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@ShrekOverflow ^
@james You don't have direct control over that
@Loktar tightened the belts too
So I still don't understand the question.
also is your head on tight, the print head I mean with the fang?
checked the bed stability as well
Oh lol that's right forgot the react lifecycle methods
like is there any play in it at all?
@MadaraUchiha I can use shouldComponentUpdate and return false if I don't want it to render
nahh this is the work printer. no fang.
everything is tight
greased the z bar too
yeah your z height looks good tbh
@james There generally is a performance benefit to only rendering components that need rendering
didn't check the coupler, that'll be next print
it looks like it's just over extruding or something idk
It's a bit tricky to get with conventional methods, especially with redux and friends
@Loktar yea, in those areas it looks that way. but then you check top and bottom layer and it looks under (from pics I see online)
MobX does it easily though
multiplier was at .9
> Horizontal white lines that span the entire nail, are paired, and appear on more than one nail are called Muehrcke’s lines. These could be an indication of kidney disease, liver abnormalities, or a lack of protein and other nutrients, Dr. Agarwal says. “They are thought to be caused by a disruption in blood supply to the nail bed because of underlying disease,” she explains
yeah exactly top and bot look ok lol
@rlemon fwiw, when I dropped my extrusion to fix similar issues, I had to boost the bottom layer
that's why I was thinking belts, like if it is just overshooting a tiny bit
and I very occasionally get gaps in the top layer that would suggest underextrusion there
but yeah that's sucks no idea :?
@Loktar y was a bit loose, but not terrible so I tightened it up
one of my printers is having an issue where I have to set it to 205 to print decently
today is cali cube day.
I ended up with low 90s for the middle, 110-ish for bottom (and probably should apply that to the top)
but it's still putting out thin lines, annoying me
gonna just keep printing and tweaking one thing then printing again till its perfect
@Loktar I've always used 210, printing lower has never worked reliably
190 is what I print at
@james this is a decent article on what you need to consider before trying to hyper-optimize via shouldComponentUpdate
some softer filaments might work, but they jam more often at lower temps
I started at 190, then moved to 210
but this one started having issues where the are gaps/thin lines
so I need to figure it out at some point
maybe I'll drop to 200 and cut the difference
200 worked, but I just stick with 210
they are all getting up there in hours on them though they print nonstop for weeks at a time now
been buying maintenance parts
inconsistent PLA is always a concern as well.
so, shrek, are you convinced ?
I just assume I'm going to have more issues as time goes, just wonder how long they last overall
do all this tweaking to the printer then get some balls PLA and have to toss it or re setup everything
oo cubes done
@Luggage that last change fixed it
not perfect, but a hell of a lot better
nice. but it's just aligning all the flaws. Ideally is SHOULD be able to print different directions and starting points and be fairly consistent
still looks like its under extruding
@ShrekOverflow I'm still struggling to progress past my stupid problem; I created an example here: play.rust-lang.org/…
but yea.. if you wan it looking nice, use that setting. there will ALWAYS be small issues that are more noticiale if you don't
so I can play with that, but it's not important
is mixing up the starting position good for structural strength? not that it matters for a cube
Help me Shrek, you're my only hope
yea, that's a LOT better
top is worse, but I can deal with that for what I'm printing
missing fu kendall
Feb 20 at 21:33, by Luggage
user image
I tried tensioning that belt. cant' get rid of the excessive ringing in X (on the Y face)
Making those with wood would be a lot easier I think
@Vap0r wood pla?
post processing is easier with wood, but the print itself has more finicky properties
No, wood
ahh, then no
maybe after I make a CNC machine
the letters would be hard to get consistent
even with a nice router. that'd be tough
But then it wouldn't have that texture
the texture is gone with 3 minutes and some sandpaper
Pic plz
I haven't sanded a calibration cube 😛 that'd be silly
but there are lots of processed print pics online
@ndugger don't be salty because you can't figure out a shite language
@Vap0r rust isn't shite, you bish
That looks like a lot of work
@ndugger then you are, because that might as well be a "hello world" program you can't figure out
@Vap0r you'd probably have to sand the wood cubes as well. even finishing blades leave marks
pretty much
Rust is picky about equality in hashmaps
@ndugger o shit, should have expanded this :P
I'm a dumb dumb poo poo head
@rlemon or use a laser engraver
Or CNC as luggage mentioned
@ndugger yup
@Vap0r and then we're back to the same spot we are now. calibrating the machine and letting it to the work for us
no harder or easier
@rlemon yeah I suppose as a calibration thing it makes sense.
