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we got dinner from a german place and the soft pretzel came in a pizza box :D
due to size?
aye. it has two cups of melted pepper jack
two cups pre-melt or post-melt?
post, two of the pizza sauce-style cups
@ssube those little 2oz plastic cups?
when you said "two cups" I was thinking "That's a hell of a lot of cheese"
yeah, those cups lol, not two measuring cup cups
I have ['false','hide'] as a string and how can I Convert this to array ??
I'll get beaten up pretty badly if I suggest eval(), won't I. And rightly so.
if it has " instead of ' you could just use JSON.parse()
I laid into some poor unsuspecting chap for using eval the other day. not in here. real life
> do you want vulnerabilities? because this is how you get vulnerabilities
var array = JSON.parse("[" + string + "]"); ?? @Luggage
!!> JSON.parse('["one", "two"]');
@Luggage ["one","two"]
But that uses " inside the string, not '. So.. can't use that directly
@Luggage ' stops
tavo will help you runs away giggling
when you do JSON.parse('["one", "two"]'); it sayes Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ' in JSON at position 1
at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)
it probably says that for your string, not mine
since yours uses ' not "
Can you change the strings or must it be in that format exactly?
let array = If.replace('[','').replace(']','').split(",").map(String); works stackoverflow.com/a/45341082/8033316
huh, Space Engineers improved the graphics quite a bit
they couldn't have gotten worse
it's easily on par with Oblivion now, maybe Skyrim
nothing extraordinary but no longer a problem
wheels also work correctly, they grip and steer rather than bounce and flip you
@Luggage ohi!
guys have you completed your study ??
just because I stalk around and don't talk much doesn't mean I can't... oh, wait
what's your education level right now??
middle school
it was high school level earlier today, but I remedied that.
see? I can help proud
@Tavo why is calculus is used in programming ??
@AlishaSharma If you don't want word wrap you have to measure area under the function.
The same reason any other type of math, calculation or algorithm is used. It solves the problem you are trying to solve.
guys what's your large project that you have ever done??
about 1 million lines (whole project) of code over 13 years
not all my code, but much
needless to say, that company is bankrupt, now
guys I want to try ML using js what is best learning source for that??
hm, steam streaming from my vm really doesn't agree with something. keeps crashing the game or freezing my machine.
@AlishaSharma this was just posted to hacker news: developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course
what color should I paint my house you guys?
sorry, habit. :)
paint it brick
@corvid caca d'oie
@corvid #a14343 is best colour for your house
what do you think I am some kind of french?
That's gross
It's also a color.
> some kind of french
there is more than one?
french canadian
Yeah, and French Fries
I am from jupiter
My x home is at mars
I need more money
how the hell can you need more money i just gave you your allowance
are you injecting weeds
@shaikJilani Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
i want to help to write javascript code, like tab condition, i m design 5 tabs, in 5 tabs are login, subscription,case study,key learn from dr.abu and member response, in this tabs, without login do not show the remaining 4 tabs, after login to enable subscription tab after subscription tab to show the case study tab after 4 days to show the key learning from dr.abu and then 5 tab
@MuhammadRashedNadeem Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
i am trying to find all <a> tags and assign an event on document.ready function how to add handler that gets href attribute
How do I tell eslint to complain about people using common.js exports instead of es6?
// How can I do something like this dinamically?
a = fun(a);
b = fun(b);
c = fun(c);
//etc... Where letters can be something like x.y.z.w or x.y[z].w etc?
