that feeling when you're hungry, so you order pizza, then as soon as you hang up the phone you're 1000% more hungry because now there's a promise of pizza.
It was on route 66 at the very end, I charge killed soldier 76, spun around and earthshattered the other 5 teammates and killed 4. It was POTG and the last ditch effort to win the match
I'm building a page with javascript however I'm trying to add something to make sure that the page URL is case insensitive.
so I have the parameter "if (p == 'xyz123')" but in the URL if I do ".../?p=XyZ123" the shell of the page comes up but the content does not load.
I've tried to add the fol...
Anyone know how to do a cross-origin GET request with basic authentication from Firefox when "Authorization" is not allowed in the "Access-Control-Allow-Headers" header in the preflight request?
@c_pellegrino @PWTooStrong @Telekom_hilft Hello Claudia! The customer service agents see the first four characters of your password. We store the whole password, because you need it for the login for ^andrea
@ShrekOverflow Don't think so - nothing significant at least. I had some PRs on users and maybe on server too, but I don't think the significant ones were ever merged
Using the well-known result:
we define in Python 3:
from math import sin
from functools import reduce
from operator import mul
def integrate(f, a, b, n):
h = (b-a)/n
i = h * sum(f(a+i*h+h/2) for i in range(n))
return i
def sinc(x):
return sin(x)/x
def borwein(n):
I'm midway the angular course and am able to do things so far in it but I'm still not quite sure how angular is advantageous over JavaScript.
Tried reading few articles but did not quite understand from the practical point of view.
Can anyone explain with a simple example how angular is more bene...