@ndugger I feel like making a mould makes more sense
For that particular thing (squirrel?)
can you media blast wood to finish it instead of sand?
@Luggage probably very hard wood. anything soft I wouldn't think so
Speaking of blasting wood my tinder went bonkers last night with bots
I don't even know how to respond to that
@Vap0r 3d printers can be the tool to make molds. The finishing work makes a lot more sense when it's going into a mod instead of for a one-off
@Vap0r sandblasting isn't "finishing" tho
@SterlingArcher I wanted to try out having my dog as my first pic on tinder, but I get less likes now. I thought it was gonna work.
Not that I message any of my matches anyways
@ndugger it's too obvious, put him as the second picture
@Luggage I just don't like the "fidelity". And then you lose details when you vap0r bath it
that just makes it look like you are embarrassed to put your own pic up. Keep the dog, but not pic #1
@Vap0r true.
Or just, be in the pic with the dog
that was an extreme example, though
@ndugger as long as you use that as an ego boost you're good
I have a ton of really attractive matches, but I just swipe for fun. I've gone on several dates with tinder matches, but meh. Most of them are weirdos.
@rlemon I guess I don't understand the concept of finishing when it comes to wood. It shouldn't have a bunch of groove lines all over it
Hi there, I am using node
When I am running my app normally I have np problem with the date, `new Date()` is returning `2018-03-20T15:18:51.160Z` but when I an running my tests with mocha, `new Date()` is returning `1970-01-01T01:00:00.000` and `Date.parse` is undefined, I can't understand what appends
@Vap0r sometimes you don't need high fidelity, like parts you want to be very smooth and sweeping (aerodynamic parts): youtube.com/watch?v=0vgynnYzo08
@Vap0r no but a sandblasting would be like a mid grade sandpaper for a finish. you'd not leave it as that. you'd put a coating on it, or continue sanding till like 600 or higher
@Vap0r are we seriously not doing phrasing anymore?
just skip around in that video. not worth watyching the whole thing
Q: Inject javascript to bypass recaptcha

Boby KentI'm looking to download some content from a website that will display the download link only after I fill the recaptcha. Example: On this web https://movieswebsite.com/some_movie.html there is a movie that will display the download link only after I fill the google recaptcha. The download code ...

lmao the comment
Do you know the core goal of reCAPTCHA ? — Zenoo 42 secs ago
@KendallFrey that's a stretch
Please don't ever mention stretching and Kendall in the same sentence again
@SterlingArcher don't tell me what to do you're probably not my dad
@Ajouve so just stub the date
i mean yeah
@Luggage skipped around. yeah that's a good use case for 3d printing and smoothing.
class Date {
  toString() { return '2018-03-20T15:18:51.160Z';
@rlemon SyNtAx ErRoR
probably doesn't work, but you get the idea maybe
I just see 3d printing abused a lot because people are using it for batch printing and things that would be more aptly suited to a different medium
@Neoares so correct it, whatami. your mother?
@Neoares spanish is a syntax error
@rlemon But I need all the functions of the date object
@Vap0r spanish is way better than english you son of a puta
@Vap0r like what? printing is cheap, if time isn't your motivator. making and casting molds or waterjet is wasteful.
@Neoares can you please get your sexist language out of our chat?
@Ajouve stub them all
@rlemon just add a @Vap0r bath to your printed things
@rlemon like blocks (providing they aren't for calibration, but still)
@Neoares I already made that joke you nit
@Vap0r oh I was out :(
And scalability would be my motivator, largely influenced by the time limitation
@SterlingArcher ^^
@Vap0r But for example one of my libs is responding Date.parse is not a function
why do you do these things
@Ajouve stub it
class Date {
  parse(string) {
    return new Date()
or something
i think i need to eat more fiber
Dude I've been destroying the toilet recently
@Vap0r maybe, I think the cost would be saved the smaller the print. for example, a cube costs me like $0.10 in PLA, and I'd charge? idk. it's not a product. we've replaced a part that we used to get water cut for $3.50 per with something I can print with $0.01 in PLA. time isn't a factor (lead times were like 3mo anyways)
I think my dog needs some fiber; his poop is a bit too loosey-goosey
larger prints take a lot more PLA, so you might be able to get bulk order cheaper.