@david this project with a bunch of imports-realted rules has a rule for that: github.com/benmosher/eslint-plugin-import/blob/master/docs/…
@Luggage sweet, that seems to be doing the trick
fuck this is finding way more issues than i thought it would
Anyone here familiar with ESP8266? Trying to write a file of 1MB but file size is coming way less after writing last byte... :(
well, you may not want all of it's rules
i just grabbed that one, the no-commonjs
people have been importing node shit in their tests :S
i guess it's been working since the tests run in node
posted on March 02, 2018 by Rod Vagg

No additional commits are included in this release. A new version was published due to a bad node-v9.7.0.pkg (macOS installer) file that was published to nodejs.org in the previous release. Windows 32-bit Installer: https://nodejs.org/dist/v9.7.1/node-v9.7.1-x86.msi Windows 64-bit Installer: https://nodejs.org/dist/v9.7.1/node-v9.7.1-x64.msi Windows 32-bit Binary: https://nodejs.org/dist/v9

guys how can i convert <ul class ="list">
  <li id="hey">list1 {va}</li>
  <li id="hey2">list2</li>
</ul>     to  cx(
  { "class": "list" },
    { id: "hey" },
    "list1 ",
    { id: "hey2" },
using babel
incited of React.createElement to cx
1 hour later…
howdy is there a sure fire way to convert a multiline string into a format that won't be interpreted as trying to get variables in javascript
basically a template literal with out the template literal part
escaping code inside of a template literal basically
console.log(`string text ${expression} string text`)
should print
string text ${expression} string text
string text $\{expression} string text
will escaping all dollars signs be safe
dunno, i'd have to test
I'm going to be honest the template literals seem like a stupid idea to me. What advantage in terms of XSS security is there when it doesn't escape anything
just cleaner than x + y + x + a
yeah but no we still don't have a ways to create multiline strings with out escaping everything
i don't understand
Let's say I want to display to the user the following
${bash does things}this way
${=bash}also does this
well you have 2 options you escape everything in the text that is going to display or you have a separate file
can't you just escape the two $?
\${bash does things} this way
\${=bash}also does this
yes but if you forget you could be screwed in terms of XSS
so don't forget, 😋 setup a test that catches it
or let's say I want to create my own templating engine that takes into account XSS issues
how do you input multiline strings well you have to escape everything. That is complete bs
now instead of just creating a function that just well works with your templating engine you have to escape everything.
you have to essentially preprocess the file
Just woke up from a nap, had my solution :D
Suck it PR woes
2 hours later…
hey heyo
Why does docker push .. push all the images.. :|
push all the things!
would you say this is grossly outdated? scotch.io/tutorials/…
still uses yarn and babel-preset-es2015, for one
yarn is not outdated tho
you can question that babel preset but it is probably for IE support, which can be opted out
anyhow, I do not like the writing style
> In our webpack configuration, we specified that we are using a babel-loader. Where does this babel-loader come from you ask? Well, we need to install it and later set a few configurations.
and so many ads lol
was first result on google for setting up react with webpack
I remember create-react-app was extremely bloated a year ago, and it seemed to get better so I started using it, but apparently it's still very bloated
so now I'm trying to get my own setup working, now that I know a bit more about webpack
but I'm already so tired
well, this one sounds interesting: scotch.io/tutorials/...
nana I always hover links to check the target
would your colleagues not help you?
they're not my colleagues yet
Does having child stores have big drawbacks?
@KamilSolecki are you selling kids now?
jokes aside, I'm looking at this now: valentinog.com/blog/react-webpack-babel
@MadaraUchiha are you around?
would you have 10 mins to spare on a design question?
i can give you already an advice: do not color outside the lines!
Consider this scenario:

My application has 4 separate 'working modes', But one UI to display the data. Every 'mode' has its' own data store, and apart from that, we have a general UI store.
Now, only one of those modes will be active at a time - and UI buttons will decide which one it is.

Now my approach would be:
1. Have each of these stores be injected to the UI Store, and have the UI store govern which one is active through actions
2. something else?
that article just doesn't seem to want to end
there's got to be a bare-bones react project initializer that just works
jsx and a dev server
the people also want me to use a monolithic repository
- package.json
- node_modules
- src
 - client
  - src
 - server
  - src
which makes it quite a bit harder
why do you have your node modules not frontend / backend specific
that means you cannot just take the frontend or backend separate
and it always has to be together
O - Frontend
	O - node_modules
	O - package.json
	O - src
O - Backend
	O - node_modules
	O - package.json
	O - src
I prefer that
no shared libs?
aka, logic that has to be done on both sides that you really want to be equal
@towc I usually have a common folder for both.. you're not allowed to have not even that?
@Wietlol like, what exactly?
@KamilSolecki there are some pros and some cons
the friend who's helping me set up wanted it this way
I am the pro
u're the con
he's also constantly trying to learn new stuff, so maybe he's trying something new here, as an experiment
@KamilSolecki How would you decide which UI to display?
Is it something the user does? Based on that data? Something else?
