the whole password, because you need it for the login for http://mein.t-mobile.at ^andrea
@ShrekOverflow Don't think so - nothing significant at least. I had some PRs on users and maybe on server too, but I don't think the significant ones were ever merged
You can probably check and verify :P
congrats on the gcc merge though 😃 (if that gets merged)
I think I did on Manage for a template based outage we caused once :P
@SomeGuy I have one on manage too removing =>
Haha, what do you have against arrows? Or was it a syntax error?
@ShrekOverflow Danke. svn is harder to work with than I remembered
@SomeGuy It was merged before they were in browsers
And I can officially die happy gcc.gnu.org/git/…
@ShrekOverflow Oh, gotcha, I was thinking of a template, not in the frontend code
A: Quiche Lorraine

Uri ZarfatyAlgorithm Using the well-known result: we define in Python 3: from math import sin from functools import reduce from operator import mul def integrate(f, a, b, n): h = (b-a)/n i = h * sum(f(a+i*h+h/2) for i in range(n)) return i def sinc(x): return sin(x)/x def borwein(n): ...

@SomeGuy wut wuuuut
Thanks :D
I've basically been fetching from origin constantly, haha
Q: Advantages Of angular over JavaScript?

theTechApprenticeI'm midway the angular course and am able to do things so far in it but I'm still not quite sure how angular is advantageous over JavaScript. Tried reading few articles but did not quite understand from the practical point of view. Can anyone explain with a simple example how angular is more bene...

@ShrekOverflow thanks for reminding me to make that submission to plaintextoffenders
I really want to know if there are any laws that can force them to delete my account.
@ShrekOverflow dude, how not to PR
their reps are just digging their holes deeper
@ShrekOverflow That can't be real
What an arrogant dick
I am just astonished, in shock actually because of the ignorance :(
@ShrekOverflow ignorance is merely a teaching opportunity
@Shmiddty oh yes, absolutely, just completely baffled, nevertheless
but then again
my password is 16 randomly generated characters
@Shmiddty HA! GOT YA
@Shmiddty only 16?
well, I don't know how long mine is
@Shmiddty mine are 64
i used to have all ascii characters
making it 128^64 different combinations
but since some applications cant handle certain characters, I switched back to printable characters
(i do know that multiple passwords could potentially be considered valid for my accounts though)
I use 1Password
with the maximum limit either it or that website will allow

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