@Vap0r I would like a durable fix, usually Date is wonking in my tests
depending on the shape and how you could make them. complicated prints are also cheaper because of less production steps
@Ajouve date should be available. So I would figure out why you don't have it.
@Ajouve so track down why it isn't.
in lieu of that, stub it.
@rlemon I think all of your numbers kind of pale in comparison to chinese manufacturing
not then you need 1 of something, or 10
@Vap0r they are also adopting 3d printing.
it's cheaper to do a run of 10,000 on a 3d printer than setting up new machines
Thanks, i will try to track it :D
yea, I see that. but eevn batches take tooling to get going
some people DO abuse, but.. meh.
@Vap0r and I agree, somewhat. but I think you're over simplifying it. depends greatly on the product and the batch size.
No doubt, which is why I never knocked it as a prototyping tool
10,000 might seem like a lot to you, but someone who runs a factory that puts that out every hour doesn't. but the factory at that scale would cost and arm and a leg to rework to a new product line
at average-kickstarter batch size, it seems to make a difference
printing 1000, or 10,000 of something is not only doable, but cheap
Like the prusa print farm makes parts that would be cheaper to mass produce in china, but.. it's an open source printer where all the parts are meant to be printable, so they ship printed ones
10,000 does not seem like a lot to me. It seems pretty simplistic especially for plastic items
the cost of getting molds created for projects that small (10k-50k items, guessing) is substantial
@Vap0r depends on what it is used for. my company is profitable, but only sells a few thousand units a year. the price isn't cheap.
we either pay a premium for small batches, or make them ourselves
but i think we all agree. you 3d print when it makes sense, use molds when they make ense. 3d printing is powersful, but not ALL powerful
I thought your company did corn stuff?
Oh my god, massive merge
Things are gonna break
Vicious Vincest
> vicious incest
@rlemon I thought your company did corn stuff bruh
Are you 3d printing corn?
they print autonomous corn
we make control systems and sensors for grain dryers.
it harvests itself at the end of the year
and do process automation for other industries.
PVC injection molding will probably be cheaper than 3d printing in large batch sizes for the foreseeable future.
it's only 536
@rlemon are you prohibited from investing in grain futures because of your position in the market?
@Vap0r if your business picks up. lemmy know how you do on that. I'm not doubting you, I just think there is a lot more to consider than you maybe thinking about now.
and ofc I don't know the product or numbers you need.
just sourcing isn't always a cakewalk
Like all of a sudden a big corn manufacturer buys parts with the intention of increasing grain production 70% can you just say YOLO and buy corn futures?
@ssube I wish there was an agri mod for factorio...
@Vap0r no, we don't know any more than is already public
@Vap0r PLA is made from corn, so yes, kinda
@rlemon I've handled sourcing and oversees manufacturing and know it's pains
@SterlingArcher Next time I create a repo I'm naming the trunk "senpai" to see if anyone notices.
@Luggage it's the circle of life (in canada)
@rlemon ok cool. Wink if I should buy corn futures
so I can eat PLA if I go vegan
@KendallFrey please don't
Why are all the making history parts so far down the tech tree
@Neoares tide pods are also vegan
@KendallFrey get git and cure your elephantitis
@KendallFrey are you ever worried about anyone from you work finding your SN out and seeing all the weird shit you say on here?
elephant titties? where?
I have elephantiasis but only of the weener
which is a misleadingly named disease, because it doesn't actually give you a trunk :(
like, the foldable rover wheels, they're at about the same toughness/usefulness as the smallest wheels, but you don't get them till you unlock the tan round wheels, and the small verner engines+kodiak are under "Heavy engines", which is much farther down than the tanks that are sized specifically for them
@KendallFrey if they were swinging, I bet they could knock you out
@Vap0r thanks I'll tell my friend
@Vap0r Sometimes lol. Though that remark is pretty tame
and yes I see coworkers in here every now and then
(plus they aren't heavy engines)
(they're just big-boned)
@ssube ^
@SterlingArcher yea, lets fuck with the largest land animal. nothing can possibly go wrong.