@KamilSolecki for example, we had a password strength checker
@Neoares If Progress is moving forward, what is congress?
the client would show you a bar which would indicate how strong your password is
@Neil I've been in a congress the whole week
but the server must check if the given password (on registration or password changes) is at least of strength X
@Neoares You should stop before you run for office
and you dont want to do a server request every time a person changes a single character of the password field
so, i'd make it a shared lib
@MadaraUchiha for example, there is a component that will have a different content for each of the 4 data stores (depending on which is active). I thought it could ask the UI store to tell him that, OR have 4 stores injected into him and have a switch case
either of the two
@Neil I am already in the office
@KamilSolecki Are we talking high level component (i.e. the route/page) or a low level one (i.e. display data)
display data
If it's the low level one, it should just accept data, format it, and display it
@Wietlol put some core modules then ...
The choice of what data to give to the component should be up to the caller
I like kamil's approach too
@KarelG I ussually have
- Server (builds to a web server)
- Client (builds to a website, is sent by the server as responses)
- Common (builds to a library, is used by both other modules)
@Neoares Say hello to Dwight for me
@Wietlol I mean not installing it in two separate places will maybe save you a few Mb of space, but not really else
and will just introduce less of that nice separation
few Mbs?
some npm libraries I have seen clogs up your HDD
I wouldnt use them then :P
@Neil who is dwight
I do not understand why devs use those libraries. It does the job described, but if you look under the hood, then you get an "ewww" feeling
@KarelG yeah but you have to look under the hood
better to check for next. But yeah. many developers lately are c/p goers
@MadaraUchiha I misunderstood you. I meant the HOC over the component that will decide what goes inside it
Ah, that's definitely an option, yeah.
All in all - is my approach viable or would you do it differently?
@KarelG which libs?
The Office is an American television comedy series that aired on NBC from March 24, 2005, to May 16, 2013. It is an adaptation of the original BBC series of the same name. The Office was adapted for American audiences by Greg Daniels, a veteran writer for Saturday Night Live, King of the Hill, and The Simpsons. It was co-produced by Daniels' Deedle-Dee Productions, and Reveille Productions (later Shine America), in association with Universal Television. The original executive producers were Greg Daniels, Howard Klein, Ben Silverman, Ricky Gervais, and Stephen Merchant, with numerous others being...
hmm another "privacy free" browser: brave.com
@KamilSolecki well, in my case, it wouldnt be node modules though
Are we talking about webdev at all though
Because I was specifically adressing towc's case
where he uses react and a frontend bundler
@KendallFrey turn off your PC when you go to sleep goddamnit
@KarelG Sidenote: Brendan Eich is heavily involved with this one
in fact, he's the CEO
Is it because JS doesnt have a compiled binary format.. and scripts are directly allowed file system level access.... otherwise we could just have one node_modules and still have realiable configuration..
> Brave loads major news sites 2 to 8 times faster than Chrome and Safari on mobile. And Brave is 2 times faster than Chrome on desktop.
What about firefox though?
What about IE though?
@Neil No one cares about IE
@Neil uff.. US
too far from me
so I assume it's a character of that TV series
@Neil mobile first, and anyone using a WindowsPhone with IE is at fault himself. ;)
I guess it's just a side effect of JavaScript not having a compile and packaging step..
@Neoares Yes, a rather memorable one if you've seen the show
@SaitamaSama I knew that was a great troll line
!!giphy the office turntables
@KamilSolecki That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@Neoares just how do you not know the office
I got 2 difference gifs in 2 different chat tabs
@KamilSolecki I don't like sitcoms
except big bang theory
and that just looks like a sitcom
anything > big bang theory
^ fact
BBT is the new Nickelback
^^ stupidity
seems like everyone just has to hate it for some reason
I love it
@GNi33 or jQuery
don't know, just seems that this is the way now
@GNi33 I always did. Mostly because the jokes were dull
I never really watched it too much, but you'll see an episode every now and then when free tv plays it to death
It does have some funny moments, but yeah, it's not spectacular
but there are wayyyy worse tv shows
like Breaking Bad for example
it's not even funny, wtf
I like breaking bad
Those random audience laughter sound that plays in sitcoms make me rage inside
well I only saw season 1 and 2
@GNi33 It's nice though :/
@SaitamaSama me too, but I like the characters
they are really taking me for real here, are they?
Speaking of shows
I recently finished Altered Carbon
thx @Mosho I really liked it
just for the record: Breaking Bad is among the best shows I ever watched, and if you haven't watched all of it, you should
:P, I need to finish Better Call Saul sometime soon
it is
Altered Carbon does not have good review in my country.
I liked both breaking bad and better call saul, but better call saul was a little better for me
not sure I should pick on that
Breaking bad is very good, same for The Sopranos.