Second largest
yo mama?
why tf does chat adds two nodes for each message posted
@Vap0r largest being your ass?
argh, I should take a break now...
@rlemon no that's an asian elephant, african elephants are the largest
@Ikari just grab .messages and combine all .message nodes
@Vap0r dey all elephants.
@MikeTheLiar your jokes suck can you please go back to C# so you don't kill this room too?
@rlemon stop trying to make my point irrelephant
Anything not related to elephants is irrelephant.
@rlemon yeah, but I do not understand what to do when a new message is appended
@Ikari if it is yours, look for .pending and ignore it
it'll get posted again once the server sees it
@MikeTheLiar did you buy your originality in a store too?
.pending is teh local message before the server sends it back
@Vap0r that's big snark coming from the "shit that gets downvoted on reddit recycler" that is your brain
@Ikari or do you mean a new message as part of the larger container for other users
like right now.
yeah, exactly
like, first node mutation is with all the children .content, .meta, etc
check the last message posted, if it's the same owner, put it in .messages, otherwise make a new container.
hello again :) quick question can I create for loop inside object?
and then another mutation happens, with only <div class="message">{text}</div>
@lovemyjob what are you attempting?
@rlemon hmm, that should work
@Ikari are you trying to hook into the chat with MutationObservers?
because if you are. that's wrong.
@MikeTheLiar Jokes on you I go on digg
I finished AC: Origins this morning. Suggestions for next game?
listen to the websocket stream directly.
my theme listens to the DOM because it just augments messages. you're creating a new interface
I'm using the modified version of that thing you sent me yesterday github.com/SaitamaSama/Tungsten/blob/master/src/DOMObserver.js
yea I thought you were just themeing the chat. not creating a new one
I tried looking for the websocket to steal
but couldn't really find it in the network tab :P
I need to leave before Vapor drains more of what few brain cells I still have.
var object = name: { dataset: [{ for loop goes in here {createsome more objects/arrays}} ] and so on and on }
@MikeTheLiar nah you already did that when you leveled dex and spent all your time on SO answering Java questions lmao
is this doable?
@SterlingArcher sum41?
@Ikari you have to enable it in chrome iirc, and reload the page to see the frames
or reference not found
but one second. I have old code you can play with
@Neoares get out of my life
@SterlingArcher I don't get it
jesus fucking christ Neo
@Vap0r your top tag is HTML miss me with that markup shit
I don't get any of these jokes
@Ikari gist.github.com/rlemon/0d942d5214533e2884ed1b15652f1602 this worked.. like 2-3 years ago
should still work.
I read "sum" as it's pronounced in spanish
the pun doesn't make sense to me
@ndugger back me up bud
Besides, Java is short for JavaScript.
also, never watched the videoclip
@MikeTheLiar my top tag being HTML is why you and I conversate so much, I'm good at dealing with idiots.
don't flag that shit
le what
Can you please put a trigger warning next time thanks
@rlemon alrighy right! thanks!
@BoltClock lmao
hi <3
can we do that?
apparently not - cant create for loop inside an object
lol what was flagged?
@rlemon maybe flag warning in SO dark theme?
a picture of your mom
@lovemyjob well you can
just not as a for(..) loop
it made BoltClock cry
@SterlingArcher ur mom gae
mfw I'm still not top answerer for stackoverflow.com/tags/html/topusers
@rlemon if not as for(...) how?
var object = { name: list.map(oldObj => newObj) }
use a map, or another of the array utils
@BoltClock don't be upset, Quentin rep farms
whatever makes sense
I seen't it
@rlemon thanks
@MikeTheLiar Cough cough
@Vap0r sure it's a word. It's the type of word a bitch would use.
^ offensive but not flagging
Because you guys said I'm not allowed to flag mean people
God hates flags.
@MikeTheLiar I'm sorry I meant to link you to the simple version simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neologism
@MikeTheLiar please marry me
or else
Maybe you can understand that?
> or selse
I choose salsa everytime, Mike choose wisely
marry me or salsa
@ndugger only if I can also get married to Vap0r
because I won't marry no mild salsa
That's called the holy trinity.
vap0r is my son; that's maybe incest? I'm confused
Or an eiffel tower I'm not hip on the lingo
@ndugger keep it in the family
@MadaraUchiha you found that organically in your google searches didn't you

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