@KamilSolecki yeah? I stopped BCS after 2 episodes
btw, if you guys want some anime like Breaking Bad, Psycho Pass is highly recommended :B
/me hides
just didn't click. But I'll have to check it out some time again
you know which one is a good series?
Assassination Classroom
TIL in english it's spelled "series", always in plural
I'm going to assume that it's an anime?
@GNi33 yas
this is javascript or 4chan forum?
@chronycles Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@chronycles why don't you take a guess?
the welcome message is very right on the spot
Anyone here knows how to use Wireshark to check if my SMTP client works? I filter by smtp and get nothing, outgoing or incoming. Filtering my IP returns a lot of HTTP/DNS/TLSv1/TCP packets though
oh man, wireshark
Yeah, Fiddler doesn't work for me
I set everything up following the guide and it's not retrieving anything
Wireshark is great, I was just never able to really wrap my head around it
I honestly have no idea why it's not working, it's probably a proxy or some similar shit
@BenjaminGruenbaum ohai!
@HéctorÁlvarez SMTP goes thru TCP
better to dig in frames containing mail domains
lul wireshark lul
r u a hacker
or listen to TCP port that the mail client is using
@Neoares I got that knowledge from networking courses. I am also a CCNP btw
but that cert is not so valuable nowadays 🤐
@Neoares @Neoares I got that knowledge from networking courses. I am also a hacker btw (source)
I fixed the problem
I just disconnected from my corporate network
no proxy, no problem
@SomeGuy I edited a page tvtropes.org/pmwiki/…
After hours of wasted life, there's a purpose now
Do you have a particular pattern to handle alerts?
I'm doing on ajax success -> success alert fadein
but it's clunky, it doesn't look pretty
because space isn't preserved
but there can be 2 different alerts that pop up at the same place
@KamilSolecki eh?
Save electricity!
it's not mine :)
I have a great idea
Make a scam website, like one of those who say win a free iPhone, but instead of scamming people rather see how many people fall for it and build a statistic
Also maybe have an email input field and mail them to tell them they are retarded
Guys does this support in every browser window.addEventListener("resize", myFunction);
Netscape doesn't support that
or var addEvent = function(object, type, callback) {
    if (object == null || typeof(object) == 'undefined') return;
    if (object.addEventListener) {
        object.addEventListener(type, callback, false);
    } else if (object.attachEvent) {
        object.attachEvent("on" + type, callback);
    } else {
        object["on"+type] = callback;
} supports
@KamilSolecki hide other input fields to see how many people use the autofill feature to show them that they need to be more careful
@KamilSolecki that might offend a lot of people though :B
Guys what is ‎Element.setAttributeNS() NS at the end
Just google Element.setAttributeNS the first MDN result clearly states what it is
> setAttributeNS adds a new attribute or changes the value of an attribute with the given namespace and name
so, I broke someone's car today
the clutch handle
they were teaching me how to drive
on an icy parklot
Clutch handle?
none of the 3 of us know how did it break or what's actually broken
@KamilSolecki shift
You mean pedal?
@KamilSolecki pedal for the hand. Handle
Lmao you broke the shift stick?
that car's so messed up already, he's just buying a new one
@towc clutch is the mechanism that detaches the transmission from the engine
So you either broke the hand break or the shift stick
shift stick
Lmao that's hilarious
@towc wait you weren't pulling on the stick shift were you!?
@Neil I tried to go into first but I might have pushed too hard
again, car was already quite messed up
the 2 people with me aren't sure how it got broken either
it's just loose
probably so
the shift stick looks fine and it actually grips between 1st and 2nd
but it has way too much free movement
putting it into first without the clutch in is always a fun experience
there's no neutral
you sure you had the clutch in?
not completely
how can there be no neutral?
Wait brainfart
@Neil also confusing
How can there be no neutral
probably not the best car to learn how to drive on
when we went to the lot, he and the other friend did some drifts which felt amazing
Otherwise in the next normal car you drive, you'll look for the turbo gear and sidewinder lever
and as we went in, he said "I literally don't care if the car breaks"
famous last words I suppose
yes. I'm sure he didn't steal it
nah, he took it very well
@Neil racing gear, aka the one with R written on it
my wife tells me that when she was learning how to drive, her mother took her to an empty lot. She still almost managed to ram the car into a light post
I suppose that's normal though
you get one of those, and then your luck officially ends and the next one counts for real :P

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